043-2000 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 170f) CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us 43-2000 LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DA TE: March 9, 2000 TO: SUBJECT: OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE As a follow-up to the City Commission meeting held on February 9, 2000, I requested a report for the Code Compliance Department concerning the above subject matter. Ms. Bea Kalstein had expressed concerns during the Stanley Sutnick portion of the Commission meeting that many businesses were operating without an occupational license. Attached is a report from the Department of Code Compliance concerning the enforcement action taken with respect to this issue. #APc:ebt F:\CODE\$ALL \OCCLICEN.MEM Attachment Occupational License Enforcement The Department of Code Compliance has instructed Code Compliance Officers when conducting inspections at businesses, to routinely request to see a copy of the business' Occupational License and Certificate of Use. A monthly printout has been requested from the Finance Department ofthose business locations that have failed to renew their Occupational License. Established business' Occupational Licenses are verified by departments throughout the City when issuing Building Permits, Public Work Permits, Special Event Permits, Conditional Use Permits, request before the Planning Board and agreements with the City. The City Manager's Office along with the City Attorney's Office is exploring the idea to grant an amnesty period to all businesses operating without an Occupational License. The amnesty period would allow a business that had been operating without the required occupational license, a period to obtain the license without being fined. Finally, the Department of Code Compliance has assigned a Code Compliance Officer II to work fulltime Special Projects which will include Occupational License enforcement.