LTC 083-2007 C.L.E.A.R. (Clearing Lanes, Easements, Alleyways, and Right-of-
NO LTC # ffi3r-2007
Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ ~~
March 30,2007 ()
C.L.E.A.R. (Clearing Lanes, Easements, Alleyways, and Right-of-ways)
The City's Parking and Police Departments have jointly established a mobility enhancement
project called "C.L.E.A.R.~ C.L.E.A.R. (Clearing Lanes, Easements, Alleyways, and Right-
of-ways) is intended to address traffic conditions, including congestion created by double
parking along major collectors and arteries and blocking of intersections throughout the City.
Traffic congestion was identified in the residential survey as an issue needing improvement.
The KIO (key intended outcome) to address or Improve Traffic Flow was adopted as part of
the City's strategic plan and the C.LE.A.R. initiative was created as a component, among
other strategies including the Municipal Mobility Plan, to support it.
C.L.E.A.R.'s goals are:
. Maintain major corridors free of vehicles obstructing traffic.
. Provide information regarding commercial loading opportunities throughout
major corridors:
_ Commercial Loading Zones {7:00 AM to 6:00 PM/30 minute (maximum).
_ Alleyway (20 minute maximum/maintain emergency vehicle access).
. Use of side streets.
. Encourage loading activities during slower traffic periods (not during peak
businessltraffic periods):
_ Commercial loading activities are encouraged 6:00 A.M. to 11 :00 A.M.
The program will consist of a progressive and systematic enforcement approach, jointly by
both the Parking and Police Departments, of various illegal parking violations, including
"blocking the box" (obstructing intersections); "double parking" (obstructing traffic lanes);
abuse of commercial loading zones (time limits) and prohibited parking at bus stops.
Citations issued by the Police Department shall be moving violations and may assess points
and a fine to the driver.
The C.LE.A.R. initiative shall commence on Monday, April 9, 2007. A substantial
notification process is underway both to businesses and to their vendors. A progressive
enforcement strategy will allow for notification and education of where and when commercial
loading should take place. Notification efforts include PSAs (public service
announcements); VMS (variable message signs) placed at strategic locations throughout the
city; and most importantly parking enforcement officers are conducting door to door visits in
major business corridors distributing informational notices, maps outlining commercial
loading options, and providing O&A. Progressive enforcement will commence on April 9,
2007 a~1 graduate to citation issuance on Monday, Apli116. 2007.