#934-i Page 35 City Charter 79th Street Causeway 1925 .. ~jZ1d//t.tA ~ .&.-ec.<c-I-... /Ul-h~, I "T 2- ~ ~F----~I t \) - ~j "- ~ ~l\ 1. ~ ~ r~ ~'- "'" J(~ ~ ~ " ,... r----- I i .3.ISH .. 211 CITY COUNCIL ~- ...__101 \.< t t - f THE t:UARl'EK ot" THIS ~ITY provid.. for. city roundl of ....vcn nwm""rs. ..1....1...1 .1 I...... fin of whom .re cl<<ted "eIT two yean. 1M olMr Iwo who ban r.....h.d I.... hiltbm nambu of votPS in the PffCedinl eledion arvin. foar y..n. 5 All m....linlS of the roanril .r. opc!n to the public .nd duri.. the pesl fisr.l y...r .).. _..tinlts w..rr held, Ihe prOCffdinp of which .re Ipre.d over SOj pe.ee of the minut.. hook. Z 13 ..... 26 T.. aU...nl.1 to lIiv.. in Ihis report . detailed .....ount of the .n.ount of I.u_in..-, WORK tran....I...1 .n" m.U.'''' ..un.i....r<"d by the council would be .n impo..i1.i1iI~. .\1. t....tion "a. c....ulti...1 by ....arinll r<"porll of committ..... .uthorization of final I..... ........urt! in matt..... UilOn whi..h ""'i.ion w.s re...hed, Ibe pa55.r:e of 266 r<"solution. ....1 II". .doption of 12 ordin......... /) t f . M.tt..", ..ntirely ..b..ini.t...th'e in eh........r wne r<"f..rrrd 10 th. ..it)' m...."'..r. or ..II.... .dministr'live oBi..en, witb or without .pecific inolra...ioR8, .nd in. num""r of i...t.n....' Ih.. ";1)' manaler was .utborizrd to make inveatiptiona on behalf of the council .nd to r..n....r · report of 81m., one of the 010.1 important m.llen 10 referr.d beinll his delCllltion 10 or",..ti.l.. wilh the Inl..mal Improvement Bo.rd for bay bottom I.nds to be I.t.r fill..d .nd us..d for perk purposes. 19 It m.y .1.... IIC m..nlio_d Ihat . eommi~e was .ppoint.d to codify tb. ordin.n..... ....1 it is nprrlC'd tbal. the w..rt.. he_inll h....n nearly eomplet..d, the committ..e will r"I'''''' al ... e.rly dale. 3 .. 4 On Nov.m....r 18, 19%5, objections were w.ived by the Miami Be...h (;ily GENERAL Council. .nd Gov. M.rtin, S.n.lor J. W. W.tlOn .nd Repreaentalive N..rri. ACTIVITIES MeEly. wue arll.d by th.m 101pc!ed the puIIP of the Bay Bouom bill. IInntinll cert.in bay bottom lands 10 the Cily of Miami for municipal pur. poaes, in ord..r th.1 the denlo..-nl of the propoaed compr<"h.min harbor pl..... lenrr.lly referred 10 .~ th.. Orr I'l.n, millht "e l10tten undrr w,y al OR<<. The pl.n w_ also ..nrlo....d .1 the War Iltopartment hrarinll March 13, 1926. 9 \I t'or th.. purpooe 01 en.I.linll . project 10 prorccd whi..h eliminatee pra...ically I.... I.st of Ihe mosquitu "r<"."inll manllrove sw.mp an.. within the city, Council, ou Nonm....r IB. 1923, w.i"..d .11 o"j.rtiona to the proporoed colUltrudion of SuDM'l On Ilto.......hrr 3. 192:i. Cuuoril ..n.........d Ih Enrllladrs A vrnue.NorlRand ..... 4 :....... pr..j...... . I.l.nord "y thr D.de (:Ounty commit...ion....... IhUt! m. inll il ...".il.I.. I.. I.r... c WI Ihe pr..lintinary work in conjuu.lion with the con.tra...ion or .nolher m.in .rtny leadin, to the mainland. . .218 _In. have ..re.t..d . tun'" 10 .pprollimalel, :ion. Itonm..d entir<"ly ..unit..... bolh for the and for ..... pru_tioa: In F.brIIIIT .11 of the oil rompenin 8Iorinll II-li- and oils w.re requir<"d to buiM retaininlt w.lla .round .....ir propc!rtirs .nd furtMr prolect .djoiniulI propc!rtiea by i......llinll prDpc!r fire lilthlinll apparataa, thus redurinll to . larl. nt.nt the lire hazard wbich h.d nisiN herelofore. f/ . . .._-~-_..- ----~ 3S c ~ v ~ ~