98-22659 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 98-22659 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF ALMONTE, SPAIN, TO BECOME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF ALMONTE, SPAIN TO PARTICIPATE IN SAID PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Sister City concept was inaugurated by the President ofthe United States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding between the people of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and WHEREAS, all succeeding US. Presidents have endorsed said program, to be conducted for the broad purposes of the exchange of ideas between the citizens of the United States of America and the people of other nations; and WHEREAS, to implement this program Miami Beach and other communities in the United States have been requested by Sister Cities International to affiliate with cities in other nations of similar characteristics and mutual interest; and WHEREAS, the city of Almonte, Spain has formally requested participation in the Miami Beach Sister Cities Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Sister Cities Coordinating Council herein recommends to the Mayor and City Commission that the city of Almonte, Spain be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities International Program; and WHEREAS, the cities of Miami Beach and Almonte recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it wi11lead to a lasting friendship between the people of Miami Beach and Almonte. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the Mayor and City Commission, on behalf of the citizens of Miami Beach, do hereby extend an invitation to the government and people of the city of Almonte, Spain to participate with Miami Beach as its Sister City for the purpose of creating greater mutual understanding between the peoples of our two great cities and nations. Section 2: The Mayor is hereby authorized to act as official representative ofthe City of Miami Beach to carry out this program. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of February ,1998. 11M; MAYOR ATTEST: ~fr~ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 11I.1f!.~~Vsu/ 9~ elfy Attorney r:: :;"i:I AGREEMENT ESTABLISIllNG SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND ALMONTE, SPAIN The Sister City concept was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and Wlderstanding between the people of the United States and other nations through the mediwn of direct personal contact, and WHEREAS, all succeeding US. Presidents have endorsed said program. to be conducted for the broad pw-poses of the exchange of ideas between the citizens of the United States of America and the people of other nations, and WHEREAS, to implement this program Miami Beach and other conununities in the United States have been requested by Sister Cities International to affiliate with cities in other nations of similar characteristics and mutual interest, and WHEREAS, the City of Almonte, Spain has fonnally requested participation in the Miami Beach Sister Cities Program. and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Sister Cities Coordinating COWlcil has reconunended to the Mayor and City Commission that the City of Almonte, Spain be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities International Program, and WHEREAS, the Cities of Miami Beach and Almonte recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the people of Miami Beach and Almonte. Now therefore, be it duly resolved by the mayors of the Cities of Miami Beach and Almonte, Spain. as follows: Section 1: That the Mayors, on behalf of the people of Miami Beach and Almonte, do hereby enter into this Agreement to participate as Sister Cities for the pw-pose of creating greater mutual Wlderstanding between the peoples of our two great cities and nations. Section 2: The Mayors are hereby authorized to act as official representatives of the Cities of Miami Beach and Almonte to carry out this program. i:tl ~;I ,~~~ ;tered into tlUtJ/ /l; of ..Lob'" ,..,. Mayor Neisen Kasdin, City of Miami Beach ~r jJ~ City Clerk ACUERDO PARA ESTABLECER LA HERMANDAD ENTRE LAS CIUDADES DE MIAMI BEACH, EST ADOS UNIDOS Y ALMONTE, ESP ANA El concepto de Ciudades Hennanas fue inaugurado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos en el ano 1956, para establecer el modo de mejorar la amistad entre 10s ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos con otras naciones atraves de Wl contacto directo, y POR CUANTO, todos los Presidentes subsequentes han endorsado el programa de Ciudades Hennanas con el motivo de intercambiar ideas entre los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos con los de otras naciones, y POR CUANTO, para implementar este programa, la ciudad de Miami Beach y otras ciudades en los Estados Unidos han pedido a la Organizacion Intemacional de Ciudades Hennanas, afiliaciones con Ciudades en otras naciones con caracteristicas e intereses similares, y POR CUANTO, la ciudad de Almonte, Espana ha solicitado oficiaImente, participacion en el programa de Ciudades Hennanas de Miami Beach, y POR CUANTO, el Consejo Coordinador de Ciudades Hennanas, de la ciudad de Miami Beach, ha recomendado al Honorable Alcalde y a los Concejales, que la Ciudad de Almonte sea invitada a participar como Ciudad Hennana en nuestro programa, y POR CUANTO, las ciudades de Miami Beach y Almonte, Espana reconocen y endorsan este programa, con la esperanza que traiga Wla verdadera, duradera y sincera amistad para nuestros ciudadanos, y POR LO TANTO, SIENDO OFICIALMENTE RECONOCIDO POR LOS HONORABLES ALCALDES DE MIAMI BEACH Y DE ALMONTE, ESPANA, LO SIGUIENTE: SECCION 1: los Alcaldes, en nombre de los constituyentes de Miami Beach y Almonte, Espana, por este medio aceptan la invitacion de participar en el programa de Ciudades Hennanas, con el motivo de crear Wla amistad que contribuya a Wl mejor entendimiento de nuestras culturas, para el beneficio mutuo y para la grandeza de las naciones del mWldo, SECCION 2: los Alcaldes, aqui presentes, estan autorizados a actuar oficiaImente en nombre de las ciudades de Miami Beach y Almonte, Espana y a llevar a la realidad el programa de Ciudades Hcnnanas. En en eI dia del Senor de Diciembre de 1997, Alcalde Francisco Bella Galan Municipio de Almonte, Espana - sister cities INTERNATIONAL lQ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 TELEPHONE: (305) FAX: (305) ESTABLISHMENT OF SISTER CITIES AFFILIATION PROCESS 1. In order to enhance the stature of being a sister city to Miami Beach, it is important the following criteria be establish prior to a foreign city becoming a sister city. 2. Prior to a foreign city becoming a sister city to Miami Beach, the foreign city would have to meet at least one of the following criteria: a. The demographic of the proposed sister city should be similar to Miami Beach Le. population, coastal, b. The proposed sister city would have to have some other quality in common with Miami Beach such as being a major international tourist destination, a significant historic district, a community heavily involve in the entertainment industry, etc. 3. The foreign city must write a letter to the mayor of the City of Miami Beach expressing an interest in establishil1g a Sister City relationship with Miami Beach. 4. Both cities must exchange basic information on their city and surrounding region such as population, industry, culture, government structure, maps, etc... 5. The Sister Cities Coordinating Council, will review these requests and information and make a recommendation to the Miami Beach City Commission. 6. The foreign city must pass a resolution in their municipals establishing a Sister Cities relationship with Miami Beach, Florida. 7. The Miami Beach City Commission must adopt a Resolution establishing the Sister City relationship. If the city does not meet the guidelines set out by the attached resolution, then obviously the process should not even begin. Typically, this entire process takes approximately 3-6 months. Should you have any questions, kindly contact 673-7030 for any assistance. BMS/co a: Escap ~~ t~~, sisler Cllles INTERNATIONAL The Mission SiSter Cities Intemati,)nal is (he national non-profit, volunteer memhership organiza- tion of U.S. communities linked globally to promote lasting friendship through a variety of programs. The goals of Sister Cili~s International (SCI) are: To develop partnerships between U,S, towns, cities, counties and states and similar jurisdictions of other nations; To create opportunities for all people to experience and explore othcr cultures through long-term partnerships; To create an atmosphere in which eco- nomic development and trade can be explored. implemented and strength- ened; To open a dialogue and address issues ranging from the cultural to the techni- cal, from the municipal to the medi- cal, from the environmental to the edu- cational and beyond; To stimulate environments through which partnerships can creatively learn. work, and solve problems together; and To collaborate with other organizations. both in the United States and in other countries, that have similar visions and goals. A Brief Background "The Sister Cities program is all important re- source to the negotiations of govemmellts in lerring the people themselves give expression of their Common desire for friendship. good- will and cooperation for (/ better world Jor all, .. . President Dwight D. Eisenhower 2 scr sponsors workshops. conferences. train- tng and profcssional programs anq,publishcs a wide variety of information to educatc and support the siSler city movement. f\ kt.:y to the success of sister cities is the pub- lic-private partnerships between locally- ekcted officials and volunteers. It is this part- nership that allows the entire community to SUpPOr1 and participate in the programs. ;\ffiliations between cities lhroughout the world began after World War IT, The U,S. pro- gram was launched when President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed thc peoplc-to-people concept in 1956. His idea was to involvc people and community organizations in per- sonal diplomacy, Out of this g~w Sistcr Cit- ies Intemational, which has assistcd more than 1.065 U.S. cities. representing morc than 125 million Americans. linked with 1,688 foreign cities in 117 nations. The Sister Cities Program allows the indi- vidual and the community to par1icipate on local, national and intemationallevels to make an impact on an ever-changing world. Ex- changes range from education to culture. medi- cine to municipal training. busincss and trade to sports. SCI acts to SUPPOr1 grassroots, vol- unteer organizations to: develop new affiliations. establish community-based organiutions. create exchange projects. involve youth and young adults. and involve business and local elected officials. Sister Cities International Building Community Partnerships Worldwide Sister Cities International (SCI) is the premier organization for cit- izen diplomocy in the United States. SCI represents the sister cities programs of 1,158 US cities and their 2,082 partners in 123 countries worldwide, SCI leads the notional movement for local communily develop- ment and volunteer action in the global arena, SCI motivates and empowers municipal officials, volunteers, ond youth to con- duct long-term programs of mutuol benefit and interest with their sister cily counterparts The goals of SCI ore · to develop municipal partnerships between US towns, cities, counties, slates, and similar jurisdictions in other notions; · to create opportunities for the citizens of member cities to experience and explore other cultures through long-term munic' ipal partnerships; · to create on atmosphere in which economic development and trade con be developed, implemented and strengthened; · to stimulate environments through which municipal partnerships con creatively learn, work and solve problems together; and · to collaborate with organizations in the United States and other countries that have similar goals, SCI is unique in that it officially links municipalities from the United States with foreign cities through sister cily agreements signed by the respective mayor of each cily and ratified by each cily council, or its equivalent. To be official, 0 sister cily rela- tionship must hove the endorsement of the local authorities, who support the efforts of communily volunteers. This dynamic process empowers 011 sectors of 0 communily to participate in Ihe global arena, thus unleashing citizen diplomacy at the grass- roots level. Sister cily affiliations between the United States and other notions began shortly aher World War II and developed into 0 notional initiative when President Dwight D, Eisenhower pro- posed the people-to-people program at 0 White House Conference in 1956, Originally housed os port of the Notional league of Cities, SCI become 0 separate, not-for-profit organi- zation in 1967 due to the tremendous growth and popularily of the US program. President Eisenhower's intention was to involve people and organized groups at 011 levels of US sociely in per- sonal, citizen diplomacy with the hope that people-to-people relationships, fostered through sister city affiliations, would lessen the chance of future world conflicts, In every region of the world, sister cities flourish and ploy 0 sig- nificant role in supporting sustainable communily development. The number of partnerships continues to grow in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East Since 1986, parlnerships in the former Soviet Union alone hove grown from 6 to 162; sister cities con- tributed to the end of the Cold War, supporting democratization and grassroots communily participation in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Indepe:1dent Slates (CIS), At the Madrid Summit, December, ] 995, the United States and the European Union in "The New Transatlantic Agenda' specifically call for sister cities to promote exchanges, 'with 0 view to deep- ening grassroots support for the transatlantic relationship and enriching the flow of ideas for the solution of common problems.' Similarly, sister cily relationships in the Wes:ern Hemisphere offer o network through which to implement the goals of the United Notions Conference on Environment and Development (UNCEDj and the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Dr Joseph Duffey, director of the United States Information Agency (USIA). remarked during his keynote address at the Summit of Ihe Americas in 1994, 'SCI has and should continue to be an essential too/ in helping countries in this hemi- sphere address the common goals and concerns we face in this moment." nothing con replace the personcl contact that results from exchanges belween sister cities," SCI supports and serves on expansive netvvork of volunteers ded- icated to promoting citizen exchange c.~:J community-based leadership, This network includes: · State Coordinators, who serve in 0 voluntary capacily in each state providing program development assistance os field staff to Iocal.level sister cily committees; · Local committee leaders and municipal officials, who repre- sent the vast volunteer network in 1,158 cities throughout the United States; and · Community volunteers, who number in the hundreds of thou- sands at the grassroots level and who ore members of the local sister cily programs, SCI stoff and local sister cily committees administer a wide vari- ely of innovative grant programs which pro'/ide new ideas and direction to the notional sister cities movement. Recent programs hove included support for municipal education and training, youth communily service learning, technical assistance, trilateral exchanges, and independent newspaper management. As previously isolated notions become increasingly interdepen- dent, global cooperation is crucial to social ond economic vital- ily, To further meet the needs of its network, SCI has expanded its leadership role by: providing training and support to munici- pal officials from newly emerging democracies; strengthening its global communications capabilities; and supporting multicultur- alism and cultural diversily initiatives that help address common social issues and improve the qualily of life in communities con- sisting of highly diverse populations SCI Affiliations Policy Time and experience hove proven thot the strength and stability of sister city relationships depend heavily on the uniqueness of the one-to-one relationship, Efforts by US jurisdictions to esloblish official links wilh foreign jurisdictions thot already hove on active and recognized US sisler city, county or state will nol be recognized by so. EfforlS by jurisdictions abroad to create multiple sisler city, county or state affiliations in the US will nol be recognized by SO Efforts by 0 us jurisdiction to initiate more than one sister city, county or stale affiliation in the same foreign counlry will not be rec- ognized by SCI. If a US community con support more than one affiliation, it should broaden its horizons and offer to link with juris- dictions in other nations. Attempts by US or foreign jurisdictions to establish duplicale links will not be recognized by SCI and will nol be eligible for any ser- vices or grant programs from SCI. This policy does not preclude other kinds of links, such as universities, chambers of commerce, service clubs, ete., but refers to offi- cio! sister city. county or state affiliatians, Please note, Ih.is policy went into effect on July 1, 1990, Cities that appear in this directory with more than one US 6ty link were established prior to this date, SCI Affiliations Procedure Prior to contacting a foreign jurisdiction to express interest in forming a sister city, county or state affiliation, contact the SO Affiliations Division to ascertain whether or not a given foreign jurisdiction is already linked or working toward linking with 0 US jurisdiction. This will avoid confusing the foreign jurisdiction and needlessly wasting time on an affiliation that will not be recognized, Once a US jurisdiction has found a potential sister city, county or state in a foreign country, it very important to ~eep SCI informed of the status of your pending affiliation. In other words, copy SCI on all pertinent correspondence (memorandums of urlderstanding, letters of invitation, etc.) that takes place with your potential sister city, county or state. This will allow SO to keep accurate records of all affiliation-related activity. Once a formal sister city protocol has been signed or ratified by each respective mcyo:, county com- mission or governor, SCI must be sent copies in order to issue official recognition, Failure to comply with ony of the above instruc- tions could cost an affiliation official recognition. There are many jurisdictions abroad seeking 0 US sister city, county or state. These jurisdictions ore located primarily in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Many of these jurisdictions hove been waiting a long time for US partners and remain interesfed and hopeful. SCI's World Wide Web page features short profiles of many of these cities. SCI members are encouraged to contact the SCI Affiliations Division for further information. {~:~ At',~);>.~i; Year eri(:FSfu~~~~~1,~t-};~tL:;,. '- ~ ~c ;';'~st .~ .... :tM4Jttt:-"":~~ti;'~ -.' Jotal US CIties ,In Program ....,.,..'............e.:?.r;.....~.......l, 158 ';t'~:1 F"'J".'A:t'", ,~j~:~5F~jCl,:c~{s..~1t~~~~f:-:~f' 1'911~'~' ".;5)...?'pre'g,IJ,:,::~ les.......... ..~~~: '-'-7:~~ ...i.:.;);.~~t;~;~~,....~ .,...... T' " >Tofbl US Staie' s~.~ :/{,.!~(;, .{.::.:~~"":-,,,-"'.'}' 50: ~'';f:~: ,:rt'-, ',. ~,",';,_. .}.:~..../.......... .,".~~.;.__.:~~~~;::."'.;k"'~:;"'ft.:;~:;~\..:.~....\~."'. .:~t.... .~..... 1:';" tTof.?t1 ~oreigq:.C9untries......~;:~:j~.~~~;:~..~rA~~~~f:::-:...~....t.....12~_, }fc?t91 ~ffiIi6tibn~ ............... ~:C .;~~;J:~', .<<:f~~~:;:,'~.~.~~.... .:t.2,08i .' .... ; ~-~ ~ . -. . '{. ,'. .J. ..... ;... . "." . ... Denotes a city with no current affiliations and is actively seeking a sister city "\ ""1 "'---'.0. .. '9 ~r:;/<.;.:w~ ~ " /:'1 'D ~ '0 <:;1>/ ,., , ;0-. '4~'~J~ \ /,7 . f'-''< 'J :i'5.j~- . ~ '"i "] \ . ~ ~':'\-,-,' .s ,-, .:'\ <(\~(f~ '- \ '_ [{ ('~7(h.~~ r 'l,~/-~ ; "'"'--- y \. I . . ~ --~..l .' -- ",A,~ ~. 1, , \ / ":"-...~\r'~...3 t';: "l)';'~ )' '1 "7 ~4-: ~ ;:~ 'i'\ ~t...r'<- ";''l- ~ ~ I '\" ~~- \,t) o~,::,.;--- ~ - i "~~(.f ~/) ~~~rl- d-1,'~...b:' CS~J'~ \I <~'" d12"f , .- ''''CIS n~ - ~ _,--,a'iJ.a ~/ \ -- '\vr ~1.,--4~'1'JJj' < , '. -- V'/' '/:~':):~':7."<'.1'~~ - ~~'-.. '~E w ecstern.j~ ~~ ~.d "", 1\ "', -:<.:-- :,; , -~~'. . .' urope _..!: :7':::.~ -, ( L-- r.!..:<; - -> ~ /f .,. ',;. ." J 'J.. . -~J~~'C:- - - - .0 b~ ,~,,:''':''\:'::::';:~:0nit~(L~ ""~~ . .:...................,. .~I~qJ.4:)~_~(.>~/~~.~.. .pan.... . :. '. ':5'" <~~' /': -~/'=- 'y---.....r , ~ ~> , ',:,:.'.:, ;.' : tates, '~.... -- - =---.,h<:,_ ..:...,.'._:.., = r" ',-: - \.\, ~~.c ,.,/:).;:.. """U._n ?- "" ~ L..../. \"__,', / __ 'OJ ~_,:-'C"-. ':'..J.::- ' -' '. ~ ~':.\......c~ \ - ( - A;SIa.:--=- a -= - ~ -:-..,..l.. - ;-'0', " 'J. I "~ .~., . ~. ,". "-=-"_-"'ir:~,.:~~,-:. _ -~"--- . ! 1-. lddle '. ~~/,/~, . - _:~- -~'-;-" ~-~/ ~-- '~:2,.f~' '- -:.- ..;,.:\:I~{'AmL.-atin. .,,&~;;A;_~ ~I Afri~-'-"~: =r:~-:-East .~'~~~~"~. , ._i$;j#/,Jrj; '.. ~nca, · ~~:~_-:, 0. / \~..,~;- '_" _.._._~. ,.:anbbean ii'-=:; ~ .................. \;.__) r r_ / . I ~ / ~ . ~_ .. ....j,;~;'f~b ~:r~~~; .:~,~~'.' ,,:~: :~~,<~~J:-:' '... -". ;-' . -'. . ...... ........ ..~... -. t ~.-, '-. ," I~ ,;:;tAW::}~.~,:I}Q;.~t~, .~'" U.S. sister cities activities and community partnerships Local organizations involved in sister cities activities: 1. Chamber of Cornmerce ..... 69% 9. Veterans' Organizations .................... 10% 2. Newspaper ......................... 67% 10. Soroptomist Club ........................... 5% 3. TV Station ......................... 41 % 11. YMCA ........................................... 20/0 4. Rotary Club ....................... 36% 12. YWCA ........................................... 2% 5. Radio Scacion ..................... 31 % 13. Ethnic Groups ................................2% 6. Boy & Girl Scouts ............. 19% 14. City Departments (police, etc.) ...... 2% 7. Lions Club ......................... 19% 15. Hobby Groups ............................... 2% 8. Kiwanis Club ..................... 17% Local institutions involved in sister cities activities: 1. Secondary Schools ............. 93% 2. Elementary Schools ............67% 3. Universicies ........................ 55% 4. Hospicals/C1inics ...............41 % 5. Museums ...........................41 % 6. Junior Colleges .................. 24% 7. Religious .......................................... 24% 8. Orchescras ........................................ 240/0 9. Trade Schools ...................................22% 10. Environmental ............................... 22% 11. Culcural Organizations ................... 12% 12. Zoological Parks .............................7% Most popular activities: I. School Affiliations 2. PerformingNisual Art Exchanges 3. Community Development Programs Health, Environment Humanitarian Assistance Tourism, Economic Devewpment u/.ecommunications 4. Businessrrrade Delegations 5. Foreign Language Inscruction 6. Club or Organizational Links 7. Newspaper Column Exchanges 8. TV Station Links 9. Video Exchanges 10. Community Service Projects 1 I. Museum Exchanges 12. Radio Station Links THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 9, 1996 Bill Clinton As Honorary Chairman of Sister Cities International, I am delighted to extend warmest greetings to everyone celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the United States Sister Cities program. - For four decades, Sister Cities International has linked peoples and communities in an effort to build bridges and foster cooperation among the countries of the world. Your organization has been a positive force for peace and understanding, helping more than 1,800 cities in 122 nations around the globe to benefit from strong, flourishing relationships. In your efforts to strengthen the global economy, the Sister Cities program has worked to stimulate economic development, promote trade, and help all countries meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. Your membership has also helped to foster understanding and friendship among diverse cultures, making a significant contribution to the development of a global community based on peace, prosperity, and freedom. You can be proud of all your impressive accomplishments. Best wishes for a memorable anniversary celebration and many years of continued success. ~ ~Jl~.u.- ~ /' Welcome to the World of Sister Cities ,- "- . ~. City of Miami Beach Sister Cities International Program !~',! .~ ....;;: ~~- ,~ . t ':.' '/ ( ra ~ .~ ~ o ~ . I ~~ ~ r3 ..= "" o U E-t ra ~ QJ ~~ ~ E-t .~ E ra .~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ < UJ. ~ ~ o t-4 ~ ~ ~ t-4 00 ~ t-4 ~ t-4 o ~ ~ 00 t-4 00 r- , ........ d ro 0 -SSQ) Q).... J-; J-; ~ Q) Q)ro~ ~~...... ~ J-;''-' b..OQ)2 ~ ~ ro .... ~ U .S ~;e ro 0 s::: ~ ~ .... Q) ~ J-; o..Q)ro en S ~ 8 ~ Q) .... ........ ~ i::Q)~ Q) g; J-; en"t:ltS "t:lQ)J-; ~...c::: Q) ro~~ en 0 S ~ -;;; ~ ~~s::; '> 0 b..O 'r-<:P ~ ~ ::l..... o..~ ~ 'r-< ro Q) ~ 0.. ~~..... ~ ~.~ ........o~ ~~ro 000.. ~ ~ ro "'t:lOUJ ~:pro ~ .... :p 61 ~ ~ 0.... Q)U"'t:l en Q) s::: . ... J-; ro '"C~t3 !:;.... J-; ~"t:lQ) ~'"C ro S ~ ~ % J t-. ~ l-< tV ,.0. o .... tJ o \0 ~ l-< tV ,.0 S tV > o Z ,1 ~ c ..... c:..l ~ Q 15- "E l::l c Q:l CJ CI:J d o :.-:; l!l C, 'u i Cll c, ~ '2 :l 8 8 o u ."t:l U I:: ..s"" ... :' I:: UJ4I '8 ::>41 41 > - ..c:- ...0 .....> o I:: I::'~ .S! ~ ... N a:s~ .0 'u ~..c: .:!g,o I:: 0 .S! .a ...... ~~ ~:g I::~ ~ '" o ... E-<~ ~ I:: ..c::l ..."t:l .....1:: o "" 8 I:: "" 0 tD~ f e p.,~ _0 l!l 0 c,'" og a; .;: g p.,:.-:; l!l I:: ... ~ ... .S ....... ~ ~ .~ ~ I... l::l ~ .s. ~ ~ ~ ..0 ~ ~ ... oS 41 U ... oS ~ > ~ l!l ~ ... U -< CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 hltp:\'d.mJam~.n.U8 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM No.."3- 9,~ C~\sod) TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: February 18, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTI E TENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF ALMONTE, SPAIN, TO BECOME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF ALMONTE, SPAIN, TO PARTICIPATE IN SAID PROGRAM. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: The Sister Cities Council has reviewed background information that would qualify Almonte for consideration under the Sister Cities Council Criteria. Each City Commissioner will be presented with a complete package which includes demographic and tourism-related information. Almonte is located on the Atlantic Coast of Spain, approximately 50 miles from Seville. It is both a town and a township. The Town of Almonte is the center of an important wine-producing region. The Township also encompasses the beach resort of Matalascanas built in the 1960s, the pilgrimage hamlet of El Rocio, and Donana National Park, among the largest protected wetlands in Europe. Except during the annual pilgrimage to the hermitage at El Rocio which draws nearly 2 million pilgrims and revelers, Almonte is a tranquil, unspoiled coastal township of approximately 45,000 residents depending mainly on agriculture and tourism for their livelihood. The official designation of Miami Beach and Almonte as Sister Cities reinforces the existing relationship begun in June, 1997 when representatives of the Miami Beach Community Development Corporation (MBCDC) and the Miami Design Preservation League were invited by the Provincial Tourist Bureau to relay the Art Deco District Success Story as inspiration for the re-development of Matalascanas. In October, 1997, MBCDC welcomed a delegation of government and tourism officials, including Francisco Bella Galan, Mayor of Almonte, and Domingo Prieto, Governor of the Province of Huelva, to Miami Beach and Dade County. Events during the visit included the presentation of Keys to the City and the unofficial dedication of Drexel Avenue, in the Espanola Way Spanish Village, as "Plaza de Espana." Agenda Item C. 7 A Date "2-lB-qg ), ANAL YSIS On Friday, November 7, 1997, MBCDC Planner, representing Almonte, Spain, made a presentation to the Miami Beach Sister Cities Council and requested it be submitted to the Mayor and City Commission for approval. The Council approved a recommendation to the Miami Beach City Commission to adopt Almonte, Spain, as a Sister City. There is no cost involved in the admission process by either municipality. f.'> SR:RS:pw f:\cmgr\$all\ronnie\siscity.spn : chamber