Declaration of Restrictive Covenants 1965/1975 Washington Avenue~1.IIIN1f11111111Nllllllllltlllllllllllllllll! - a CFN 2Ut]7R0453325 C . ° DR Bk 23591 Pss 101b - 10211 (bass) ~ RECORDED 03/04/2007 15:04:08 0 ~~,~,• ~ Thisinshwnentpreparedby: HARVEY RUVINr CLERK OF COURT. ~r° Raul J.~Aguila tIIAtII-OADE COUNTYr FLORIDA ,~.~ = Office of the City Attorney .~°~ c City of Miami Beach - '-' 1700 Convention Center Drive -' "' Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (Sneoe reserved for Clerk of court) . ~ °a ~.F O _~n ~•+. ._ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS„ - ~~~' r. _. ._ _.. ... ... _ .. I. N F•t ~'a E .This DeclarationofRestrictiveCovenants(hereinaftarthe"CovenanY~,iamadethis~dayof,2007 ~w .a• F= by MBCDC: The London LLC, a Florida limited liability companywhose address is 945 Pennsylvania Avenue, Miami N ~ Beach, Florida, 33139 (]ureinafter the "Owner'7. ~N» v ~m ~ o RECITALS: ° o w WHEREAS, Owner is a Florida limited Uability compatty whose sole member is Miami Beach Community ~ Development Corporation, Inc., a Flarida not-fdr-profit housing corporation which' is also the City of Miami Beach, a ~ ~ Florida's designated Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO); and cc3 ,~,.o~ WHEREAS, Owner is undertaking a project ro acquire and renovatehehabilitate that ccxtain hisrorically r°~a ~ w designated real properly located at 1965 Washington Averrue and 1975 Washington Avenue, MiamiBeach, Florida (and z ° ~ hereinafter referred ro as the "Premises", as defined heroin and in Exhibit "A"attached and incorporatedhareto) for the ~ a i pnrpoae ofproviding affordable rental housing for low ro moderate i~ome individuals and families (the "Projecf~; and WHEREAS, the Premises and Project arelis located within the City Center/Hisroric Convention Village Redevelopment Ares, a community redevelopment area in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, designated aad created pursuant ro Sections 163.330'! 163.463, Florida Statutes (the "Community Redevelopment Act of 1969" or the "Act") (hereinafter referred ro as the;"City Center RDA"); and WHEREAS, the Project is consistent with the City Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area Plan, as adopted by the City of Miami Beach Commission and the Miami Beach Redevelopment. Agency, respectively, and as approvedby the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafterreferred to as, the "Redevelopment Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Project wiU promote the Redeveloprn~nt Plan objectives by (i) restoring aad preserving historically contnbuting properties within the City Center RDA; end (ii) creating pew affordable housing opportunities within said RDA for low and moderate income individuals and families; and WHEREAS, pursuant ro Miami Beach RedevelopmentAgencyReaolution No.540-2007, passed and adopted on January 17,2007, andMiamiBeachRedevelopmentAgencyResolutionNo.545-2007, passedandadoptedonMarch 14, 2007, and subject further to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained, the RDA has agreed ro loan Owner the funds for Owner's acquisition of the Premises. WHEREAS, Owner and the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, a public body corporate and politic (the "RDA'7 have entered into a LoanAgreement, datedApri130, 2007 (the "LoanAgreemenf~, whichprincipal amount was ufilized by Owner in the ptuchaee of the Premises to accomplish the stated purposes of the Project; and WHEREAS, the RDA desires, and Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees, to impose cerfainprovisions ofthe Loan Agreement ae covenants and restrictions uponthe Premises and any irr~rovements located orhereinafti:rro be made thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, Owner voluntarily covenanb and agrees that the following Promises locatedin the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, and legally described in Exhibit "A" attached and i»corporeted hereto (hereinafter the "Prernises'y, shall be subject to the following restrictions that are intended and shall be deemes r NOTE: This Declaration of Restrictive Covenants is being re-re eliminate the contents of the third page being deleted herein. covenants conning with the land and binding upon Owner, and its s~ceasore in interest and asslgna, as follows: 1. ThefmdingasetforthinthoRecitslsofOdaCavemntareherebyadoptedbyreferonceandincorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. 2. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency(RDA)fuods,inOreamount ofFourMillionSixHundredThree ThousandEightHundrodFiRyTwoDollarsand.50/100 ($4,603,852.50).(the"PrincipalAmouat'7,wereutiliudinthe ..purchase of the Premisea,_in order.to provide affordable housingfor tenants in accordance wifh.andconaiatentwlth the powers granoed to the RDA pursuant to the Act, and the rents charged and the tenants theroofshaU qualityunder the roles and regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, as same maybe amended from lima to time. Inconsideration of thesefunda, the Premises shall be subjectto the following restrictions for aperiod ofthirty (30) years (Affordabdity Period), which period shall commence upon the date of issuance bl'the City of Miami Heach Building Department of a Final Certificate of Completion for the renovation and rehabilitation of the Premises for the stated use and purposes eomemplated by the Projeck 3. Restrictive Covenants. Owner shall be subject to the following covenants and restrictions: (i) Owner moat use the Promises as as affordable rental property for a thirty (30) year period, commencing from the date of issuance by the City ofMiami Beach Building Department of a Final Certificate of Completion for the rehabilitnOonhenovatlon of the Piemiees (the "Affordability Period'7, and the rents charged and the tenants thereof moat queUty under the xulea and regulations promulgated by Ora United States Depermtent ofHousing end Urban Development at CFR Part 92, as same maybe amended from time to time. Tema defined in 24 CFR Part 92, and soy arrnmlments thereto, not otherwise defined in this Covenant, shall have the meaning set forth therein. In order to further enauro the enforcement of this 3ecHon (3), Owner hereby recognizes, agrees, authorizes, and covenants Otat the Premises shall notbe sold,transferred, disposed of, or otherwise conveyed, except to the RDA, as provided herein. (ii) If at any time during the Affordability Period, the Premises axe no longer used as .an affordable rentalpropertyby the Owner, then the RDA, at its sole option and discroton, may electone ofthe following options: (a) Require Owner to re-pay the Principal Amount, fn fitU, together with all interest thereon, and any and all other amounts as may then be or become due pursuant to the Loan Agreement; or (b) Require Owner, automatic~ily and without further action required by the RDA, to promptly, on written demand, execute and deliver a Special Werramy Dad (subject to no Uene or encumbrances creafedby through or undei Owner), conveying good and marketable fen simple title in the Premises to the RDA. Owner shall be reaponaibk for the cost of documentary stempsand/or other tax(es) imposed as a rosultofOre conveyance contemplated by this subsection (ii)(b). (iii) Upon the conclusion of the AffotdabiUy Period, the RDA may, at its sole option and discretion, elect one of the following options: (a) Hxtend the Loan Agreement and the Affordability Period for an additional term, with such farm to be determined in the sole judgment and diacrotion of the RDA; or (b) Requir6 Owner, automatically and without further action required by the RDA, to promptly, on written demand, execute and deliver a Special Warranty Deed (subject to no linos or encumbrances created by through or under Ownex), conveying good and markoable fee simple title in the Premises to rho RDA. Ownex shall be reapoffiibk for the cost of 1. ThefmdingssetforthinthaRecitalsofthisCovenantareherobyadoptedbyreferenceand' orpbmted herein as if folly set forth in this Section 2. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funds, in the amount of Five Milli Six Hundred Ninety Two Thousand FourHundredDollsrsand.00/100 (35,692,400.00)(ihe"PrincipalAmount'~, utilizedintha purchase of the Premises, in order to provide affordable housing for tenants in accordance with and onsistent with the powersgrantedtotheRDApursuanttotheAct,andtherentschargedaadthetenantsthereofahall alifyundorthemles and regulations promolgated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop t, as same tray be amended from firm to tithe. In consideration of these funds, the Premises shell ba subject to the llowiag reatrictiom for aperiodofthirty(30)years(AffordabilityPeriod),whichperiodahellcotnmenceuponthede ofiasuancebytheCityof Miami Beach Building Dopatttmnt of a Finai Certificate of Completion for the renovati and rehabilitation of the Premieres for the stated use and proposes contemplated by the Project. 3, Restrictive Covenants. Owner shall be subject to the following cov~nants and restrictions: (i) Owner moat use the Premises as an affordable rental pr arty for a thirty (30) year period, commencing from the date of issuance by Ote City of Miami B ch Building Department of a Final Certiflcata of Completion for the rehabilitarion/renovatlon f the Pretniaes (the "Affordability Period"), and the rents charged and the tenants thereof mos uelity under the rules and regulations promulgatedbytiteUnited5tatesDepatlmetrtofHousinga UrbanDevslopmentatCFRPart92,as same maybe amended from time to limo. Terms de in 24 CFR Part 92, and any amendments thereto, not otherwise defun=din this Covenant, slmll a the meatting act fotUt therein. In order to Nrtber ensure the enforcement of this Section (3), 0 heroby recognizes, agrees, authorizes, and covenants that the Premises shall notbe sold, transf d, disposed of,'or otherwise conveyed, except to the RDA, as provided herein. (ii) If at any titter: during the affordable rentalpropertyby the Oa of the following options: (s) Require Owtter to re thereon, and any and all other Agreement; or Period, the Premises aro no longer used es an DA, at its sole opton and discretion, may elect one the Principal Amount, in full, together with all irdereat ums ere may thenbe or becomo dun pursuant to the Loan (b) Require Owner, utomaticelly and without further action required by the RDA, to promptly, on written de nd, execute and deliver a Special Warsanty Deed (subject to no liens or encurnbromes sled by through or under Owner), conveying goad end marketable fen simple title in Premises to the RDA. Owner shall be responsible for the coat of documentary slam andlor other tax(es) imposed as a result of the conveyance contemplated by this subsecHo ii)(b). (iii) Upon the co usion of the Affordability Period, the RDA may, at its sole option and discretion, elect one the folowing options: (a) tend the Loan Agreement and the Affordability Period for an additional term, with su term to be determined in the sole judgment and discretion of the RDA; or (b) Require Owner, automatically and without further action required by the RDA, to pr tly, on written demand, execute and deliver a Special Warranty Deed (subject to no li or encumbrances created by through orunder Owner), conveying good and marketable NOTE: All of the above contents is, deleted in its entirety. documentary stampsand/or other tax(es) imposed as a result ofthe conveyance contemplated by this subsection (ii)(b). (iv) The Principal Amount, together with all interestthereon, and any and all other amounts which may become due and payable to the RDA under the Loan Agreement, shall remain a lien superior in dignity to ell other liens, titles, claims, Agreements, and/or other encumbrances, until satisfied in the manner provided in this Covenant, or in the Loan Agreement, 4. IT IS SPECD?ICALLY ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE PARTIES HERETO THAT THE PREMISES ARE TO BE USED, OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED ONLY AS AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY, AND FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE. USE OF THE PREMISES FOR PURPOSES OTHERTHAN AS pN AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROPERTY SHALL BE DEEMED A DEFAULT UNDER SECTION 3 HEREOF. 5. The foregoing covenants and reatYictlons shall be considered and construed as covenants and restrictlone running with the land, and the same shall bind all persona claiming ownership of ell, or any portion of, the Premises, Tha Owner hereby aclmowledges and agrees that the RDA and the City of Miami Bosch, Florida ("City'7, respectlvaly, am intended to be the sole beneficiaries of this Covenant,'and nothing in this Covenant shall wafer upon any person or entity, other than the RDA endlor the City, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Covenant.. 6. The Owner shall not release or amend tlds Covenant without the prior written consent of the RDA, 7. Invalidation of arty of these covenants by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction shall in no wayaffect any of the other wvenante, which shall rerrrain in full force and affect. 8. This Covenant shall be recorded in the Public Records ofMiami-Dade County, Florida, at the cost of the Owner. 9. It is understood and agreed that any o~ciel of the Miami BeachRedevelopment Agency (RDA) may have the right at any time during normal working hours of entering and investigatingthe use ofthe Premises, to determine whether the conditions of this Covenant and the requirements set forth herein, are being complied with. 10. An active to enforce the terms and conditions of this Covenantmay be brought by the RDA and/or the City end tnay be by action et law or in equity against any party or peraoavialating or attempting to violate anypmvision of this Covenant, either to restrain violations or to recover damages. The prevailing party in the action or suit shall be entitled to rewver costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, at all levels of trial and appeal, This enforcementprovision shall be in addition to any other remedies available under the law. 11. This Covenant is ro be coasnued in all respects and enforced acwrding to the laws of the State of Florida. This Covenant shall ba governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida, both substantive and remedial, withwt regard to the principles of conflict of levee, The exclusive venue Cor any litigation arising out of this Covenant shall be Miami-Dade County, Florida, if in State court, on the U.S. District Cwrt, Southern District of Florida, if in federal court. F:lattoWGURWGRERMN7IMBCDC (7Le [.ondon, LLC Closing - Restrictive Cavennnt (Final 4-27-07).doe [REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE LHFT INTBNTIONALLY BLANK]. IN WITNESS WHF.~,LBOF, rho 0 er has hereunto caused these presents to be signed and, attested by the respective witnesses on this ~ day of _ .2007. NITNBSSBS: OWNER: MBCDC: The London, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Miami Beech Community Development Corporation, A _ Florida non-pjrofit cot~pomti~on; its-sole member - PrlntNampe: ~,zr `7^~'~~ UnA7~-~ By: Naine: Roberto Datorre Print Name: Title: President STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DARE ) The foregoing Restrictive Covenant was acknowledged beforo me this3U day of 't r~ , 2007, by Roberto Detest, as President ofMiami Beach CommunityDevelopment Corporation, a Florida non-profit corporation, thesolemembetofM$CDC; The London,LLC,aFloridalinritedliability company,onbehalfofthecorlwration. Heis personally known to me or bas produced Florida Driver's Incense No. _ ~~ as identification. ~~ ~ Natne: Notary Public State of Florida at Large My commission expires: 4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tl~ Premises shall bo defined as the real property (the Land) located at 1965 Washington Avenue and 1975 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Miami-Dada County, Florida, and legally described u. follows; _ . That portion of Lot 1, Block H of Resubdivision of Blacks G, H, J and K and Triangular Tract lying South of Block K and West ofBlock G, toge0ter with Cardinal Street (nowvacated), according to the Amended Map of Ocean Fro~Property, of the Miami Beach ImprovomentCompany (said mapbeing recorded in PlatBook 5 on Pege 7 and 8 of the Public Records ofDade County, Florida) according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Page ]02 of the Public Records of Bade County, Florida, more particularly described as follows, to win Commence at the Northeast corner ofLot 1, Block H of a resubdivision of Blocks G, H, J, K and Triangular Tract lying South ofBlock K and West of Block G, together with Cardinal Street (now vacated} according to the Amended Map of Ocean Front Property of Miami Beach Improvement Company (recorded in Plat Book S on Pages 7 and 8 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida) according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 102 of the Public Records of Dade County, Plorida; thence Northwesterly along the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 1, far a distance of 120 feet to aniron pipe; thence Southweaterlyparellel to the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 61.19 feet to an uon pipe which ironpipe is located 64 feet Northerly from the Southerly boundary line of said Lot 1, measured along the prolongation Southwesterly of rho lastpreceding course and said iron pipe is the point ofboginning of the parcel of land herein described; thence continue Southwesterly parallel with the Easterlyboundary line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 44 feet to an iron pipe located 20 feet Northerly from the Southerly line of said Lot 1 measured along the prolongatlon Southwesterly ofthe last preceding course; thence Northwesterly along a line 20 feet Northeasterly from andparallel to the Southerly boundary line of said Lot ] for a distance of 93.78 feet to an ironpipe located on the Westerlyboundary line ofsaid Lot 1 at a distance of 21,53 feet Northerly from the Southwesterly corner of saidLot 1, meastved along the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 1; !hence Northerlyalong the W esterly boundary ]ins ofsaidlot 1 for a distance of 47.79 feet to an iron pipe; thence Southwesterly parallel with the Northerly boundary lino of said Lot 1 and 61,19 feet Southwesterly therefrom, measured at right angles thereto for a diatenca of 111.61 feet to the Point of Beginning of fha parcel of land herein described. AND Thatportion of Lot 1, B1ockH, of a Resubdivision ofBlocks G, H, J and K and Triangulaz Tract lying South oCBlock K and West ofBiock G, together with Cardinal Street (now vacated) according to the Amended Map of Ocean Front Property ofthe Miami Beach Improvement Company (said map being recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages 7 and 8 of the Public Records ofDade County, Florida), acoording to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Haok 6, Page 102, of the Public Records ofDade County, Florida, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Commence at the Northeasterly comer of Lot 1, Block H of a Resubdivision ofBlocks G, H, J, K and Triangular Tract lying South of Brock K and West of Hlock G, together with Cardinal Street (now vacated) according to the Amended Map of Ocean From Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Company (recorded in Plat Book S, Pages 7 and 8 of the Public Records ofDade County, Florida), according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 102, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence Northwesterly along the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 120 feet to an 'non pipe marking the Point of Beginning of the parcel of land herein described; thence Southwwtetly parallel to the Basterlyboundary line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 61.19 feet to a point which is 64 feet Northerly from the Southerly boundary line ofseid Lot 1 measured along the prolongation Southwesterly of the lest preceding course; thence Northwesterly parallel with the 5 DR BK 2SSF1 PG 1a72i '~ LAST PAGE ll) ~' Northerly boundary of said Lot 1 for a distanco of 111.64 feet to an iron pipe located on the Westerly ~ boundary lineofsaidLotlatadistanceof69.32feetNortherlyfromtheSouthwesterlycomerofsaid tj Lot 1, measured along the Wessterly boundary line of said Lat 1; thence Northerly along the Westerly fL boundary line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 43.76 feet to the beginning ofa tangential circular curve; thence Northerly and Easterly along the Northwesterly boundary line of said Lot l and along a ~ W tangential circular curve having a radius of 15 feet through a central angle of 111 degrees 56 minutae ~ ~ 30 seconds for an arc distance of 29.31 feet to the end of said curve; thence Southeasterly along the u„i ~ Northerly boundary line ofsaid Lot 1 for a distance of 114.09 feet.to the point of Beginning of the ~,~ ~ parcel of land herein described. ~ F. and shall include the Land thereof together with anybuildings (including footings and foundations), equipment, fixtures, (;1 N and other improvements and appurtenances of every Idnd and description now or hereafter executed, constntcted or 0 Q plaid upon the Land and any and all alterations and replacements thereof, additions thereto and substitutions therefor. Cil .l STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE y~r. I HEREBYCERTIFYfha! N/S /s a five ongn~/fi/etl in lh~s _'~lhe ollice aq ~.~ CaY of ~~ 58 Nantl and ' A D 7p 7 }!ARVEV RUVIN, CCE Kna laf Sea/, tay C/icuiten CoanryCourfa D,G. 6