98-22804 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 98-22804 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RETROACTIVELY AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR A GRANT AND, IF FUNDED, AUTHORIZING THE BUDGETING AND EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, UNDER THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE "COPS MORE 98" PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City is eligible to apply for grant funds from the United States Department of Justice under the "COPS MORE 98" (Making Officer Redeployment Effective) Program; and WHEREAS, the City desires to participate in this Program in order to help fund needed new civilian employees and computer technology and equipment and may not be able to secure all of the monies necessary through the General Fund; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Justice has funds available for this Program; and WHEREAS, the grant funds will be used to hire ten (10) new Public Safety Specialists and purchase twenty-seven (27) new laptop computers (including software and accessories); and WHEREAS, the total estimated funds for this Program are $469,565.00, of which $347,673.00 will be funded by the United States Department of Justice, with the remaining $121,892.00 to be funded by the City from the Police Confiscations Account. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, the Mayor and City Commission herein, retroactively authorize the filing of an application for a grant and, if funded, authorize the budgeting and expenditure of funds, under the United States Department of Justice, "COPS MORE 98" Program. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~day of July ,1998. ~4 MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION :'.. '~ I. \c( J .i (t/( u .1 ~~~ City Atto;Rey b1flf!' Date CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cI.mlaml-beach.ft.ua COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. y). S-9~ TO: Mayor Neisen o. Kasdin and Members of the City Co mission ~-' (. ,I. '-" 1""~_. ~ ~' DATE: July 1, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOL ION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RETROACTIVELY AUTHORIZING, THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR A GRANT, AND IF FUNDED, AUTHORIZING THE BUDGETING AND EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, UNDER THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, "COPS MORE 98" PROGRAM ADMINfSTRA TION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND The City of Miami Beach, through the Police Department, has applied for grant funding from the United States Department of Justice, under the auspices of the "COPS MORE 98" Program. "COPS MORE 98" is an abbreviation for the .community Oriented .folicing Services (COPS), Making Officer Redeployment Effective (MORE) . "COPS MORE" is a grant program designed to redeploy police officers to community policing duties through the use of technology, equipment and support resources (civilians). In accordance with these goals, the Police Department has written a grant requesting funding for the hiring often (10) new Public Safety Specialists and the purchase of twenty- seven (27) new laptop computers for use by detectives. The hiring often (10) new Public Safety Specialists will enable the Police Department to free up police officers and redeploy them to Community Policing duties. Police officers spend a large amount of time writing reports. The Police Department believes that approximately 3,800 non-injury related traffic reports and 9,000 Offense-Incident Reports per year could be written by Public Safety Specialists in lieu ofswom police officers. The Department estimates it could save over 15,960 hours per year of police officer time by hiring 10 new Public Safety Specialists who would write those non- injury accident and other police reports. The total cost of this portion of the grant is $253,565, with the Justice Department funding $190,173 and the City supplying matching funds in the amount of $63,392, derived from the Police Confiscations Account. AGENDA ITEM LIE DATE~ The purchasing of twenty-seven new laptop computers (including software and accessories) will enable the Police Department to redeploy detectives to Community Policing duties by reducing the amount of time they spend preparing reports. Currently, detectives generate over 22,500 police reports a year. This figure does not include other required documents such as crime scene sketches, suspect sketches, memorandums or time spent using the Department's computerized Case Management Tracking System. In addition, all reports prepared by detectives must be typed as they are used as evidence in court. This requires that all detectives return to the police station to use desktop computers. By using laptop computers, detectives will be able to write reports in the field and access the main computer system of the Department. A unique feature of this system will be the use of Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) technology. This permits data to be transmitted in "packets" of microseconds, using a cellular technology. The Department estimates that it can save over 11,400 hours per year that would otherwise be dedicated to report writing by using laptop computers. The total costs of this part of the grant are $216,000 with the Justice Department funding $157,500 and the City providing matching funds in the amount of $58,500, derived from the Police Confiscations Account. The total grant requested is $469,565 with $347,673 coming from the United States Department of Justice and the City providing matching funds in the amount of$121,892, derived from the Police ': Confiscations Account. Retroactive approval is necessary as the United States Department of Justice was late in mailing out the applications. The original due date for all applications was May 31, 1998, but was extended by the United States Department of Justice to June 12, 1998. As such, the Police Department did not have enough time to research and prepare the application and bring it before the Mayor and City Commission and meet the application deadline. CONCLUSION This grant will assist the Police Department in redeploying much needed resources back into the community. SRlRRBIMWD/PS T:IAGENDAIJULO 198\CONSEN1\COPSMORE. WPD 5fcnON I Ba'd<ground Infonnalion Please artS"<l;er all of the following questions completely, If all the questions are not a11.S""<l:ered, the application will be considered incomplete and may not be rroiewed or funded. All requested information must be typed, Primary Applicant Organization PRIMAiIT APPucm ORSlNILITIOH': LEGll UKE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, 9-01&1T ElH ,~UlIm 59-6000372 FEcrE3.ll comESSIOHll armlCT (.Yumbet) 22 ARE YOU COHTiUCTlH& FOR uw mDRCEJlE.'1T SEilVlcm If yes. enrer l/Ie n;vr.e JM Jgenr:; ImatmJ' 0007 :i :J1e conrrae: !J'K en~i!tT1ent ::ePJITlTIent :n die LJw E.7iwcement !niann.oon 2c.70n bela-... FLORIDA ApPilCJnt Jqencys nme.dil)ll [J,Y. if jfllV Jqenc-; has be!,7 1S::qned In EfN oy !11e Of.ice ai Jusaee PrcqraIr<S. please us: 1'.JI.llJ1r.Der OtherotlSe jfllJ/ Inrerni Revenue Sernrz Ei.v. s:lculd oe used APPUC.lHT m.m aRI,~U.llm (See page 9 far ::e!:nmen) FL 130700 f5j NO o YES Law Enforcement Information UW ENFlJRCElIE!IT ElEcunm lUKE mu ,. RICHARD BARRETO CHIEF OF POLICE lSENCT MolliE CITY OF ~IAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Aooms 1100 Washington Avenue cm t1i ami Beach, mmm (305) 673-7925 HlME Of CONTACT ?ERSOH IH YOU! JE?lmE1lT rHO IS flllllWl 'm THE SWT GREGORY D. BELLAMY lOOREs.t 1100 Washin ton Avenue STATE FL FAX (305) 673-7065 mu COMMANDER flIP CODE 33139 cm t1i ami Beach, mmm (305) 673-7952 STATE FL FAX (305) 673-7854 liP CUDE 33139 Government Information &DVEilHlWIT ElEc:mm UME SERGIO RODRIGUEZ nilE OF iOVEilHMHT E.'ITlTY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AUDRESS 1700 Convention Center Drive mu CITY MA.NAGER CITY Mi ami Beach, mE?~UHE (305) 673-7010 mrr FL FU (305) 673-7782 1I? CODE 33139 Section I - Yau must return this page as part af your applic:rtian 13 Generallnfonnation - mE DF UI mOSCUlE!lT AGUCT [] MUNICIPAL o STATE POLICE o TRANSIT 0 SCHOOL o PUBLIC HOUSING 0 CONSORTIUM o COUNTY PO o SHERIFF o INDIAN TRIBAL o HIGHWAY PATROL 0 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE (0 PUBLIC 0 PRIVATE) o PARK/RECREATION 0 OTHER (please specify) HAS lOUR JURISOICTIO~ ~ECEIVE~ OTHER cm ;RUTS? o NO g YES o COPS: PHASE I [] COPS AH~~D o COPS FAST o COPS MORE '95 [] COPS MORE '96 IF "IES", UNOER 'NHlca ~ROSaAWS? (CMos: iI rJ1J1.pprl) Ul UNIVERSAL HIRING PROGRAM o TROOPS TO COPS 0 POLICE CORPS o PROBm1-S0L'/lNG PARTNERSHIPS o REGIONAL COMMUNITY POLICING INSTITUTE ~ COMMUNITY POLICING TO COMBAT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE o ADVANCING COMMUNITY POLICING o ANTI-GANG INITIATIVE/YOUTH RREARMS VIOLENCE INITIATIVE POPUUTlO~ SEam U OF 1950 III cmus SQUARE IllliS COVERED (ucJude lire popl1lJaon JIId sr;un mrles pnm3rl'1 wied by amu!Jw Mlrtwnent J/}ences 'IIIll:m yrJ/Jf ilKisdic:ian. Far 4X;rnple. shenffs depnnenrs mtJSI exclude papul3110ns JIId = CCYefed Irl . WI police depJlUnenl ftr 'II/:IC/: lire shenffs dep3lTJ1".enllias no pmwj IJIlI !/Ifwc$enr wonl'/) 92,639 7.1 CURRE.'fi' AIlTHORU!~ SWORN FORCE mmTH (fndicJm If jfJ/JI depJlUT:enl daes nOI/We JII 40 1 31J1honzed strengrh.) lRE IOU REQUESTINS 1 WIIVER OF TltE LDC.lL ,\lATCH REQUIRElIElfi' SUED UPOH SEmE ASCll DlmESS? (II jfS. pius: :zt me s:c:on an 'If3mtS st!IT1ng an paqe ,'aut al It1Js Jppii- anon :urd JIt3c.i . onlt-PJ/}e. 1'ffieWTTaen d=paan al me emcrrJiflJl'l local /isa! ,imi:tp upon 'llluch jfIIJ J/e basing fJ1Jf ~quest fat 3 'K:1Jrer.) DYES [] NO WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF YOUR lSmrS LDC.I1. CUH 1I1TI:H? UW E~FORCE!lElfi' m.....s mCJL IDR FROM: .J..o..J-O..L/-9..L TO: Q9 /~j 98 Signatures UW EHfORCE!lElfi' Imen COSHILIHT FEilEa1L mm (See flJge 8 /01 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ~~~~ I ClIT1/f :IIl1 rile inlatmlriOIl ;mideti on filii farm is rru8 Ind 3c:mJ1ID iIIe iest at 1111 mo.tedge. I undl!m1nd rl1I1 ;liar ID 111'( jf111t mt1. ii, IPpfiant must comply ,;m 3I1lppfit:JriclI 3nd progfllTl ~uirortena qf JII "/JJ~ Slfrr( P,menhip 1M Communirt i'aJi&int kt at f994111i afiler ~ui~mena at fetJenl fir. UiV mORCEME. '" , Intergovernmen I Review Procass cm ,lUwm 16.710 om SU3,\HTTEO TO srU'E SIHSli ;PI~T Of comeT (If ~111 stJle p:v:c:;;res /n:tle :.:ec:;:rle Orr:el r23i2 Inrer~a'lefr.mer.r;;J ,'Ie~e'll ?,,,:= (see ite AppencLr), pime :ill ,n ule d.re an IIIIIC.? JCI1 m.ce . ::a1 af ,T.ts .pc/jallan JYJIIJCle ia ine Sing/e ?=rnl al Conac: .'Cllme....) InTE .lPPUClTlON IDffilAE! (Far sa SJ'fJC USI J41r) 14 Section I - You must return this page as part of your application '/, / ;, /".' .. Aaency Name: OR/#: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Fl 130700 ITEM# 1 SECllON I Retention Please outline below your retention plan for the item(s) requested in your MORE '98 application. This plan should include infonnation on how you will continue the proposed activity and level of redeployment after Federal funding has ended. If this is left blank, your application may not be considered for funding. THE NEW PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIALIST WIll PERFORM THE FUNCTIONS OUTLINED EARLIER IN THE GRANT. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPT. AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO MOVE THESE POSITIONS TO GENERAL REVENUE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE GRANT FUNDING CYCLE. THE DEPARTMENT WIll MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO KEEP THESE POSITIONS AND BARRING ANY UNFORE- ~EEN FISCAL PROBLEMS THEY WILL BECOME A PERMANENT ADDITION TO THE AGENCY'S BUDGET. ~. Section I - You must return this page as part of your application 15 Agency Name: ORI#: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DFPARTMFNT FL 130700 ITEM# 2 SECTION I Retention Please outline below your retention plan for the item(s) requested in your MORE '98 application. This plan should include information on how you will continue the proposed activity and level of redeployment after Federal funding has ended. If this is left blank, your application may not be considered for funding. The laptops and software will be covered by a maintenance contract to ensure viability beyond one or t\vo years. For the software, this includes automatic upgrades. The City has begun the process of budgeting for a CAD/RJvIS manager who will be responsible for maintaining the system. As part of its long term Information Systems plan, the PO will ensure that the hardware is replaced according to a predetermined schedule.; it will be done according to a depreciation schedule. The City will also have p~ople trained as trainers to ensure that new officers adapt to the technology and use it to its fullest potential. The community policing philosophy is and has been part of the agency's strategic plan; it is a matter of public record. The tools provided by this grant will be used by officers in the furtherance of their community policing initratives. Section I - You must return this page as part of your application 15 SECTlON II - PART A ITEM # 1 Cost Effectiveness Worksheet Please type all responses. Please leave no lines blank. If lines are left blank, the application will be considered incomplete and may not be reviewed or funded. Agency/Grant Information JURISDICTION'S LE6ll HAME CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA CITY, SUIT MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA CONTlCT NAME GREGORY D. BELLAMY ORI # FL 130700 COKUCTP~01b5) 673-7952 TYPE Of REQUEST o TECHNOLOGY/EQUIPMENT OR BRIEf DESCRIPTION Of REQUESTED ITEM, nSTEM OR SROUP Of un ITEIlS REFERRED TO IN UNE 5 BElOW PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIALISTS - CIVILIANS [X] CIVILIANS ;' Cost Effectiveness Calculations LINE 1 . ENTRY-lEVEl SALARY OF SWORN POLICE OFFICER (as of Jan. 7. 7888) S 28,160 r- LINE 2 . ENTRY-lEVel FRINGE BENEFITS OF SWORN POLICE OFFICER (as of Jan. 7. 7898) S 9,011 LINE 3. AOO LINES 1 AND 2 S 37,171 LINE 4 . MUlTIPLY LINE 3 BY.75 S 27,878 LINE 5 . ENTER FIGURE ON LINE 4 OR S25,000, WHICHEVER IS lESS S 25,000 LINE 6 . TOTAL COST OF ITEM, SYSTEM OR GROUP OF LIKE ITEMS S 253,565 (100%) II N E 7 - FED ERAl AM 0 U NT REQ U ESTE 0 Can be no more than 75% of total item cost (line 6) S 190, 17 j 41-5-%) LINE B - DlVIOE UNE 7 BY LINE 5 S 7.61 Section II, Part A - You must return ttJls page as part of your appllatJon 19 - SEmON II - PART A Cost Effectiveness Worksheet ITEM # 2 Please type all responses. Please lea11e 110 lilies blallk. If lilies are left blank, the application will be considered incomplete and may 1I0t be reviewed or fullded. Agency/Grant Information JURISJlcnor: tWI. UME (it of Miami Beach ClTT.!nl'E Mi ami Beach FL comer UIIE Greoor Be 11 am mE OF .lEQum FL Police De artment ORI it FL 130700 CDKrm mu (305) 673-7776 x 5722 1;4] TECHNOLOGY /EOUIP~,lENT BRIEF JESC3/rooM OF 3EQUE.lTEJ !TEll. rrmll OR ;aou, Of UlE rrEllI amam TO 1M UME 5 mow LaDtop computers OR o CIVILlMiS Cost Effectiveness Calculations ~. LINE 1 - EHTRHEVEl SAURY Of SWORN POLICE OfFICER (as of Jan. ,. 1998) S 28,160 LINE 2 . ENT!IHEV9: fRINGE BENEFITS OF SWORN POLICE OFfiCER (as of Jan. ,. lS9S) S 9,011 lINE3-AOOllNESlAN02 S 37,171 LINE 4 - MUlTIPLY LINE 3 BY.75 S 27,878 LINE 5 - ENTER FIGURE ON LINE 4 OR 825.000, WHICHEVER IS lESS S 25,000 LINE 6. TOTAl COST OF ITEM. SYffiM OR GROUP OF LIKE ITEMS S 216,000 (10(%) UNE 7 . FEDER~l AMOUIfT REQUEffiO Can be no mere than 75% of total item cost (kie 6) S 157, 50d -1.3...%) UNE 8 . DIVIDE lIl~E 7 BY LINE 5 S 6.3 Sectlon II, Part A - You must return this page as part 01 your application 19 - Agency Hams: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POL rCE DEPARTMENT ORI #: FL 130700 SEf:nON II - PART B ITEM # 1 Demonstration of Time Savings Describe how this item, system or group of like items will result in officer time savings. Please use the space provided below. For large jurisdictions or complex projects, please attach additional sh€€ts. Sample redeployment summaries can be found in the beginning of this section. The actual redeployment that you calculate in this section is what the COPS Office assumes that you will achieve as a result of this grant. Information you need to include: · Number of hours saved per shift per officer ,. · The number of shifts these officers will actually work in a I-year period · How many officers will realize this savings · How the time saved will be used (on what community policing activities) If the actual redeployment that is calculated in this section is substantially greater than the required amount of redeployment you must achieve for this item (line 8 of the CEW), please indicate below that your agency understands that it will be expected to attain this higher level of redeployment if funded for this item. ---SEE ATTACHED-- Section II, Part B - You must return this page as part of your application 23 The Miami Beach Police Dept. is totally committed to community policing. This Agency has implemented community policing in both the Patrol and Investigation divisions. To enhance it's community policing efforts, the department proposes to hire ten (10) Public Safety Specialists (civilians) to reduce the amount of time police officers spend handling non~injury vehicle accidents and preparing offense incident reports. On an annual basis the Department generates approximately 3,799 non-injury related vehicle accidents and 9,000 Offense Incident Reports that could be prepared by a Public Safety Specialist. Officers in the Miami Beach Police Department complete four basic types of police reports. They are the "OtTense-Incident", Supplement, Arrest, and Traffic Crash reports. The "Offense- Incident" report is a "package" of reports that consists of the "Offense-Incident" report, a "Narrative Continuation" report, an "Illegal Document" report, a "Vehic1eiPropeny" report, and a "Property" report. The nature of the offense and lor incident dictates the type( s) of reports that must be completed and the length of time it takes to complete. The "Supplement" report is used to report additional information for all of the other reports, as mentioned above. The Depprtment estimates a time savings of (2) hours per shift per officer. This time is based upon the average report ""Titing time of 66 minutes, developed by the Los Angeles Police Department and report~d in the September, 1993, National Institute of Justice publication, Toward the Paperless Police Department: The Use of the Lap Top Computers. The balance of the (2) hours is made up of the average amount of time spent by an officer on a non-injury related accident. This data was provided by the department's accident investigators, supervisors and patrol officers. ~. The Department deploys an average of 35 officers per shift. The Department estimates that by saving 2 hours per shift per officer, this agency can generate (2hrs X 35 X 228) 15,960 hours per year. When the total hours are divided by 1824, the department has a redeployment figure of 8.75 officers per year. The PSS's will be assigned to the patrol division and placed in one of the (3) Districts and/or Headquarters. The officer time saved will be redeployed into a variety of community policing activities. We will expand the Citizens Police Academy and devote more time to our Neighborhood Crime Watch and the Crime Prevention Program for businesses. - AaencyHame: Miami Beach Police Department OR! #: FL130700 SECTION II - PART B ITEM# 2 Demonstration of Time Savings Describe how this item, system or group of like items will result in officer time savings. Please use the space provided below. For large jurisdictions or complex projects, please attach additional she€ts. Sample redeployment summaries can be found in the beginning of this section. The actual redeployment that you calculate in this section is what the COPS Office assumes that you will achieve as a result of this grant. Information you need to include: · Number of hours saved per shift per officer ,. The number of shifts these officers will actuaIIy work in a I-year period J J · How many officers will realize this savings · How the time saved will be used (on what community policing activities) If the actual redeployment that is calculated in this section is substantially greater than the req].rired amount of redeployment you must achieve for this item (line 8 of the CEVV), please indicate below that your agency understands that it will be expected to attain this higher level of redeployment if funded for this item. Please see attached Sectlon II. Part B - You must return this page as part of your appfic:rtlon 23 The Miami Beach Police Department proposes to purchase 27 laptop computers for use by detectives. The use of laptop by detectives will reduce the amount of time they spend in report preparation and review. The Miami Beach Police Department's (MBPD) Criminal Investigation Division (CID) provides a full array of investigative services to the public. This encompasses investigations of any type of crime, crime scene services, latent print examination, crime analysis, a full service photo lab and computerized sketching capabilities. MBPD detectives are responsible for completing a variety of reports to document their investigations. These reports include Offense-Incident Reports, Supplementary Reports, WitnessNictim/Suspect Statements, Stolen/Received Property Reports, and Memorandums. In addition, the MBPD operates a computerized Case Management System which tracks the progress of each case. The MBPD CID is staffed by a total of 83 personnel (sergeants, detectives and crime scene technicians), management personnel who are not actively involved in investigations are not included.in this number. There are 14 sergeants, 60 detectives and 9 crime scene technicians. Operationally, C/O personnel work two shifts a day, seven days a week. Periods not covered are staffed by detectives on a rotating "on call" basis. ~ A study was conducted of a random seven day period where all activity was reviewed. This included all time spent writing reports, memorandums and time spent utilizing the Case Management System. All reports prepared must be typed as they are used in court. Currently, personnel conduct their investigations in the field and must return to the police station to prepare their reports. Therefore, travel time is incurred in report preparation times. Additional time is required for supervisory review as well as time for corrections, if any. We determined that the average detective spends four hours per day preparing the various reports required. Reports prepared by detectives tend to be much more detailed, complex and therefore, take much longer to prepare than the initial reports prepared by uniform police officers. Moreover, all of the reports must be typed and this necessitates the detective's presence at the police station, therefore increasing time dedicated to report preparation. The department estimates a time savings of two hours per day per detective, based on our activity study. The department deploys an average of 25 detectives for each of its two shifts. The department estimates that by saving two hours per day per detective (2 hours x 25 = 50 hours a day), it can redeploy 6.3 detectives (50 hours x 228 shifts = 11.400 -;- 1,824 = 6.3). The officer time saved will be redeployed to a variety of community policing activities. The Crimina/Investigative Division is part of the Police Department District Community Policing plan. Under the Community Policing Plan, detectives have specific areas of responsibilty. Detective time saved will be spent in activities such as business and residential crime prevention programs as well as proactive investigations to reduce or elimate continuing crime problems. These efforts are estimated to require a total of approximately 6 FTE's, thus as required by the Application, redployment is demonstrated. ,. r' AgenC'1 Harne: ORI #: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FL 130700 Sa:nON II - PART C ITEM # 1 Community Policing Activities Summary C~mmunity Policing Activities OFFiCeil ~CT1'ImES /n hrr a. you demonstnted !he lime S3vings !hat you expect to aellieve !hrough rhe purc.73S9 01 dlis item or eM/i3n. P/e3se indicJte rhie.? 01 dle following 3c:fliUes your OiticofS 'Ii// engage in 3S 3 msuh 01 !his time saYings. [] LOOKirlG AT RE?S~T CALLS FOR SERVICE TO IDENTIF( FROBLE\IS OR HOT SPOTS [Xl WORKING WITH NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS TO IDENTlPf AND PRIORITIZE CRIME PROBLEMS l~ CONDUCTING 'CITIZEN SURVEYS o ADDRESSING CONDITIONS THAT LEAD TO CRIME o ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF COMMUNlff POLICING EFFORTS ON LEVELS OF CRIME AND FEAR []J WORKING WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL / COMMUNlff AGENCIES TO ADDRESS CRIME AND DISORDER PROBLEMS IT] ATWIOING CO.'M.lUrlliY ME:TlrlGS [X] BIKE / FOOT PATROL [1] HELPING COORDINATE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUPS Ul WORKING WfTJ1 BUSINESSES TO ADDRESS CRIME PROBLEMS Ul TRAINING OFFlCERS / CITIZENS IN COMMUNITY POLICING [X) CONDUCTING CRIME PREVENTION WORKSHOPS / DISSEMI- NATING INFOR)AATlON ON WAYS OF PREVENTING CRIME o ENGAGING IN STRATEGIC PlANNING RElATED TO IMPLEMENT- ING COMMUNITY POLICING OTIfE~ ~CTIVmE3 Briefly describe any odler community policing 3r:tiYides your OIffCOfS wi/I engage in 3S 3 ~!Jlt of !he lime slvings for !his item. Plem be 3S dea/7ed 3S possible in die space proYided, using lddidonal pages if necessaty. THE DEPARTMENT IS EXPLORING THE POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING A CITIZEN ON PATROL PROGRAM. THIS TIME SAVINGS SHOULD PROVIDE THE ADDITIONAL TIME NEEDED TO SPARK THIS IDEA. Saction II, Part C - You must return this page as part at 'Jour application 27 ~- Aaency Hama: CITY OF mAMI BE.a.CH POLICE DEPARTMENT DRIAi:: FL 130700 SECTlON II - PART C ITEM # 2 Community Policing Activities Summary Cllmmunity Policing Activities OFfiCER ~Cil"mES In P1fT a. you demanstnted the rime s;Yinqs thaI you expect ru .c.7im thrJuqh l17e [lllfC.7JSe at (/lis item ar c.wli.n. Pima indiWe whic.7 at the /aila~nrl Ioiries your qffj~fS ~II enqaqe in IS a fHSull at this rime saYings. o LOOKillG AT REPE~T CALLS FOR SE.'l'IICE TO IDENTIFY FR08LE,"fS OR HOT SPOTS !ZJ WORKING WITH NEiGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS TO IDENTlff AND PRIORITIZE CRIME PROBLH1S ,. o CONDUCTING CliIZEN SURVEYS o ADDRESSING ~O/JOITIONS THAT LEAD TO CRIME o ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF COMMUNITY POUCING E,=FORTS ON LEVELS OF CRIME AIID FEAR o WORKING WIJ~ LOCAL GOVE,~NMENTAL / COMMUNITY AGENCIES TO ADDRESS CRI.\IE AND DISORDER PROBLEMS !Xl ATTENCING CGM~IUmr( ME:TI,1JGS o BIKE / FOOT PATROL [Z] HELPING COORDINATE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUPS o WORKING WITH BUSiNESSES TO ADDRESS CRIME PROBLEMS o TRAINING OF::JCERS / CITIZENS IN COMMUNITY POUCING o CONDUCTING CRIME PR~/ENTION WORKSHOPS / DISSEMI. NATING INFOR,\IAilON ON WAYS OF PREVENilNG CRIME o ENGAGING IN STRATEGIC PlANNING RElATED TO IMPLEMENT. ING COMMUNITY POUCING orm ~CTlVmES Brierly iescribe Iny ather cammuniry [lalicing acdritios your Oifi~fS ~II engage in 3S a rmil at the dme savings /or this item. Please be as 1eIJIled as pOssible in the Sjlac8 provided, using addidanal pages it neCIJSSaf'/. SC!ction II. P3rt C - You must return this page as part ot your applic:rtion 27 AaenL"1 Nama: ORl #: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FI 11n?nn samON II - PART D ITEM # 2 Current and Future Technology Strategy Please describe in detail below and on additional pieces of paper, if needed: 1) How is your agency currently using technology applications to improve individual and overall department efficiency and to make department operations (patrol, research and planning, booking, etc.) more effective? 2) If funded, how would this COPS MORE '98 award improve/enhance your department's current operations and specific technology applications? 3) How do the requested resources fit in with your agency's long-range tech- nology strategy? How will the future use of this technology be maintained and integrated with other technology applications or upgrades to improve your. information and technology infrastructure? ;' 4) How will the requested resources improve your agency's ability to do any of the following activities? Please explain each in detail. · Collect and analyze incident-based data · Identify repeat crime victims and/or repeat problem locations · Offer patrol officers direct access to incident-based crime data in patrol cars · Link calls for service databases/CAD with other databases such as those on arrests, incidents, field interviews, etc. 5) Are there other ways the requested resources will specifically advance com- munity policing in your agency? ----SEE ATTACHED---- 28 Sec"jon II, PJrt 0 - You must return this page as part at your appJiC3tion SECTION II -PART D Current and Future Technology Strategy 1) The Miami Beach Police Department is currently using technology applications to improve individual and overall department efficiency and to make department operations more effective in the following ways: . We have a automated CAD and RMS systems. We are in the process of implementing new CAD and Records Management Systems in a distributed network envirorunent providing greater access to a myriad of administrative and operational data. This system, employing a graphical users interface (GUI), will be easier to use and will enhance operational capabilities; Case Management - Detectives and supervisors use this to manage cases assigned; Automated overtime tracking system; Computerized mapping - we are currently using mapping sofuvare to automate our crime analysis process; Automated pa'Nll shop system - we have automated our interface with pa'Nll shops thJoughout the city, making the exchange of pa\vned property information more efficient and timely; Mug Shot System - We are in the process of automating the manual process of capturing and displaying mug shots for identification purposes; Mobile computing - as a pilot project, we are testing mobile computers which our offieers are using to \VTIte and print traffic citations from their patrol vehicles as well as incident and accident reports. We are also evaluating vendors who bid on a mobile computing solution for the PD. In a few months we will be implementing a mobile computing system, automating the reporting processing and linking officers to NCIC & FCIC. . . . . ". . . . 2) If funded, this COPS MORE '98 award would improve/enhance the department's current operations and specific technology applications in the following manner: · It will allow Detectives to automate their report writing and to link to external databases (NCIC, FCIC, etc.) using mobile computers and CDPD telecommunications. They will be able to access the new CAD!R.t\1S information from the field and will be able to receive mug shot images as well as incident history data from both CAD and RMS. It will save time by aIlo\Ving Detectives to complete reports from the field and electronically send them to the RivfS. The mobile interface in the field will allow them to exploit the capabilities of the new CADIRMS systems. The mobile CDPD will provide the high speed electronic link to existing and future systems and allow detectives to spend more productive time in the community and less time in the office doing "paper \vork." 3) How do the requested resources fit in with your agency's long-range technology strategy? How will the future use of this technology be maintained and integrated with other technology applications or upgrades to improve your information ~d technology infrastructure? · This technology fits perfectly into our long rang plan. Our plan is to improve efficiency by reducing redundant and manual processes and to enable officers to gather and share a greater amount of information more quickly. The platform on which this technology operates fits industry open architecture standards and \vill be linked to existing and future systems of the MBPD. \Ve ",,,ill require that it be seamlessly integrated with the proposed CAD/RMS network allowing for an increase in data sharing among different functional units within the agency. The platform adopted and with which this technology must comply, is the standard for the City of Miami Beach. 4) Ho\v \vill the requested resources improve your agency's ability to do any of the following activities? Please explain each in detail. ;. · Collect-and analyze incident-based data: The users of this system, detectives, will be able to gather and enter case information directly into the Records Management System using mobile comptlters. This detailed information will be readily available to all officers giving them the ability to conduct ad-hoc analysis. The crime analysis component of the RlvfS ""ill be employed to perfonn more detailed analyses. · Identify repeat crime victims and/or repeat problem locations The system, by allowing direct electronic access to all CAD and Ri\1S data will readily provide officers with instant information about all victims, perpetrators and frequent locations of crime. · Offer patrol officers direct access to incident-based crime data in patrol cars Detectives who will be using this system will gather and enter detailed case information directly into the Records Management System using mobile computers. This information will be instantly accessible to patrol officers in patrol cars. · Link calls for service databases/CAD with other databases such as those on arrests, incidents, field intervie\vs, etc. The CAD system will be integrated with the R.J.vfS. A natural function of that integration is the linking of databases. In fact, the new system is a relational database management system that allows for the linking of all pertinent data tables giving officers a wide array of choices \vhen doing link analysis. The mobile system requested in this grant will allow field officers to ha\'e electronic access to this wealth of information from their patrol vehicles. As an example, when an officer gets a call, he/she \vill see all prior calls at that location for a predetermined period of time. Looking up a name associated with that call, an officer will be able to see all FI's arrests, incidents or any other contacts that individual has had with the Police Department. 5) Are there other ways the requested resources will specifically advance community policing in your agency? · We would like to link the mobile computers to the City's Civic-call [ program to enhance our officers' effectiveness in bringing community problems directly to the City agencies responsible for them. For example, using this technology, an officer could enter a code compliance compliant, forward it to the proper department directly from his/her post in the community, and be sure that it will be acted upon within a predetermined period of time. This will reduce the time it takes making phone calls and creating paper documents to resolve and follo\v-up on community problems. ,. r" I Civic-call is a program started by the City manager to give citizens greater and easier access to City departments and to increase the City's responsiveness to community problems. A bank of operators takes calls from the public about any problem (except police or fire emergencies) related to city services. The operators enter this information into an automated system, on the City network. A given problem is then electronically fO[,\'1arded to the proper City department with a specific amount of time for folIow-up. City Management staff, to ensure timely responses, monitors all complaints. - SECTJON III COPS MORE '98 Cost Effectiveness Worksheet Summary When you have completed the Cost Effectiveness Worksheet(s) (CEW) for each item or group of like items that you are requesting, transfer the total project cost, Federal share and local share from each Cost Effectiveness Worksheet, sum them and list these amounts as the COPS MORE '98 application totals. If you are requesting a waiver, you must still complete the Local Share section. Pleo:se make extra copies of this form if necessary. TOTAL PROJECT COST FEDERAL SHARE lOCAl SHARE (line 6 01 CEiV) (line 1 at CEiV) of. COST EFFECT1VmSS WORKSHEET #1 I $253,565 I $ 190 ,173( 75%) I $ 63,392( 25%) COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #2 , $216,000 I $ 157 ,500( 73%) , $ 58,500( 27%) ~ COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #3 I S I s ( %) S %) COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #4 , s I S %) I S %) I I COST EFFECTIVENESfwORXSHEET #5 I s I $ %) I S %) COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #5 I s I S %) S %) COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #7 ! S ! S %) I S %) I ! COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #3 I s I S %) I S %) , i s , COST EFFECTIVENESS WORKSHEET #9 I s ( %) I s ( %l I MORE '98 APPUCATlON TOTALS ! $469,565 ! .$347,673( 74 %) I S 121 ,892( 26-%) I I ! ' I , i I I I Ma~ not exceed i5% =f :=tal i Must be at leaS: 25% 0; . ~roject cost ! tatal prOject cost I St!c::cn III - You must ratum ~!lis page as part of your 3ilpli~tion 31 - ., Agent'/ Name: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT ORI #: FL 130700 SECTJON IV Budget Detail Worksheet A. Persnnnel Ust each position by title and name of employee, if available. Show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time to be devoted to the project. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization. N ame/Position Computation Cost (10) FULL TIME PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIALISTS @ 20,615 ,,' r" TIME DEVOTED TO PROJECT: 100% Total: $206 ,150 B. Fringe Benefits Fringe benefits should be based on known actual costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed in budget category (A) and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Uniforms, equipment and vehicles are unallowable costs under this grant program. Please list FICA and Workers Compensation, if applicable. (FICA I SS IS 0 BECAUSE OF CITY PENSION PLAN). Name/Position Computation Cost Annual Fringe Benefits "FICA/Social Security Health Insurance) Life Insurance 1 Vacation 1 Sick Leave Retirement "Worker's Camp "Unemployment Ins. Other -- (10) FULLTIME PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIALISTS S 0 (S ') 10,308 '-S "" , S ~sIncluded in yearly salary ... 535,046 5 2,061 5 0 S TIME DEVOTED TO ~ROJECT: 100% Total: 5 117 r 111 ') Section IV - You must return this page as part at your appliC3'tion 35 - AaenC'1 Name: ORI #: r.ITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FL 130700 C. Travel Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g., staff to training, field interviews, advisory group meetings). Show the basis of computation (e.g., six people to 3-day training at $X airfare, $X lodging, SX subsistence). In training projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately. Show the number of trainees and the unit costs involved. Identify the location of travel, if known. Purpose of Travel Location Item Computation Cost NO TRAVEL WILL BE FUNDED BY THIS PROJECT. ,. Total: $ D. Equipment ~. List nonexpendable items that are to be purchased. Nonexpendable equipment is tangible property having a useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Expendable items should be included either in the "Supplies" category or in the "Other" category. Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially for high-cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" category. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the Success of the project. Attach a narrative describing the procurement method to be used. Item Computation Cost Ruggadized laptop computer Vehicle mounting kit Software and licenses 4,700 X 27 700 X 27 2,000 X 27 600 X 27 126,900 18,900 54,000 16,200 CDPD T 1 S 216,000 J.ota : 36 Section IV - You must return this page as part of your application - AaenC'1 Name: ORf #: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FI l1mnn E. Supplies List items by type (office supplies; postage; training materials; copying paper; and expendable equipment items costing less than $5,000, such as books, hand-held tape recorders) and show the basis for computation. Generally, supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Supply Items Computation Cost NO FUNDING UNDER THIS PROJECT. ;' r. Total: $ Section IV - You must return this page as p~rt of your application 37 - Aaency Harne: ORI #: r.ITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARn1ENT Fl 130700 F. CansultantslCllnirads - Consultant Fees: For each consultant enter the name (if known) service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of 5250 per day require additional written justification. Name of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost NO FUNDING UNDER THIS PROGRAM. Subtotal: 5 ;' .................................................................................................................................. Consultant Expenses: List'all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants in addition to their fees (e.g., travel, meals, lodging). Item Location Computation Cost r- Subtotal: $ .................................................................................................................................. Contracts: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost. Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contractS. A separate justification must be provided for sole-source contracts in excess of 5100,000. Item Cost Subtotal: 5 Total: S 38 Section IV - You must return this page as par1 of your application - , Aaency Name: ORI #: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Fl 130700 G. Other CnSs List items (e.g., rent, production, telephone, janitorial or security services, investigative or confidential funds) by major type and the basis of the computation. For example, provide the square footage and the cost per square foot for rent, or provide a monthly rental cost and how many months to rent. Description Computation Cost NO FUNDING UNDER THIS PROGRAM. ,. r" Total: S Section IV - You must return this page as part of your application 39 - Agency Harne: ORI #: rrTY nF MTAMT BFACH POLICE DEPARTMENT FL 130700 Budget Summary When you have completed the budget worksheet, transfer the totals for each category to the spaces below. Compute the total direct costs and the total project costs. Indicate the amount of Federal funds requested. Budget Category Amount A. Personnel B. Fringe Benefits (A) 5 206.150 5 47,415 C. Travel D. Equipment (8) 5 $ 216,000 E. Supplies $ F. Consultants / Contracts s G. Other r" s Total Direct Costs s Total Project Costs S 469.565 (A) $190,173 ( 75 '{ ) I. Federal Request (8) S157,500 ( 73 %) Non-Federal Amount (A) S 63,392 ( 25 %) (8) $ 58,500 ( 27 '{ ) " Total $469,565 40 Section IV - You must return this page as part ot your appliC3tion u.':::>. uepartment of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services ~~' . . '\ .. - .... \I~~ Assurances - ~/e!":!l provisions of Federal law and policy apply to all gr:u:t progralTls. We (the Office of Community Oriented Policing Servic~sl r.eed to secure your assurance that you (the .Jpplicantl will comply with these provisions. If you would like fur:..'":e:- inror.:1ahon about any of the matte:-s on wbjc.L.. we seek your assunr.ce, pleJ..c.e contle: us. , By your aut.hor..ze-::: repre::€:1tltive's sig:'.at-..:...-e, you assure us and cerhl,,! to us that you will ccr:-.piy wit.'1 alllegJ.l a..,d adI71inistr::ltive recuire- r:-.er.ts t..h.at govem I:i'.e applic:mt fer ac:eptance and ll.S€ or FederJ.l grant f .li'.cs. !n par.:c.uaI; you asslL.-e t.:S tbt: ' L You h.1Ve bee:1 Ie3:lily and off:cally auther'..zed by t.'-:e appropriate gcve:-nir:g bady (fer ~'(ample, mayer or dy c:::ur.d) to apply for t.his grant and t..'-lat the pe:-scns sig:'..ing d".e application and these assur- ar.ces on your behalf are author~ed to co so ar.c: to .Ie: en your :e:-.alf w:t.'1 :::spec to any issues t..'-:.Jc ;r.ay ar'_c.e dur,ng precessing or t."'.is appliation. 2. You will comply '.Vit..'-l t.'-:e provisioI""..5 of Federal law whic.'-llimit cer;ain political activities of your employees whose principal em- ployment is in connedon with an ac:ivity f.r.anced in whole or in part with this grant. Tnese restr!c:ions are se~ for+~'-l in 3 US.e. 9 1.501, et seq. ;. 3. You will comply wit.'1 t..'1e m.in.in-.um wage and maximum hours provisions of t.'1e Fede!":!l Fair Labor Scandards Act, if they apply to you. 4. You will establish safeg'..:ards, if you have not dor:e so already, to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose tlut is, or gives the appearal-:ce of being,"motivatec by a desire for private gai.l' for therr~lves or othe:-s, particularly those with whom t.~ey have family, business or other ties. 3. You will give tIee C€pa.r':rr.ent of Justice or the Camp trailer C-eneral access to and the right to examine re:ords ar.c dccurnents relaced to the grant. 6. You will comply wic."l ail requirements ~.posed by the Depart- r..ent of Justice as a cor:dition or adr.-.inistrative requirement of the gra...,t; with t.h,e prcgnP.l g'.Jicelines; 'Nith the requi..-ements of O~fB Ci=..tlars A-87 ($ove::'1.ing c:::st calculations) and A-I2.5 or A-133 (gov- e:7'ing audits); with the applicable provisions or the Omnibt.:S Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as ame:cced; with 23 CFR Part co (l'niiOr.:1 ...\.d.:nirist:"ative Require::-.e:1ts); ',\-:c.' ti-.e provisiar.s or the C"..lr.ent ecinon of t..'-:e appropriate COFS g::-ant mvner's mar:ual; ar.d with all ot.'-:e:- applicable laws, or:::ers, reg-..:laticI""..5 or ctrc-..rlars. /, You will, to ::''-:e exte".t pnc:::ab!e ar.c cor.siste:1c '.vi:.., appliclble la.N. ~k, :-ec:-...:i: ar.ci :-.i..-e c;:..:aliiied r::e::'1;ers cr racial ar.ci e~h.rjc ;:-"i..r:cr:~/ g:-cups ar~d St..:JliEed ~..VOr7'~e:; L."'l orCe~ to fur~~~: efe-::ive (a.,v e"ior:e:::e".c by i..-:C"'eJsi,...:g their :-an.'<s \~.:::.\ir. tlee S-.VOr.", posi- :-:crs m you: ag~~.c? ;3, YOI.l \\iU ".Ct, en t:-.e g:-:::u..-..:: of r<:lce. C:Jlor. rei.:g:cI""., :-.arional or.gi_n, ge:cder, disability or age, Ull.bW:'uJ..Iy eXGl.lc:e any pe:-scn !':urn partic- ipation in, de:1Y t.'1e b,nefits of or employment to any per->on, or suc- jet:': any person to c~"'--::.-r..ination in COI""~,ec':J:on wit., any prograr:--.s or ac:ivities fur.cd in whole or ir. par. w::"'1 Fede:-al ti..:..;lds. T:les~ civil rig_~ts require::-.e:-:::s are fOI.lI',d in t..'-:e i10r.-..:iis....-:-:mirution c;rovi- sions or the Orru"jcL:S C:i.'T'.e Ccr.r.-cl ar.c Safe SC'eets Act of 1963, as amended (42 C 5.e. ~ 37'59(d)); Title VI of t.'1e Civil Rights Act of 1964, as arr'.ended (42 USe. ~ :CCOci); t.'-te Indian Civil Rights Ae: (2.5 USe. 99 1301-1303); ~on:\:4 of t.'-le Rei1abilit3t:on Ac: of 1973, as ame,l'ld- ed (29 USe. 9 794); Tide II, Subtitle A of t.'":e ...I..rneriC31lS with Disabil- ities Act (ADA) (42 C.5.e. 9 12101, et seq.); t.r.e Age DiscD.lnination Act of 1975 (42 USe. ~ 5101, et seq.); ar.c: Department of Justice Non-Dis.---imination RegdatioI""..5 cantai.,ed in Title 2S, Par.s 33 and 42 (subparts C, D, E ar.d G) of t.I'.e Coce of Federal RegulahoI"".s. A. In the ever.t that any cocr:: or ad..::...i.-.istrative ager.cy makes a finding of disc:i.:nir.ation on grou.nds of race, color, religion, national origin, gence:-, disability or" age against you atte:- a due precess hearing, you agree to fonva:-d a copy of the finding to the Office of Civil Rig:cts, Office of Justice Programs, 810 7th St:'eet, (\OW, Washington, DC 20531.. B. Ii you are applyi."g for a gr-"..ti",t of s...::CO,CCO or more and Depart- ment regulatioI""..5 (25 CFR 42.301 et seq.) require you to submit an Equal Opporturjt:' E:71p!oy~ent Pla." you wJ! do so at the time of this application, if you have not der.e so in the past. If you are applying for a grant of less t.lcan 53CO,CCO and the regulations require you to rnai.,CJi,.., a Plar. on f.le [..'1 your office, you will do so wit.":.in 120 cays or your g:-:lnt awar:::. 9. You will insure t.'1at t."'.e faClites under vour owne:-shio, leJse or sUDervision whic.'1 shall be utilized in d.(e accomD!ish~e:1t of the pr;ject are not listed en the Envi:-onlner,tal Prote~tion Agency's (EPA) list of violatir:g F?Clicies a..-:c: tl-:at you will notify us if you are advised by t.'-:e EPA irlc:iotbg ti-.at a f<:lci!ity to ':e used in this grant is Ullde:- canside:-ahoI"". fo... listi..--.; by E2.-\. 10. If your state has es:aciishec a ...e'liew ar.c cor..r:cer.t precedure u:lce:- Executi'/e Or:::e:- 1237'::: a.....c: has seiec:ed t:-Js ?:-:::g:-am far review, you ha';e mace ,:cis a??i:cahor. a';ailable far review by t:-:e state Sing!e Point of Ccmac:. 11. You wil! de';:..:;e J ?:a..... :0 ...2:a;...., ::-:e :"-:ceas~d rjr'~,g level with S~.Jte ar.c lcc:d fu...-.cs a::2:" t~e c:Jr,C:L:slcr, cf your g73nt. Section 'J - You must return this page as part at your applic:rtion 12. You will comply with the provisions of Federal raw which apply to funding for the pur- chase, maintenance or enhancement of equipment (hardware or software) that enables an agency to receive, store, exchange, analyze or disseminate criminal intelligence information. These require- ments are set forth in 28 CER. Part 23. If your grant is subject to the 28 CER. Part 23 require- ments, you will create a system operating manual to ensure that your agency operates and main- tains such a system in conformance with the oper- ating principles set forth in 28 CER. Part 23. . "Criminal Intelligence System" or "Intelligence System" means the arrangements, equipment, facilities, and procedure used for ,. -- - the receipt, storage, interagency exchange, dis- semination and analysis of criminal intelligence information. Any information system that received, stores and disseminates information on individuals or organizations based on their involvement in criminal activity is a criminal intelligence system. The definition includes both systems that store detailed information on the criminal activities of subjects and systems that store only information designed to identify indi- viduals or organizations that are the subject of an inquiry or analysis (e.g., a pointer system). Signature: urances tr.a: gm:mt the application and tlSi? of Federal funds. Date: t,/I()/~J , , U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services ~'~~_._.~"' ! . - j':\' :.,1, - - .....\ , ~- . ')/:..?~ x;..: . > . > Certifications R~arrling lnhbying; Debarment, ~nScn and Other Re5;:(JrSbility Matrers; Dru~e Wor~laC2 R~llirernems Cl:crnination with Affected Ageoc:es; Non-Suppfanting; and RetEniXm. ,-\.ll~oL.;gh t.he D:?artI:-.~.t of Justice has made every ecort to Sh"11pLify the apFliCJ.::ien precess, other provisions of Fec.erallaw require us to seek YaW" ce~'1cation regarding certain matters. Applicants should :-2ad the regulations ded below ar.d the instructions for ce~...Ji.CJ.ton induded in the regulations to understand the reqWre!:1e...'1ts and whet.~er tb,ey apply to a particular applicant. Signatu.-e of lm form provides for compliance wib certificaton requirec:',e...'1ts under 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Locbyir,g," ar.d 28 CFR Part 67, "Goverr.me.!lt-wide Deba.r::le...'1t ar.d SL:spe!'cSion (Nonproc..ueme...'1t) and Gover:1IDe...'1t-wide Requi.-eme...'1ts for DrJg-Free vVorkplace (Grants)," ar,d the coorcii.'12.tion and non-sL;?planting requirerr,e.:-,[5 of t.l;e Pubic Safe,:; Pa..-:::-.ership a..'1.d Conununity Polieng .A.C'; of 199<1:. 1;.,e cer::.Eclt:::ens shall be treated as a mate~..al represcrl- tation of fact upon whic...... reliance will be placed whe...'1 the Department of Justice deter:nines to award the covered grant. 1. Lobbying As required by Sedon 1352. Title 31 of the Us. Cede, and imple- mented at 28 CFR Part 69, for p.ersons entering into a grant or coop- erative agreement over SIN,CeO, as clef-ned at 28 CFR Part 69, the applic;mt certifies that A. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid. by or on be!',alf or t:le undersigned, to any person ror intlu- ene.ng or attempt'.ng to inr1t.:ence an orocer or employee or any agency, a y[embe, or CC!'.gre5S, an officer or employee or Congress, or an er:1p ioyee or'p- Member or Congress in connection with the making or any Federal grant; the entering into or any cooperative ag=eement; a.."'ld the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or rr,cdificaticn or any Federal grant or cooperative agreement; B. If any funds ot."le, than Fede:-al appropriated funds have b~n paid or \0Jl be paid to any person ror ir.rluenci.ng or attempting to intlL:ence an oroce, or employee or any agenc:/, a Member or Congress, an office, or e;.',pioyee of Cong:-ess, or an employee or a yfember of Ccn~ss in connec'icn wit.1e this Federal g:-ant or ceoperative agreer:1ent, the undersigned shall complete ar,d sub- rrit Standard For.n - U...L, "DL<..::lcsu.re of lol:by';.r,g Ac:i,;ities," in accordance with its ir.st:".lctions; C. 'T:-:e ul"\dersigr,ed shall require that the language of tIus cer:ir.- CJtion be ir.clL:ced in t..t..,e award ceC'.lIT',e:1ts ror ail subawards at all tiers (ir,c!uding subg:-ants. cont:'acts under grants and coope,a- tive agree;.'.ents. and su:c;mtrac:;) and tl1at all 5ub-re-.:ipients s:;,JU ce~-.i:,,' and c~"Clc5< 3c:or:.:i....1"1gly. :. Deb.uTI".ent. Suspension Jnd Other Responsibility Matters (Direc: Recipient) .j,..:; :-21~1..ire':: b:/ =-"(~~::v~ c-:-:::::" 1 :':~9, D€;:'arrr",e:":t )r:c 5L:.5-;e~io~,. J:".d i...7,~;e:7".r:~~:2C a: 25 C~ r'J.:: 6:-, :cr p:"cs~~ve par::c~J:--'.~ 0. pr:I":":ar:: c:Jve~d ty~-..sac::crs, 35 de~..!".ed at 25 erR Par: 67, ~on 67.3l1J - ,-\. T:-Ce J:;-dio.'"cc ':2;.:::e5 t..'-:at it md its :;-~.r,e?als: " .~~:e :"".cr :=:"e~:-.~l:.: .:d::',):7ec:, st.:Sp1:?:--.ceC. ?ro:;cs<:c: fer C~C;c1:::-,e:~t, -:~la:ec :r:~Lig:=ie, x!"",ce:"'.c2d :0 a ceniJ.l or FedenlC€!'.efits by a state or Federal court. or voluntarily excluded Erem covered transaCions by any Federal depart- ~.e!1t or Jge:1cy; (il) Have nct .,vithin a three-year pericd preceding this appli- cation b€en convic':ed of or had a civil jt.:dgment rendered agair.st tr,e;.'. ror .:omrni.."5ion or rraud or a criminal ocrel1S<2 in ccnnec:icn ~Nit.~ obtaining, atte!7'.pting to ootain, or Ferfor:n- ing public (Federal. state or local) trar.saCion or conh":lct under a public trar.saCicn; violation of Federal or state antitrust st~tutes or cDmmission of eml:e::z!ement, theft. forge,:/' bd:ery, fuLsiEc.:lnon or destruction of rE':ords, rreaking faL~ statements. or recei,;ing stolen propert'j; (Ui) Are not presently indic':ed for or otherwL"€ c::-i.m.inally or evilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal. st:lte or leeal) wit.'-: cJmr7'J.ssion or any of the offenses enumented in paragTapn (A)(il) or this certification; and (iv) Have !',ot wit.lU...."'1 a t.~ree..year period precedi..'1g this appli- cation bead c!'.e or more public tr"ar.sactions (Federal, state or local) ter::-i..'1;Jted for cau.."€ or default; ar,d B. INhere the applicant is unable to certify to any of the st:lte- ments in t..t...i.s cel":'..ncation, he cr she shall attach an explanation to tb..is applicaten. 3. Drug-Free Workplace (Grantees Other Than Individuals) As required by :..:",e Dr..:g-Free Work? lace Act of 1988. ar.c:!. im?ie- me:1ted at 23 C:7. Pa:: 57, Subpm F. for g:-a..."'1tees. as deE.",ed .:it 2S eFR Par: 67, ~Cr'5 67.515 a:--,d 67.620- A. T.--:e ap?!ic:!..".t ce~.iies t.t..at it wUl. or will conti..-,L:e to, provide a d:--.:g-rree ~,":crk?Ia.c2 by: (i) Pubi:.si-i.'"cg J scate:ne!1C notiiyi.r.g e:n?loyees t:-.at the LL""'l.1',V:=-":"; ::-".;,r.t.i::.c::..::::, ,i~~cL:::~n, di.s::e:-.s~""Lg, ?Csse:::s~cr, C~ L.:-~ or J (2r.::-oUec subs~.ce is pr:J0jclted in t.h.e grmtee s T,vcrk?l2.C2 l.......d sFec~f-:..~g th~ ac~cn.s ::hat ~^till ce t.Jke~ JgJins~ e:":,,,.?lcye-:s ~cr violation or su~:, ?::crubirior.; (ii) E.stJ.=~i-.i""'g aZ1 cn.goi..~g c:-:.:g-f:-ee a',vJ..ceneS3 progr-:u:"'. to irier:":'". ~::',?~oye-es Jbo~t- Section V - You must return this page as part ot Jour appliC.1tion (a) Tne dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (b) Tne g:antee's FOUcy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (c) A.'1y available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employ- ee assistar.ce prog:-ams; and (d) Tne penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug-abu..~ violations OCcurr'.ng in the workplace; (iii) Maki.ng it a requirement t.hat eac.'1 employee to be engJged in tl",e performance or the grant b~ give:! a copy of t:-e 3taterr,e:,,: required by par3graph (i); (iv) ~of.iyir,g the employee in the statement required by parappn (i) that, as a condition of employment under the grar',t, the err:p[oyee will _ (a) Abide by the te:":T'oS of the stateme:!t; a.'1d (b) (\;of..~.,r t..':e err:ployer in wr'.ting of his or her conviction for a violation of a c-'.minal drug statute occurring in the work- place no later t..'1an five calendar days after suc.'1 conviction; (v) ~otifying the age:!,:/, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receivir.g notice under subpar3graph (iv)(b) from an employee or otherwise receivir,g actual notice of such comric- tion. E..-nS'loye:s of conviCted employees must provide notice, including position title, to: COPS Office, 1100 Vermont Ave., NW, Washing:on, CC 20530: Notice shall include the identifi- cation numbe:(s) of eac.'1 affected grant; (vi) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receivi..'1g notice under subparagraph (iv)(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted _ (a) Ta.<i.'1g appropriate personr.e! action against such an employee, up to and including temtination, consistent with the requiremencs of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amend- ed; or (b) Requiring suc.'1 employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for sue.:' pw-peses by a Federal, state Or local health, law enforce- ment or other appropriate agency; (vii) Making a geed faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (i), (ii), (ill), (iv), (v) and (vi). Grantee Nar.,e and Address: - B. The grantee may insert in the space prov!ded below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the SPecific grant: Place of performance (street address, city, count'"j, state, zip code) Check 0 li the:-e are workplaces en file that are not identilied here. S€don 67.6,]] of the regulations prm,ides that a grantee that is a state may e!ec to [1",ake one certiiication in each Federal fiscal year, a copy of whi6 should be included with ea6 appUcation for Department of ]L:stice funding. States and state agencies may e!e-~~ to ~ OlP ror.n 4C61/7. Checl< 0 if t..'-te state has elected to' complete OJP Form -!C61!7. 4. Coordination The Public Safety PartersbJp and Community Policing Act of 199~ requires appUcants to cer:ify that there has been appropriate coordi- nation with all agencies t.."tat may be affected by the appUcant's grant proposal if approved. Affected agencies may include, among others, the Office of the United States Attorney, state Or local prosecutors, or correctional agencies. Tne applicant certifies that there has been appropriate coordination with all affected agencies. 5. Non-Supplanting Tne appUcant hereby certifies that Federal funds will not be LL~d to replace or supplant state or local funds, or funds suppUed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. that would, in the absence of Federal aid, be made available to or for law enforcement purposes. 6. Retention The appUcant hereby cer'"...iies that it understands that it must abide by its submitted plan to retain the additional civilian positions and redeployrnent levels at the conclusion of the grant period. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT AppUcation :\"0. ar,d!cr Proje-:t ~ame: COPS MORE/98 Grantee IRS! vendor :\urnbe:-: 5 9 -6000372 RICHARD BARRETO, CHIEF OF POLICE As the duly authori=zd l1?pres.?ntative oj the governing body, [ hereby certify that the [ am b.inding the gor:eming body to the abor;e cmifica- tions, iru:luding the plan to retain. Elections oj new officials u:iil not relie-ue the governing body oj its obligations under this grant. Sig;".,]t'<..lre: Sig:"'.a nL.-e: Typed ~ar;-;e and Title c: Gove.. Date: e:;rese:"tative: SC:RGIO RODRIGUEZ, CITY j'vlAN,cGER Date: - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Approved by OMB 0348-0046 (as amended) Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.s.e. 1352 (See reverse for instructions and public burden disclosure) 1. Type of Federal Action: ~ a. contract b. grant c. cooperative agreement d. loan e. loan guarantee f. loan insurance i 2. Status of Federal Action: ~ a. bid/offer/application b. initial award c. post-award 4. Name and Address of Reporting Entity: ~ Prime 0 Subawardee TIer --J if known: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. 1700 Conve~tion Center Dr. Miami Beach, Fl. 33139 Congressional District (number), if known: ~ 6. Federal Department/Agency: U.S. DEPT. OF JUSTICE 8. Federal Action Number, if known: 3. Report Type: ~ a. initial filing b. material change For h[aterial Change Only: Year: Quarter: Date of last report 5. If Reporting Entity in No.4 is Subawardee, Enter Name and Address of Prime: Congressional District (number), if known: _ 7. Federal Program Name/Description: COPS MORE/98 CFDA Number, if applicable: I 9. Award Amount, if known, I S 347,673 10. a. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant (ifindividttal, last name, first name, M1): THOMPSON, MARILYN B. JordenBurt 1025 Thomas Jefferson St., N.W. Su ite #400 Ea s t Washington, D.C. 20007-0805 11. Information requested through this form is authorized by Title 31 Li.S.C. Section 1352.. This disclosure of lobbying activities is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed by the tier above when this transaction was made or entered into. This disclosure is required pur- suant to 31 U.S.c. 1352.. This inform.1tion will be reported to the Congress semi-annually and will be available for public inspection. Any person who f.lils to file the required disclo- sure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than 510,000 and not more than 5100,000 for each such failure. 10. b. Individuals Performing Services (including address if different from No.IOa) (last name, first name, ~U): Print Na Signature: Title: CITY r.v."'i,::,,GER Telephone No.: (305)673-7010 I Date #'ii ! Federal Use Only: Authorized for Lool Reproduction, .ScJndard For=:-! - LLL U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services ~---.,... : ~ ',',.r ~ ~ .' ~~,.'" - - DisdOSJre of Lobbying Activities InsttucOOns for Cumpfemn at SHll, ~1"2 at Lobbying Activities This disclosure fonn shall be comple:ed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime Federal recipient, at l"le initiation or receipt of a covered Federal action, or a material change to a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 Use 5e'.:- tion 1352. Tne filing of a fOGn is requi:ed for each paymer.t or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influenci......g or atteC'lpting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Cong:e5s, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connec:ion wil" a covered Federal action. Compie:e ail items that apply for both the initial ding and material change re?ort. Refer to l~e implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budge: for additional information. 1. Identify t.~e type of covered Federal action for whic.~ lob- bying activity is and/ or has be<'--l', S€G..lIed to iru1ue.."'lce the out- come of a covered Federal action. 2. Ide.'1t..~/ the status of lice covered Federal action. ~. 3. Identify the appropr.ate classiiication of lh.is report If this is a follow-up report caused by a material c.;"'ange to the infor- mation previously repor-ed, enter the year and quarter in which the change cccur:ed. Enter the date of the last previ- ously submitted repor: by t.'Us reporting e."'ltity for ::''Us cov- ered Federal action. 4. Enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the reporting e.'1tity. Include Congressional District number, if bo'N11. Checl< jfo,e appropriate dassification of the reporting e.'1tity that designates if it is, or expe-:ts to be, a prime or sub- award recipie..'1t. Identify jfo,e tier of the subaward~, e.g., the fllSt subawardet: of the prime is the 1st tier. Subawards ir,dude but are not limited to subcontracts, subgrants and contract awards under grants. 5. If the organization fili,-:g t.":e I'2?or. i...-: i:e!:', -i: c."le-::ks "Subawardee," the:"! e.'1te: the full name, address, cie;.; state anc zip code of the pr~rne Federal recipient. Induce Congressior.al Dis::r:ct. if k.,own. 6. E.:1ter t,.',e ;came or l~e Federal ag,=ncy ma.king the award or lC2..:.-: comtr..iC7:ent. I:ccluce at least or,e orsJ:'izac:cr,C'..: le'/e! I:e:o\'/ as"e:',~/ nar..e. if k..-,own. Fer exa.rn?(e. De?~,e!"t of T:2I".spor...a.tion, l;"rjre-i St2.:es Coast GL.:a:c:. j, E..,ter 0.e federal ?rog:-::"":1 na.rr,e or ces.::_ :::;r:on for ::"':".e cc<;- ered Federal action (item 1). If knmvn, enter the full Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreeme.'1ts, loans and loan commitme.'1ts. 8. Enter the most appropr.ate Federal identifying nurnber available for the Federal action identified in item 1 (e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number; Invitation for Bid (IFB) number; grant announceme.'1t number; the contract, grant, or loan award number; the application/proposal control number assigned by the Federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "RFP- DE-9O-{:Ol." 9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal age.'1cy, enter jfo,e Federal amount of the award/loan commitment for the p~,e entity identified in item 4 or 5. 10. (a) Enter jfo,e full name, add...'"ess, city', state and zip code of the lobbying e.T1tity engaged by the reporting registrant identi- fied in item 4 to influence the covered Federal action. (b) Enter the full name(s) of the indivicual(s) perfomUng ser- vices, and include full address if different from 10 (a). Enter Last Name, First Name, and ~[iddle Initial 0-vIT). 11. The certifying offiCa.! shall sign and date the form, pr.nt his/her rame, title and telepb.one nur-,ber. P!loiic r!?porting our:kl for this col!-"et:on of irfonr.ation is estirr.atd 10 a:.~agl? 30 minutes per Tespen&, inc!:uiing nTr'..:! for T"e":-ie-.1--ing instr:LCtions. searching c:sting rbta 5Cure:::. gatr_-':"ing :mJ. rr.aintaining Ir-e data nl?:?:id, and compieting and re:-i"-,,1."!g the cai!:?ction of infanr.ation. Sed corn- , r."_"71ts regading Ir.e C!lr:1c: cstirr..a::? 'Jr any ol.:'~ aspeet cf this calleetten c.,., infonr..ation. inchuiing s:lggcstiors /'rJr rduc:'ng this curie!, to tf'-e affie.? q Afanager.cr.t :1..ui BLuige:, P::-pc-.Ix;rk ,~d:lcticn Prcjec: (OJ.;S-Co.;o). Washingtcn. O,c. 20530. S~c'jon 'J - You must return this page as part, of your appliC3tian