LTC 046-2007 Status of the Normandy Shores Golf Course Project
NO. LTC # 046-2007
Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager \. ~.
February 23, 2007 () Q
Status of the Normandy Shores Golf Course Project
On October 8, 1997, pursuant to Request for Qualifications No. 79-96/97 (RFQ), the Mayor
and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 97-22575, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute an Agreement with the firm of Arthur Hill and Associates, for professional
services for the design, construction, bidding documents, construction observation, project
administration, scheduling, and cost estimating necessary for the renovation and
improvement of three City golf courses: Bayshore Golf Course, Bayshore/Par 3, and the
Normandy Shores Golf Course.
On September 8, 2004, the City adopted Resolution No. 2004-25665 for Amendment No.2
for additional services necessary for the renovation of the Normandy Shores Golf Course
Project which included services relative to the drainage and irrigation system improvements.
On December 10, 2006, the City Administration received permit approved documents from
the City of Miami Beach Building Department for the Golf Course and soon thereafter on
December 28, 2006 the project was advertised for bid. The Pre-Bid Conference was held on
January 19, 2007 with 14 potential Bidders in attendance. The Bids have been received and
the evaluation meeting and presentations are scheduled for February 26, 2007. If a
selection is made the CIP Office in conjunction with the Procurement Division intend to issue
a recommendation to the City Manager for award in the March Commission Meeting.
The scope of work for the project is as follows:
1. Eradication of existing turf using applications of Round-up as defined for areas shown
on the turf eradication plan.
2. Removal of invasive tree and shrub vegetation identified on the tree removal plan.
3. Removal of all existing golf cart path.
4. Renovation of eighteen tee complexes and practice range tee.
5. Renovation of nineteen greens inCluding practice putting green.
6. Renovation and/or construction on bunkers/s and traps.
7. Installation of new asphalt cart path in eight and twelve foot widths as identified in the
construction drawings.
8. Installation of golf feature (e.g. bunker and greens) drainage systems.
9. Installation of limited drainage system including basins, piping, and outfall control
structures for moderate surface flow.
10. Sprigging of specified Paspalum grass for all areas where the existing turf was
11. Installation of new pump station inCluding connections to the public water supply with
associated control fittings, brackish water intake, and fertigation system.
12. Construction of new pump house structure.
Normandy Golf CoulSe LTC
February 23, 2007
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13. Installation of new irrigation system including connection to the new pump station,
new piping, new irrigation heads, control system, and control lines.
14. Construct a drainage pump station with three low pressure electrical pumps to
convey the on-site runoff to three drainage wells.
15. Construct three pressurized drainage wells.
16. Enlarge two lake areas to provide more storage.
17. Construct a berm surrounding the golf course to contain on-site storm water. The
berm elevation will be set at the peak stage of a 25-year, 72-hour storm event while
discharge to groundwater wells at the approximate pre-condition 5-year, 24-hour
peak discharge rate.
18. Interconnect on site lakes with HDPE pipes.
19. Build two control structures on the lakes to provide require water quality treatment
volume within the lake system.
The design of the golf course facilities is currently underway under the design and
construction team of Architeknic's, the Architects and Coastal Construction, the Construction
Manager for the project.
The schedule for the completion of the golf course and facilities is established as follows at
this time, subject to change due to unforeseen conditions:
Construction Completion for the Two Restroom Buildings:
Construction Completion for the Maintenance Building:
Construction Completion for the Cart Barn:
Construction Completion for the Clubhouse:
Construction Completion for the Golf Course:
October 2007.
December 2007.
August 2008.
May 2008.
Cc: Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager
Jorge Chartrand, Director Capital Improvement Projects
F:/CAPl$aIl/GRACE/General Project Info/Normandy Shores Golf CourselL TC-1-1 9-07/LeI\er to Commissla1 from City Manager 1-