Gregory L. Jackson/Miami Dade College ,/ "..., e MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center DriVe, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Lobbyist means aU persons employed or retained, whether paid or not. by a principal who seeks III encourage tile passage, defeat or modIfiCation of any ordlnance, resolution, actiOn or decisIOO of any tom_; any action, decision, recommendation Of tile Oly ~ or any cily board or ..o.....ttee; or any action, decisIOO or recomrnenda\kll of any cily personnel during tile lime period of tile _ dedsioI~..alcil'9 process on such action, decisIOO or .........,..._ tIlat fCreseeabIy will be heard or revieWed by tile cily commiSSion, or a cily board or ""....ttee. The lI!rm specifically indudes tile principal as well as any.~ eng;Jged in lobbying actMties. ,..1!!!J8"" "LubbyIsts" .... spedIIc exd.......... - - '" ClnIInanc:e 2004-3435- NAMEOFLOB8YISf~QS'K~f' Gr:tPry (~. M iQ.W\; DCA.Cl. e. Co lIeGe.. 300 t-l€i ~n.l All e. M.i Q."":l 1 fL 33lS 2- BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS ~unm- and Street) (Qly) (Slate) (Zip Code) (~~NU::.=l" ..)01 0 (~:;~BE~ -=tS6c( ~~C.Ksot\~c:..Gecl,^- L LOIIIlYISf urAlNED BY: Ml~\ fY. ~ ~ lleae.. NAME OF PlUNClPAl/Q.IENT: -0 300 f'4€ 2.nA. A;\H.. -:tr 5S01 tvtio.M'l BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) (Oly) ~u 55 FAX NUMBER: (OptionaQ -fL (State) ~3 132.- ~Cod.) , EMAlL: (Optional) flU out this MCtIon If prtnclpal is a CcNporatIon. Parln_lp CII' Trust [Section 2-482 (e)) " NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARlNER, OR BENEFIaARY: . IDENTlFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN 5lJOi CORPORATION, PARlNERSHIP OR TRUST: U. sPE(:l:FIC LOBBY ISSUE: G C",I+u.C"A.( 6ra.r1~e. O::r-Dg' C~-ty of MiCAMO\i Beo..cl-t Cl.4.L~ { .p~ Issue III be lobbied (DescrIbe In detail): m. CITY AGENaES/IHDMDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full Name or lndIvIdualn- B) """ Financial, FamUIaI CII' p,.._onaI RelatIonShip , . IA\ C. v..lttA.ro..l Ar"is. / ....-.., lV. DISCLOSURE Of 1I!RMS AND AMOUNTS Of LOBBYIST COMPENSAlION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURL Y, RATRATEOR07HEll~ . / ( ,/ ( ,;. L A) LOBBYISTDlSC\.05URE:(Requlred)~}Z/ p...r+-o A &...lc..r'i B) PIUNCIPAL'S DISO.OSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): ~Requlred).~ (f2f 11le following Infonnalion must be a.-ered: 1) Pursuant to Miami Beach my Code SectiOn 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign ContributionS By LobbyistS on Procurement Issues": ~ ~~=~~.:.==.,,:,=~.._ar--- arana 2) Pursuant '" Miami Beach City Code 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contribullo/lS By LobbyistS On Real Estate [)eveIopment Issues": nY..XJta: ~~'::'..:.~-,=.......~!::....~=~=::::r=u:. MIR1 3) Pursuant to Miami Beach my Code 2-484 (h) Arr( person (except those exempt from the definition of "lobbyist.'" as set forth in SectiOn 2-481 above) who only appears as a represenlatIVe d a not-for-prollt rorporation or entity without special oompensatIon or relmbur.;ement for the appearanc;e, whether direct, or Indirect, to express support of or opposition to any item, shan register with the clerk as required by this sedion but, shan not be requlred to pay any registration tees.. 'j....,.. 0 Na: ArevGU =11II a nat..far-al'lJftl:cr- ar---I.., mm_an or ralmbur'tl8ment. . V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER 15f OF EACH YEAR. EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO 11tE CITY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, U5TlNG LOBBYING EXPENDITURES, AS WEU. AS COMPENSAnON RECEIVED, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR r3:ING ~A STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO RES OR DURING THE REPQRnNG PERIOD. / . ~ "'tA---- I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and oorrect and that I have read or am familiar with the proIIlsionSQ: In SectI 2 of the Miami Beadl City Code and all reporting requirements. Signature of lobbyist:' Signature of Prlnclpal/Olent: VI. LOIIIlYISf lOEfl'I1flCA1IDN: PlIINCIPAL IDEN1IFICAlION: o Produced 10 o Produced ID Form of Identification Form of IdentlficaliOn ,; Personally known (LobbyIst) YD. SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY: State af FlorIda, CountY af Miami- SWorn to and subscrtbed before me This ~ b7b'V""""', 2 SlgnatUre d PubUc NoIllry - Nub. Il.atIOn of ~ist's s\gnlIlure o I'eI9lI1aIIy known (Principal) nty d Miaml-Oade before me 20_ Notary State of florida ndpaI's signature Revised 12108/04 O~ft \6;feM