LTC 240-2006 re: Florida City of Excellence Award
NO. LTC # 240-2006
TO: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission
October 11, 2006
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
SUBJECT: Florida City of Excellence Award
The purpose of this LTC is to inform the Mayor and Commission that the City of Miami
Beach has been selected as a finalist in the Florida League of Cities' annual Florida City of
Excellence Award.
The Florida City of Excellence Award was created in 2004 to focus public attention on the
countless good things cities do to improve the quality of life in Florida and overall excellence
in city governance/administration, leadership, citizen outreach and involvement, technology,
innovative programs and services, and fiscal management.
The City submitted an application for this award in August 2006 and the City Commission
approved the nomination of the City's application at the September 6, 2006 City Commission
meeting. Attached is a copy of the application that was submitted.
The other finalists for this award are Coral Gables, Deland, Oldsmar, and Pembroke Pines.
The awards will be made at the Florida League of Cities' Awards banquet on Friday,
November 17, 2006 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. in Orlando, Florida. I plan to attend the
event to represent the City and would like to invite each of you to attend as well. Attached is
a form with the details regarding the November 17 Awards banquet.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
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2006 Florida Cities of Excellence Awards Program ~ Nomination Form
Category (Please check one) See Award Criteria for more Information. Please print or type. One nomination per page.
Name of Municipality Nominated CI1Y (Ii' MIAMI li'ACH
Nominated by CIIY (Ii' MIAMI li'ACH
(Name of City/Town/Village)
Name of Municipality Nominated
Nominated Project
Nominated by
(Name of Clty/Town/Vlllage)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of City/Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of City /Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of City/Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of Clty/Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of City/Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of City/Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of City/Town/Village)
Name of Individual Nominated
Nominated by
(Name of C1ty/Town/Vlllage)
Person Completing Nomination form
Please print or type.
Title anEF (Ii' srAFF
Government CTIY (F MIAMI: JE\CH
Address 1700 cnNENfI~ <::ENJm IIUVE. MIAMI BEACH. FL 33139
Telephone Number
E-mail Address
Nomination Certification
This nomination has been voted on and approved by a majority of the city
council/commissio~. **TIEM ~ 'IO BE VOIED ~ SEPI'. 6, 2Cn) (CTIY <XM-1I.5SIOO HAS mN rn BREAK SlllE
. Ir ~}~ ~ ARE AWARE (Ii' KMINATI~, ~.
SIgned ~
City Clerk
The judges will use the narrative and supportive information to select the
award winners. Nominators/nominees are asked not to contact the judges
In the narrative, please be clear and concise, using the Award Criteria to
support the selection of your nominee. Please type (or print in black ink), up
to 1,200 words, double-spaced on white 8-1/2" x 11" paper.
. Supportive Information
Up to 10 pages of supportive information (newspaper clippings, photo-
graphs, letters from constituents, etc.), on 8-1/2" x 11" paper (single-sided)
may be provided. Please do not include videotapes, DVDs, CDs or Power-
Point presentations.
Submit nominations by August 18, 2006:
Florida League of Cities, Inc.
Attn: Florida Cities of Excellence
301 S. Bronough Street, Suite 300 (32301)
P.O. Box 1757
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757
Florida City of Excellence Award
City of Miami Beach
Governance I Administration:
The City continues to make great strides in accomplishing our mission of
providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our
vibrant, tropical, historic community. Through various efforts, the City now has
more police officers on the streets and less crime; more and better trained
firefighters with state-of-the-art equipment; newer playgrounds; parks and
recreational facilities; a vibrant and thriving cultural arts scene; more businesses
and jobs; real property value appreciation; a lower overall tax millage rate; more
opportunities to access government; and, better communication with our
residents, members of our business community and our employees.
The results of these efforts were demonstrated in the findings of a
community survey conducted in 2005. Overall, the City rated very well with a
majority stating that they are satisfied living here and many feel it is getting better
as a place to live, work, play or do business. Quality of life in the City was rated
very high and the City is seen as an excellent or good place to live by 84 percent
of those .responding.
While the City has accomplished much in the last six years in addressing
community priorities, the community surveys provided insight into areas that the
City can focus on and improve even further. These results, along with an
environmental scan of demographics, socio-economic data and department
workload and performance measures; financial trends; and comparatives with
other cities, were used to develop the City's Strategic Plan, which lays out a set
of Key Intended Outcomes (KIOs) that provide the public with a. tool for
measuring accomplishments and holding their government accountable.
Further, the City has developed the Miami Beach Excellence Model, a
strategic, measurement-based tool for continuous improvement. It is driven by
the City's vision, with priorities established at the strategic level based on
customer input and environmental scan data. As part of the balanced scorecard
approach, the City has deployed ActiveStrategy, a performance management
software, where the strategic plan and the departmental workplans are housed
and monitored. Through the annual budget process, resources are allocated in
support of these strategic priorities, and performance monitoring is used to track
progress and make adjustments for further improvement.
City Leadership:
Our City Manager will soon complete his 6th anniversary as our Manager.
The Florida League of Cities selected him in 2004 as its first-ever "City Manager
of the Year". Under his leadership, the organization has made great strides jn
developing a team that is professional, ethical, and committed to the City's
mission. Through various efforts, including a number of leadership retreats with
our Mayor and Commission, the Manager has worked to contin'ue to align the
Administration's resources with the City Commission's priorities. As a collective
team, staff works together to provide the greatest level of efficiency in the
delivery of our services. Our Police, Fire, Parks and Recreation and
Procurement Departments have all recently received full accreditatjon from their
respective accreditation agencies. Leadership development opportunities are
continuously offered to all staff in an ongoing effort to improve our individual and
collective performances. Once a year, the City Manager hosts a Management
Team Retreat as well as an Executive Staff Retreat to reinvigorate teambuilding
and focus on the City's priorities. Additionally, the City Manager and the City
Commission attend a retreat in order to foster teamwork and discuss trends and
At the beginning of this fiscal year, a citywide effort was launched to
ensure that all employees are focused on the same three key areas: (1) Our
commitment to our mission; (2) delivering excellent customer servjce; and (3)
operatjng under a "One Team, One City" approach. In addition, all employees
have particjpated in a series of trainings entitled "Results Oriented Government"
to help them understand the City's strategic plan and the role each employee
plays in helping the City achieve results that matter to our customers.
Intergovernmental Cooperation:
We partner with many organizations to provide a number of public
services, includjng affordable housing opportunities, rehabilitation of both
residential and commercial properties and economic development,
enhancements to the City's public schools, as well as other programs beyond the
scope of City services. For example, the City of Miami Beach works with the
Miami Dade County School Board to supplement programming through the
Truancy Prevention Program, which has been made available to all the schools
in the Miami Beach Feeder Pattern.
In addition, we are in constant communjcation with neighboring
communities, due to the various shared challenges and opportunities that we
share. This year, staff members serve as the Presidents of the Miami Dade City
and County Management Association and of the Miami Dade Municipal Clerk's
Association, local organizations that bring together City Administrators from
throughout the County, to discuss and deal with issues of mutual concern.
Citizen Outreach and Involvement:
The best way to accomplish our mission js by partnering with our
community to ensure that our services meet their needs. Our Neighborhood
Services Department is charged with developing and implementing programs
that will enhance our residents' knowledge of City services. Community
Outreach workers conduct regular meetings throughout the community to identify
concerns affecting their quality of life. The City's Answer Center provides the
community a more efficient way to communicate with us. The Neighborhood
Leadership Academy offers residents an opportunity to learn more about the
services and resources available to them by participating in a series of classes.
Additionally, the City offers residents other opportunities to learn and become
more involved in the community such as the Citizen Police Academy and CERT
(Community Emergency Response Team). In an effort to increase voter
participation, the City launched the "Vote Mjami Beach" campaign jn 2004 to
create and stimulate awareness among residents about voting, that includes a
discount for registered voters at local businesses. Through this effort, voter
registration on Miami Beach has increased significantly. In addition to conducting
community satisfaction sUNeys, we also conduct focus groups and inteNiews
with our residents and businesses to delve deeper into specific topics. For
example, jn 2006 we conducted focus groups throughout the Cjty for the
following topics: Safety; Cultural activities and special events; Construction in
nejghborhoods; Affordable housing; Value of seNjces for tax dollars paid by
residents; and Availability of labor pool for businesses. The City mails each
resident a bi-monthly magazine, MB Magazine, programs a 1V station (MBTV)
as well as buys weekly ads in local publications, CityPage, which highlight
events, meetings and issues.
Implementjng e-Govemment solutions that provide access to City seNices
and information 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week and that facilitates citizen access
and interaction with their government continues to be a top priority.
Our website is continuously updated, in both English and Spanish.
Several online capabilities already exist including the ability to pay utility bills,
business license bills, and parking citations; register and pay for Parks programs;
register a neighborhood association; submit a passport application; apply for a
film or special event permit; register a burglar alarm; receive 'an updated traffic
advisory; view and download a web cast of all Commjssion meetings; and enter a
seNice request. In addition, through our online permitting system, customers
can check the status of a permit, schedule and check on the status of inspections
and view any code violations.
In FY 2005/06 the City Commission approved the establishment of an
Information & Communications Technology Fund to provide ongoing funding for
the procurement of new or enhanced information and technology needs. This
allowed funding for various projects, such as the City's WiFi project, a new
Storage Area Network, Voice-Over Internet Protocol enhancements, Data Center
Uninteruupted Power Supply, new staffing software for the Fjre Department,
Performance Management Software, and Code Compliance software, and will
allow the City to stay at the forefront of Technology into the future.
The City also has an electronic UListServ" which further enhances our
electronic communication efforts. Our Reverse 911 system was used cautiously
during the past active hurricane season, and throughout the year, to share
important informatjon with our community. An online kiosk has been installed in
City Hall to assist anyone who may need a place to retrieve electronic
Innovative Programs and Services:
'Wireless Miami Beach," a new initiative that will result in a citywide
wireless broadband network to support mobile broadband connectivity for police
officers, firefighters, building inspectors, parking officers, public works
employees, and other government officials, was recently launched. This initiative
will make our city safer, our government more efficient, and provide our residents
and visitors the opportunity to access information anytime, anywhere.
Driven by a need to address a Citywide strategic priority for improving
cleanliness, the City of Miami Beach has developed the Public Area Cleanliness
Index - a set of standards used to measure and report the cleanliness of the
City's parks, parking lots, streets/sidewalks, and waterways on a quarterly basis.
Working collectively, the Parking, Parks and Recreatjon, and the Public Works
departments, developed this innovative assessment program using best
practices from various national and international municipalities and organizations.
The results of the assessments are used to monitor initiatives, target future
improvements, and make more efficient use of available resources.
At the same time, the City launched an aggressive customer service
program throughout the organization. In FY 2004/05 all 2,000 City employees
were trained in updated customer service standards. To evaluate the success of
this initjative and to continually identify potential areas for further improvement,
the City has launched a service shopper program that evaluates quarterly how
well the City is doing in meeting these standards. Each department is "shopped"
through a variety of measures, including telephone calls, in-person site visits, and
exit interviews with customers, to assess how well the City's customer service
standards were met.
Fiscal Management:
The City has a strong hjstory of maintaining emergency reserves,
with an 11% Emergency Reserve that has been in place since 1996. Further,
since 2001, annually the City appropriates funding for General Fund Operating
Contjngency and an additional appropriation for unfunded projects at the City
Managers discretion.
Further, the City of Mjami Beach's Strategic Plan includes KIOs to ensure
the long-term sustainability of City government: Ensure expenditure trends are
sustainable over the long term; and Improve overall financial health and maintain
overall bond ratjng. A number' of policies and structural changes have been
implemented towards achjeving these outcomes, including: Capital Reserve
Fund - provides funding related to previously approved capital projects for
expenditures due to bids that are over-budget, change orders, or other
unforeseen items; Pay-As-You-Go Capital Fund - desjgnates a certajn portion df
the operating budget to be re-invested jn capital; Capital Investment Upkeep
Account - provides for establishjng and maintajning funding for General Fund
non-facility related upkeep.
As a result of these and other initiatjves, the City's credit rating is stronger
than ever and our economic performance and financial management efforts have
led to several bond rating upgrades. The proposed FY 2006/07 budget totals
$237.7 million and reduces the overall combined millage rate from 8.073 to
7 ;673. an unprecedented reduction of 0.400 mills. For the average homeowner,
this results in a reduction in taxes paid to the City of Miami Beach by $30.75.
Further, the combined millage rate overall is an entire 1.0 mills lower than it was
in FY 1999/2000 and lower than most municipalities in Miami Dade County.
Our current proposed budget enhances the value of services for taxes
paid by the community in several ways, including: providing a $300 dividend
return for all homesteaded property owners (this is the second year in a row this
is provided to our residents, last year being the first with a $200 dividend return);
providing expanded free access to many programs for residents; providing
enhanced service levels addressing the prioritjes of the communjty; absorbing
the household garbage and trash collection fee increase incurred due to
contractual increases and County disposal fee increases; and reducing the
overall combined millage rate for all property owners. In 2006, the City received
the Performance Institute's Transparent Budget Award, which honors City and
County governments that have implemented innovative management pradices
and brought dynamic results for their citizens.
. Florida League of Cities'
Florida Cities of Excellence Awards Banquet
Friday, November 17, 2006 · 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport Hotel
Make plans to join us for the Third Annual Florida Cities of Excellence Awards Banquet, as we honor and
celebrate the exceptional achievements of Florida cities and their leaders. During the banquet, winners
FLO.R I D' A will be announced for the 10 Florida Cities of Excellence Award categories, and longtime elected city
n officials (with 20 and more years) will be honored for their years of service.
. Tickets for the banquet are $75 per person, which will include entertainment and a reception beginning at 6:00. Dinner
will follow,
. Florida Cities of Excellence Awards finalists will receive up to two complimentary tickets [for themselves and a guest).
. Years of Service honorees will receive one complimentary banquet ticket,
. Attendees may reserve a full table 11 0 seats) for $750. To order your tickets, please use the form below,
Hotel Information
The Awards Banquet will be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport Hotel, located at 9300 Airport Boulevard
in Orlando (see other side for map). The room rate is $132 single/double plus 11.5 percent occupancy tax and 6,5 percent
sales tax per room. The hotel must receive the first night's deposit to guarantee the reservation. Payment may be made by check
or credit card. The deadline for hotel reservation requests is November 1, 2006.
You must fill out the banquet ticket order form below and submit it with payment. Upon receipt of your ticket
order form and payment, we will either e-mail or fax you the hotel reservation form, which you should fill out
and submit directly to the hotel. The hotel will not accept phone calls for reservations. Note: Be sure to let us
know either your e-mail address or fax number.
For more information, contact the Florida League of Cities at (850) 222-9684.
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Florida Cities of Excellence Awards Banquet Ticket Order Form
Please complete the information below. The deadline for ticket orders is November 1, 2006.
Title: City:
Are you an Award Finalist or Years of Service Recipient? 0 No 0 Yes -+ Name of award:
Name of Guest(s):
Contact Name:
Contact Fax:
Contact Phone:
Amount Enclosed: $
Card Number:
Card Holder's Name:
Card Holder's Signature:
Special Needs: If you require special services or have special dietary needs, please attach a written description to this order
Note: If you are an Awards Finalist or Years of Service recipient, and do not need to purchase additional tickets, please fill
in the total number of tickets you need below and indicate "no charge" in the total amount column.
Banquet Fees Quantity Fee Paid
Banquet Ticket* @ $75.00 = $ .Please provide a list of the names,
Banquet Table 11 0 seats) * @ $750.00 = $ titles and cities of each person for
Total Amount Due: $ whom you are puchasing a ticket.
Method of Payment: 0 Check (payable to Florida League of Cities) 0 Visa 0 MasterCard
Expiration Date:
Card Holder's Phone:
Ticket orders may be mailed to: Attn: Gail Dennard, Florida league of Cities, P.O, Box 1757, Tallahassee, Fl 32302
or faxed with Visa or MasterCard to her attention at (850) 222-3806. The ticket order deadline is November 1.