2000-24091 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 2000-24091 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A PURCHASE ORDER WITH FLORIDA LEMARK, CORP., IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,400, AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000, WHICH INCLUDES A $1,600 CONTINGENCY AMOUNT, FROM UNEXPENDED BALANCE IN GULF BREEZE LOAN POOL, TO PAY FOR THE REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF TWENTY FOUR (24) DECORATIVE BIRD FACADE SCULPTURES FOR THE EXPANSION AND RENOVATION OF THE BASS MUSEUM OF ART. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission approved an Agreement with the firms of Spillis Candela & Partners (SC & P) and Arata Isozaki & Associates (Isozaki) for architectural and engineering services for the Expansion and Renovation of the Bass Museum of Art (the Project), on March 26, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission approved the Construction Contract with Danville- Findorff, Inc. (DF!) on December 3, 1997; and WHEREAS, the original contract documents contained a unit price requirement for the pricing of repairs and restoration of twenty four (24) bird sculptures on the facade of the Bass Museum Historic Building and the contingency allowance was to be used for the repairs; and WHEREAS, DFI submitted an excessive proposal for the repairs and the City and SC&P have been unable to negotiate a more reasonable proposal; and WHEREAS, after obtaining proposals from several sources, Florida Lemark Corp. (FLC) has been deemed the lowest, responsive, responsible proposal for the repairs and renovation of the Bass Museum bird sculptures; and WHEREAS, the proposal is for $8,400 to repair the sculptures in place and the City is adding a contingency of $1 ,600 to account for any eventualities which may be discovered during the repairs; and WHEREAS, the initial project contingency allowance has now been exhausted; and WHEREAS, additional funding, in the amount of $10,000, is thus required beyond the original $8,000,000 project budget in order to cover the above described work and such additional funding is available from the unexpended balance in the Gulf Breeze Loan Pool. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein approve a Purchase Order with Florida Lemark, Corp., in the amount of $8,400, and appropriating additional funding in the amount of $ 10,000, which includes a $1,600 contingency amount, from unexpended balance in Gulf Breeze Loan Pool, to pay for the repair and restoration of twenty four (24) decorative bird facade sculptures for the Expansion and Renovation of the Bass Museum of Art. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 27th day of September ~A MAYOR ,2000 ATIEST:~r p~ CITY CLERK F:\WORK\SALL\CHATRAND\BASS'BIRDRESQ.WPD APPROVE) AS TO FORNI & lAcGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~Idf- C' orM}' q-11-rnJ Dale CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 lO COMMISSION MEMORANDUM No.lIS -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez ~~ City Manager 0 A RESOLUTION 0 THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000, FROM UNEXPENDED BALANCE IN GULF BREEZE LOAN POOL, TO PAY FOR THE REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF TWENTY FOUR (24) DECORATIVE BIRD FACADE SCULPTURES FOR THE EXPANSION AND RENOVATION OF THE BASS MUSEUM OF ART. DATE: September 27, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING: Unexpended balance of the Gulf Breeze Loan. ANALYSIS: On March 26, 1995, the City entered into an agreement with the firms of Spillis Candela & Partners (SC &P) and Arata Isozaki and Associates (Isozaki) for architectural and engineering services for the Expansion and Renovation of the Bass Museum of Art (the Project). On December 3,1997, the Mayor and City Commission approved award of a construction contract to Danville-Findorff, Inc. (DFI). Notice to Proceed with construction of the project was given on February 5,1998. The original contract documents contained a unit price requirement for the pricing of repairs and restoration of twenty four (24) bird sculptures on the facade of the Bass Museum Historic Building. This unit was to be used to determine the cost of the repairs and the contingency allowance was to be used for the repairs. DFI submitted two excessive proposals for the repairs, one valued initially at $25,941 and after some reductions and a change of sub-contractor for the work, a second one valued at $14,842. The City and SC&P were unable to negotiate a more reasonable proposal for the needed repairs. Therefore, the Administration decided to independently obtain several proposals for the repairs and renovations and not to pursue this portion of the work with DFI. AGENDA ITEM C=-~(;r___ DATE Q-21-(X) Commission Memorandum September 27, 2000 Bass Museum of Art Additional Funding Page 2 After obtaining proposals from several sources, Florida Lemark Corp. (FLC) has been deemed the lowest, responsive, responsible proposer for the repairs and renovation of the Bass Museum bird sculptures. The proposal is for $8,400 to repair the sculptures in place and the City is adding a contingency of$I,600 to account for any eventualities which may be discovered during the repairs. FLC visited the site with SC&P prior to submitting their proposal and examined the existing conditions. FLC is the company responsible for similar repairs of stone features at the Douglas Entrance building in Coral Gables, which is mentioned in the National Historical Register. SC&P had experience with this firm during their work performance at Douglas Entrance as architects for the building owner. The initial project contingency allowance has now been exhausted. This amount of $618,637 was used initially for awarding the project to DFI, primarily for the six add alternates approved by the City Commission; for change orders during construction approved by the City Cornmission; for additional services approved for SC&P due to the extended construction period; and for the purchase of track lighting for the museum. The reimbursable allowance of$241 ,840 has also been exhausted. This amount was used for the consultants reimbursables expenses, expenses related to design services, the threshold inspector required by the Building Official, and a site survey. The Administration is now requesting that the Mayor and City Commission approve a Purchase Order with Florida Lemark Corp., in the amount of $8,400, for the required repairs and restoration of the facade bird sculptures at the existing Bass Museum Historic Building, and approve the appropriation of additional funds in the amount of $1 0,000 which include a contingency of $1 ,600. Attachments ~ ~ JMGIMDSIMDB DW/JE~ '0 ' F:\WORK\S ASSBIRD.WPD 3054473580 SPILLIS CANDELA PTRS 752 P04 MAY 12 '00 09:52 FLORIDA LEMARK CORPORA TION General Contnlcto... Via Facsimile 305-447-3580 May 11, 2000 Mr. Steven P. Berler, Associate Vice President Spillis Candda &: Panaer, lac. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gable, Florida 33134 Rt; Bas. Museum IUstoratioa Dear Mr. Berler: It was a pleasure meeting with you to revitIW the reslOrlllion of the bird sl:u1plUres over the structUre III the Bus Museum. There are of 8 (eight) sets of) (three) eac;h for a total of24 (twenty-four) sculptures. Ai you requested 1 am pricing the repain by actually re$toring the existin~l sculptures in place and aho recasting and replacing with new ones. For the restoration I propose to reme.ve all loose sections, treat the Slf.el llnd recast matching the original shape, texture and color. Once completed, we propose to apply a penetrating &ealer to prevent waterintNsion back to the reinforcing steel. The lITeR where the silhouettes are anchored will aba be repaired and restomd. Total cost of repair.: $1,400,00 Alternate repairs: remove one unit, make a mold. recast all 24 silhouettes and install as originals. Total cost of altemate repain: $10,800.00 E:u:lusioa.: Pennit fees. Engineering fees, drawings and any associated couts. Sincerely, 'FLORIDA LEMARK COR". ~, .J, 7 ~, Eduardo P. Rodriguez "'vURiSpllllol_pr''''......''',wdo 1f1l1 NW 38 S,,"'. Su/f8 31. "'_m', Florlde "fa, . Tel; (305) 5J3.1442. Fax: (:10$) 6113~'" Danvllle.Flndorff, Inc. 2511 S.W. 70,h Ave. Mi"mi, A. 33155 Phone: (305) 2(,2-93:17 - [/." (305) 262-7349 'l'lTLE:UNIT PRICE 1 STONE SCULPTURES OPT B ~'"'~,"",m REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 001378 TO: Alto: Stcvc Bcr1cr Spillis Candela & Partners, Inc. 800 Douglas Entnlnce Coral Gablcs, FL 33134 Phone: 305-444-4691 Fax: 305-447.3580 DATE: 4126/2000 .JOB: B800C CONTRACT NO: PROJECT: na~~ Mu~cu", of Renovation RE: RFP To: SPILUS FfOm: DF! Number: 00137D DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL RE: RESPONSE TO FRANKEL &. ASSOCIATES T.ETn\K lJATUIJ 4.11-00 RIJQUESTING PRICING FOR REPAIRING OR REPLACING WHERE NECESSARY ORCORATIVIJ CAST STONE SCULPTURES In li~1J or th~ Unit Prices outlined in Option ^. we L'an oft~r to pft'wide alllnbor. ll\lltcriul, and clluipmcnl to f1;pl~KC 24 stone :H:ulpturcl'i for the flll10wing lump sum price. lien. nesCl'ip~ion Stock# noon 1 n~~pll\\.'t ~tone Sl,;lIlpIUrl::S fur the Lump Sum price: of $13.000 hy Key~ Granite: (~cc .'l1fxhcrl bid) C,t, OvcrhcluJ ut I~% of Sulx:nntracror':\ Dil"C'Ct Cnu~ Hnnd F.:~ at I ';'fo Quantlty Units 1.\10\1 LS Unit Price Tox Rote lox Amount Net Amount ~13,OOO,OO 0.00'/0 $000 St:l,OOllun 00001 nL~O % $11.304.31 O'<lO"~. $Illll) $, .^'JI-^l OUlIn) O.OIU 'k $\'I,h'I,~,t\"i noo% 10.00 S146.% Tut"l: 514,"41,61 APPROVAL: RY:~ ria L. HOllIe By: Steve Herler Dale: 4/26/2000 Date: GO'd TOO'ON 8S:9 OO.9G <Jdl:J 6I7UG9GSO>::OI 'JUI'ttjopu!~-all1^Ueo ...V1U1rJ!"...... _ ~ONEO IN BID PROPOSAL ~ JOB ~$ 2811 S.w 70th Avenue I PO. Box 140938 ~ Coral Gables. Florida 33114.0938 DATE TIME 13051 262.9337 I Fa. 13051 262.7349 FIRM NAME --1""~~t\:~ BY PHONE TAX INCLUDED YES ~NO 0 MINORITY YES 0 NO 0 INSTALLED YES ~NO 0 TYPE AS PER PLANS AND SPECS YES ~ 0 INCLUOING BULLETS NUMBER ~ ~I O+y1'~ BIDON~~ ~ _ ~ .~ PRICE _ TAX NET PRICE I N C L lJ o E S :Bo-Sc. b,~. ~ \\~04.~S" 0Jl!.'b.e-~ ljc.,S .t.S" t3,QOO.OO "~i~~~ I _Moc.k.UfL/ '~p~ E X c I - u o E 5 BID TAKEN B N o T E S ~O'd TOO'ON 8S:9 IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED USE OTHER SIDE OO.9G ~d~ 6v~LG9GSO~:aI 'JUI'~~jcpu!j-all1Auea CONDI1'IONS: The company or its authori:r.ed agellts aarets 10 pertenn the service indicated in a proper and ...orkmanlike manner using equipment and iMOfl!ents "andanl fu.. tho cleanina industry. The custurner agre.. that the C<lrnpany shall not be liable rorth. failuN to REMOVE STAINS no! for any ot~COlORATlON CHANGES fN TEXTh'RE OR SHADING may appea.. either before or efter cleaning. The Company will accept no liability for conditions existing prior to cleaning. Not will the Company be responsible for any damage to 11,,0rs cleaned un1e,. caused by the negligence oflhe Company's ..epresentalives In addition. the Company. uRlkr any an<l all circulr.sta/lces [S NOT RESPONSffiLE FOR SliP AND F AU. ACCIDENTS OR INJTJRIES after completion of sold services. Upon inspecting the articles to be cleaned: the represent.tive pointed our to me th. followin!!: In cas. uftegal action for collectiOIl purpo.... allatlllrney's feei and court COilS will be borne by customer All malerial. is guaranleed to be as apecided, Ail work to be eOlnpleted in a substantial workmanlike l11llMer according to specifications subnitted per standard pnctices Any alteration or devi~tion from above Ipedneolions involving extra cost. will be eKecuted 11nly upon written ord<SfS and Will become an extra char!!" over and above the estimate. AJlagreement. contingent upon strikes, accident. or delays beyond our control. Owner 10 carl)! fire. torn.do and other neCessary ins'lrance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation ln,urance, ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices. specifu:a~on. ond conditions are satisfactory and arc hereby acc."ted. You are aUlhori:<td to do the work as specified. Payment will be lI'..de as O\lll1ne above Date of Acceptance.. _ _._ ._.______. Sil!ll.ture __ Signature 90'd TOO'ON OO:L 00.9" ~dl:J 6!7>:a9"SO>::Qr 'JUr'~~jOpUl~-dll \AueQ OANYILLE~FINoonFF .j Danville-Findortf, Inc. 2811 SW. 70(h Avc. Mimlli, Fl. 33155 Phone: (30S) 2~2 9337 Fa., nOS) 2li2-7'149 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 00137 A TITLE: UNIT PRICE / STONE SCUI.PTURES OPT A PROJECT: Da~~ Ml1~eum of Renovatinn DATE: 4/26/2000 JOB: B800e CONTRACT NO: Ann: Steve Berlcl' Spill is Candela & Partners. Tnc. 800 Douglas Entrance Coral Gablcs, FL 33134 Phone: 305-444-4691 Fax: 305-M7-3580 to po.~ RE: RFP To: SPILUS From: l)l-'[ Number: 00137A DESCRIPTION OF PQOPOSAL RE: RESPONSE TO FRANKEL & ASSOC!NI'ES l.ETTER DATFD 4-11-00 REQUESTING PRICING FOR RUPAIR1NG OR REPl.ACING WHERE NECESSARY DECORATIVE CAST STONE SCULP'I'L:KLS TO: "nlis RFP Nu. l37 furlh~r tu the skctt.:h pruviJcu by Fr~\nkcl & As:wcii.ltcs det.liling fh~ .1re.H where keystone restcm:uion is required RS outlined III SCl:tion 01026, Unit Pril.:CS. This RFP include~ replacing 011 24 C;t(Jllc scuptUt'fS nnd will b~ ndjuslcd a,;:cofdin~ly to relled the actual work perfnrrned hy way of an add or deduct on;.:~ the Ar.:hitct.:t has vcrifkd the :tl.:IU,ll wurk. pcr(iJrrnl:J shV\lIJ the Owner elect for our finn (0 pcdorm Ihis work in IlCCONJn<.:e wilh the llnil priCl.: Sl.:hl.:Juh:. Pll.:asc refer tt) .:u.h.lcndum 3, SCl.:tion 01026, Unit Pri..:es, P~uagr"'ph 1.2, SUMMARY. whkh summ.uiLcd st;,\tcs: "a. Unit prices indude JlllleCessary n1ilterial, overhead, profit one! ;,ll'plic:.\hlc taxes". The "unit price sthcduk" only _,lIows for a flJt rate unit pl'it:e, of which we applied our ll1atedal Ct1Wi. r .abor costs fol' thi~ work would vary del1endins on the work required. which were not determined by the Owner at bid time, Man hOlll's. labor l'rtl\JS. I'\nd equipment requirtd to repla.;e verses repair Ihe \,'nst Slone sculptures wuuld vary. 111is RF'P indudes \mly the work dClscrihcd herein and may require time exten~i(')n to the confl'act cOITlplerioll date. Once the rotnl time ;';i\1l be quantified, wt: will forward. our nffi.;ial request for (jn\~ cxt~nsion Ilc;,;ordingly, We r~scrvt:: the right to mak.e ut.klitiolHll c1aim.s for dd.,y.s unJ I.:O:ils im:urrco Ju.; 10 chitug.;s or unfurc.sccn \.:unJitiun:s. If you hlJ.vl.; any ~Illc:slion ur n\.:;.:J <lJJilionul inrt)rm~ltilln, plc"sc do not hC:HtO\tc to c()nt~\ct me, cc Jor~c Chorlmod I:AXI![) ~05-('7J-702~ - Joy lIeollie l'AXI'I) :\05-5J2-5767 - DeS. SITI! . PM !'ile. Mosler liilc 110m O..crl\.llon Stock# Quantity Unlto llnlt Prke Tax R~t. 'hx Amount Net Amount 00001 Rtp\;,It:C: SlllllC: ~t:llilllmcj nt the N.OOO FA $850.00 0.00% 'SO 00 :520.400.00 Unit Prke of :\i1;SU n0002 r ,iff R.;:nl,11 rC)l' 2 \\icd(~ ~ ()~OO (~O::; $1,1'\ 10 OlJ II Oil'?., SUIKI $~Il:'i no S 1.400 per lIIomh phlj C.c. ()vcr!lCo.rJnt 15\t l}{)OIl1 l.:1bl')r to Per!onn UllIt Price loun L'i $,1.2tJOf\O n 110% $1l,IIU .$1,20000 Wvrk, . 2 lIlil.:lUt).:f eve 2 weeks for a total ot' 160 hn at S20/hv\lf 00004 L.1oor I:hlrdl.'Tl tlc1Ul76 uf $3.200 U 400 l:> $3.200.0U 0.00% $U 00 SI.2~Il.OO 1)(lIlll:'i AonrlP.:.::n 1% ll.olll % $2.C;.6M.C;.110 0.1)1)% $()IKI 52:'\6.8:'\ Total: $25,941.85 i\PPROV AL: RY:~ - -4~l;: L. Houle Date: 4/26/2000 ________(----.-------(.-------.r--~ . '_ 1?J2~. po" ~ ~ o:tt:c..,C~a.O , ,.-', ',..eJ J2r<.&o l.AJQ. lno......x.. ~ .~.JL.:.=:>..L/ c.o-p....n-t) ~ C) ~~ .~ u-"o-vk- ~~. ~ ..-/. ~^A J/\A 00,92: Cldl:J 6175:Lc9cS05::CII .JUI'HjcpUl~-allll\uea By: Steve !:lerler Date: -- " ",' TO'd TOO'ON 2.S:9