LTC 307-2006 Coastal Communities Transportation Master Plan Update
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NO. LTC # 307-2006
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager. j ~()
December 12, 2006 U
This letter is to provide you with an update on the Coastal Communities Transportation
Master Plan and Coastal Communities Transit Study and to inform you about the
Community Workshops that will be taking place in the upcoming weeks.
Project Overview
The Coastal Communities Transportation Master Plan (CCTMP) was created to address the
regional transportation issues of the Barrier Islands. Building upon the MMP, the CCTMP
takes a snapshot of current traffic conditions and then apply traffic modeling under varying
transportation forecast scenarios. Including but not limited to future population growth vs.
available roadway capacity, patterns of flow along the Coastal Communities as well as an
assessment of roadway infrastructure sustainability.
The goal of the CCTMP is to provide a sub-regional plan with short-term (5-year horizon),
mid-term (10-year horizon), and long-term (25-year horizon) solutions to transportation
issues under varying development forecast scenarios. The coastal communities understand
that the barrier islands are physically constrained. As demands on the transportation
infrastructure increase and the capacity to manage traffic becomes further limited, the
equilibrium between growth arid available capacity must be identified to assure sustainability
through the region. This initial assessment would assist as a benchmark to derive further
transportation initiatives to address these issues.
This effort is coordinated with a Coastal Communities Transit Plan being developed by the
Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR). The CCTS is an operations study that
focuses on improving the operational efficiency of buses through a route segment-level
analysis. The transit study will be aimed at improving service quality to the County's transit
customers. A by-product of this study will be recommendations for improving and balancing
transit service efficiency through the consolidation of existing bus routes and improvement of
quality of service.
The methodology to develop Coastal Communities Master Plan contemplates five tasks:
data collection, public involvement, needs assessment, development of potential
projects, and implementation plan. Following is a description of completed tasks to date:
Data Collection. - Completed. This task consisted on review of traffic and transportation
data and the application of an Origin and Destination (O/D) survey that allowed determining
travel patterns along the barrier island. The OlD survey was initiated on March 28, 2006
using cameras to capture movements of traffic. Cameras were located in nine screen lines
along the coastal communities from Aventura to Miami Beach. The data was analyzed
resulting in the identification of travel patterns, as origin, destination and trough-traffic for
each of the zones within the study area.
The CCTS on the other hand analyzed the Origin Destination survey completed by Miami
Dade Transit as part of the Comprehensive Bus Operational Analysis performed in 2004 and
segregated trips which consider the barrier island as an origin and/or destination.
Public Involvement. -In Progress. Several discussions have been held with the established
Technical Steering Committee and local governing bodies along the coastal communities to
delineate transportation problems based on the results of the data collection.
Community Workshops. As part of the public involvement three community workshops will
be held at three different locations in the Study Area (north, middle and south). Both studies
will be presented at the workshops, showing the traffic patterns and ridership through the
entire area. The workshops are designed as follows:
· Findings, with the results of the data collection and Origin Destination survey for both the
CCTMP and the CCTS.
· Potential solutions and alternatives, based on the following categories: Altemative Mode,
Capacity, Sustainable Community, Corridor Enhancement,
Promoting Alternate Routes to Downtown Miami
· Discussion with residents and delineation of recommendations.
The meetings are scheduled to occur on December 12 in South Beach at the CMB
Commission Chambers; December 14 in North Beach at the North Shore Youth Center and
December 18 at Aventura Commission Chambers. All the meetings are at 6:30 PM. Two
additional meetings will be scheduled in January. Attached are copies of the presentations
being made at the public meetings.
The community workshops will give the residents the opportunity to understand the
transportation issues along the barrier island and to provide input and bring ideas that will
shape the future of the our community.
The results of those meetings will be reflected in the recommendations issued by both
Next steps
The next steps of this project will focus on the development of a bank of Transportation and
Mass Transit initiatives. The results and impacts of the recommended projects will be
analyzed using a transportation modeling process, which will generate projects
recommended in the short-term (5-year horizon), mid-term (1 O-year horizon), and long-term
(25-year horizon). Each developed alternative will be documented and reflected in the
implementation plan.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.