Kent Robbins/Chris LaBuzetta MAY-19-200& 09: 14 From: To: 3056043993 P.V6 e MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach OffICe of the Oty Oerk 1700 Convention center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST R'KClSTRATlON FORM LobbyIst means all persons employed or retained, wheItIer pili(! ()t not, by II principal who seeks to encourage tJle pllS5lIge. defeat or mocllftaItIon of any orclInanCe. resotuIkln, actiOn or dedsion rI 8Iff <<JI'IlmiSSicner, lIIPI actloI\ ded&ion, recommendation rI the Ofy Manager or aDf CitY board or commiltee; or anv actiOn, deCISIon or ~ of M/'f Cily personnd cIurlng the time periOd r:I ~ ~ det:i$iOlWn8ICing process on such action. deci5ion or reconmendation that foreseeabIy will be heard or reviewed by tho dty commISSIon, or . C1:f bOIrc:I or commtttee. The term spedficaIIv indudes lt1e principBl OS wellS fIllY empla;ee engaged inlobbying actiVItieS. '11Ie tenn "lobbyists" has spedftc.......... ...... refer to Ontinanc.-...3435- RoeB'N$ -KENT H.. NAME OF lOBBYIST: (I ast) (1'ir$I;) rn ~ (M.I) \~L1 WASH-'N~ A\lP~ IIII~ .R-33~ B)SINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (NunW and Street) (City) ) (State) . (Zip Code) .--, . ~-5.~ --cf3l:)Q 305-53/" 0150 l4+f2oBeQ)B; , ~.fo.f..T TEL.EPHONE NUMBER; FAX NUMBER: EMAIl: I. 1.088YJS1' RETAINED 8Y~ I Ct:f{<\S "-ri BlJ2 ~A NAMt Of PRINClPAl/OJENT: Lfb5 OCbf\~ t)Q,v'S \Y\lf\iY\l fE1lC~1 f1.~33l~ 8USINESS NAME' AND ADDRESS (Number and street) (City) (~),. (Zip COde) r- J T!L!PHONI! NUMe!R: FAX NUMBER: (OptiOl1ilI) EMAR.: (Optional) ~UI out \'hit MCtIon If ptIndpaIl$ a eorpo. ation, Partnenhip or TnI$t [Section 2-482 (e)] . NAME OF OOEF OFFICER. PARTNER, OR. BENEFlClAAY: . JDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR IND1RECTlY, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION. PARTMERSHIP OR TRUSr: D. SPICIFIC LOUY ISSUI: U.9~1 Rt.\>~e:.sEN71tT70N '10 reoiECT'" THE ~Sf.DtlJtS A-~D WEIG;~et1~t> 1llSue 1.0 be Iobbial (Oc$ctlbc in deta~): ~""- -r"e. Rt>ve.ts'E. CD roJ,~e~s ~ Tt\ii'., snvoy 1i>~ R- DL cnYACENCISIINDMDUALS1OBELOUIED: ~"e\O~M.!tJ' l~OJe.~l. #0) Ful NlIlIM IIf IndMduaI/TiU. .) Ally ,...ttdaI, f4IIftINI1 CII' Pt ......lanlIl Relallanlhip ~'A (Y]f/SWR... No CC- MAY-~9-2009 09:15 From: To: 3056043993 P.2/6 IV. O1SCLOSUR.E Of TERMS MD AMOUNTS OF LOBBYISfQ)MPENSAl1ON (DISCLOSI WttfiHfIlllOl/RLY, I'LAT RATE OR D1HEIt): 4:1 J A) LoetJYISl OISO OSURf: (Required) ---=P 3 75 .. h 0 vI: IT B) PRlNClPAL'S DISCLOSURE (Of LOB8YIST COMPfNSA;ON): (Required). 11 3 "7 S J nOl) r The fallowing infonnatiOn mUlt be answcred: 1) Pursuant to Miami Beach City COde Sedkln ]-488 EntItled "Prohibmtd Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Procurement: Issues": l J Yes "'-: Are voulGbbVino on a IIWM8Id: or IHtndina bid for"--- eauiamenl: ar servIcleL or an · p--'" or lJIeftding award far .......... l!Clui..-d: Dr MlI'VIc:e? 2) Pursuant to Miami Beilch City Code 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Campelgn Contributions By Lobbyists on Real Estate DewIoPment Issues": nYes "'-: ~=..:. -:dl~ aDDlI~ for 81 DInn!IGament ~ wIIt1 theatv or a___ _ _ 2DnIIIa maD -.oanatJon or dlanae III the Cilv's FUbJre Land u.e HIIIZ 3) Pursuant to Miami BeaCh Oty Code 2-'184 (h) Any person (except those exemPt from the definition ~ "lobbyist" as _ forth in section 2-481 above) who only appears as a rep~tative of a not--fQr-profit 0)I1)0I1lti0n or entity without specil!ll compensatiOl"l or rtimbul'$ll:ffiCOt for the appear8ll<E, whether direct, or indirect, to expre55 5Upport of or oppo5lion to any item, shall reolstl!r wtm the derk <<JS required by thli section but, sheR not: be required to pay <<Jny I'89I!1trat1on fees.. o Yes ~: Are YOU .e01Meptinca a not-fnr-Drufit: aa.wnd:iDn Dr B'Ititv wIthout...-a1 camDefl"l1lli.~ or reimbursement. . v. SlGNAlldIl! UNMa OATH: ON OCTOBER 1$1 Of EACH YEAR, fACH LOIlYISJ SHALL SUBMIT TO TltE CITY a.ERK A SIGNED $TATEMENT UNDER OATH.. LISTING I.OIIBUNG E'XPENDmJRIS, AS WELL AS a>>4PENSATION RECEJV!D, IN THE Cl1'Y OF MIAMI lEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YeAR. A STATEMENT SHAU- BE FILED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO ';'1NDrrURES 01\ ~11ON DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD. O)~ hl (' - J .c;/ir- _ ~ ..~Ltbt1f6t ~ I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are. true and c:orrect: and that 1 have read or am familiar With the provI lned 2-482 Miami Beach CIty Code and all reporting requirements. 0 Sigl'l8t:ure of lobbyist: I Ignature of Pr1ndpal/C1lent: LOHYlS1' IDEN1'IfJCATIOIIU i~l ~8,..:::> ~~i~ CI)~ci5l ~2~~ !~J "..,"'...." ~~~..~. ' ''6, ~ i r;: ~..... ~""r.n PRINCIPAL IDENTlFlCA11ON1 i; Produced 10 \11111/1/ I Produced ID Form r:l1den~\~\ "'111. Form d ,,,--tification --.~,~\\S~ BRYAAJ 1'1;", .......' ~ ~ .......'v'F ~ ~rsonally known (Labbyilll:) ~ ..~a;;'\lI\S;I~N ;~... i '\rsonally known (Prlndpal) ~ :.... _,,~'l ,"00_ ~. ~ - .~--,~. ,.... .~. - . SlGNATUREANDSJAMPC!If'ARY;... (/>~*~ of florida county of Mlaml-Dadc%~~. #00 210415 ~li of FlorIda County of Mlaml-Dade to a ~bwIbed me ~,:~::04>1'%"nded\\I~~*"o}"...~ and 5U~ before me ~of 2Ol>~~ ,o~...~b~~~~(\:...~~~$ day of .20 . -; '1;II,,'BlIe sn;~t. a ~,,'i: - - :5tA- 11"lIillll\l\\\"~ ry _ ate fA Florida Signature of Public Notary - state d FIoridD . .8ign8ture Notari.... of Prindpar.llign8ture - . Annual Registration fee: l ~ Va; r 1 No ~ ~d--~~ 1# 29r~iB+ Dale Paid Q' . lobbyist RegiSlrilbOO Form rec::eived and verified by~~ F=\O FR\$ALL\MARIA-M\I..obbyIst\106B'fIST fORM Rl!\II!lI!d J'JIMJ04