2000-23796 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23796 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINANCING STRATEGY FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSES AND CLUBHOUSES AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS SUBJECT TO THE FINAL APPROVAL OF LOAN DOCUMENTS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, on October 20, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission approved the overall plan for the renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses and authorized the Administration to develop a plan to provide the necessary financing to implement the project; and WHEREAS, accordingly, the Administration would recommend that the City obtain a loan from the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida, Local Government Loan Program, in an amount currently estimated to be between $14,000,000 and $15,000,000; and WHEREAS, of this proposed amount, approximately $10,000,000 will be used to fund the improvements to the Bayshore Clubhouse and Golf Course; and $5,000,000 will be used to fund the Normandy Shores Clubhouse renovations and Golf Course improvements; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends the afore stated program because it provides the lowest estimated cost of financing to the City and, accordingly, the Administration would request approval for the proposed financing strategy, all as more specifically detailed in the attached Commission Memorandum, dated February 9, 2000, and attached and incorporated hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Administration would further request authorization for the Finance Director to take any and all necessary actions to obtain this financing, subject to final approval of loan documents by the Mayor and City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and City Commission herein approve the financing strategy for the renovation ofthe Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses and authorize the Finance Director to take all necessary actions subject to the final approval of loan documents by the Mayor and City Commission. PASSED and ADOPTED this 9th day of February, 2000. RJA \kv...(F:\ATrO\AGUR\RESOS\GCFlNPI -R.RES) APPROVED Ac; "f () FORM & LANGU/;/',: & FOZ,UTION , .;t:-1- <:2_ ?> rty Attorney , AiU~tt P{U~ CiTY CLERK MAYOR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 htlp:\\ci .miami-beach. fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 13 b -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy \ ~ City Manager ~ DATE: February 9, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINANCING STRATEGY FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSES AND CLUBHOUSES AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY .. ACTIONS SUBJECT TO THE FINAL APPROVAL OF LOAN DOCUMENTS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMEND A TION: Adopt the resolution. ANALYSIS: On October 20, 1999 the Mayor and City Commission approved the overall plan for the renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses and authorized the Administration to develop a plan to provide the necessary financing to implement the project. The Administration is recommending that the City obtain a loan from the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida, Local Government Loan Program in an amount currently estimated to be between $14,000,000 and $15,000,000. Of this amount approximately $10,000,000 will be used to fund the improvements to the Bayshore Clubhouse and Golf Course and $5,000,000 will be used to fund the Normandy Shores Clubhouse renovations and Golf Course improvements. Additionally, $750,000 of the recently approved General Obligation Bond will be used to supplement the Gulf Breeze Loan funds for the Clubhouse project at Normandy Shores. This program is recommended because it provides the lowest estimated cost of financing to the City. The Gulf Breeze Loan Program has offered to pay certain issuance costs for the City for the $5,000,000 portion for the Normandy Shores Golf Course improvements. AGENDA ITEM R1G 2.-9 -0 0 DATE In addition, the Program has made a sufficient amount of pre-1986 Bond Funds available to cover the cost of the improvements for the Bayshore Golf Course. These improvements have private activity implications because of the proportion of revenues expected to be generated from the proposed use of "or pay" contracts with hotels. This type of financing provides the City with funds at tax exempt interest rates that would otherwise be at taxable rates and will represent a savings of between 150 and 200 basis points on approximately $10,000,000 of the loan. Attached is a debt service schedule which reflects a $15,000,000 loan over a 20 year term using a level debt service structure. This structure is flexible, subject to approval of the insurer of the bonds, and will be adjusted to best match the proposed net operating income available for the debt service payments generated by the courses. The amount of the loan will be adjusted to the final estimated project cost prior to the date of pricing. Interest rates will be determined at the date of pricing and will be at tax exempt rates. The City will offer a covenant to budget and appropriate the debt service from any legally available non-Ad Valorem revenues as the security for the loan. Based on the feasibility consultant's analysis it is anticipated that the net operating income from the two courses will be sufficient to cover the debt service on an annual basis. The Administration is requesting approval for this financing strategy and authorization for the Finance Director to take all necessary actions to obtain this financing subject to the final approval of loan documents by the Mayor and City Commission. ~W>>~ LAL:PDW:odp C:\MYDOCU-I \ WPDOCS\CM020900\GCFINPLR.WPD ~~~~lnu lO;~~~A I~/Q~~QQV~ "L~~LdM n. nvuun~ ~V. Ioi:!;J V\I.) CITY OF GULF BREEZE, FLORlDA LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOAN PROGKAM CITY OF MIAM/BEACH REVENUE BONDS (PRIVA TE Ie PUBLIC PUKPOSEJ DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE O.le Pnneil'al Coupon In!acs1 TOlal r+! FISCAL 10TAL 3/01/2000 . . . - 4/01/2000 - 68,665.:50 65.66330 . 10/01/2000 250,000.00 4000% .1 I ,!I79.75 661,979.75 730,64!.05 4/01/2001 . . 406,97!l.75 406,979.73 - 10/01/2001 440,000.00 ".100% 406,919.75 846,979.75 1,255,959.50 4/01/2002 . - 397,959.15 397,959.75 . 10/01/1002 .60,000.00 4.630\1 !91,9S9.75 851,959.75 1,155,919.50 ./olncos . . 3&7,310.15 587,3] 0.75 . 10/01/1003 480,000.00 ...130% 387,810.15 867,310.75 1,25-4,621.50 4/01/ZeO. . 375,95&.15 315,958.75 . 10/01/1004 50S ,000.00 4.350% 375,958.75 &80,958.75 1,256,917.50 4/01/2.OOS . - 363,711.50 363,712.50 - 10/0111005 525.000.00 4.9S0'l(, :563,712.50 8M,712.50 1,252,425.00 4/01/Z0a6 . . SPO,718.75 350.718.75 - 10/01/2.006 555,000.00 5.050% 330,71&.75 905,718.75 1,256,4:\7.50 4/01/2007 . . 336,705.00 536,705.00 - 10/01/2.007 585,000.00 S.13O% 356,705.00 911,705.00 1,2S8.410.oo 4/01/2008 - . !11,699.75 -'21,699.75 . 10/0112008 il5,OOO.00 5.2()O'l(. 321,699.75 936,699.75 1,25&,399.50 4/01/2009 - - 305,709.75 305,709.75 . 10/011Z009 6<15,000.00 5.270'K :505,709.75 950,709.75 1,236,419.50 4/01/2010 . . 214,714.00 ZS&,714.oo . 10/01/2010 675.000.00 5.11"'" 288.714.00 963,714.00 1,252,418.00 4/01/2011 . . %70.725.25 270,725.23 . 10/01tZ011 715,000.00 !l.~60. 270.725.25 945,72S.25 1,156,450.50 4/01/2012 . . 251.205.75 251,105.75 . 101011Z0U 750,000.00 5.SS0" 25\,205.75 1,001,205.75 1,251,<111.50 4/01/2013 . . 230.468.25 230,46&.25 . 10/01/2013 795,000.00 5.6"'" 230,.68.25 \ ,025,4 68.25 1,255,936.50 <1/0\12014 . . 20S,oU.OO 208,0119.00 - 10/01l20\~ &40,000.00 5.720% 2011,089.00 \ ,04&,089.00 1,256,178.00 4/01/2015 . - 184,0105.00 1&4,065.00 . 10/0t/2015 U5,ooo00 U~ 184,065.00 1,069,065.00 1,253,130.00 4/01/2016 . . 1Sll~OO.oo 15&,400.00 . 10/0112016 935,000.00 6.000li 158,400.00 1.093,400.00 1,251,SOO.00 4/01/2017 . . 130.!50.o0 130,.150.00 - 10/0112017 995,000.00 6.~ 130,350.00 1,125,350.00 1,205,700.00 <I/Ot/20111 . . 100,500.00 100,500.00 . 1 % 11201 S l,OSOpoo.oo 6.000" 100,500.00 1,\ 50,500.00 \,2S1POO.OO 4/01/%019 .. . 69,000.00 69,000.00 - 10/01/1019 1,115,000.00 6.000% 69,000.00 1,184,000.00 1 ':55.000.00 <1/01/2020 . . 55,550.00 55,550.00 . 10/01/2020 1,135,000.00 6.000" 35,550.00 1,220,550.00 1,256,100.00 Total 15,000,000.00 . 10,821.281.05 251128,187.05 . ISSUE S1.JHMAAY: PRIVI.TE & PU!!UC PURPOSE YIELD STAnsncs Bond Year 00llan~.................."""'-'-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' AvcrtA3" wc..................................................................... AYel'll8C Coupon......-........-........................................... $190,2<10.00 1%.683 YCArs 5.6919011710 NCllnlcl'l!Sl C~t (Nlel..................................................... Tl'Ilc Inlerctl Cast mC) .................................................... IlOnd Yield for /u'bitr~ Purposa................................... AlIl...:lu1ive Co.II (A1C)................................................. 5.7549869% 5,7S3<142S'll. 5.78311873% 5.9256515'Jl. IRS ro\U\l\ 6038 Nct Interest C091................................................................ WClshted Average M.luril;f.......................................... 5.7195551:" 12..599 VCllrs WIWA.W R. IfOUGff ~ ca . CC fIJbIic Fi1l'I/U% File s Mi.mi/JCJI.sf-GlILI1J8ZE-/lEV.lsmc $u",muy 2/3/2000 3:081'/1/ r.se 2 02/03/00 THU 16:Jij~-";::(l.ll:l;)IHHI;: nL~~LdDl ~. nVL'un~ ~v. "t!:J vv.. ISSUE SUMMARY; PRIVATE' PUBLIC PURPOSE CITY OF GULF BREEZE, FLORIDA LOCAL COVERNMENT LOAN PROGRAM CITY OF MlAMI BEACH REVENUE BONDS (PRlVA TE & PUBLIC pUllPOSE) PROJEcr SUMMARY Delivered 03/01 /2000 SOUR-CES AND USES OF FUNDS I'Br Amount of llonds..........................................m............................... ............................ TOTAL sOullCtS...........................................................................m ..... ........................... Total Uncl.erwri1l:1'S DiJc:ount (0.800%)....................,..................................................... Co5ls of wuallCc.... ........................... ..................... ............,.. ....m . ... ....................... ........... Gross Bond In.,ur:mcc Premium (<16.7 bp)................m.................................................. Deposit 10 Pl.'ojcet ColU\1'IICtion Fund................................................................................ ~U.ndll'1S Amou.nt............................... .........................,............... ..... ........................ ......... TOT Ai USES........................................................................................................................ FLOW OF FUNDS DETAIL Stale and LOcal Government Se~' (SLGS) nles Cor...................................................... PiL~R.V rolU'OSI. nlNO SOLUnON MtTHOD.......................................................... Total Cost of Invesb11e1lts.................. ....................................... ........... ............... ................ T01AL OllA ws........................................................................ ........................................... PRESENT V AWE ANALYStS SUMM.A!1.Y (NET TO Nm NET PI1.ESII'IT Y ALUl BINrm.......................................................................................... NET fI/ BL"lEFIT / .. UFUNOED P1UNCI:J'AL........................................................ BOND STATISllCS Ave~c Life........................................................................-.............................................. AverAge ecllpOn........... ..................... ......................... ............. ...................... .............. ....... Nellnkrest ec$l (NlC)........ ............ ................................................................................... Bond. Yield for Arbitrage I'IIrpos.es............................. ...................................................... True: Interest CD.! (jtC).................................................................................................... ^n bu:luslVc COSt (AIC) ............ ............ ........................... ........... ........................................ PlUV A n: PUBUC luuc SummllI'Y $10,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 515.000,000.00 $10,000,00000 55,000,000.00 S15,OOO,OOO.OO 120,000.00 120,000.00 44,000.00 10,000.00 54,000.00 120,5S8.75 lZO,558.75 9,715,000.00 4,990,000.00 14,705,000.00 4.1.2S 441.25 ~lO.OOO,OOO.OO 55,000,000.00 515,000,000.00 Net Fund.ed !'lei funded $,,715,000.00 H,990,000.00 59,71 !.OOO.OO $4.990,00000 Net Funded $14,705,000.00 514.705,000.00 12.605 ,'ears 12.587 VclU'S 12.689 Yeus 5.72:9&591 " 5.72ll947696 5.6919087% 5.825056996 5.7289476% !I.7549869% 5.785887S% 5.7833873'1!. 5.7838873% 5.8S 16552% 5.6a73208'36 5.7834425% 6.0317833'1& 5.7114714% 5.9236515..... WIJJ.JA,.1II R. HOtJGH'" CO. . CG flJbJic linllncc Page 1 File = Miunibch.sl-CUUIJRZE-REV-Issue Summuy 2/3/2000 3:08 PAf