Hector Castro/Christopher Innes ~;', ~ I !1 ",' ", ~", ',. '''lP'\ ill'I' i..,J' " .1 ,.,., " ",.,.;i.cg',i;}MIAMI BEAC H ~N\t./. "; ': ,.1 ,:,:,;, J~kfJY~;'/.,.' City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk &~~:::t;':;'" 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 ~~,;-,l'-"~'" ,r . I;J?-!~.'\,: ~j~:;~;; \1- - ~~n \"\', ' . .!1;~;.' . j!. (..~./.I , I <,il vi' LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM lobbylsllneahs aU persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or mddlfldi~dH of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; any action, decision, recommendation of the alii Mahaget or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or recommendation of any city personnel during the time ~eHod bf the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by ~M t:iWffj/fjrhlsslon, or a City board or committee. The term specifically Indudes the principal as welt as any employee engaged In lobbying lldlvlties. The term "Lobbyists" has specific exclusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2004-3435. I..".":,!~.~~:l ~u~\yo ~Y' V\. ; NAME O~ lOBBYIST: (Last) K.:5t) fu~. '. \~ ~ 'bL0<.81 ;j.,~~I~~~l~~E AND AD ESS (Number and Street) (City) ;:P,?i>5~,,~o-d3\3 ~C)~-dtoln- ~-::sl3 0.1 TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: '"~,I : ij 'Lt~,\1t.i1.~t?BBYIst RETAINED BY: I. .0~V\~~\r\.Q~ L'nV\O~ . NAME OF PRINCIPAJ~~: i :"~::11t:9. /~\lArd ~ ,. BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) . i' ""'" Y}1 r.t .; :'" .""1tl!)'A -\...rJ.:fi- \1 \ \ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ':"'l ~ HYIm'\ \- (City) kl"Y (State) OlL10 L (Zip Code) FAX NUMBER: (Optional) EMAIL: (Optional) FIll ouHhls section If principal Is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2-482 (c)] . . , ~ . idK.' t-ffiNAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIARY: "Ih(iq~i 11r. 1, , . iDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A SOlo OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH . , ;~RPORATION, pARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: " . .1;:'>., ..,Jo.,.". ~ ! .",.~-.........,:. ! .:'! Uj)i;~SI'~CIFIt lOBBY ISSUE: 1" '.,.... 1 . ta'J~1i "* ' \ ! IsstJe to ~e bbl (Describe In detail): "1 bL ,\i"~ AGENCIES/INDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: ,. " . ,.~,~I I Aj hlll~~ttt. bt individual/Title B) Any Financial, Familial or Professional Relationship $~Q(lp ~ ~ ~'i:!" ~ r " \ .~~' hI ';~}f~:j . :'1":' . I I .,\'", , 'I i i ::;:~t~i I ;t .1,1. I;~':;~. ; , ,);.! I . ) , '.f:;.::!~r,~. ,1,~..,:, : "'~bV ! .,}.~ci~~~~ . "'r'.""~.l ,. .w/.., I..i'>;~hl . "..:3~~1 , . '1"I';!,;l!,. , " 1,"~;,2 f.~~rj! .1"':'~i.t'J~' \,1 I' ,."~...,.,'... '.. I '~l-: "".''''' ~. 'If;"'" 'i,.J1'-...;t, ',' ,,,1,,.,, ""'. .(. I ~~;'t 1'#, ., 1 I' f,t I _I' i: " ,: '~[, i~;'!:j :1'1 I , 1 ;~M: \;-; '. ,.~:ft\l'i;[i- . (..;.l~;t!,,;, ;. .:";'~r/~:~~:~ ,:' . "j :', ~:fk~~:r:~ 1""J.:If~4n' ;', ';'';~i'':.~I.,,1 II !i;I,',tiJ:l! I ''5,' '''1:1 :'.t;';:~/,"i II i "'~"''''~I ; . "';~~:'.:~{~ : .~!; J l ~ ;1'" ',t ..,", ~"',: ", , '1' ''''./. ....' : 'I '....".'" '. , ' ,:~\., \;,,~J I .' /.1! , )~F>": ' i : ,\1'"::' r~ ':i" ~ .w. 'i';;b~SclbSURE OF TERMS AND AMoUNTS OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURL Y, , l.),: t~:.<: ',.. fU t JtA7j OJt 071fER}: .. r.iil.[,lq:,~,\{'LC, l " I I ' , " I ;~r:tri~A/ ' . ' ~)i lOBBYt~ bisCLOSURE: (Required) i.f~n:r... , ' ~) pRiNcipAL's DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPEN I~;~!I ~::";,\: I I " I r;;~I~'J.':!~;': ' th~ tolloWh'lg Infotmatlon must be answered: I, .i"~~:, .' I ! k~ft:,.,\", 'i b ~u~SUant to Miami Beach City Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Cam aign Contributions By Lobbyists ~)~J::;.,;, ", I 'Oli Procurement Issues"; ~W~> , . .'eJ NJ I Are 'oli lobb In on a resent or endln bid for oods e ul ment or services or oh a I,'" ' ,., f~~;1~.~i~~."..,"" '"'1''' "',.i,' !!I.:'li.~.}l't. ; Dresent or iJendlnQ award for Qoods, equipment or service? ~'~"!~)J' !o' . j . . ~,.,.! ' 't" -. ~ .~(; ',"4,; (fr- , . . ~~;P~F': " i)~\ ~;!J)ut:suant to Miami Beach City Code 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Real ~'A~:j':\l';' !' "Eshite Development Issues"; ..{ill}l';~(" bVes'~~I" Are y~U lobbvlna on a pendlna application for a Development Aareement with the City ot '.' ti;f{>'.:',~T~\i':;,i'::j~~r; ~ =catlon for chanae of zonlna map deslQnatlon or chanae to the City's Futute land Use ,,~,'r'~i:~' ~:~)+;~~; P~~!;Uant to Miami Beach City Co~e, 2-484 (h) Any person (except those exempt from the definition bf f~1;!tJ;i\\r,;.':I,' I t IIlobbYist" as set forth In Section 2-481 above) who only appears as a representative of a not-for-proflt !~l~~,~\;t:' ,j.,~ .......M ~tP?ratlon or ~ntity without special compensation or reimbursement for the appearance, Whe~her dlred, ot """J~: :", .', Inalfed, to express support of or opposition to any Item, shall register with the clerk as required by this t~,:: sectloh butt shall hot be required to pay any registration fees.. ~lY" ' ,';' :. . . f:.:,; ,: ': , ,: . I re oU re resentln a not-for- :'f:.,: '. ';" ,'II. ,,';ti.}.fj;i'c, bt telmbursement. . ~7;J'l'J ':;~ A#~...~::...~~. . ';~',:", ,'VI! . '.:-1' ~tGNAttJItE UNDER OATH: i:~;lrJb~\'~~a.~tt in OF EACH YEAR, EAcH lOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY cLERK A SIGNEt; ,;~.\h';';fN ~ATEM!Nf" UNbER OATH, LISTING lOBBYING EXPENDITURES,AS. W LL As coMPENSATION ~"J;~,",: 'U:c!tVEli/lN tHE tm OF MIAMI BEACH FOR tHE PRECEDING CALEN R YEAR. A stATEMENT ::. ,:' .' sHALL II!; ~ilEb evEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPENDITURES OR CO PENSATION DURING THE ?;:;<~r~j1~"PERiOO' . . ___--- ::;' 1,1"',, , ,;; , ~{!q~: f~ I " ,t' .~. t 1 r:,:}~ t do soleltllily sWear that all of the fore Ing facts are true and cotTect a d that I have read or am ':.'~.'~'.'~:ll.,.'. ta.ttllll~f.'. WItH.,. th. e p.roViSlons contained In ectlon 2-482 of the Miami Beach Ity Code and all reporting ::,in:~, ,( I ~UI~m..~~~1 ",', 1:;~:;',lJ; ~i~ha~f.~i.~~ lobbYls: , ~ ,\.'::.: ;L~ ~Igtiatuf@bf Principal/Client: ~;;!\ "x'., : ""f",i'!'" \i~,.'~:' ,', " Vii ,'.::' l6b8Yist IbENTIFIcATION: 'i,' I ", , ~(>~:, '.H'r". tj.'flrtktuted iD 0 ProdUced ID :;;\"J<:, ,II :"J';~~;q: Form of Identification Form of Identification "?', ':'s;. ;' ,.j ,t... ~e,~SonaIlY known (Lobbyist) ~rSOnallY known (Principal) ,.,1:\1;;i.i,:Jl b'~~'!I~bNAtUrtt! AND STAMP OF NOTARY: I ';~'.., '" ;r,,"" . .' If' k~~-~i'.;i~~'dal County of Mlaml-Da~ ~ Alejandro J Pem'IUY State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade ~ ~ Alejandro J Permuy :;. ~ '.j;~:~ 1.!;~1, '1,/ ", swo~.~~ subscribed before me . . Pofr.J Commission DD25~rn and subscribed before me . ~ . Pofr.J Commission D02551~l,W:V; ;r~.I,;.'" ':'1;: r,l!l " "':'i;':,i:J:~:;!! '( 0 1. ~ c= ,..1 Expires October 02. 20tillis ~day ~y . 20~ '\'1;.1 Expires October 02. 20f'< 11~Y~' !, L '.. ' 'l, ~i'~,:\ I: Slgnatute.'of pUblic Notary -: State of Florida Signature of Public Notary - State"of Florida I :,','.',':',',(.,i:::',"!'.:,',' i":,';,,.: ,'J"1' NotartdtJc~tt bf lobbyist's signature Notarization of Principal's signature , "~,,," ; 1 ,.. ,',~ I;..;:..~:\~t..,., . :.> I FOR CL~ AtthuallteQl~t1on tee: ] Yes [ ] No Amo~d; lobbyist Registration Foim received and verine : F:\ClER\$ALl\MARIA-M\lobbylst\LOBBYIST fOR OS. doc () PRINCIPAL IDENTIFICATION: SE-ONL Y '7 C~ { ~ \J U MeR #~ate Paid l ; 1.;.~_iY "[: ',~~ . \ , ":,,~1,?{- ~ , '" rl ,'{ ~ ;.:; ~~; {, : ~ ; :. , , ! ":'!i:; . t: ~~ 1>;1" 'II; ~, ; " .....i: , .. ~ 'p,.~; (.;1 ; t,;'; 1_