354-2000 RDA RESOLUTION NO. 354-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA), AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,867, TO BE PROVIDED BY THE RDA, AND TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS WHEN SAME BECOME AVAILABLE, FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES, TO BE PERFORMED BY THE FIRM OF ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS ON THE PHASE I AND PHASE II OF THE STREETSCAPE PORTION OF THE CULTURAL CAMPUS PROJECT. WHEREAS, on September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98- 22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stern Architects (Stern) for the Architectural and Engineering Design of a Regional Library; a Master Plan for Collins Park and the Cultural Campus Streetscape (the Project) (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, on January 6, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission, authorized appropriation of the funding necessary to implement the Agreement with Stern for the Project; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation Bond (the Bonds), which included recommended improvements, valued at $1,800,000, for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for completion of the streetscape surrounding the Cultural Campus; and WHEREAS, on January 12,2000, the Mayor and City Commission approved the award of a contract to Homestead Concrete and Drainage, Inc. for the construction of Phase I of the streetscape design included in the Master Plan; and WHEREAS,the Administration is requesting approval of Amendment No.4 to the Agreement, in the amount of $26,867, and appropriation of the funds, to be provided by the RDA, and reimbursed from the Bonds when same become available, for the construction administration portion of the Streetscape Phase I and Phase II. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, that the Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency, authorize appropriation offunds, in the amount of $26,867, to be provided by the RDA, and to be reimbursed from the General Obligation Bonds when same become available, for additional construction administration services, to be performed by the firm of Robert A. M. Stem Architects on the Phase I and Phase II of the streetscape portion of the Cultural Campus project. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~ day of June, 2000. !1i CHAI AN ATTEST: . :) _~U{ a (CVLluA S CRETARY APPf(O'VCLI /w i 0 FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXeCUTION F:\ WORKI$ALLICHA TRANDlCUL TURAL IRDEARESOWPD +JJ{~tudL Red8Y8lop~t Apencv Gl"nl"Y'.' ~(( ~]lJ O~6 Rebert A.M. Stt:m Art:hitcl:lS Da/Z0'd 460 Wc:rt. 34th Street, 'New York, NY lOOO! Tcl212 1.)675100 Fax. 212967 5588 Feb. 5,2000 Mr. Jorge Chm'crill1d City or Miami Beach Dcpt. OfPllblie Works Cily 14,111. 41b Floor 1700 Conventiol1 Center nrive Mintni IJcach, FL 33lJ9 Re: Constructilln Admlni:ltrlltiClnScn-;1:1:S For Phllse \, Miami Bench Cultural C~l11pUS StrcclSCl\pC Di'::'1r Jcrgc. AS you requested, we are be,'eby submitting an Additional S~'rvi(;cs h:~tl:r ror Construction Administralion Scrvic.:x :'1X.~l)dnl\:u wilh Phuse t ol'thc Miami RC:'1C.:h Cll\tural Campus Streetscapo;: Ph:Jsc I ()l'lhc Strcct~caf'~ 11a.'i a !.:ol1strlJction dUl'ation of 120 days. Construction Adm inistr:ltion ~~r... i~t.:!\ inc lllut:.<:,; I. Rl!vlew and Approval ul'Shop Druwings and Suhm iltals fol' i,\cncT'il.l con forlnanCt with information giv~l1 in tIle Contract Document!;, 2. Responding to Contractor Requests far Information (K,F l.' s) 3. Pl'cc\ln~lrucll()n C,mf'l:rl;nl:l:: cm'nltH.:ted by conference cllll with rcpresell(alivc,~ from RAMSA. Borrelli. ami HJ. Ro:)~ (l) I:xpl~il\ lll.:: illl\:lil ilnd S\;OPc of pl'opose'i .~itu imprnver11ellt~ detailed in the construction liocUl1'Ients. :lnd ra disc\ISS prot;l:dlln:~ for <ldm:nisll'<11lol1 ilnd review of the COl1stnlcliul1 Phl1sc. 4. Up 10 4 Sil..: Visits to MlJnitonh~ Progress oCCor,slrllr.;lion. (including FiI.:ld Repol'ls) Wi,'; ulHiciputc tl1\: following sl;l1cdulc: - .. OI1.Siti: Review of SOll1plc ?l1ving Installation, (as per spcciJicmioos) .. Inltlrim Sill:llnspeclion antI' (jr~it flll'lTIwork is laid out, 10 verify layollt oFpaving ~nd In~;; pit forllls prior \0 pOllrlng concn:lc. . Sub:;lantiu! Completion (lneluding Jcvcloping f>lll1\:;h Li~l) · Final Completion 5. Chung\: Odcr Prcpan:l\illt1 to f.:llmr1y with oiTiclal r\:gulaliol1s \JJ' (;1111Slru~tion mnrkct condit:olls. (i. F.v"lu:l\i,"~ t1r Pay Rcqm:sts 7. Field Review or Mi1rk~d-Up PrilltS, tJrtlwillg,s llnd Other DJt<1 fumished by the CunLruclor shlJwin~ !ij~nincant c1UUlC:\I::l in Ih.: work Il,,,dt; J(II'inl:; r.;onSlr..Lct:(Jn and r>"cp!.\r~t;Cln \If Record f)rdwin~s. Th:!1 Hll!-lrs/Wk. ~ Fee $ Total S Shop Dn~wing/Sub:nitt.11 l JIll's $ 7J.50/!1!'. S CJ55.5D R.:vicws " R, F,l. Responses 18 Hrs, ::; 7J ,50/1 !t". $IJ2J.Otl rrecollslr. ConfL:rul1cl: t) Hrs. S 71.50/HL S 661.50 Sile Visits 50 111'$, $ 73,50/lIr $3,675.00 Ch<ll1!,;1: Order rn.:p, 10 Hr~. S 73.50Mr. S 735.00 l.iva1. of POly Requests 4 1[1'5. S 73.50/111'. $ 2C)4,OO Field Reviuw/Drwl:s, III HI'S. S 73,S0/Hr, $1,323,00 TOT AL S (Excluditt!ll{llimbllrs:lbl~!i): $8, 967.lHl HJ~38 IW~lW ~O AllJ p0:9~ 000Z-p~-83~ m . d 1\:1101 R.eimbursable EXnensc~: Reimburs:lblc l:Xp~I\St:S, which will he billed at O~lr enst, will it1cllld~ ()lhcl' outside consultants. Imlg dismnce teli::pholle callg, f.1csirn ilc rml1~m is~ioo. Ir.wel <I11d ~~ccoll\rnodationli, printing and photocopying, plmfographic servict.:~ and r~pmd\JClil:m:;. CA l)O fllotting~~r"iees,Hnd expr~s~ ll1ail or courier s!.:rvices. Rcimbur~l8ble.s: (Not~l'o-F.xcecd) Sl,900.UO If lhl:> propos"l is ,,"cccptnbie, pleas!.: :lend us a !t.:ttCrlO that effect ()I' sign and r~tllrn a cupy unhi!i !cllcr to Us fur Olll' fib. lfyoLJ h.\Ve qU~5l1(lOS or nt:l.:d further il,rcrmation, pie1\Sc dOl,'l hl!sit<llC to c~ll Ai::x L~i$ 01' mc. w~ look forward l() your pron~rl respul1sc. Very i.A~ yours, ~a;//cf7~~ D.1W11 L Handler, I,LA ~ Assoc;utc Read ;lI1d altr~ed to' ail:: 12 · 11 ~ "0 CC: [,ab Duford ^ lex L.un i~ Fr<.lllk G~roz:zo Ja ime lJom:lIi File: \)8011.04 m/S:0"d H:Jl:J3a: I W\:II W .::10 ,\1 I ) v0:91 000c-91-a:3~ Robert A..0,;[. SEem A.rchiEects c' <.-; .::: ,.-~- _7 :~.. .. .~ U: r:,,;,:,,_. i~-""") ....,"- -.:... ::> '.::) 460 West 34th Streer. New York, NY 10001 Tel 212 96- 5100 Fn 212 %- 5588 April 28, 2000 Jorge Chartrand, Project Manager City of Miami Beach. Public Works Department 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Via Fax: 305-673-7028 Re: Design Fees. Collins Park Dear Jorge: I am in receipt of your fax dated .~pnl 26. 2000 regarding outstandin::; tee diSCUSSions on our project. As you kI10W. \ve h::I"e spent considerable effort and made Si~'11ltlcant concessions already regarding our fees. :1I1d request th:H you seek Council appro\'al tor the revised fees as we have submmed them. I Will summanze each of the llutsrandlD::; fee :~!scl.:s:-::~,,"~!1? ~~_ to \Nb~re \V~ <:nrrern srJ.nd: l. Library RedeSign Fee: Our original fee proposal to you for the work needed to redesign parts of our budding to accommodate the proposed project by Ron Bloomberg was for 587.500.00. Borrelli and Associates gave a detailed breakdown of the actual estimated time required to do the work. CNIB responderi with a reduction in the fee to 559.220. based on markm::; down the expected number of hours for each task. With all due deference to the C icy. we feel that our consultants are ill the best position at this pomt to understand m detal! what is n<::cessary to complete the reViSIOns. Nonethele5s. \ve agreed to reduce our proposal to ,>76.640. a deductIon to 510.360. from our ongmai proposal. ., Collins Park y[aster Plan Fee: Our original proposal to YOll for work at Collins Park. based on an hourly breakdown of the Scope as we understand it forthe entire park (both blocks) was 5 160.160.00. The City offered a fee of 10%, at the consmlction cost for the project, which for the enme project would be 5136.900.00 based on an overall project budget of S L369.00000 Please note that we have agf';':d :n prinCIpal that estimated reimbursable expenses :n the amount \)f S [,(1)00.1)0 arc: nOl !nclude'..: :n ~h!s tee If the work is done separately for each of the two blocks. additional tIme, and thaefore !~~~ is ::eq:1:~~c.. Thi~ is .j~~~ te t::e t~~~ ~h~t ~ !2.r;;e t:'~:--- :)f th~ ~.:.~S~ 0f ~he ;;r:;j-:t:: :s t~~ time necessary to meet with the many groups \\'trh JI1 interest m the ?Jr~~. ,lOJ to :ere?ar:; documents for the many agencies that will need to rene\\' and appro\; e tile pians. rllS corrunitment of time does not diminish signiricantly if \ve were to deSign only one block. instead of both. As we stated in our letter to you on Apn1 1..+. we anticipate an additional cost of 534,350.00 would be needed to complete both phases if done independentlv. for the west portion only. we would prorate that fee. so that the fee for the west bll1ck only would be 599.200.00- [(99.2001136.900) x 3-!-.350.00] = S12-1..090.00. plus approximately Sl 0,000.00 in reimbursable :;xpenses. .-\ Limired Liabiliry Partnership Roben ,\.,'vL Srem Archirecrs 460 Wesr 34rh Srreer, New York, NY 10001 Tel 212 967 5100 Fax 212 967 5588 Jorge Chartrand Re: Design Fees, Collins Park April 28, 2000 Page 2 3. S treetscape Phase II Fee We will complete Bid NegotIation :md Constmctlon Administration Fee Phase II of the Streetscape project. for the S9.000 you have suggested. but will not include any reimbursable expenses from other phases within tIllS project. as had previously been requested by C'vIB. \Ve Jre Jttaching our O\vn fee anJlysis for the project. indiGltlng that a fee of 523.370.00 would be appropriate for the scope JS we understand it. Pl~~~e cJ.l1 me to disc'Jss this m::tter furtbcr. Sincerely. ~ J ( /.AAAt~.:.lr--y-' v Alexander P. Larms. AlA Partner APLibJg cc: Robert A.\JI. Stem Rob Buford Dawn Handler Jaime Borrelli. B-A Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli. CMB :1: "::::) C)lJg~1C:::' ,;.-t :~~~?~kCe~lgn?~~~A~~~o'i r\ Limi[ed Liabilirv ['armcrshtp Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone: (305) 673- 7295 Fax: (305) 673- 7772 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANDUM NO. 2000- ,+0 June 7, 2000 TO: Chairman and Members of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Lawrence A. Levy Cj ~ Executive DirectV A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA), APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,867, FROM CITY CENTER TAX INCREMENT FUNDS FOR AMENDMENT NO.4 TO THE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS, FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUSIREGIONAL LIBRARY PROJECT, FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES ON THE PHASE I AND PHASE II OF THE STREETS CAPE PORTION OF THE PROJECT. FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING: Funding will be provided by the City Center Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for the streetscape when it becomes available. ANAL YSIS: On September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stem Architects (Stem) for the architectural and engineering design of a Regional Library, a 400-space Parking Garage and a Master Plan for Park and Streetscape Improvements in the area surrounding Collins Park. ~{)UTti V{)I~~ l2edevel()pment I)lstrict Agenda Item 3c c,_,-OD Date On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of approximately $92 million in General Obligation (GO) Bonds. The proposed and recommended improvements included $1,800,000 for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for completion of the Streetscape surrounding the Cultural Campus, which includes the Regional Library, the Bass Museum and the Miami City Ballet building. On January 12,2000, the Mayor and City Commission approved awarding a contract to Homestead Concrete and Drainage, Inc. for the construction of Phase I of the Streetscape design included in the Stem Master Plan previously approved. The Administration is now requesting appropriation of funds, in the amount of $26,867 for Amendment No.4, to the agreement with Stem for the construction administration portion of the Streetscape Phase I and Phase II. The scope of work includes permitting assistance, shop drawing reviews, payment applications review and approval, answering requests for information, analyzing requests for proposals and site visits. The fee also includes $2,900 for reimbursable expenses. The Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency should adopt the resolution appropriating funds, in the amount of $26,867, for Amendment No.4 to the Stem agreement for the construction administration portion of the Streetscape Phase I and Phase II. Funds will be provided by the Redevelopment Agency to be reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for the Streetscape when it becomes available. ~P ._.~ LAUC~DB/JIDS/ F:IWORKI$ALLICHATRA . I ISTRNRDA2.WPD Attachments