98-22692 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 98-22692 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE REQUEST FOR A FEE WAIVER FOR THE BALANCE OF THE CONVENTION CENTER FEES FOR THE USE OF HALL "B", IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,967.50 ($17,346.50 AT-COST RATE), FOR THE GREATER MIAMI JEWISH FEDERATION (FEDERATION) EVENT ENTITLED, "50TH ANNIVERSARY ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE DAY," TO BE HELD ON JUNE 4-8,1998, AT THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER. WHEREAS, the Federation is organizing the "50th Anniversary Israeli Independence Day," to be held on June 4-8, 1997, at the Miami Beach Convention Center; and WHEREAS, on June 12, 1997, the Federation presented a request to the Miami Beach Convention Center Advisory Board (CCAB) and the CCAB approved a waiver in fees of $5,431 which were in excess of the Convention Center's direct and indirect costs in adherence to Commission Memorandum No. 600-95 approved on July 26, 1995,; and WHEREAS, on June 23, 1997, the CCAB re-affirmed the granted waiver; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the above stated Commission Memorandum, the Federation requested a waiver by the Mayor and City Commission for the balance of the Convention Center fees, in the amount of $11,786.50. WHEREAS, on September 24, 1997, the City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. 97-22535 granting the Federation the above stated fee waiver. WHEREAS, on February 28, 1998, the Federation requested for an additional move- in day, equipment, and Hall B, which was not available at the time of their initial request, to be included in the same waiver of fees. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve the Federation's fee waiver request for the balance of the Convention Center fees for the use of Hall "B", in the amount of $24,967.50 ($17,346.50 at-cost rate), for the "50th Anniversary Israeli Independence Day" celebration, from June 4-8, 1998. ATTEST: J20 lwv~ PC1t~ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXeCUTION , 1998. ,~, PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of March . t/ WfivL fl' . A.ttornay SR:'~d F:\C~ALL \COM-MEM.97\ISRAELI.RES ~ I) ~ I ~ 7 dllj FR I 1:'5: 2 4 F.U 3 0 5 5 i 3 .21 i S COJrul.;:-'! c.-\.TI 01'5 4lJ02 DATE: F~bruary 28, 1998 TO: Mayor Neisen Kasdin FROM: Bonnie Reiter, Di~ector of Communications Greater Miami Jewish Federat BE;. June 71ft Celebration of Israel 50 addition of Hall B Per your conversation with Norman 8raman this morning, I am sending over our request for the addition of Hall B tor the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Israel 50 Community- wide event, which will take place on June 7':-., 1998. I have attached a copy of a letter fram the Miami Beach Convention Center and a Miami Beach Commission memorandum #621-97, which were the documents and resolution for the fee waIver on Hall C of the Convention Center. That resolution covered the fees on tho;; Convention Center rental from load in on the event Which begins on June 3, 1998 thr~ugh the load out and strike for the event on . June 8, 1998. What we are now requesting is that the second hall, Half B, which was not available at the time of our initial request and has since become available, be granted to ws, administ;atively, for the same periOd of time as the first hall and with the same fee waiver considerations. In essence, we will need to add Hall B for the fol:owinQ dates: Wednesday, June 3 Load in day Thursday, June 4 Load in day Friday. June 5 Load in day Saturday, June 6 Load in day Sunday. June 7 Show day Monday, June 8 Strike and load out In addition. the figure \,AJaived by the Miami Beach City C~mmission resolution No, 97- 22535 covered $500 for rental equipment and other items calculated on an "At Cost" reduction worksheet prepared by SMG at the Convention Center. I have attached a copy of this worksheet. As Norman indicated, we would like to have the same fees waived for Hall B. Since the Miami Herald is publishing for us a guide to the Israel 50 event, and their deadline for publication of the floor pran is the: third week of March, we are under extreme time pressure to produce the correct floor plan. Adding Hall B, will greatly impact this process. Therefore, if there is any other information you require, I will be happy to expedite it for you. I can be reached at 576-4000 ext. 207 or beeper 410- 3532. Thank you for your con~jderation. '; 03/11/98 WED 10:.19 F.U 305 573 2176 COMMUNICATIONS 141002 March 101 1998 Via Fax: 673-7096 To: Sergio Rodriguez Miami Beach City Manae:er From: Bonnie Reiter Greater Miami ewish Federation As yOu know, tIte Miami Beach City Commission has granted the Greater Miami Jewish Federation an at cost fee waiver for Hall C of the Miami Beach Convention Center for the community-wide Israel 50 event which will take place on June 7. 1998. That waiver is for $11,786.50. When we made the initial request to the Miami Beach Commission, Hall C was the only hall available. Just recently, Hall B, the connecting hall to Hall C, has become available on the exact same dates - from load-ill to load-out - of our event. The scope, size and expected attendance for this massive ISrael 50 Celebration, truly requires this additional space. Had this space been available at the outset of our project, we would have included it as part of our initial request to the commission. However. we are delighted that the space has become available. Therefore, we are asking your assistance in helping us request that the City of Miami Beach waive the at cost fees on the second hall, Hall B. The breakdown of our request is as follows: Adding Hall B from Wednesday, June 3 through Saturday, Jun~ 5 as move-in dates. Adding Hall B for Sunday. June 7 as a show date. Adding Hall B for Monday, June 8 as a move-out date. The at cost reduction for this including the rental, air conditioning, labor, and lighting would be $12,891. We are also kindly requesting that you consider the $2,850 in rental equipment, that the Federation has requested through SMG for the Israel 50. be included in the waiver. Thercfore1 the total fee waiver that we are requesting for Hall B is $15,741. Thank you for extending to us administratively, the additional move-in day of Wednesday,'June 3 for Hall C. The at cost fee for this additional day on Hall C is $1,600. We understand that there are additional charges that our budget must cover which the city cannot waive and we are prepared to do so and have accounted for these in our budget. Some of these areas include police, fire and union labor. We are working with Randi Freedman, president of Logistics Management, who is very familiar with producing events on Miami Beach and within the Convention Center. We arc extremely proud of the partnership with the City of Miami Beach on Israel SO and we thank you in advance for any assistance mat you may offer. Please let me know if there is any additional infonnation you need from us prior to the March 18 Miami Beach City Commission Meeting. I can be reached at (305) 576-4000. Thank you. Miami Beach Convention Center Jackie Gleason Theater MEMORANDUM TO: Mayra Dlaz-Buttacavoli Assistant City Manager William C. Overfelt \jLV Assistant General Manager/Director of Finance FROM: RE: 50th Anniversary - Israell Independence Day DATE: March " 1998 As you have requested, I wlU aUempt to set torth the history of th1s events necotlattons tor cost, cost reduction, City Commission action, ConventIon Center AdvJsory Board actions, etc. In the month oC July 1997, we were approached by various indlviduals that would be Involved In the Promotinl ot the !Oth AnnIversary Israeli Independence nay event to be held at the Convention Center. An at cost scenario 'Was requested by these indIviduals. That document was put tOlether. details are as follows: Based 00 (1) event day Ra~k Rate At Cost Rent $16,200.00 $ 4,860.00 Ale .. 1,464.00 Lightlog 517.$0 3,622.50 Labor .. 1.340.00 Equipment 500.00 ~OO.OQ Total $17,217.50 $11,786.50 · Included in Rent. e:/z '30Vd !:G:t1L G:L9 see: l13~N3J KO!.LN3ANOO H::lV18 !l'iV!W ~~:~: (NOW) 96.60 ''iiVI'{ The at cost scenario was presented to the Convention Center Advisory Board at which time ~ they agreed to the cost scenario of $11,7M6.50. ' ~ On September 24, 1997, tbe City CommJsslon agreed to waive the at cost amount ot $11,786.50 via Resolutlon # 97-22S35. Approximately ~ometlme in January, we were again approached by Randt Freeman ot Logistics :Management Group and requested to add an additional move-in day of June 3 and additional equipment useage worth $2,8~O to the previous negotIated and waived cost. The mck rate for both the move-Ill day Ilud equipment useaae would be $5,550, the at cost rate would be $4,455. Recently, we have ftaain been approached that the group Is requesting an additional hall. Rack rate $19,417.50, at cost $12,891.-'0. I thluk we both would agree that the additional hall does not represent an Immaterial amount. Fur that watter, the event has doubled in size In facility useaae since first being discussed. At this point In time, we would llke clarlflcation on the approprlate actlou to be taken on the addJtlonal move-in day, as weD as, the addltloJl of another haIl. Aha, I think there are other points that should he considered and that I believe arc not clear to all parties concerned, those would be: This cost scenano does not include any out of pocket cost for union labor that wm be required tor this event. Additionally, they do not include elecfrlcal fees that w1l1 be required to be paid to an approved contractor here at the Convention Center and In e1osm" I foresee this event to continue to evolve and inevitably will have addltlonal cost that we have not been advised ot or have contemplated, at this time. II you need any additional infonnatioD, please gIve either Done or myself a caU and adnse on how you want to proceed. WCO/em cc: Doug Tober Susan Eaton Randi Freeman li~ile .: \bil1\WaDoljew red.lDlfb 6>S3::lVd =i;!7~ SL.9 seE: 1:!3,LN3.) J\OLLN31\NO:) H;)VJ8 Il'lVIl'l I I: ~: (NOW) 96, 60 '1:lVYi ,"" '.. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH S8 !1!R - 3 p:J '- -- : II 11:58 , . , :r'.-: ' "_" '_Ii ," ;L'c " MEMORANDUM TO: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER FROM: NEISEN KASDIN'l\ K MAYOR DATE: MARCH 3, 1998 RE: ISRAEL 50 CELEBRATION Can we waive fee on Hall B per the attached request? Ifnecessary, present to Commission. NOK/st Agenda Item C II Date 3-) 8-9~