2000-23876 RESO
RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23876
WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has developed over the years into a visual and
performing arts mecca; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is the home to major performing arts theaters and
centers, specifically, the Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts, the historic Lincoln and
Colony Theaters, and is the locale of a variety of other venues in which local and international
performing artists showcase their talents; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is also home to major cultural organizations such as
the ArtCenter/South Florida, the Bass Museum of Art, the Concert Association of Florida, the Miami
City Ballet, the Miami Design Preservation League, the New World Symphony, the Sanford L. Ziff
Jewish Museum of Florida, and the Wolfsonian-FIU Museum; and
WHEREAS, through its Cultural Arts Council, the City of Miami Beach substantially
improves the quality of life in Miami Beach with extensive grants and marketing programs for over
sixty visual and performing arts groups.
be declared a Cultural Campus.
day of
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V. ,I
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1- ):rJ7)
, DaM
MARCH 20, 2000
Please place on the April 12 Agenda a resolution to declare Miami Beach as a Cultural
Campus and to discuss renaming the Collins Park Complex.
This issue was discussed at a recent Cultural Council Meeting and some of the suggestions
include Collins Square; Collins Park Complex; Collins Center; Collins Commons.
The name Cultural Campus causes a perception that this was the only area for culture in
the city. While this may have been true years ago, it is currently not the case now. At one
time the area was called the Museum District. Again, in the past, the city only had one
museum, now there are three.
The most common denominator in this naming dilemma is the historic name, Collins Park.
Since the area surrounding the park is now being built into a complex of arts, it is the
desire of many, particularly the cultural community, to rename the area to appropriately
brand its image. For that reason I would like to have direction from the Commission and
at the same time declare our city as a cultural campus.
Agenda Item ~ -, L
Date ~-\2-0D
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yyd~ <;
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Plan for the full park - east and west side.
Should be a botanical garden with sculpture and a small performing venue.
Should be a contrast to the busy Ocean Drive.
Must have open sight lines.
Too many bus shelters surround the Park. This must be reviewed.
Organize a neighborhood group to include: Bass, Ballet, Library, and Property
Shakespeare events would be good.
Think of it as a sculpture garden, not a festival garden.
Consider Cultural majors and small performing groups for park events.
Create sculpture and landscape together as at the Walker Museum in Minneapolis.
Noise issues will be a concern. Park should be passive.
---... - ' ....~ _.. ........
Expand the sculpture garden concept to east.
Building an amphitheater would bring pressure to program it and cause conflict
problems for the surrounding neighborhood.
Save the Rotunda, but limit Rotunda additions - plaza on West of Rotunda would
be excellent for Ballet performances.
Make sure fountains are built to work.
A temporary stage would be better than a permanent stage. This would be used for
small quality events (carefully regulated).
Address linkages to 21st StreetIWoman's Club/Garden Center and other Cultural
We have an amphitheater 2 blocks away not used properly.
The area will have condos and hotels. It does not need noise.
Area needs a dog run with maintenance. Creatively designed - not sure it belongs in
Collins Park. There is currently a dog problem in the park, which needs to be
Set up moveable groups of chairs - not benches (as in Bryant Park in NYC).
Need different levels of landscaping but retain trees and landscape. They are
Bryant Park in New York has movies/concerts/fashion shows - no fixed stage, but
has electric/water. The center is empty for creative production.
To have Special Events there should be a Collins Park Events Committee (Screening
Create a vision statement for the Park.
Create a Rotunda Plaza for Ballet Performances (have Ballet help plan).
A temporary stage should be built into budget - consider storage needs and signage
for the park.
The existing Collins Park will need to be repaired and irrigated for the next few
years until the Park Master Plan is constructed. This is the "front door" for the
Ballet, Bass and Library.
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RotH:n 1\.,~1. SllTIl Archil;:!I,\
4(,(J \),;\"l.l~d, ~m"l. Nt:..... YlIIK, NY IIH)(lI 'ICl.',12 %7 ~I()() F;IX 212 %/ 'l'iHH
Novemher 10, I9'Jl(
Iiorrclll & A~1J(Jcil111:3
SnmmAI'Y of r,'c'(lntullon, to CClIIIIDllnlry
WctJ. ()et Zit. 11}l)1I
I UlI,m.: Hu.'iinc:;s, Arts AlId Tllt:~II:l~ Grllllf'_
5n,II\.: Ilolnonwl1ur
JIIY H K nder 7.~huJe
J>Il!:s I~NT;
Myra LJil1Z llutl:lcMoli (A~:;i51unr City MlIlll1g~r)
City CUlnlllislijo/lcr Nnnc:y LichmuI1 (lllliIJin~ Ccllllltlill"" Chllil)
^l~x I.:l/lli~ (I'rincipul, Robert A.M, Sll'm Arc:hllel:ls)
)nimc Iklrulli (Prinliirlll, Burrelli ilnu ^3~llCj!1lc~)
JIlYU Z\:heac (IJrujccl Millll\!;'Jr. l3<l/Telli ;tnd A~sociares)
MUrCIl! Franl..LlI (Pl"incipl11. Frunkelllnd A.<~ncilllCI\. lllt:.)
Jllrlte E. CIllut11l1ld (Projecl MlI/luger tilr City of Mil1mi Bench)
Ilon.jul Schwonke (Auistlllll I >irL'ctor. ,\IIOlni-1 )udc Puhlk I.ihmry Syslem)
Ul.lrtruyu Minur (()ver~igh[ C(Jmlllill~~)
1.~11l111C: W~hlhun; (Ove~i~hl Conlin iu~~)
Will itlm ClIry () lilitnl'il: ('lre~~rvnll()n)
Memhers o(vArinus comftlllnity !;rPlIps illl:luc1IIl:;:
J.D. ~h:"l ('1111': tiriuge TI1t:alt:r)
Eric FiliI' (Colony T11t:t1ter)
Mllrlin SC;\S.!lcru (The Abney Hnrd)
Slulln BJUlnnerg (Cirelll'lr Minmi IloI'::! ^~~lx;inti(ln)
.Inllerh Nuv"J (Owllur, Wulfle'x)
(;oll1lld Kohen (CUlnlrlll ^ltx Council)
~f1eC\..r Tally Milimi 8cilch ltt~ervoli()n L<.:agllc
PUflJuSC uf Prl~lm/Jttlollll: Tn (ueilit.ulc My CIIl.:IlUrllgC ulInmunily involvcm\.:nl ill the
ucy.::I(lf1l1lunt ur[h~ Cllhl'rI1ll)i~lricl, <::~puc:inlly as il re:1l1in.Q [(I tilt rlO~sihle rU!\Ir<:, U."', ..rlh...
park und rolllmlQ. _
!loth prt:,<;ellllirio".~ slllrted wid, un inLrooUCrlun a IlL! overview or the projecl hy '-1yr~ 1);"7-
RUIRC:lVo/i. 'Ihc Culluml COll1f1l1S jnclllLlc:~ rht: Bu:;s ,\Iuscum or Art, {t:llrl'ul1tly Imdc.:q,;oillg (111
cXfl/1I\:sion which IS ~\:h~uuled In be cOlnplcturl On ().dllh~r 11)(,19), till: MiJn11 Cir)' Iln 11~I,
(constnlctioll recently ~1l:lrtetJ alltl lht huiluint; fllWl3 10 ufll.:ll hy AUb\LI:;l or I t)1~)1. till.: n~w
RcJ,:iOl1l1I r ,ihrary, (wlti<.:h will rUfllnco tile C~I~lling i'HciliLyJ, and 1111~W 40(J ellr ~9I1lBe. i\ kuy
UIt!n1llnt or lhel prnk<.:l i~ the: uu~lr.n nr the purk IIno ,qlroct.~\:lifle which will lit! 1"g.~lI,cr 1111 rl1'~
,'trUt;lllrc.~ inru J lIew ell/Lurul llistrict.
C011lmis<liDner r .iebmnJl f'ollov,,\K.t .....irh rCl1lnrk..s liS to the 1lll[lortHnce lIf" cun11J1LII1ily il1vol\ielnulJ(
ill dereml il1ins tilt: fUlure 1I":;:S ur the pork and lh~ Rotunda. Priur In Ihe nn:hirul:('" t;<lI1t;/ud ill!;
ccm~.l:rt1ll1l cl.:,il;I1, il Is il11rUrlalH to gHin lIn<i(:r~ml1:Jing or' rllt: cumlllllniry'" prillrltles ill"j
t--r-;I..]:: ::s
1ClO WL'.H Yldl.\II'C~I, Nt".... '{od(, NY IO(J() I 'Id 2/2 %7 ;/Oll 1;;ll "J12 %7 ,)~HH
Summnry of Pre:":lJtuliCll1.'IICl C011l1ll1lllily
City or M 1lIH1i Rel1c;h - l<egiOIl!l1 Lihntry
NOvembcr 10, /991\
Pnjo:c 2
R../>l:n A.II.-I. S'I'I"I' l\rdliILT"
FCl"()win~ Alex l.i1lT1is's pt~scml11jlln of the projeel It~ W;L~ sllb:Il;Uc<lI(I~ the C:JIlll>Clil;on ill Mny
of 1119!!, the me~lin~ WItS C1[>eIH:d 10 Ihe punlic for voicin!j ~h~ir qln~~rj"". or CllllCel'll;;, Tho,,,,
^n illlp<H1l1nt COIICepl illlhe ^rchJ1~CI's nari< prcJpu,sul ;.'1 Ihe conril1l1il!ion or the plll'k III the
OC~I111. In oreler Iu Hchicve this. the ['larking in I ilL,: hlock l'nsl ur Cllllill,'I, i~ rUf'lIUL'crl h)
diHBonttl pnrking IfrDUlld :hc lwo proro,cd bllld(.~ 0/' rork. w ilh tile e.xct:pl illn or' ('oIJil1~
A ycnue. Till.: puhlic is COIll;urlll:U rhm Ihi~ will nor pmvidL: sufficient [1l1rklllg.
It) Addiriuruil pnrkin~ III gitrlil:e: II WLL~ )jlJgL:e~c:d 10 explore the' possinilily of uuJinl; lIne
or lwo ~rork~ Illlhu !;:lmp,e slnlctlll'l':. or III luu.~1 providil1!! .'ul1i!:ic:m ~lrUt;lurnl SUPf'lllrl
10 Ildd lla; 11"'1/0 ill Ihe JiJuJrc. If !':lOtls hl:COllll: IlYl:Illah/t: JJltJ tllere is inJ::t;u ned t'or
iltJtJ I II lIn II I pnrli.Ing.
hI Dil1gonnJ }larking: l'h~rt: wore nlher' COl\curn~ "l(pn.'.MoJ in rl:!;nn.1:/ I" Jil1.gnl1ttl F:lr~ ill!;.
It ;.. impo/'IIIIII ~l in(IUin, with :hc Millmi Mench DOT sInce It urrc~rs [lilil tiillg0lillJ
r.uking rn:~enL~ 1111111.: ora dElngL:r III pedCSlflllI1S. ~km~r~ I:Int: hicY<:ll:~ than othcr ly['lcs
u r park ing.
"1 Enlrnn~s: The rub/it: IIgruccf wirh the proPO:lL:U double [1eticstriOIl L:ntr;-lIl~ re, Iho.!
g:U71\.:c. in order ro lIIl1kc it convun;el1l' 10 thc n(,!w ffitrwlI(,;L! 1(\ tho BliNN IInd lu lhl.: f\lnlr~
.'"lrllnce,; of Ilro I.inmrj' IIIlJ 111e M iumi Ci,y LJnllcL
~) Eluvntiof1:o: "rnc nrchilL'{,;t prc~cllletllhr. dc::lign cnnccpllilr Ille liarugf.: ~trtlclurc which
WilS 1I1i1illlrian an(1 yet tied 10 lhe Iilngulfgo of ,he Lihrary rhrulIl.:h mnlcrillls ;tnd ~Iy'u.
Mr. Spencer Tally of dlt: Miami lll"./Ich h~~Ctvuli(1n ',~"'\gul! fdt rrnll lhe arril:u IUli"ll or
lhe 1i:tL:ad~ cllu/cf h~ rur(h~r devcloped.
Need 10 Hecullilc: A pllr!icipl'll1l. ,\"Ir, f.'nrkUl< Ul(rre9~ct.J Cllrl.::.:rll Oyc:r thc IYJ1c~ of' ~"\:rll.,
thlll willlnkc rlllc~ Bllllc rnrk. II is il11pl.:ndivl: tllllllht: ell)' c~lllhllsll guiLJ~lil1c~ thai wit:
prom01'e I:ullurnlouiviti::s rhlll IIff.: SCll~itive ro the sf1<.Jc;c (~tJ(:h OJ., olndoOl' cnllCt~rt ,scries) wid
deter ulhoJ' [ypc~ or t'ilirs ur ICsri\ld.1 which will he Jclnme!ltnJ III ,hI.: lYre of ~llvjnllll11l!1I1
sough! in II Culll/liIJ Dislric;:.
II) SlllIue; Ir is Imfl0I'UllIllll c:rcOlC open ~flHr.:es wIrh ~lIl)jclclI/,\hilde. lllhl.:rwbt'. Ihl:Y Willi':
he llsed .sjl( n1tJl1lh,~ Mlllc yeM.
0) Pl/biiL: ','nciIilios: A PllrtjcipIUlll:Xnte.'l8~.u COllcen! IlbOl/lll<'''''' 1'0/' pubJic fnciJitiL""II\'11
,'1.~ rc:,slrt){)mll. Illlcpho"c~ Hnd t:loclricity uurin& n lllrl;c CYU/lt.
cl flhtYYI'OlIr'u: 'J'he owner ur lhe Abney 110101 sUAAt::\lCtl the- er()<.Jliol1 (II if dljJJn:II'~
r1nygnllll1d. The n:SPOTllie Wl!~ Ihat rll,'n: are nurncrOll~ nluyz.ruund.~ in Ihl! cily. xncl
rlll1! Col/ill.'I "nrk ShOllld l't:rnllin a "ultllrni Purk.
~jL~ No.~~( 11/11 __ 1
Rolwl'l A,M. !-;lc"1l '\1'\:1,;",,'1.,
ID:K=nica FAX ;63S
-i-' '
.....c...;:= .:l
4(JiJ W.'SI Arh ,'\lI'L'C;(. '\;C"W York. :--;Y 1000 I '1~:J,~ IL %7 ) I ()() b. 2 J 2 'J() 7 iii<H
SLlmmary Or rre~enlaliOIl:l to Community
City ur Miumi Bellch - R~ginl1>lII,ibrllry
Novelnher 10, I'IOR
4, SOCIAl. CONl'I1Rt\S;
~) IllJmelcs~: ^ memher or ~hc communily l)l(IY~~~eJ (;(lr.t:um OVl:r :/;\; ;lI!1uunl III
hfllllc:ic~,~ fXlople i1nd rt:sicienls of tne ilJjllc:ml ftlcilily for Ihe llIenwll)' dls,lblt:(j fh,1C
freqllcnt lite curnmll.in.';lry tlnd Pt1rk. II Wl1b ntHed thou ,Us is not:\ pmilJCIll .~rec:jic
1'0 ,\-fiRml BeRch, 1'1111111111 it is it prohlenl intTl1lsic: to puhlic !1'JildillblS illlJ f;)Cjlilit!~ ill iir.;.-
ultmll "clling. l~lIl1mi,~luller l.ichmnnl'~:spunded lhllt the t:rTJl1S 10 ~rin\; rt:IIL.......,d 10 Ih;;
~rClI. will hclp hrillJ,: the ~Cneral1'l41blic; to rhe ~rell and hllpeftally dct""lII:wW1l~ci CII::':\:II~
frum ti'oqUel1lin~ the rllilurnl Di"tricl.
h) Crime: Mortin ~l:lIs,~ern nllt~d thar Ih~ Park wa~ curn:lItly nil llrellll iiII' drug.s dnJ
plU'Ilitlllioll dcnlingx. He ,~lil;l!.usted 10 cllgllJ.:e the: !4L!rvi~ of :nun.: 1'01 i(;e (Jnil:l:l~ in ~h~
l1rt:lI, lie lllso rl:lised CllIlCt:mJ: Ovur r:hc L'urrClIl rt;.,itlenI:I ui l1f1CI/1me:lI huildings alld
Iht: InCK of Ctll1trol with SlI'ay enl:!. Mr. 1.01mb shllreu some rC'llOrks ahout rile flower ',It'
in,~ljlLlcinnlll dcvelopment in hringing social rchnl1ilitilt ioll10 ;J.JllIretl (For e,t', l,im::>ill
C,'el:icr III N~w YlIrk),
,~, {ISl': Or: IHrn )NIM:
The: llri~il1l1l deblllc in rugiirdii In rtle Rotllnull involved Ihe dcci...ion It" 10 wherh\!r it Wu,' to
bt: rre~urvl:d Ill' delllllli,qhcd 1I1011i( with the re:llllfthe l.i~rl.try ~lr\I(;lure. Thoro: an; 1l1lrrH:rrl:~
groUfl!l in the cummunily which hav\t "xi'rc~&xJ their inl::re~l in kcc.:rlll~ :IH: KlItlilll111.
illcludi"g, mu~j ...i&lli licl\nlly, hi:stnric prc,qervt1t:'nll g:(It1p~. Tnt: II rchitt:::I' s propu,d
endOl':lUN thc rr,;,er\'lllion IIf rhe ROl!mtln. The~ llre a nunll'1t'r of ditl"crenl t1,~ lhill ~n:
heing I,;Oll~iclereu lor rhe stTUCture. Currently. the Development (It' lht: I~l)lundn infoull/
(lrh~ use i,~ nOI pltIl' or Ihe COnlr:1cl hotwelln th~ Cily ('If Mill/l1i 8C:l1eh ~Ild 11M.: '\Il:hjlc:t:~. hl;r
can he int:(II"purl!.l~d fllllowing dIe: Cit} ':s' tlin:l;tivt:,
Hinck Hc>x ThclIlI,:r: 'Ihe t'\rchite.:l'~ hn.d heen uuvi~~ lh"r IlIembers of lh~ c(,mnlllllity,
t:sPOClllily Thenlur g,r\)Ur,~ We.'re very inreru;t-ed in ad(\plin~ 11.1.' clIn't::lIl rOluntlu ~lrUCiW(;
lor L1"t: lIS It hhll:k hlllc lh~atl!l', The An.:hiLucl" hllve t:xprc:.'\.'leU L:onct':rn ttlill the structu:'(;
IIIl1Y nul bll luq;e ',:lIIIU,,11 III RUppllrt II themeI'. If lttlditiunllJ ,~~lt1lCS llr~ reqllir~ lilr
,~IIPpllrt [lmJ ~crvicc II will bl." dctrirncmallll tht: Cllittlnll Pnrl:.. J.U, Sled fro II I The
Bri(lgt: Theater cxpn:ssed his yicw,~ which iJcnrify lh~ Rotundll u,~ 11 perf:;;! ')(J'lcal
Ihcu(t.'~, I/e t:rllllmellleU lhar Ihl! cllrrellllttfck ~ptl(;I.'S WIJU Id bt: l1tlt:(lt1rtlt: rur ur:::j~in~
area" Ilnd conlrol hoorh, The ^rchilc(;l.~ lc:t:lIlllnl~Ii(1 i:ngHging 1\ !'i1clIt::r L:OnsUlltlnl ill
nb"CIl~ thc fCII"ihilil)' Ill' \:n:llling u themLlr in LIlt.: ROlunon, Mr, Sleel ..I.." Illlilltio;,~j
IllliL huving urchirecl';; dr.1win~~ idenril'yin:.: lliL: rofunda~. ~ Ih~alc'r cOllld Iflc-iiirn!.- IlII;1
mi;illg rllr the prnit:C1.
C~fe: ^ I'.'~~ibilily d""l,;libud ill the: An:hlret:I'S Curnpt:liliun I)t:~igll,
Lxhihillllll ,'Spuct:: Tne Currenl Director of the AI:1.',~ MuseUln (;li::~unl nl Ihi3 ptUTicull1r
rn:~entl!tiollJ hnd expressed Ule itlca of Il;;in~ th" RlIlUllda for FxhibiLilll1 :'rnct:
pel'lllinif1~ lo the Cily ol"Miolni !leach (~rL'I,;itiClllly n colleclion Olllhe work lJr~r\:llIlc~:
MIII't'i~ 1.lll'iJul<)
.- "1'\_IIII.,..Q
rH/\ ::;~'v~
%0 Wt"SI.l'1lh .'1lrn~t, Nnv Yllrk.l\Y 10001 'Id 7.11 %'/ ')100 f~x 112 %7 'i'\HH
SUlllrnnry of J>n:::ll:l1la[l(ln~ :0 COll1lnUnl')I
C:lly of Millllll BUtlch - Rcgjonall.ihrl1ry
Nuvomher 10. 19QR
flMt!:J 4
RllhL"l'I A.M. .\l::rn ^r('l1ik,'r.~
II) Visitor !nfilrmolilln Ccmer: ,\f~. Ge:rtrude Miller .~u~esl<.:d lhill Ihe HIIlIJI1du will makc
n gr:J!H visilclr c:enrer. un introdu<.:liul1 IOlh" cullurlll Cnrnp\l:i unu 1tI111~ CilY or'Mll:Ulli
Clench. Shc '\l&ge~ll.'(j the pU:!'"iihi/ll)' ur hLtvlnp. 11 lilm as lill inlrndut:tion to rhe: I1rCfI.
Mr. :::ipcOl:cr Tnlly t11.~o c:luor.-;::d rllo U!;C of Illl' Rotundll il_ an vi!iiror Cellll'r lIe
commenled tllil[ ~lIch /lllSe wf\"Jd I:ivt.: lhe parln mOI'e nt;live II~": 1111 il :lay lu Juy hll~i~
wh iell wOllld brin!: life lothe rlll'k c..IlIril1B 111<.: Jay.
Wherher or Ilollhc f{OCllIlJa will he allOC!llud ror 1I Thl;!~rer, (here i~ illlcrcn ill hrinliin~ to
rhe W"ell flllUl'<.lI!O lJ') SCHt perfunning SpUCl:. ":ric Fli~s. Pruuu~lion Mllnngur 0/' :he Colon)'
Thl::1/11r u"prcs3<X/ inlcrc:'1 in iIlCOfJXII1:II.lIl(.: ~uch II .~pacc illlo the: I.ihrruy Other plllTicipillIl.'
ilb\l uxprease:lJ lhlll Oil Audilol'lum in lIw l.ibt'illy WitS cl1Jcinllu the COInnllll1iry. The
nrctlllecr rOltpllndc:u lhllt il!tlwul.:h rl1t.:~ iI; cUrr~nrJy n Ion qenl lu<.:tllro h111l in/hu rml'(\:K;U
[.ihrary, II perlill'lniny space:, I.IoIllllk1 rU'lllire more ~IlPillln 3Pm;t;, (;n:<I(illl:; if :1l11re Cllnlf1lcx
Hnc! cO~lly pmgntm. '111u ^ rchilcCl.1 reCOrJImend Ihlll if lll,!l:t.:(j Ihe: C:ly wnlll.~ to inc:uJc: il
I1lnck 1301( '111cutur ill the CultLJrlll t'~lll1pUl., tile quusrion Ihut shouJu he pu.'\Cd is /1or .1Xx.~
Ir fit ill the RUlllndU'!, hut flllht.:f, WlllIl woulJ he the: ht.:.'it sP!lt:!! for II Iht::Jrer Ilnd \\lh\:rt.:
shlluld ir he'? Olher f'105sihle lOCUtions ITIl!ntionou (nr thu crealion O/'A JJ111~k lJ(j~ Ihellll'r
wel'!: inside thl! rrol'Ul:ed parking gll.."'llge or nn the gTIIl/nd pUrXing arC:ll De!limllhe pm[lus.:J
l.ihrnl'Y' .\1r3. Wei:5burg menlioned Ihllt lilt: City of Miami Bc:!ch plnll.~ (0 bu ild a IH:W
Pcllilmlillg An:s Center tor the lUl:ll( I Ji~h Schuol. 'Ihis couid rrnviJ<, tho r.H:iJi~ ((I
!ICr.:c11J11t1lldale perlbrnlinl.: nee:d:! in the city.
7. A RTk IN PlIFil.IC SI'ACES; Mr, (Jnloml Kohe:11 hroU!-;ill ur 111e: ~ub.i~l,;( or t\1'l~ in Public
I'rllce~l <1011 hlll~ it wu~ impon!lnl that il he in harmony wirh the Cultul'<1) Di,~tricl. Th..
Mchil(.'(;/Ji hclieve rlllU ui~ctl.!j:-ii()ns with the Arts is Pun/;c PI~ !.lilliI'd shuulo I.x;~in t:i1rly,
50 tL~ (0 ellSure Ihul the: An will ~l/lllnce lhu deE/i/;\n intolll uf e;ach indiv'"iuual ~I(lIctlJre ill the
plfrk .,-~ well ~ lhl: CulLuml Uilllric.: ll:'l i1 whole. II W\lS nbo slIgguslcd thll! the dty scuk ;1
COltlrctilivu met/Wd to nflow anlsL'\ Iv pro:-ll;:nT Works or IIrt f()r the Project. Mr. "'Ii~~ ITom
the Culllny '/hunter :lug;;esleu the: iuua Ot'1I SCUlplur!:! (';.lrJl:!n illlhe park.
a) I.nculion or Childrun's Scction: Ciertruuc MifllJr~lIR::usl~d reversing dlt! usus of l!1t.:
libnuy n/llhuy Illl; in the proPOse\! nlJi kJinB. Mtlvin~ Ihl.: ndull.' to tllu lir~1 1l1ll1l' flUU (he
children 10 Ihe ~oc(lnd Iloor wlluld OS,'UI-C thullhe Lihr"ry \AlOU Id IlOt ,QCCrn empty during
the do)' .~jnCc I.:hildrcn do '11,/ visil tJle Llhr.u:ILJntil /lltor ,~CllO()1 in lill! afternoo/l, Mr.c;.
J >i= RlIllll.:l1~oll voiced t:l1l\ccms ill n:!:arw to hllvinL: the childrun 's ~Ct;tiOIl mOVe luthe
Sl:C()IUJ floor, ,~I/(;h l!.~ il\l.:n:tl.~eJ liability. nCli~c C011lrlll. n~:t;u,;,~ ful' ,'LT(lllu/.~ <<flU <ll.::;:;ss
lo UHn.len. She II111u l1Iellliunc!c/ lhlll ,he Lihl'IIfY \:lIl.ld pmviul.: ;idlJitiOlllll [lrogll:lm,\ Illr
childnm during If,~, ony, inl.:luJing lillk.Jlt:r~ nnd SCl1(Joll1gu chijcJn::J'n [1ro:,:num.
h) I{eferonce: A PArticipant ::Xpro~~oo hi.~ vic:w Ihlll il W:4. inlpurt'lnr III hl1Vu ~, IlIUIIY
de~h ror rcf<:l'::ncc: buoks n~ /IHNC ltllO\:ltluu tn CU"'I'"IC"".
Rtll'll.:rr ^..'Y1. Srt'r[l ^i'dliln:t~
"';"V .1
lu.Kcnlca ~H^ ~o~o
'iW Waf J1dl Slrl'1:1, '1("W York. NY 10001 Id ,~I~ 'J(l7 ~IO() I;~h ,~Il %/ ').,xx
Summary of PrUl<lJntntioll>> 10 Commullil)'
City of MiullIi AClICh - Rcginllf\l] .Ibntry
NIIl,lc:mhc:r In. 1991l
I'l1g~ ,'j
Oversi.l.c hlloks: Il i:l important III il1l511n: Ih:lt then: will he.: Illrge ~;'elviJll!' III
O\;t:l)lnmll<!nre lurge y()julllr::~ of Illd hi~lllri(;al and An rmllh. SirnilHrly, d\en: s(',";ld
he desb IHrge ellolJ!!h 10 view such ovel'siZt: vlllun1c,~.
l)i~rl<lY: 'Illerc wa.~ t;xpressod imeresl in havill&', displ~y .lI'ens Oil wt:llls illhl UII lllbl~)
IhrnuglllJ\l1 lllt: l,illl'lIry,
linlrrlncu: GerTruu!! MilicI' ll11.pruHH<!ci COllccrnou 01,1";1' llh: lIeec:.'i.'i.ibiliry lolln: I,;brul'j' Jill'
rH.:(Ic.~rrinn~ tlrrivin~ by nu" rnlnI Cullin}; ,0, Vt:llliC. Ifowever, II is e41111lly importnlll tu
h!lvc lhe entry or Ihe new Lihl'luy eSlobli~h 1\ dynlllllk Jil1lo11 with Ihl: t:nlr~nce~ (0 Ihe
Rnllel ~nt.llh~ linss Musuum. '111c t:ur:-ent prol)useu l!l1try wllll.:h nlllh frtllll~ lhl.: plu'k
!lilt! Yl!1 alidresJ.l!s Ih~ cornel', ..cctlmpiish,,~ f'llllh,
(iarden: There Wll~ t:nnccm e"'pre~.s8(j (lver tht: flrtlfXlRed gllnJun ill lilt: hHt:k of the
librnry which fncc:i Hn R stor)' suh~idi7.:d lil,lillll arart01("1ll huildinlt. '111L: Ar::hire...:l
t1u~crihtd the.: inlont in IIsill!.! a pcrglllll or Ir(!lIi.~ ro ~crUCIl Iht: t\llrtJl.:n 1'1'011\ the
ncighl'Ol'il\g nuildin~3
Arclijyc,~ ClfL'II}' or Miami IJcllch: Mr. SlUIlI1. Alllmbc:l1.: sll~esled the m~111illll Ill' ~Il
archive~ lire a in the l.imry to hOUl<<l UO('"lIIllC:llls Ihal are .=Ilor!!u all anlllnLl th" ('0111:1;-
This will cn:lIll! n "rent re,()urcc for Ibe cily.
. .-........... I I-"\,(\ -..;V_...."
PAG~ 7
4hll '\X'r.\1 .\4Ih -",rl'cl, Ne..... Vorl, ~y 10001 'Id.'l~ %7 ~I()() F:1x .~12 %1 ),)HH
Nnvell1f'ler 10,19')1(
Borrelli & A_nellA t~
Meetlhl[ Mlnu'('jl
noh"I'l A.M. S'''rrl Al'lhil'~.l.,
MeerlDI[ wIth Llhnry OrticlJilIs
Ollte/rJme: Wed. Ocl. 211, IO(,l!l
2:()() p.m.:
Hy: 111)'0 KIlJLT Zchedc
Alex l.nrni~ (PrincipII I, Rnbol.t ^.M. ,':iILTfl ^"chltccl~)
himt: ROl"1.llli (PrinciplIl, Bllm:1I1 llnd ^,~hocii1los)
Jnyn Zcncdc (l'llljccl Mllnngor. Borrelli nud ASll11Cilllcs:)
Mllrcull/'-rankcl (I'rinciplS/. Jll'Iinkd and ^!illocilllcl;. 111':,)
Jorge I~ Chnnrolnd (Project MOlll1llcr lilr cit)- or Miumi R~cll)
RUYlnond ~llJllill8C1 (Dircctllr. Minmi.neue PUhlic , ,ibra1) System)
Hnrriet S<.:hwHnko (^):li~lItrll Dirc;anr, Miallli~nlldc Puhlic r .ihrury SY.9IUITl}
A~endlf: Review prtlpO:lCl;ll.ihrnry prol,,:m1n nnlJ de:li~ll.
~lIl11mlry: 'nle following. n"" i:l':'uc.~ fhat w~ o~lect or tJiscuil.,iun during tht: l11eelini'
I. ^! Jl)ITURII 1M: The llLldikJriUIn .~hould b~ lurger lUl Ilull if cnll IlCCorTlllllldll1tJ up III 150
pcuple. M'Cl1ilccfs will incn:Hsc its ~i:.r.e, hy rnllnipuJaling ~lJprllrr areas ilruund it. The
Lihrary ollicjHI~ alSll ex,..re~ thaI illllo~tiun collJ mllve llincc there Willi nu /leo.,d to hnvu
IlliCf'Illrale CIlIr..ncu for Auditorium. Using the Audilllrillm during Ilff hOllO., will Pn:3CIlI
a OIlll1o/:lumont pmbrCIll Jilr The lihmry. Given the proximil)' to UIOVlllUl', urellite::t:; wiff
r..ukc IlCl:CIi~Ury lOerull/res III .shielJ the: noi!lc from thu Quditurllllll.
1. KI.I:V A 11.lRS; 'Jbere mMY nUII'C Ihe neeu for twu elev:1tlll':l for the puhlic. One lill' ,hu
Jlll~lic line! nile fur IIt1rvioc /lhuuJd he: sutllclt!IlI.
,l, CHrr ./)t{I:N~' M<r:A: '111e Childrcn 's area .~hou'd he Sll1allcr. Then: WRS dlsc:ISsiOI1 a.~
III thu rO:l.'lihility ufmuviul! if lJp~lHin.;. '!11~ Hrollileel c;.;prl.:.'lst:LJ rtUlt while r<<Jllcing if:tJ !ii:t~
it is best tll keep il dOWTlSltllirs. There: can hi: more I'rogmllls for c;ilildrell dllrinfllh~ d:,y,
10 Hvoiu thu reclil1!:j ()f'w"'kin~ into 1111 'emply Iihrnry' while children :u'l: Ht Scholl I.
4. Cll<CUI.AT/ON WORK ROOM: "ne Circularion 'work /(llllll call he small!::!'
5. SI~CllHITY: Th\lrl! WIJIIIl cli3Cu.~silln Uholll se-.curily. 'Jnc I.ihnuy llrlirill/R folt thlll Inc
pur.~On nl the ciruullltillll de.~k CNlnlll o\lersee Ilctiviry III 1I1l! OI'Ull f111C'lctllc.:J lo l:url'cm
lil:t;oll. lht.")' :lUll!:csreu nlnvi/l.\: 1J1C circulation ut:Sk to the frolll. I III wever. Mr. l.ntni.~
c""pluim:d Ihllt ir WIIS illlPllrtl1nt 10 ka:p rile /,uhli.: llf'Ou~ ill (hlOr. It WHS 1;1I.!!~C:iled to 111m
[he .'ilacks i/llh~ olher d il'ucl ion fu ulluw ~n.:OIcr visihllir)' inlll urea Ihnn eirculation dcsic
Ii, COFFHE f'lA~: The< l.ihl"lJ/)' umt:i:J11:i ljllC3tiolll'(j the pml)o~cd IIlCHt;Ofl oflhc l.,tJ~'\: hHI'.
II WII._ SUHb'Cfllu<.llhlll die nrcl1ilucls rClOCl11u il Hujnculllln rl,e ~ltrciCII providing UC<.'l:.<;~ III
the: "lIlu[lurs,
7. EXP ENnARI.E 'P A Ctc<, M~. Sd,w""" ""r"',,,'" d~lll" (.."OW"" ,,_. ""0",'" y
rl~~ NO.~v( ll/ll =~ 1
R,,/,,'"r A.."-t'irc:rn 1\I'II,iln;(~
lD:K~nica FAX S635
PAG=: s
II '1;',1'_)1.". ')()-/ 'il[)() L'.',I,1.1). 'Xli ,),)/iH
.11ll) W(~r 5<1111 ,iii n~ct, Nl'W York, NY 1001 , r
M illlltcs of II Mooling with l.ibrlll) (}fljl:illl.'\
CiTY or Mhllni Hcich - Re~junlll Lihr.lry
November 10. 19911
ra~e :2
in the progrnm I1re expcndebl;;:
A, Cumf)ulor Tmining l{oOln (Training sessiur.s l'oulc.J lake plnee ill Ihe ~llditllrilllll
wilh a nrnjection scrCI.:T1.
n. I..)uil!l Study R.oom
C. Slllnll liunrc:ronce room
D. Young AlIull Mllnnger Ul'ncc. (ColJlcl he SlntlouctI in Reference un:u)
L. Yuung Adult Stllll'. (Could be 1I111liuncd in neferell~ 1m":!)
X. MIAMI HEACII ARc.:II(VE~; The ;lI11Ue or"n IIrea nlloculccllll Millmi Lkltlih im.:hi'/es
WlI., di~cull~. Mr. Snntiago nOlal Ih;llulthough IL Is a [1ossihili'y, il pn:s~nL5 problt:tns
in term.s or lil.ltJitillOllI :llllmng lhat will tle requirctJ.
9, ^KI~ I N PI JRI.IC PLACF_io;: ArchiTecrs should he involvcJ with the proceS.':i ul' NuluClillll.
Mr. Lamis feel!; Ih..1 ilclIn he I grellt opp<>r\.unit}. I k wuuld likc 10 be: nUliliuc.J "fl.ll!; I1C;<1
rllc.cting ofTIte Art:l in Pulllic l'IRCCli UOllru in ord~t'I~1 ~cl involvt:c1 n" ~nrly ij~ flll!;l;ihll.:
Mr. Chllnl1ll1d will rry tn sL:huclule this /IIcoting.
10. Fl.I~XIIJILlTY: '11C: LibrHry ()fficial! would likLllhc new / .ilmuy to pl'llvidu J1ulIihilily
in "rder In al.ltJn.lAA chanHillB "I!$'L'l t\lId tllchnullll!\Y. Mr. l.4tn~ pn:~cnted Utu pm\l<ihililY
nr haying II mi~c;c.1 nOliI' ill I.:urwin I1m/IOO :iI'ClIS. which Illlhnll::ll n CLlStly flroflo~ili()n,
illlows Ihr \;rcmc:r I1uxlbility fnr ndapling 10 lillure ledullJlob'Y, SOl11e IK1W I.ihrnrie!; IHiVC
all X" r.tiscd noor. Mr. J ..:uni.~ stllU(cslLXllhll1 in thi.!i C3!<C.:J 2 Yo' or J' rlii"ud nonr mlly hI.!
~uJ1iL:icnl for cunJuil<<. It i~ nl90 fXI!'."i h ILl In miRe Ole /1001' only in high lu(;hnlll(l~ ,m:Ll:'t
KIIJ roli~41 thl' lilllh ~l other nrCll~.
II. SI!H. vIer:: 'J1Il:rc: will he n Ilced fur u miHt:d IllMdin~ dock nl JO". Then.: i~ 1\\1 IICCJ till'
dud lL:veler:<>. 'lllllrc will be fl dLllnf'l:il.L:r nnd n reL:yding COntJlillcr.
12, STAFF: TI't! l.ibrury officinls dc::lL:l'ilxxf the r'C(lldroJ .,talfing rur the n~w (.Ibrary. There
will D<.: ilppro~irlllllcly 2S peoplc tln Stllft; workln~ two shitt~. whiL:h m~nns lilallhere ""ill
he 12 nl om: lime, twu Ilrwhidl will bl: security.
/1. ueX)K SECURITY: Bl1(\K .cl.urily ~y~tel11 (0 he ,1M. Th\:f'o will he.: on:: :!<;JL:huI.:K,:lM
lype I!lSil.
/4. NIIMBl'.1{ 01; VOI.IJMI.~S: AlthollRh lhe nroUl11ll1 clllluJ /ilr 20o.()(J(J V()IU111e~, ir is
unlikely thl\llhc I.ihntl"'j will ever hm:e 111111 many, ce'f1l1inly not nr the buginning, 11 .....IlS
sllggc~cJ IOI'\':ll1ovu ~()I1\t." urlho I:helvin!o\, which will illililllly he enllil)' llnu r"t them ill
~1<ll'llge. Mr'. Lumi.~ rnve... cd hllvinl; Ie:.:. ~Il!l:ks in rhe plun~, ;1.~ :hc IIn:li.~ loul> somcwr:;ll
/5. BA THf<OOMS: Hnthroulnll should bt: uc:o<igned 9udllhal UII',- (;Un hc hl1S.:d Jll....n ('PI'
cleaning. Provide tlul;h ltlilu(.l;, dl"llill in tl(lor. no :mup di:!pcll:lU"., IInd ceiling /nOlI/lieU
rnrrililln~. I'rnvidc grllffiti proor ~urfuc.:es, such liS n I.:hellp FormlCIl tlwt L:l1n he c~:!iJy
r~plllclHI. I'roviuc iicpnrnte hlilhrool1l lOr chilJrcll. Provide doors III hltJ.hrllorns :J~
. -'- ..-.......... I ......"..l,. ~ ~o J.
ID:Kcn;ca FHX S635
PAG= 9
4M 'X't'sr Yilh Slrl'Cl. NI'W York. NY WOOl Ii-I /I! %? ~I()O ha 211 %7 ~)HH
Minutu!: of A Mooling wilh Lihrl1r)' (lnkinl~
City of Mil1l11i HC<lch . l{ct:illnall.lhrllry
Nllvcmher 10, 19911
Page J
l~lI"c:rr A.M. .'i't:rll ArL'hlh":'\ I.>f'rcl~ed lu privncy ~l'Ctl;'l;'l.
l<i, Mr-:CIIANICAI. SPACF.i:;: II b imponlllll to l:er. i\ tflcilili~~' Illflllllger nlld tllu (;lIl1s11Jlil1!!
c:1k!ineer!/ involved Ii~ carly ns fln,~.~iblc III Illcnre SInd ,i,,~ nprrorrinh' Illuelrienl und
1I1l.:t:hSl/liCSll rllllm<: Il~ .....ell ;]1: I'qui"m~llr elll~cl~.
17. WALl. SI }1{f.'ACF.~: The r .ihrary wi\lI~ .....ill he };l1eelrock. Then: will he Ii hCllVY dUly
Rcrylic surface lip w.1' inlhe ,~er..ic:.: nrc~. 'Jill.l <.ialk:ry wnJI... will h:1Ve Iw(\ Inyt:r~ 01
plyWlllld tinder the ,~he~ll'llck.
~ \l'AJ'~..\f l.~...,."._... ~_i,,,'1 ""'h 11I..'Y' 11f11ol*,It..."u
I~"lwfl' A.M. SI"I'II i\rchill'l.H
_.LV" r,i...if'll 4...;d iH'.... ~o...;.o
i--~G~ 1')
,lW W,~I J,id. Slr..:,c, NC'W 'york. NY I 0001 '1~lll'l %7 ') I D() Fax 211 \)(,7 'i'i~X
Noyember III, IQQl(
Rurrclll & ^"Mldlll~
Mootln\; Mlnutell
Mcetl_1t with City II( MIAmi Rellch Hl~toric Prc.'le""\ltlll. omciul.<l
l)lIle(l'Imc: Th, 0<;1. 29. 19qH
IU:UlJ a.m.:
By: J:lYIl Kllucr I~l'tedc
Alex [.lImi~ (fJ~incirl\l. Rnoort A.M. Slern ^rchilocls)
Juime Hllrclli (I'rincirnl, nmn:lli llllJ ^~ocilll\.."'l)
Jl1Yu l.chcuc (ProjC(.."t Mllnllt,:cr, Burrclll and ^ssllcilllCS)
Ml1rcus Fl"llnkel (I'rinciplll. FrdIlk.c1llJlo i\.'isociutes. Inc.)
Jorye E. ChHnrand (Project Mana~tJr fill' City ('If MilunI Rcud1)
Tom Luny (Hi~lUric IJreservlltion)
WHilom CUI) (l'!isux'ic Prc:lCrVlltilln)
Ab'Cnda: Review pr()pll.~lld l.ihl"llry nnd Park de:-;iL:n wilh III' officiols
Mr. l.uny uus::rlbcJ tIll: P!1ll,;;;'<;I; for nbtuining huilJillg llnd demolitioll permit;, rnJlll llat' l:ity or
Miami Hl:lIch. lie commented nn the City's cJlJ.~ign guidelines which are m~nllll f'roll1ot~ good
desilln 1100 yet nul rie t1rchitedli Ln any sJ'IllCilic ~lyle. Projects have to he appruvod hy [h~
Ilesign IU1<! RIIVK.,W 1l1ll&rulIlld Ihe: Ilistnric Pre.cCNaLillfl HlIltrd. William lmy f~els thai lhe
current ,chcmIlLic; pnckllge ~l\ rru:tcnlul fill' d'K.": comf"Ctit.ion i~ Huflicicnt ClIr illilillllllcl\ltillp,s with
(tic LJK and Ill' nonrdJ:. '111e upcoming lTIllOlllltJ.:llU1: I )ec. lHh uml Jun. 12'10. Il Wll:j uccidcoJ Illot
Ih~ Library Design Team will prc.'lOOt to the De:lig/l Kt:vicw Rl1l1rd on J:wullry 12'". IJrio!" 10 (Ili~
IIIlld.ill~. the Tenm !lhuuld rnet=l wiLh the City IttluOl~>' I Jll'ry l.evi tn discll.'i\i isxuc:I fXll'lllillin~ tll
Iho polldill!) 3cquillicion of land. und hm... III howl MJJn:.a. it in the! Arrlicntil>n. TI,er\.! ill lime unl il
NUH::lllbcr JO'1o to "uhl1lit f\rrlicaLjon.~ I1ntl nlhtJr rO'1UirCIIlCIlI::l. illcllldin;; lillt /inti luhcls of' 1111
o.....ners \Virnjl) .175 t"et:l ofpmjocL
^l,"-Clme pllinl hulilft: ~lllr1inlt dt:sj~n developmenl. it L'i imponanl11> mllel wilh nllil:jlll~ Crtllll tilt:
Firll r~rartmul1l, Accull...ihililY ()t'partrnenl and dIe fluilding ~pur1mc.:nt 10 cn~lJrc Ihlillhll du..ign
l:onforlm to 011 t.heir rec;uirclTll.:nL,.
'111c following an: commenls rrolTl WilliullI ClIry illl'l:gtlrds to tht: proposed I.ihrnry and Park:
I. PARK: Mr. CUI)' CJlpn:HlltlJ concern ovcr tho Iffj'n.~III(lrucH. cum:lllly in 111<: rurk.llJull~
'11" .~trccl. lie ti:t:I~ lha! the huiklin/,;" in rmnl III' lhc pi:lrk IIlong '21" :-llr~'t.ll rm:.~\.:lll
si!"mi fll.:llnl Al'l Oce,> lilt.:llUeS. Thuy shoul<j rclllJ :IS parlor lhl: eu Ilur~ I J)i.~lricl ~nlJ nul
t.:llst ore hy the pm[)nseu dc.:n:!c lree Ilrca.
2, JlARKIN<,: Mr. Cllry u><pr<:><Hud concum IIvur lho introduclion of dill!;lInlll pllrkil1H nn
ClIllin:'i l'llrk 11lonl; 2'"' lUlU 22M Streel.:5. (11e: cxplltined that I.here Me 110 precedents Cnr
lJ lc1~lHll pltr1<.illg In lhlltllrcll). I Ie woull.! ['refer for pllrJllcl [Xjrkmg co he 1'~:llI;ect 01 Ihe:c;e
h.:ntiolls. I Ie dUl,.":j nlll have a prublClIl with diKgOII1l1 Pllrking on the hlm;k I ;,:lst of c.,lIins.
(Jplions fot' IJro\lidill~ ilddiLiollUI pHrkillg wen: Ji~lI:lS1X.1 AJt.ling lInlllhor Sllll)' orporkinl!
at the gam~>e ill foosihl.:, 9~ the :.-uniol; huighllimit ill .'iO'. Thu arr.:hilocl will 111/111 \lxrl"t'~
I{,,!'err 1\,""1. .)1"'11 ,\... 1t00t'~'L\
v ~ ,,~. I j va i Hi\ ':;;:'0V00
PAG= :~ 1
4~1) W z~ I C' .. \J (.k NY I Cl(JO I "',., .'ll ')('-t' (I(Xl I':1x 212 'Xli ~'iHH
II . (''I :"11 I ,..;. r,'CI, ,.,....... H' , _ _ I
M inUlt::! of n Mt:tlting with l'i1y of Millmi Ucuch II i:1loric Pn.:.~t'I\IHti\'n ()f1ieillb
Cily oj'Miumi lJulIeh - Rcgi('null.ihr.try
N,"'onlh"r 10, 14JlJR
Pngt' :!
f1(lq!lihi/iri~~ ~Il ill&.:rc,;II;e pl1rkill~ 1':'I~1 \IrC()llin.~. ......hill.: ~=,ra'nll1fo; lli:: Cllillintrity ,'["the f1:lr:,
II' Ihu XC"".
fiA f{1\ ( iL: Mr. l'ulY cmphasi7.ed Ihe imp(lrt:llleu of rho (;IlI'I1t\e elcvi1[inll,~ lInclliuw t!h:
ievel uf detKillll lell!!t 011 the e;rmll1u reta.il flo.1r~hn'ilJ conftJrm wil.'1 lhe ~C.'I uf' the
tJistricl. He enOtll'lIotl thll gUli1gc'.\ rw'J ~epKr!lte etllr:m~:! J~,~ illcir lower ilrtjC~iIH:IllI1,
An;h;teels .,hould C:1.liurc lhllt vellll.:le l,uaLIII~hl, flr~ .~creened frum the ~Ired.
,'iTEf.T~l'/d'r.:: There should be 1\ Slrtle!!lcape Ju,;if!./1 incluJin~ rIlVCr:\, IlghL'; nrl(j
signllge which xhouIJ CI1I1)' throu~h within tht: CIIIlurdl i:<unptJ~. I\rchilecl:i .~r.(1ujJ t,;(Ill~l;lI
with Churlclo RlICklt::!, Llll1d.'u:etrc t'trchlll.lCl fur me Ci/:y (J( MillIlli BCl:Ich 10 cii~Cll)i~
rossibilirie:. lil( w/llkwHYs and paVer In'ltalllltioll. SiW1RU:': Pllt:kll!l~ will rUYlIirtl a ,~~pll1':1te
R( rl1JNI IA: Mr. CIlI) Ilhj~h: to uHing lht: Huluncio ll.~ ,1 purtill'llllng ~rlj(.:e i(" it /',;:~uir('s
Kclditilllllti ~4"llrc ri)()fll~l:. III.: ,'UgJ;CMed r~tltinmg ;";Jrt ur rhe existilllJ wfllkwny III rhe.:
RotllndlL lIt: relr thaI rccremir.l:: the origintll mU1l1 Ilround il was H tl-1'clIl id~H. 1ft: ijls(\
curnmCllll.:U 11IHt there 1lI1I)' he L:onc~m nbllUI the ROILllldn UOSC1.II;ng lht: I,ibnll)' !i111ll
Collins A VI:. He discllssed tho po~~inilily nl'mllving lhe /{oluntlla 1.0 the [::L~I glue or
Collins ^ venuc.
I.JTlRARV IHIILDIN<i: '111c 1I~lll mOllltllr~llIlllld nmil".cl Soull~wRI'd 10 lICllh~ untrnllCC
n,Il';;ll.h: lilrwltfd find di~1 ingLJiJ\h;1. Crealinu II !o:tmllg ~~Il"O of untry WtM illlpllllt1n! durin!:;
the Art Deco period. Tnt: t:urncr :!hlluld he RtltlrossL'l.!. 0:1 Cllmt;,~ were nlso importnllllilld
slrolll.:ly IIrticlliliLeu t:/I.!melll!o: dLlrin~ !.he ^rt Decu period, The enlmnL:c 10 rhe Lihrnr:-
,~hOllld nol he shilled III the rnidtlli:: os WI1S ~ugge:;ll.ld by Mr~. (jt;l1nlde Mi/ier durinbl tl1<'
communil)' nlt:<:linSJ. '!llt; rnrklnl,lIUI I\t the Northwe~l CUmc:' or the l.ihmry 5huuld be
/'lIrrhcr nniculnlt:<j 113 flUI'! of lhc huilJinlZ, and not jusl reotl Q.~ n plW\ill!; lor. '!ll~rc is ;1
yue:sIIOllllS to h:<lving thb spocu only n~ I'ltI"icir'l;. ft.' ir i6 very vltl1mblc rOil! e~ll:llc. und
pcrhllps Jllure sllClllld h~ pf1lvis;(Jns tur fUlurc U.'ic.
"""' "JUwIf""\ II ltill\L4 .... ~~""II" t 111.....11: I're.., .."'lOll "'loll
Octob~r 28, 1998 by The Bridge The:lter
1. Th~ 21st Street Rotunda is J Performing Ar..s Asset and should be J..!1 integ:-::..i p:: or' c..~e CUI2:-:li
2. Most Broadway touring shows whkh come to TOPA perform music:!..! works, (see aC:J<.:l1d prog:-::.::-:s
for ~Victor, Victoria) perform at the 21st Street Rotunda, frequently accomp:1.':.id by L.~e ROC'.l:1c3. pi:1.'10, :2
the great s.Jtisfadon of the generll public. Tn~ acoustics are ex:e!lem to those who uncersi::1.-:C i:.1e use 3.::c.
purpose of the rotunda.
3. Michael Spring, Executive Director of t.1e Dade Cour:ty Cultural Ar..s Coun'.::l. SJ:;s :'':e 2 ~Si: Si:[;;;;:
Rotunda is a better facility WiL1 potencial as a first r:lte performing a.m vent1e thJn r;:OSi: of t.':e sp:l.:es
currently receiving funding. Nin~ty-nine seat theater houses, (A.:tors Equir:.,r Asso.:iJt:cn IT::lximuo heuse s:.:e
for the Small Professional Theater contracts) are the hem and soul of developing, experiment::.! tb.e:J.te:-. T::e
size allows maximum use of audience space and minimum tinancial obligation for the profession:J...! tf-JeJte:-
4. Tne RoC'..mda firs into existing philosophy with respect to funding capi:::.! de'/elopme:'.t progrJITIS :'or
the arts by improving already exiting spaces, r3.ther than building new ones. Funding L1erefore '.vould be
e:lSier to secure, and in f3.ct could be lever3.ged by the already sec'.lred fundir:g for l1e Cul:,.:r::.! C:lr::9t.:s.
potemi:1.lly creating eve:! more funds for th~ Cultural Carnpus if the Rotunda is 3. pcrr"oroing 1m sp:.!.:e.
5. An architecrur31 plan th3.t includ~s t..~e RomndJ as 3. perfor=r:ir:g 2...-"'::; s;::l':: :ll!c.."s r'cr 2iZ"e:ldy lei:n::::::
funding sources, (Dade County Cultural Affairs Council, the Swte of Florida, u.1e K:esg: Found.1t:on, :L-:.d :':-.e
Cor..munity Development Block GrlI1ts for ~fiami Be3.ch) to b~ sought. Should no r.::::s be ;:roc'.lred, J...11
alte:-native plan to not develop t..1e Romnda as a performing arts space could be impie:::;;::::::. V :::-y sim~.y 2-
~in~ and ~out~ set of plans which ke:eps t..1e door open on this gre.1t opportunity was sugg:::i:e::: by ;...fi<.:h.1:!
6. 'Nhile the proposed Black Box space will serve Area Stage, and some or t..1e pcr:'or::::ng grJups of
Mi:uni Beach, t.1.c gre:lt r:ujority of important residem performing J.r'"cS grou;:s :1.1C :l:::s:s ',;;:11 ,:o:'.c:J.ue :0
need small professior.:1.l spaces like the Rotunda in which the most important new ar: is l'.:;;or::pl:shed. sp::..:es
which allow risk tl..1cing and sometimes slow developm~m of t..1e art form while r::2.x:m~:ng ~1e rer..:i:':: for c.'::
performing arts org1l1iz:::.tion.
8. Promised ope:1 public dis.::.!ssion about the c:unpus and Romnda before r1:'.:::.1 ce..::s:on.s :Lld
recommendations has r.ot ta.k:e:! pla...:e. Betore. during and afte, t.1c ~[i:l.rni Bc:::.,.:h Clcy C0rr~-:::ssi0n '.'o:e :~
approve the initial plan.s for the Cultural Campus Tne Bridge T:1cater h:lS cooc:::,'.::::d mer::oers or" t..':e ove,s:g~.:
committee for L1e Cult'.:ral Cm:pus. This process has required cominu3l mon:t:::cing 5ir..;e ::;;:''':: '-.om c.':e
performing groups lme,es(:ed in t..1e ROtuncil nJS not been encour3.ged.
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:Zaben A.M. Sre;n Architects
. . -" .
460 West
Srreet, New York, :-""'r' 1 000 1 Td 21:: 96-:
) hx 212 %- 5:;83
October 27, 1998
Miami Beach Regional Library
File: 98011.03
The following notes are minutes ofa meeting of the Cuitu:-:ll Complex O\'e~3ight Comminee t-N
the Miami each Regional Library.
Sharon Bart
Diane Camber
Don Chauncey
William Cary
Jorge Chartrand
Beth Dunworth
Alvaro Fernandez
Dean Grandin
Goland Kohen
Nancy Liebman
Richard Lane
Jay Miller
James Quinlan
Nanene Rodriguez
Harriet schwanke
allan Schulman
Jaime Borrelli
Jaya Zebede
Marcus Frankel
Alexander Lamis
Christine Kelley
CMB Planning
Boss Museum
Miami Dade Public Library
CMB Planning
CMB Public Works
Performing ArtS Center
Cultural Arts Council
CMB Planning
Cultural Am Comminee
Vice Mayor. C~IB
Miami City Ballet
Steiner & Associates
eMB Am, Culture & Er.ter::?it'~'Tlem
eMB Media Relations
Miami Dade Public Library
Allan Schulman Architect
Borrelli Associates
Borrelli Associates
Frankel & Associates
Robert A.M. Stern Archite::.:;
Robert A.M. Stern Archite:ts
I. Meeting agenda - The meeting was established as follows:
A. Architect to present the proposed design for Miami Regional ~ote
B. Comminee question and answer session.
C. Review of project schedule.
D. Appoint a comminee chair.
E. Establish next steps.
2. Project Review - Robert A.M. Stem Architects and Borrelli \:ote
Architects present competition model and boards to the Comrninee.
(Question & answer session).
3. Black Box Theater - The Comminee discusses the USe of the
existing rotunda as a black box theater. It is noted that the black
box theater is greatly needed and has much community support.
There is concern that a black box theater in the existing rotunda
might require an addition to the existing Structure. Architect to
Roben A.M. Stern Architects
460 West
Street, ~ew York. 0. ~{ 1000 I Tel 212 967
o Fax 212 967 5588
Minutes of a Meeting
Miami Beach Regional Library
October 27, 1998
Page 2
contact theater consultant and determine programmatic
requirements for a black box theater. Miami Beach to provide
theater program information. Bass Museum offers Morris Lapidus
exhibit as a ptoential use ofr the rotunda space if it is nor utilized
as a black box.
4. The Rotunda - The Comminee states that the preservation of the
rotunda could be altered or determined by the cost of preservation.
The architect recommends that the Cicy do a survey of the rotunda
in order to determine state of the existing conditions. . MB to
5. Permits - The Comminee notes that the school demolition requires
Cicy Appropriateness from the History Preservation Board for
demolition. This is a three month process with the Historic
Preservation Comminee. The review by HPC will also include the
approval for the development of the site. Two applications will be
required, one for Collins Park and one for the Library.
6. Sidewalks - The Comminee requests that sidewalk material be
considered early so that sidewalk paving at the Bass :Vfuse:..lm is
consistent with the overall plan of the park.
7. Schedule - The Comminee notes that scheduled openings are as
Bass Museum - October 1999
Ballet Building - August 1999
8. Comminee Chair - The committee chair for the project will be
Nancy Liebman.
9. Boardwalk - The Comminee inquires about the architects feeling Note
on the boardwalk and any ideas on extension of Collins Park
toward the boardwalk. The architect had no immediate response
since this relationship was not studied as pan of the competition.
10. Collins Park - The Bass Museum would like to see the park more Note
open to accommodate a sculpture exhibit. Currently the Museum
feels that there are too many trees to accommodate sculpture,.
particularly in the east-west direction.
II. Trees - The Comminee requests that the architect consider Note
retaining the bener trees that currently exist on the site. It is noted
that some of the tre~s on the site are registered to be maintained
and preserved. Additional shade trees are suggested so that the
park will have greater use in the summer months.
\.oberr A.M. Seem Archieects
-~. ~~
460 West Screet, New York. ~'Y 10001 Tel 212 96i'. ) Fax 212 967 5588
Minutes of a Meeting
Miami Beach Regional Library
October 27, 1998
Page 3
12. Parking Meeting - November 4th is slated for a City meeting to
discuss the parking lot and library lot to determine the extent and
location of parking.
13. Children's Garden - Garden wall to show access that can
accommodate a tractor-mower for lawn maintenance.
14. Auditorium - Library auditorium appears small. Architect to
15. 21 st Street - Comminee discusses the possibility of using fewer
trees along 21 It Street so that the park is open to the retail on the
south side of21" Street The architects note that fewer trees at 22nd
Street and Liberty Avenue is designed to create a more open
intersection with limited traffic for pedestrian access. This
condition does not exist at 21 II Street. Architect to review.
16. Garage Elevators - The Building Comminee is concerned that one
elevator at the parking garage may not be sufficient. Architects to
study. Building Comminee requests that the architect look at a
garage entry point on Liberty so that traffic can queue on 23nl
Street. Architect to review with garage consultant The Committee
also suggests fast tracking the garage project and inquires as to
how this might impact construction of the Library.
17. Library Collection - The architects estimate approximately 200,000
books are in current design.
18. Exhibition Space - The architect notes that there will be space for
exhibition in the Children's Library.
19. Computer Areas - The architect confirms that there are computers
in both the Adult Collection and the Children's Collection.
20. Schedule - October 28, 1998 . Architect to meet with Library to Nare
review Library program. 2 P.M.
October 28, 1998 - Public Meeting with Cultural
Complex Building Comminee. 5 P.M. Location
to be announced.
November 4, 1998 - Parking Garage Site Meeting
November 17, 1998 - Building Comminee
meeting, II A.M. Miami Beach City Hall.
November 18. 1998 - Commission meeting, City
Hall. Time to be announced.
Roben A.M. Srern fuchirects
460 West
. Srreet, New York, NY 10001 Tel 212 967. JO Fax 2129675588
Minutes of a Meeting
Miami Beach Regional Library
October 27, 1998
Page 4
These minutes reflect the Author's understanding of eVents as they OCCUlTed. Please submit
comments within 5 days of receipt.
Respectfully submined,
N II 991",cn1l>-911MJA.'-iIBCHMTGO:7 "'!>d
City Attorney
(305) 673-7470
(305) 673-7002
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Commission
Murray H. DUbb.. in ( \ /l}u~tL ~
City Attorney ~Vi \lJ
DATE: April 12, 2000
Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Nancy Liebman, the above referenced resolution
is submitted for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission.
cc: Lawrence A. Levy
City Manager
Agenda Item --.R., L I
Date t..i -l '2 - OD
1700 Convention Center Drive -- Fourth Floor -- Miami Bf