89-2644 Ordinance ..... , ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1891; AMENDING SUBSECTION 3-2 ENTITLED "TERMS DEFINED" BY CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION FOR "HOSPITAL" AND ADDING DEFINITIONS FOR "HOSPITAL-BASED PHYSICIAN" AND "HOSPIT AL ST AFF"; AMENDING SUBSECTION 6-14 ENTITLED "RH HOSPIT AL DISTRICT" BY AMENDING THE LIST OF PERMITTED ACCESSORY HOSPIT AL FACILITIES AND ADDING REGULA TIONS FOR MASTER PLANS FOR HOSPITAL DEVELOPMENT; AMENDING SUBSECTION 9-2 ENTITLED "OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED" BY AMENDING THE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFICES AND CLINICS; AMENDING SECTION 21 ENTITLED "DESIGN REVIEW BOARD" BY INCLUDING THE RH HOSPITAL DISTRICT IN SUBSECTION 21-3A, ENTITLED "APPLICABILITY"; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 89-2644 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Subsection 3-2 of Zoning Ordinance No. 1891 entitled "Terms Defined" is hereby amended as follows: 3-2 Terms Defined. A. For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined. * * * 83. HOSPITAL: ^ building or group of buildiAgs haying room facilities for oyerAight patieAts, used for proyidiAg services for the iA patient medical or surgieal care of sick or iajured humans, aRd which may include related faeilities, eeAtral serviee facilities, aRd staff offices; provided however, that sueR related faeilities must be iRcideRtal and subordinate to the maiR use and must be and iRtegral part of tRe hospital operations. Hospital related facilities iRelude NursiRg Homes aRd Convalescent Homes or ExteRded Care Faeilities. An institution licensed bv the State of Florida as a hosoital. having facilities for in-oatients. oroviding medical or surgical care for humans reauiring such treatment. and which may include related facilities such as Nursing Homes. Convalescent Homes. home health agencies. hosoice facil ities and accessory hosoital facilities as described in Section 6-14 B.2 of this Ordinance. 84. HOSPITAL STAFF: Physicians and other medical staff affilitated with. and having staff orivileges at a hosoital who are not hosoital-based ohvsicians. 85. HOSPITAL-BASED PHYSICIAN: A ohvsician who is affiliated with a hosoital: I) as an anesthesiologist. radiologist. oathologist. or emergency room doctor: or 2) as a fulltime hosoital emolovee: or 3) on a fuIltime basis oursuant to a contract. SECTION 2: That Subsection 6-14 of Zoning Ordinance No. 1891 entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" is hereby amended to read as follows: 6-14 RH HOSPITAL DISTRICT A. District Purpose. This district is designed to accommodate hospital facilities. B. Uses Permitted. No land, water or structure may be used, in whole or in part, except for one or more of the following permitted uses. Permitted uses that seIl, serve or otherwise distribute alcoholic beverages in this district shall comply with the standards and regulations found in Section 14. 1. Hospital 1 \ ------ 2. Accessory Rospital facilities, eORsistiRg of lauRdry, ceRtralized services, educatioRal aRd researcR facilities, recreatioRal facilities, staff offices, parkiRg struetures aRd lots. All structures aRd parkiAg faeilities must be subordiRate to the main use aAd must be an integral part of hospital opera tioAs. 2. Accessorv hosoital facilities. consisting of: a. Laundrv b. Centralized Services c. Educational. Research and Diagnostic Facilities d. Recreational Facilities e. Davcare Facilities f. Place of Worshio &.:. Out-oatient care facilities including hosoital-based clinics and ambulatorv surgical centers h. Offices for: 1) medical students. fellows. and residents: administrative emolovees: nurses: laboratorv oersonnel: hosoital- based ohvsicians: and. 2) ohvsicians and hosoital emolovees who oerform hosoital functions and not the orovision of orivate oatient care. These include deoartment heads and medical staff resoonsible for hosoital emolovee health care. The offices described in Section 6-14 B.2h shall not be included in the comoutation which determines the maximum amount of hosoital staff office soace aIlowed under this Ordinance. !:. Offices for hosoital staff and their emolovees.which may include examination rooms. excluding those identified in Section 6-14 B.2h orovided that: 11 The maximum oermitted amount of hosoital staff office soace. without bonus. shaIl not exceed fifteen oercent (15%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. 2.1 The maximum oermitted amount of hosoital staff office soace. with bonuses as set forth below. shall not exceed twenty-five oercent (25%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. li There shall be a bonus for the orovision of charity and indigent care bv the hosoital. For each two oercent (2%) of charity and Medicaid care in- oatient days as a oercentage of total acute care days less Medicare days orovided bv the hosoital and reoorted to the State of Florida Deoartment of Revenue bv the Health Care Cost Containment Board for the year oreceding the date of aoolication for a building oermit for hosoital staff offices. there shall be a bonus of one oercent (1%) in hosoital staff office soace. The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed three oercent (3%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. J2l There shall be a bonus of one SQuare foot of hosoital staff office soace for each twenty-five hundredths (0.25) gross SQuare feet of affordable housing in the City of Miami Beach which is constructed. rehabilitated. or ooerated by: I) the office soace develooer: 2) the hosoital: and/or 3) a hosoital affil ia ted entity. Afforda ble housing shall be defined as sales housing with a retail sales orice not in excess of ninety (90) oercent of monthlv median Dade County new housing sales orice. or rental housing rates (oroiect average) not in excess 2 of thirty (30) oercent of the gross median Dade County monthlv income. The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed two oercent (2%) of the hosoital's groSS floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. D There shall be a bonus of hosoital staff office soace for the ooeration of an on-camous hosoital teaching orogram. accredited bv nationally recognized orofessional accreditation boards. The ratio shall be one hundred (100) SQuare feet of office soace for each student. fellow. and resident enrolled in said orogram on an average monthlv basis during the three years oreceding the aoolication for a building oermit for hosoital staff offices. The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed two oercent (2%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. Ql There shall be a bonus of one SQuare foot of hosoital staff office soace for every four dollars ($4.00) contributed to the City of Miami Beach Commercial Revitalization Fund. the terms and reQuirements of which shall be established bv resolution of the Miami Beach City Commission. The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed one oercent (I %) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. ~ There shall be a bonus of hosoital staff office soace for the develooer and/or hosoital soonsored ooeration of davcare facilities in the City of Miami Beach. The ratio shall be one hundred (100) SQuare feet of office soace oer each child. which the davcare facility is licensed to admit. The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed one oercent (1%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. n There shall be a bonus of hosoital staff office soace for the ooeration of an emergency room on the hosoital camous which is ooen to the oublic twenty- four (24) hours a day. seven (7) days a week. as regulated by the State of Florida. The bonus under this orovision shall be three oercent (3%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. g} There shall be a bonus for encouraging new ohvsicians and other medical orofessionals to relocate their offices to Miami Beach. New ohysicians and medical orofessionals are those individuals who do not have existing offices and occuoational licenses in the City of Miami Beach one year orior to the issuance of a building oermit for hosoital staff office soace. In order to receive this bonus. the hosoital shall execute a written agreement with the Planning and Zoning Deoartment orior to the issuance of a building oermit for the construction of hosoital staff offices. which sets forth the amount of soace that will be a vaila ble for new ohysicians and medical staff. For each twenty-five oercent (25%) of the orooosed office soace which the hosoital agrees to lease to new ohysicians and medical orofessionals on the medical staff of the hosoital. there shall be a bonus of one oercent (1 %) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace.The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed three oercent (3%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office 3 soace. hl The Design Review Board may grant a bonus of additional hosoital staff office soace for exceotional achievement in urban design of soace which is visible from a oublic street or causeway and which may be located either on or off the hosoital camous or on oublic orooerty. The amenities listed below are more fully defined in Section 12-5E-3 of the Zoning Ordinance. For each Design Review Board aooroved amenity. there shall be a bonus range oermitting increased hosoital staff office soace as a oercentage of the hosoital gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. as shown below: Planting/landscaoing .10% to .35% Paving/grading .05% to .15% Water feaures .05% to .15% Signs/graohics .10% to .25% Street furniture .05% to .10% Lighting .05% to .10% Arcades .05% to .15% Site Planning .10% to .25% Building Design .20% to .50% Total Bonus .75% to 2.00% The maximum bonus under this orovision shall not exceed two oercent (2%) of the hosoital's gross floor area. excluding oarking structures and other hosoital staff office soace. Jl All hosoital staff office soace. including other soace. renovated soace. or new construction. shall be identified in the hosoital's Master Develooment Plan. as reQuired in Section 6-14 (D). 11. No building oermit shall be issued for hosoital staff office soace under the bonus orovisions of Section 6-14.2 unless the aoolicant has submitted evidence of comoliance with these orovisions. Evidence of comoliance shall consist of I) a check to the City of Miami Beach in the amount reQuired for contribution to the commercial revitalization fund: 2) issuance of Certificate of Occuoancy for the affordable housing or licensed daycare facility or other aoorooriate evidence: 3) reoorts of the Health Care Cost Containment Board showing hosoital's contribution to indigent. charity care: or 4) evidence of a teaching orogram and/or emergency room: or 5) evidence that medical staff did not have Miami Beach occuoational licenses or offices earlier than one year orior to the issuance of a building oermit for hosoital staff offices: or 6) Design Review Board aooroval of design amenities. ~ Hosoitals with a valid building oermit oursuant to olans and aoolications for the construction of staff office soace at the effective date of this Ordinance shall be oermitted to retain and OCCUoy such soace. This hosoital staff office soace shall be considered as an acceSSory use. and oarking shall be orovided at the rate of one soace oer four hundred SQuare feet of hosoital staff office soace. This hosoital staff office soace shall be included in the comoutation which determines the maximum amount of hosoital staff office soace allowed under this Ordinance. This oermitted soace shall be exemot from the orovisions of Section 21- 3.A.IO of this Ordinance. Prior to the issuance of an occuoational license. floor olans and other suooorting documentation shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Deoartment indicating the dimensions and location of each hosoital staff office. All hosoital staff with existing offices in the RH Hosoital District shall obtain City occuoationallicenses within 90 days of the effective date of this ordinance. Q1 Hosoitals with existing hosoital office soace which is occuoied by hosoital staff at the effective date of this Ordinance but which have not received valid building 4 . . oermits for "staff offices" for said soace shall be oermitted to retain such soace based uoon the aoolication of orovisions listed in Section 6-14 B.2.i.( 1 and 2). This office soace shall be included in the comoutation which determines the maximum amount of hosoital staff office soace allowed under this Ordinance. This hosoital staff office soace shall be considered as an accessory use. and the reQuired oarking as set forth in Section 9 shall be orovided. This soace shall be exemot from the orovisions of Section 21-3.A.I0 of this Ordinance. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this ordinance. each hosoital shall submit to the Planning and Zoning Deoartment a floor olan and suooorting documentation indicating the dimensions and location of each hosoital staff office. All hosoital staff with offices in the RH Hosoital District shall obtain City occuoational licenses within 90 days of the effective date of this ordinance. 1. Parking structures and lots. k. Related facilities which are incidental to and customarily associated with a hosoital. 1. Commercial service facilities: 11 Service facilities shall be restricted to cafeteria or resta u ra n t. florist shoo. gi ft shoo. au tom a tic teller machine. credit union. oharmacy. newsoaoer and magazine stand. 2.1 Services shall be oermitted and available exclusively for use by medical staff. hosoital oersonnel. oatients and visitors of the hosoital. Jl Outside advertising or signs (including wall signs) shall be orohibited. 11. Commercial service facilities shall not exceed three oercent (3%) of the hosoital floor area within a hosoital. excluding oarking structures and hosoital staff office soace. nor shall they exceed seven oercent (7%) of the office floor area within an office building. All acceSSOry structures and oarking facilities shall be subordinate to the main use and incidental to and customarily associated with a hosoital. C. Minimum Yards. Hospi tal Front Rear Side St. Francis 25' 40' 15' Mt. Sinai 25' 40' 15' South Shore 20' 20' IS' Heart Institute 20' 20' IS' IslaAd View 20' 20' 15' The enlargement of existing RH Hospital Districts and the establishment of new RH Hospital Districts with their respective yard setbacks shall be subject to City Commission approval. D. Master Plan for Hosoital Develooment By January I. 1990. each hosoital within the RH Hosoital District shall oreoare and submit to the Planning and Zoning Deoartment a Master Plan for Hosoital Develooment for the years 1993 and 2000. The hosoitals shall have the right to amend their Master Plans on a Quarterlv basis by submitting amendments to the Planning and Zoning Deoartment. The Master Plan shall contain. at a minimum. the following: L Inventory of existing facilities and services 2. Pro iected exoansion olans for new construction and/or substantial reha bilita tion of existing facilities indicating the tyoe. size and location of each facilitv. 3. Prooosed site olans showing the ohvsical location of the items in Section D.2 above. 5 4. Goals. obiectives. and oolicies. 5. Consistency with the City's Comorehensive Plan. 6. Data and information oertaining to new construction or substantial rehabilitation to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Deoartment for the ouroose of determining whether said work is within the level of services as set forth in the Comorehensive Plan. 1:. A traffic imoact study that would substantiate that the resulting imoact from any orooosed new develooment of the hosoital would not cause the level of service on the neighboring streets to fall below the standards contained in the City'S Comorehensive Plan. 8. An air Qualitv study that would substantiate that the resulting imoact of any orooosed new develooment in the hosoital would not cause the ambient air Qualitv of the neighborhood surrounding the hosoitals to exceed the standards established by the Dade County Deoartment of Environmental Resources Management. The Master Plan shall be uodated every five years and considered as suooorting documentation in the City's Comorehensive Plan. as amended: however. it shall not be a comoonent of the Comorehensive Plan. No building oermit for any new construction or substantial rehabilitation shall be issued after January I. 1990 unless it is consistent with the hosoital's Master Plan. SECTION 3: That Subsection 9-2 of Zoning Ordinance No. 1891 entitled "Parking Regulations" is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-2 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, when any building or structure is erected or structurally altered, accessory parking spaces shall be provided for the building, structure, or additional floor area as follows: A. Parking District NO.1 - * * * 16. "RH" Hospital Districts. The following parking regulations shall apply to structures situated in the "RH" Hospital District: The number of off-street parking spaces required for any structure shall be determined by the primary use of the structure in accordance with the requirements as follows: a. Hospi tal - 1 and 1/2 spaces per hospital bed. b. Educational facility - 1 space per 5 seats in the main auditorium or 1 space per 3 seats per classroom, whichever is grea ter. c. Offices, elinics Offices and clinics as identified in Section 6-14 B.2 g and h - 1 space for each 400 square feet of floor area. ~ Hosoital staff offices as identified in Section 6-14 B.2 i-I soace for each 350 SQuare feet of floor area. 6 SECTION 4: That Subsection 21-3 of Zoning Ordinance No. 1891 entitled "Design Review Board" is hereby amended to read as follows: 21-3 APPLICABILITY AND EXEMPTIONS. A. Applicability. All building permits for new construction, alterations, or additions to existing buildings, including fences, parking lots, walls and signage whether new or change of copy, within the following areas shall be subject to review under the Design Review procedures. No building permit shall be issued without the express written approval by the Design Review Board or otherwise provided for in these regulations for the following areas: ill Anv structure located within the RH Hosoital District. Said review shall be limited in scooe to the criteria soecified in Section 21-2.B. C. D. H. I. J. and N. SECTION 5: REPEALER That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, clause or prOVlSlon of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by the such invalidity. SECTION 7: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect on 20th day of May , 1989. PASSED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: C~K~~ 1st reading - AprilS, 1989 2nd reading - May 10, 1989 BA5HEB-W9RB6: DELETED LANGUAGE UNDERLINED WORDS: NEW LANGUAGE By Date 7