Murray Dubbin $340 FORM 9 Dr :{I.s-,e E 1\/ c- . QUARTERLY.GIFT DISCLOSURE" "':"iiir<:.(~J{ r 00 'I 'I . " r~ GIFTS OVER $100 <.1(.'... -6 AliI c. ", /,/ O. - . I' \.;, ~ I r. '.J' I'. A! - ',~' J j; -"~ f.{ _ L,~ ~ _.. .~ (I ._, - /-1 f I' ~', !.... f' ,'...., '. / ._, '\ uI_ t~.! '-'. -~r '- " '. (;A"/[i,~ ,', LAST NAME FIRST NAME MlOOlE NAME: NAME OF AGENCY: DUBBIN MURRAY H. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH IolAILlNG ADDRESS: OFFICE OR POSITION HelD: 1700 COBVEBTION CENTER DRIVE . CITY ATTORNEY CITY: ZIP: COUNTY: FOR QUARTEaeHOING (Chec:k One): MIAMI BEACH . FLORIDA 33139 Da~e QUARCH ""JUNE o SEPTEMBER PART A - STATEMENT OF GIFTS YEAR: C DECEMBER Xft Please list below each gift. the value of which you believe to exceed $1 CO. accepted by you during the calendar qu.&fter far which this $tatement Is being tiled. You are required 10 describe the gift and fitate the monetaIy value cllhe gift. the name and addrvss of the per&Cll1 mafcing the gift. and the cfate(s) Ihe gtft Yt8& recaimi. If any of these fads. oIher than the gift ~ion. are unknown or net applicable, you should SO stale on the torm. As explained mot8 fuUy in thl Instructions on the rewerse side of the form.. you are nOI required to disdose gifts from relatives or cerlain other gifts. You are not required to file this SlA1ement for any calendar qu8t1er during Which you did not NCelve. report8bIe gIlL DATE DESc:RIPTJClN MONETARY NAME OF PERSON -'CORESS OF PERSON RECBVED Qf GIFT V~1JE MNONG 'DiE GIFT MAKING lliE GIFT PLEASE SEE ATT CUED C) 0) , (" ",.,," C::;; ~ .-.. t" ,..... F\ ~ ::" -- I (;",;" h ''''--- ... c", --.,.. " C CHECK HERE IF CCNT1NUED ON SEPARATE SHEET - t'f""l -, - " . , -.,.. .~-.-.. -",:1' '-J ~ - ,-r i Q) PART B - RECEIPT PROVIDED BY PERSON MAKING THE GIFT . WI1'f NClIIpr I:lr. ~ IIQd eo.. was PftMIId" ~ by the pe/WOft rnaIdng" gift. JOU erel1lQLinld II:>> dacft. otIf1f 01.,. ~>>.. bm. Ycu ..., CIDCfI an ~ ~ -"1 dIfte...... .......... IIlfcmldan cIIIc:Iosed on tis fotm .., h11n1onn1111an an .. MC:8Ipt. o CHECK HERE IF A RECEIPT IS An-ACHED TO THIS FORM PART C - OATH I. .... S*1lCItI1Iffll::lu NIIM ~81'11 _.. begII.ing d this bm, do dIpcM 0"1 oaIh or afflrmallon Ind say eIlI1 h Infcxmation Gadosed he,.., and an any ctach'nenIs mede by me ClGI'IItI- tuIes . 'true. ~. and.~ I5ar1I II.. gIft& ~ 10 tie ~ by SedIcln 112.3148. F1ClddI ~.... STATE OF FlORIIM r . ~ COUNTY OF '11J'am, .- . 3Of-I? . ~ 2/J()~ " day 01 by ~ T)'PIl of Icfenlllc;do.l """"'..-1 PART D - flUNG INSTRUCTIONS ihia fonn, when duly signed ancf noIattzed, must be filed with the Depatfinenl of State, 0Msi0n of E1ec:tions. Room 1 B02, Tho Capitol. !~: ~rida S2399-02SQ. The fonn must be filed no IIIter thltn the II:IsI day of !he calendar qualt8t IhaI followa !he calendar qual18r . - ..... tA& 9- _ -..._ ._~ 9_ .._-A.. .... -&.._....... L.- ..c-~_-...I a..... ...-.... Glt\\ ,~ .. Date Rec. Description of gift Monetary Value Name of person making making the gift Address of person making the gift City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4/4 Katia and Miami Beach, FL 33139 Marielle Laveque $170.00 " " 4/6 Rotterdam Philharmonic $170.00 " "