LTC 235-2006 CLeanliness Index and Assessent Program Results for FY 06 Quarter3
LTC # 235~2006
TO: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
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SUBJECT: Cleanliness Index and Assessment Program Results for FY06 Quarter 3 p ~
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The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the results of the Clea@inese
Index and Assessment program for FY06 Quarter 3 (April 1, 2006 to June 30, 200Q}, :z
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The Miami Beach Public Area Cleanliness Index is an objective measurement of
performance ranging from 1 Nery Clean) to 6 Nery Dirty) and including assessments of
litter, condition of litter/garbage cans, organic matter and fecal matter. The results of the
assessments are used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives and target
areas for future improvements. The City's goal is to achieve a rating of at least 2 (Clean);any
area rating worse than 3 (Somewhat Clean) is considered an area of focus, and
departments are requested to prepare action plans regarding these areas of focus.
October 5,2006
Summary of the Cleanliness Assessment Results FY 2005/06 QUARTER 3
Overall trends through the third quarter continue to show improvement in beach areas and in
parks. Other areas, while improved, decreased from the prior quarter. However, overall
trends cannot be determined until we have data for a comparable quarter in the prior year.
For example, the third quarter each year is usually the busiest for Miami Beach in terms of
tourism, special events such as Memorial Day Weekend, etc. As we continue to analyze the
cleanliness results over time, we will be able to identify these trends and other factors such
as seasonality, special events, etc. that could impact the scores we receive.
Additional details are provided below.
Positive and Improved Areas
. Overall Commercial- Non-Entertainment streets and sidewalks continue to consistently
achieve an average score of 2.0; however, certain factors such as litter/trash and
organic material fall below the goal.
. Overall parks continue to meet their targets.
. The beach areas maintained by the City have improved since we began the Cleanliness
Index and Assessment Program and have met their targets for the two consecutive
Areas of Focus
. Alleys continue to score poorly overall. Two main factors affecting the score are in
litter/trash and overflowing dumpsters in alleys. Code is providing additional focus in this
area and two new Sanitation crews with new equipment have been budgeted to address
the cleanliness needs in alleys.
. Commercial-Entertainment streets and sidewalks around Washington Ave and Collins
Ave between 5th and 17th Street were identified as areas of focus, particularly at night.
Additional resources have been budgeted to provide a night crew (3:00 P.M. to 11 :30
P.M.) for Ocean Drive, Washington Avenue and Lincoln Road and a midnight crew (3:00
A.M. to 11 A.M.) for Washington Avenue.
. Residential Streets around the Flamingo Park area (north of 5th St and south of 16th
street and west of Washington Ave. and east of Alton Rd.) scored poorly due to
litter/trash and organic material.
. South Pointe Park improved from its previous quarter score, but continues to be an area
of focus.
. Isolated park areas, such as Beachview Park, Belle Isle Park (Organic Material only),
Flamingo Park (Pedestrian Trails only), North Shore Open Space Park (Beach
Spoils/Access only), and Parkview Island Park (Open Green Space Area) are an area of
. Parking Lots continue to be an area of concern including:
. 65th St./Collins Ave.
. 83rd St./Abbott Ave.
. Lincoln Lane S/Euclid Ave (west)
. Lincoln Lane S/Jefferson Ave (east and west)
. Lincoln Lane S/Michigan Ave (west)
. Normandy Drive/Bay Road (north and south)
Beginning in FY07 Q1 Sanitation will begin providing litter control service to all parking
lots. Two Sanitation crews will be added to provide the parking lots the same level of
service of the adjacent streets.
. The beach area maintained by Miami Dade County scored worse than the previous
quarter. The main factors of concern are the litter/trash and organic materials.
Additionally, the City has received an increase in complaints on the condition of the
beaches, specifically around 29th Street.
. Waterways continue to score poorly. Public Works is currently in the process of
outsourcing the maintenance of the waterways. This contracted service will begin once
the contract is finalized. The contractor will be held to the standards of the City's
cleanliness index.
Next Quarter Assessments
City employees are conducting cleanliness assessments every quarter. If you or any
member of your staff is interested in participating in the City's Public Area Cleanliness
Program, please contact Isabel Stillone with the Office of Budget and Performance
Improvement at extension 6354. The Office of Budget and Performance Improvement will
also begin scheduling cleanliness assessor training for the FY06/07 Quarter 1 participants
on shortly.
Cleanliness Summary Per Public Area
Public Area
Overall City Score
Not including alleys
Commercial - Entertainment
Commercial -Non-Entertainment
FY04l05 Q4
Commercial - Entertainment
Commercial -Non-Entertainment
Beach Areas
City of Miami Beach Responsibility 2.41
Miami-Dade County Responsibility 2.52
. Private I Business garbage dumpsters scores are not used in the calculation of this score.
.. Private I Business garbage dumpsters were not assessed in FY05 04 and FY06 01.
1 - Extremelv Clean
2 - Clean
3 - Somewhat Clean
4 - Somewhat Dirtv
5 - Dirtv
6 - Extremely Dirtv
Percentage of Assessments scoring 2.0 or better
Dlff. from rev Qtr.
Public Area 0/0 of assessments scoring 2.0 or better
FY04l05 Q4 FY05l06 Q1 FY05/06 Q2 FY05l06 Q3 % Chanae from Prior Qtr
Streets 69.5% 65.1-9k .' 79.2% 63.9% -19.3%
Commercial-Entertainment 6a.8% 66":1% ,; 81.1% 47.5% -41.4%
Commercial - Non-Entertainment 74.~2%' 76.7% 70.4% 82.4% 17.0%
Residential 64;:3% II 55..1% 78.6% 63.8% -18.8%
Sidewalks 56.5%' 62.6% 68.7% 56.4% -17.9%
Commercial-Entertainment 57, 1.%.~ ; '7fo :'69.29/0 71'.8% ,.1.7% -41.9%
Commercial - Non-Entertainment o1~6%' .-;~ 63.5,~" 5.5'10% 78.0% 41.8%
Residential <"62.15% ~5~'2~;~;;:' ~:1t:.5% , .50,0% -31.0%
Allevs ~7~6% ,,;: ';-4"1;,O%.E ,"' 42.:1.% = c 39.1% -7.1%
Parks .48:1:;8% .~ " 0;46,3-"; : 88.0% " 6"&.2.% -22.5%
Parkina ... 7:;'1i9Al":Z'"f' ,1Illl4.8:eh%;;. 59:5% 41t2% -17.3%
Waterway ,45!6%:.!"" , , ,t421J?A>t 83.7% 34.5% -58.8%
Beach lCMB\ 13':5~k" .,,6'k1:%" 83.8% 66.0% -21.2%
Beach lMDC\ 18':5% 75.3% 78.4% .53.9% -31.3%
1 - Extremelv Clean
2 . Clean
3 - Somewhat Clean
4 - Somewhat Dirtv
5 - Dirtv
6 - Extremelv Dirtv