Art Deco Weekend - Victor Hotel Newspaper Clipping
Art Deco Weekend:
Entertainment Editor
T MIAMI BEACH - Three days of festivities.
Including an Deco bazaar. barbeque. restaurant
~opening. tours and a 1930s ball. are taking place on Art
-.~Deco Weekend. being presented through Sunday on
Miami Beach.
The weekend marks the fourth anniversarv of the
lVliami Design Preservation League (MDPL). a
citizens' group formed in 1976 in Miami's Design Row.
which has championed the cause of rest(Jring the Art
Deco District on Miami Beach. one or the largest
historical ;lrchitcctural districts on the National
Register of Historic Placcs.
cover story
The City of Miami Beach. in support of the
architectural district. provided $24.000 in Community
Development funds to the MDPL to assist it in
preparing the master plan for the Deco district.
Community Development funds totalling $60.000 were
also allocated to MDPL to provide additional
assistance in programs slated for the architectural
dist riel.
: On Friday. the first day of the Art Deco Weekend.
George Notter. FAIA.'of Anderson. Notter and
Feingold. presented the new preservation plan
designed by his firm for the Art Deco District. The plan
was presented at the Washington Storage Co. at 10th
Street and Washington Avenue. .
Entitled the Preservation Development Plan. the
plan includes 3n appeal to developers intent on
replacing Deco buildings with newly-structured
condominiums that thev can build and add to Deco
buildings. and increase their value and attractiveness.
by adhering to ideas in the plan. The plan. which will
take about $150 million to implement. according to
MDPL executive director Barbara Capitman. calls for
increased tropical landscaping in the Deco district.
restoring building facades. increased lighting. and
promotion of the area as a historic site in order to be
worthy once again of its former popularity among
tourists in the 1930s.
A listing of Art Deco Weekend events follows:
Deco Bazaar and Flea Market. featuring antique
Turniture. books. posters. jewelry and Deco boutiques.
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Washington Storage Co..
located at 10th Street and Washington Avenue.
Tour and reception at the Pink House in Miami
Shores. Owners of the house. MDPL members Dr. and
festivities ta king pic
Margaret Doyle Capitman conducts the
business of renovating the Victor Hotel from an
office cluttered with old chrome fixtures and
Mrs. Harold Spear. and architects Bernardo
Fort-Brescia and Laurinda Spear. will conduct a tour
of the historic "post-modern" house on the bay.
Contribution is $5.
Bus. bicycle. trolley and walking tours of the Art
Deco District. Tours will begin at 10 a.m. from the
Cardozo Hotel. 1300 Ocean Drive. and the Royal Palm
Hotel. 154
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