#1083a Herald obituary article "Mother of Miami Beach" Rose Weiss 8/8/1974 '~ .... . ,-"." ,~ : .~...'!1>::~rrj}.1S~.'~~ t-.-t' W eis~ -~ '~n^gea;-the--Iate MfGtegor- 7tRUN . Smi~h. then president of ARK. -_.~ ..- known as the. "Mother of In the. 1920s, she "Y.a..sin-. _.paid_t.ribute_tO-her_by,,;,,,,wdl,-. ":'~'~~RiF Miami Beach" arid "Une- stnimentilJ in- e/itablishing ing 1I poem entitled "'An f~:n~~~ lected Eighth' Councilman." the firstpublicpaoc=oI1=" .,,,QQ.~.!Q,~.Bosi~/',..~L~l~,...en- _ -jlst~~ -dllld-Tuesday' in the Jewish MiamI,' . Beach, near Wash- couraged her to contlllue Service. h .., I t pilla, L Home for the Age~. ington Avenue and Third . er CIVIC IOVO vemen , 'RIV.ER~ Candidates for office in Street. She is survived by two CARSe Miami Beach sought her ad- After the 1926 hurricane; SOliS, Milton, presi~e!l..L oL 'HOW~R . h her home became a Red. Financial Federal' Savings Tues. ^ vice over t e years. and Loan Association of r~lher, "SI1e-was-m,-e a mother Cross..emergenG.y.-staUon.--,- -~.----- .. .-.-----.------- ..bluish Loss of power following the Miami Beach! and Eugene: ~~ aas to me and to everyone who a daughter, Mrs. Malvina . Guard, k h" M' . B I hurricane prompted her to .. "wlll be newer, laml eae 1 Liebman', five grandchil- week ~ .M help lead an effort to get ayor Chuck Hall said. dren', one great-ar,andchild', dSt8,nceAbo, . bottled gas supplied to c' ... Anyone who had a proj- :md three sistets." Mrs-:Belln . -manls-t Miami Beach so that 'people lem or needed to know the Feld, Mrs. Bessie Jacoby NE f I' f th I f would have cooking fuel. 1333 D~d. ee mg 0 e ' peop e 0 Mrs. Weiss helped start and Mrs. Sadie Glass. Miami Beach went to Ros:f', the first social welfare or- Services .will be at 12:30 as we callep her. She aJ. ganization in Miami' Beach, Rose Weiss p,m. today at the Riverside , ways had her fing~~ on the taking food baskets to the ... 'uneleceed councilman' Alton Road Chapel. . pulse of the people. poor at Thanksgiving and (y The-'family'reqiJ"ests nie:- . s-t!8Tm:d L1!~ was also In- pilsl dlrecLul uf Ptoneernt--m6l'ialH6-4i~he-J .-. title of-unelected council- volved with the.. organiza- Miami,. Inc. ish Home for the Aged, or ~~~:e~ man because "she never tion of several Jewish social When Mrs. Weiss retired the Hebrew Academy, or to owner , from N ,:m,issed a meeting," said antfivic elubs, a!1d was a to the Jewish Home for the Mount Sinai Hospital. ~:::;~' -,-.:=:Q!Y=~Q~g'O..JosephcW~.-,_m .,",..- ..-.-... .:~. ::....:..:.h._.___.~c ..::':~==c=--=:c=,,::ccc::'.';"".==. _.__u.__n__ -..---.._._--nh._., ...___. ~ ick. "She was always there .______hm._.u_._.__,;_-.____.____ ~~f.:m. in the front row, and__when n -Servl~ e-spo -up;-'she-gotllMi - -ment e tion. We always knew she welcom ~nOcfetecH>ress--wa~aking-in-the-pubtic NEW-Y6RK (AP) the thst p1ofessor' 'of---an interest," ' Dr. Virginia Apgar, devel- esthesiology there. She esti- Councilman Leo n a r doper of the "Apgar Score' ,mate recent y t at sea Weinstein said, "She was that evauJates newborn in- assisted in the delivery of 'tiriaouotedly one of the fants, died Wednesday. She more than 17,000 babies. g rea t ladies of Miami was 65, A person of many inter- Beach, She was something The test, routinely used ests. she played the. yiola o( a matriarch. She was a in delivery rooms, provide,> with symphony orchestras leader of innovations in the norms forphysiCiansto and was a member of ama- school board, and helped quickly judge the health of teur chamber music groups. see that Miami Beach devel- an infant. It involves meas- She was also a ,member of oped the way it did." uring an infant's heart rate, the Gatgut Accoustical So- Mrs. Weiss, was born in respiration, muscle tone, re- ciety, a group that made its Mezerich, Russia, and came flexes and color 60 seconds own string instruments. to New York with her fami- after birth and again four She is _ survived m by a W- during the--pogroms. In minutes later. brother, L a w~ r e ne e C. I !:f2U she moved to Miami Dr. Apgar was a senior Apgar, of Pocono Lakes, vice president for medical 1\.1 J affairs of --th-e~ionar'--P'. .. C Re nold Foundation-March of : , \~~':;;;,~~ · Y S, ?';"~.n ~d ~~~'l:.\i'l:: E ogene ~ (Jllg) _ Ammons, f.!Y:'kincr;--and-'-83-~-=-KOOred-- '- C 0'1, u-mo I a flresDvtefJan -- . --. . lW they were ., _ .___ --. _~lCaLC.e*r. where she - ~ote .' ~.A.p e a second bad been undergoing diag- -1~ Ul'eU u..i1lo..U' first WClS al. .1.loII.cem.._ an. nastie tests. The exact 1 . . . _ cause of death was not im- me<liately known, he said. Charles R ReynnJQ~. 88,. Dr-Apgat-WaJ-aliO ca- a retired Miami policeottP author-pnhe Dook, "Is My , eel'.._ med_Tu.esday. :-in_ ~~.Baby ...AIl Rtgbt?.':- and.mare THt:/f1:A/1 t' Itt?/l/fr.,j hd oj 17 7Y' ), ?-.P DEATHS. , ' 'Mother .of Miami Beach' 'Rose . -CNN-SCHLI\TIElt"=-Bea'cn-witTl--lier Jiusha-na~ Hereld Writer Jeremiah Weiss. He died in OeFR; HENR) pa,ssoo be ant CHAPE uilcl.-rs "S ,lit! job ROSE, bles pa er o. coming bva SI ~~~s~~~ Gables oIMB. N,Y.C. grandcl Fri. 1 HOME emete the hor plan 47 imh -HAY1 WALLI . , Blscav. 6. He NewPOI rellred - -, .orlgina viigiDra'Xpgar'" ,.~t~: . . . deve.lQp.erl. 'e,~t l~: (;~ -. viiTOl'S (Pat), (Toby) nieces e. Fr COFEI ERA! .- - '-=-.J~ed'- call al lse 40 lLttd hauling ld whatever d UJ)e" fiaid . ,~._~..._--,-_.. CHICAGO - (AP) Jazz great Eugene--{Jug) funmons, known for his earthy, blues.rooted. tenor _.sa.xophone s~.I.~,..~-as died in _ ~f;,,-f'__';,- ,;.._ .I_~J!I...__ _ most of the great jazz fig- ures ot-lH&-ge~ .' eluding .... Dizzy Gilles ie Charlie ~Par-ker-an(J I es-", Davis, . ., t'-'bull. ~Mt