Andrew Frey/Palm Hibiscus' M!AMiBE ACH City of Miami Beach Office of ~e City Clerk 1'700 Convention Center Drive, Niami Beach, FiL 33139 LOBBYIST REGBTRATION F~OR~a,1[ lobbyist means alii perscm ernCey~ or' re~[~d, whether paid or mt, by a Cndpal wh~ s-ee~ ~o encourage ~e or modific~o~ of am~ oMinar~e, m~on, action or d~i~on ~ a~ commissioner~ any a~o~, derision, ~mendation o[ Be Oty Manager or any c~ board or c~mi~ee; or any a~oa, d~i~n~ or reco:m~nd~on of ant .ci~ ~o~net~ du~ Be [ime ~riod of t~ :retire decision-making pmc~ ~ su~ action, deci~on or r~endalion ~at ~r~e~blY Mil be ~ or r~qe, v~ by the ci~ commi~on¢ or a ci~ ~rd or comm[~. ~e ~rm sp~lly includes the pr nc[~[ ~ ,,¢11 as any emplo~e .tn ~bCng acBvi~es. The term ~[obbyi~" fas s~c e~.lusions. ~e.a~ re~' to Ordinance Frey Andrew W I4AME OF LOBSY~ST: (Last) (first) Gunster Yoakley 2 S Biscayne Blvd, Suite 3400, Miami FL 33131 BUSINESS NAME AND: ADDRESS (Number and Street) (Cib/) (Sta~e) (Zip Code) (305) 376-6000 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (305) 376-6010 FAX NIJN~ER: afrey~gunster.com E~].: I. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY:: Palm-Hibiscus-Star Island Association (Hans Mueller, President) htAME OF PR~NC.,IP~L/C:~EN~: 152 Palm Ave Miami Beach FL BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number' and Street) (Cib/) (State) 33139 (zp co~:) TE~PHONE NUMBE : F~X NUMgER: (Optional) EMAIL: {Optional) Fill out this sect'[on if principal ~ a .C:m'poration~ Partnership or Trust [Section 2-482 (c)] * F~ME OF CHEF OFFICEP~. PARTNERr OR BENEFICIARY: IDENTIFY ALL :PERSONS HOLDING~ DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY~ A 5% OR MORE C~/NERSHIP INT~EST iN SUCH CORPORATIO'..N~ PARTN!BSHIP OR TRUe: II. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: Proposed single-family home design regulations ~ue to ~ lobbied (De.scribe in detail): III. ~C~ AGENCIE$./INDMDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full ~mne of Individual/Title City Commission Planning Director B) ,Any Financial, Familial or ~fessional RelaUon¢ip no no City Planning Staff no DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF LOBBY[ST COFIPENSAT[ON (DISCLOSE WH~ER ffOURZ ~ A) LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE: (.~qui~) $195.00 hourly B) P~N~PAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LO~ST COr4PEN~ON): (~u~). ~ ] 95.00 hourly The following in'formation mu~ be answer~: 1) Pursuant to Miami Be~ch Ci~' Code ~ion 2-488 En~tled "'Prohibited Campaign:: ~ntdbutions By Lob~'Js~ On Procurement B YGs~ No: Are you lobbyinq~ on a present or pendinq bid for qoods, equipment or semites, or on a p~nt or pendi~q award for qoods, equipment or semite? 2) pursuant '~ Miami Beach C~ Code 2~90 Entitl~ "R'ohibited Campaign ~nb'ibutio~s By Lobbyi~ On Real ESta~ Development i~ues": ~es ~ No: Are you lObbyi.~ on a pendin~ ap¢icatio, for a Development Aerement with the Ci~ or ap~li~tion for chanqe of zonin~ map desiq~a~io~ or ~an~e to the 6i~'s Future Lan~ Usu Map? 3) Pu~%uan~ to Miami Beach Ci~' Code 2-484 (h) Any pe~so~ (exce¢ those exempt fi-om '~e defin~oa of "'lob:~,ist' as ~ fo~ in Semi'on 2-48Z above) who only .ap~a[s as a reprG~n~tive of a not-for-profit corporation or enM~ w~hout special compen~tion~ or r~mbu rsement ~r the appearance, whether dPeX, or indire¢, to express support of or opposition to any item, shali r~ister w~ the clerk as required by this se~ion but, shall not be ~equired to pay any ~[sb'ation fees.. D ~ No: Are you repre~ntinq a not-for-profit corporation or enti~ without .special :c.om~l~tion or reimbu~elnent V. SIGN'AI~J:I~ UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER ist' OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE Ct-fY :CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LISTING LOBBYING EXPEND~L~RES, AS. WELL AS ~lqPENSAT]ON RECEt3/ED, IN ~E CI~ OF ~IA~I BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STATE~E~ SHALL BE FILED EVEN IF ~ERE ~AVE BEEN NO ~PENDITU~S OR COMPENSATION DU~NG THE ~PORTING ~PERIOD. I do solemnly swear that ail. of ti~e foregoing fa:c~ are tree and correct a~n:d that I have read or am familiar with the ~p~vis~ons :contained in Section 2-482 of U~e Niami Beach Ci~ Code and all repo~ing requirement. Signature of Lobbyist: V[. LOBBY[ST [DE~]F[CA~ON: Form of ~denti~tion li_~!l I:. S[6NATUR[ ANOsTAI~IP OF NOTARY:: ~orn to an:d ~abscri~d be¢ere me ll~s ~ dayof ~ ~naSfire .of ~bli~ Notary 2 S~te ,o:f Florida ~tari~tion of Lobbyist s signature ~ Personally known (PrJndp~= _ .................. S~te of Rorida, Co~nW o~ r4i~:u~ JUNE 1 2006 Sworn and ~bscri~ ~fo~ h~.~ .~ ' Signa¢,~¢ ~bl~c No~y- S~te ~FloMda No~tiOn .of Pdncipars signature FOR CLERK'S USE :.ONLY AnnuaJ Regi~ation fee: [ VJ~Yes [ ]No Amount Paid bObbyi¢ RegiAration Fo~m received and ~rified by:: _ ~ ~ F:~CLER~.$:.ALLV4ARTA-M\Lobby~Ce\iLOBSYTST fORM 05.do~'C~ Da~e Paid ~T~ .~~ Revised Z2/08/04