96-22232 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 96-22232 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREEK, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, December 21, 1994, the Mayor and City Commission approv3d Resolution No. 94-21429, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Mutuall,.id Agreement between the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the Village of Indian C'euk, Florida, and, as part of the Agreement, authorizing the police Chief to execute a Jo nt Declaration of the Chief of the City of Miami Beach Police department and the Chief of t1e Village of Indian Creek Public Safety Department; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, the City and the Village of Indian C 'eE '!k, Florida, wish to extend the list of circumstances and conditions under which normal c lid may be requested and rendered with respect to police operations; and WHEREAS, the parties now wish to amend the Joint Declaration incorporated ir to the Agreement to include the mutual enforcement of all applicable laws and ordinanc3s affecting the jurisdictional waters of each respective municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND Gr"Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That the Joint Declaration on page 2, incorporated into and made pirt of the Agreement by reference, is amended as follows: 18. Mutual enforcement of all existing applicable laws and ordinances and exerci5e of arrest powers within the area comprising the jurisdictional waters within the respecti "e municipal boundaries of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the Village of Indian O'eE.k, Florida. Section 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement between the City and t1e Village of Indian Creek, Florida, shall remain the same' full force and effect. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of December, t ATk:T~ro ~~~ CITY CLERK MAYO APPROVED AS TO. FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTlOI-J F:\POLl\TE C HSERv\POLlCI ES\COM _ R ESO\I N DC KMUT. R ES Ati~ r: ..' ...-It"lmey II., -//-96 I)a;;- // CITY OF MIAMI BEACH cm' HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cI.mlaml-beach.t1.us IC:= COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ /2 - 9~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: December 18, 19)6 SUBJECT: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa tl City Manager I I A RESOLUTION t 'F HE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI~\:ACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR A.l.\D CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE LA1rV ENFORCEMENT MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY (IIF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CRl:E (, FLORIDA. FROM: BACKGROUND On December 21, 1994, the Mayor and City Commission approved Resolution No. 94-214~9 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Mutual Aid Agreement between the Ci ty of Miami Beach and the Village of Indian Creek, Florida. Both parties now desire to amend the Agreement to permit police officers of the Villa~e of Indian Creek to engage in assisting the Miami Beach Police Department's Marine Patrol Ulllit in patrolling the waters within the City of Miami Beach. The Police Department's Marine Patrol Unit is responsible for patrolling over 67 miles of coastline and inland waterways. The assistance of the Village of Indian Creek Marine Patl 01 Unit is required due to a lack of manpower with the Police Department's Marine Patrol Un it. in patrolling the City's coast and inland waterways. This lack of manpower, coupled with the increasing number of complaints from citlize as regarding incidents on the water such as damage to docked boats, excessive speed ill t Ie Manatee Protection Zone and reckless operation, has lead to this request to amend the Mutt al Aid Agreement. The Amendment is required so that Indian Creek police officers have the requisite le~ al authority to take enforcement action if necessary. CONCLUSION This Amendment will benefit the citizens of Miami Beach by providing an increase in p olh~e przence on our waters. /1 ~' CMB\TEMP\INDCKMUT.MEM DATE l_ '1 !)_ 1'2.- IS-OJ,~ AGENDA ITEM AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This Amendment to the Mutual Aid Agreement, dated November 22, 1994, between the ( IT Y OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA (CITY) and the VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREEK, FLORIDA, lS entered into this 18th day of December, 1996. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on December 21, 1994, the Mayor and City Commission approved Resolutic n No. 94-21429, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Mutual Aid Agreement betv'iet n the CITY and the VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREEK, FLORIDA, and, as part of the Agreemer t, authorizing the Police Chief to execute a Joint Declaration of the Chief of the City of Miami BI:ac h Police Department and the Chief of the Village of Indian Creek Public Safety Department.; aJld WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, the CITY and the VILLAGE OF INDA.-J" CREEK, FLORIDA, wish to extend the list of circumstances and conditions under which mttu ILl aid may be requested and rendered with respect to police operations; and WHEREAS, the parties now wish to amend the Joint Declaration incorporated into tt e Agreement to include the mutual enforcement of all applicable laws and ordinances affectin~ tt e jurisdictional waters of each respective municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. The Joint Declaration on page 2, incorporated into and made part of the Agreemen: by reference, is amended as follows: 18. Mutual enforcement of all existing applicable laws and ordinances and exercis~ c f arrest powers within the area compromising the jurisdictional waters within th.~ respective municipal boundaries, to wit: (Insert legal description of area). 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement between the CITY and the VILLAGE: (F INDIAN CREEK, FLORIDA, shall remain the same in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to the Mutu 11 Aid Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officials on the 18th day of Decem!: er _, 1996. ATTEST: THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH eo~~ ~fu,~ )~ CITY CLERK \L&~~. CHIEF OF POLICE THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREEK .' J, . -/~. t~/2.i)~ / ~~'7'.--t'--:T1L/ /?~y.~-.at'''/?,~'~--- MAYOR mtk4h 1& ;f~ CITY CLERK CHIEF OF POLICE APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Approved as to form and K;;:tA~l{;;L Village Attorney ~~ CitY /2-~11 - 'le. Date .,:..-- ,.-0:::... j RESOLUTION NO. 94-21429 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CIn COMMISSION OF 1 HE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORlDA. AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETVVI EN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CRE:~K, FLORIDA. AND AUTHORIZING THE POLICE CHIEF OF THE CIlY OF MIAMI BEACH TO EXECUTE A JOINT DECLARATION. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach desires to enter into an Agreement w th the Village of Indian Creek, Florida, for the purpose of coordinating law enforcement planning, OJel ations, and mutual aid between the City and Indian Creek: and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended the Agreement and the City Atorney has approved it as to form. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR A~D CITY COl\'ThIISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA. that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the attached Mutual Aid Agreement between the <:it I of Miami Beach and the Village ofIndian Creek. Florida, and the Police Chiefis hereby authori2ed to execute the Joint Declaration which is attached hereto. PASSED and ADOPTED this 21st day of' December ATTEST:. .' . ~. rt7 J ~ -.... -1- S'_. C"f> - ~t~ 'C;" \.~ CITY C-!--ER,K.::. .': .<..:~.. / RJ Afk.s . FORM APPROVED rl'~TED ~ """ ~~ t!:._~ :8'*e--=- / =:1,// -r'. L,:~ Date_. .._ fC.'....-pd.OCJIrCja~tQ".rC$' '~ ~, ~ 94-135 /?! {/'T"~ T ~2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF INDIA''"' CREEK AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A NU'.UAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE VIL~GE OF INDIAN CREEK, FLORIDA, AND AUTHORIZING THE POLICE CHIEF 0= ""HE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO EXECUTE A JOINT DECLARATION WHEREAS, the Village of Indian Creek desires to enter into an agree.:nent with The City Of Miami Beach,Florida for the purpose of coordinating law enforcement planning, operations and mutual aid between the City and Indian Creek; anc WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended the Agreement and ::he City Attorney has approved it as to form. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE CCUNCll OF THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREEKthat the Mayor and the City Clerk are rer~by authorized to execute the attached Mutual Aid Agreement between the CitY' elf Miami Beach and the Village of Indian Creek, Florida. and the Police Chief is here!:: y authorized to execute the Joint Declaration wf1ich is attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS /g day of hi/ 19;4 ~ ~. ' ~ ~~-?_~p'~ '-J -J!t~hd./ city clerk NCM/lam -' l...C-: c.:: ;).:J c:.::;:::~ 2~c F03 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Bet\.veen the Village of Indian Creek Public Safety Departm:m, anc the City of Miami Beach vVHEREAS, it :s the responsibility of the governments of the Village of Inr:li:: n Creek, Florida and the City of Miami 8ea c.'1 , Florida to ensure the public safety cf t,eir citizens by providing ace<:;uate levels of pelice services to address :any foreseeable routine or emereency situation;and WHEREAS. because of the existing and contJn'-Jing possibility of the occ:'lrr mea of law enforcement problems anc ether natural and man-made conditions whioh a e. or likely tc be, ooyond the c::mtrol of the services, personnel, equipment or facilities l:Jfhe participating municipal police departments; and WHEREAS, in order to ensure the preparation of these law enforcement agmcies will be adequate to address any and all of these conditions, to protect the public pEace and safety, and to preserve the lives and property of the people of the particif:at nQ Dade County municipalities;and WHEREAS, the participating Dade County municlpalities have the authority under Chapter 23, Florida Statutes. Florida Mutual Aid Ad. to enter into a mutuel! .:id agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN, that the village of Indian Creek, sutldir'ision of the State of Florida, and the undersigned representatives, in consideration fo' mutua! promises to render valuable aid in times of necessity, do hereby agree to fu ly and faithfully abide by and be bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. Short title: Mutual Aid Agreement 2. Description: Since the Mutual Aid Agreement provide~~ f( II" the requesting rendering of assistance for both routine and law ,enforcement intensive situation, this Mutual Aid Agreement combines 1he elements of both a voluntary cooperation agreement and a requested operational assistance agreement, as described in Chaptl3r 23, Florida Statutes. -------- - ;r.... I U U"":' :10 .\:. I l -. -- CC-:- \2- ,-- ; J . ~ ,vu..; i .l-: C~ \ r. fJl~ f'r 29;. - 2.-:.;: P04 6. Indemnification: The political subdivision having financial respcnsibjli ty for the la...... enforcement a~ency providing aid pursuant to this Agreement agree~ to hold harmless, defand, and indemnify the requesting law S:1fCrC2r:1ent a:;E r:cy and it'::> political subcivisior. in any sui~. action or c1aim for damages res;.:lting from any and 311 acts or ~oncuct of erT'iplcye~s cf said providing agency wt",ik! ~ roviCir.~ aid pur3uant to this p..gre.;mert, subject to Chapter 768, Florida Stat1-1ES, wher~ applicable. 7. Forfeitures: It is racnsnized that during the c:Jurse of the operaticn of the Asreement, piOperti' subject to forfeiture under U"e F'cr;c3 Ccr:~iat:ar C Fci7eiture Act, Florida Statutes, may be seized. The pro{:erty sMail te seizad 7cr.eited, ar;d equitabiy distributed among the participating agencies in ;:rcpcrtion ,:: the amCL.:nt of investigation and participation performed by each agency. This sh:ll occ:...Jr pursuant to the provisions of the Flcrida Contraband Forfeiture Act 5. Conf1!cts: Any confHcts between this Agreement and the Florida MlWtu ,~I Aid Act will be controlled by the provisions of the latter, whenever ccnditior s~xist that are within the definitions statec in Chapter 23 Florida Statutes, S. Effective Date and Duration: This AQreernent shall be in effect from d.lte cf signing, thrcugh and incl<.;cing January 1st, 20CO,uncer r.o c:r=um~;ta'":css may this Agreement be renewed. amended or extended except in wrjtin~;I. 10, Cancellation: This Agrsement may be canceled by either partj upon ~ ixty (SO) days written notice to the other party. Cancellation will be at the di:;c: etion of the Chief executive officers of the parties hereto. .1~i94 2.~. Ai";>~C~O AS TO fORM ANO LEGAL SUFI:ICIENCY: APPROVED AS TO:F:ORM'A:No-"i..EGAl SlFFICIENC'f .... ":,.. .'~~ :..' . .. 3J-- V'~ V<U<lgt' Attorney. Village of 'n2llln CreeIc. FIcl~ ,f-- -,..~ ,-,- A:s: ~~':[ dV ~li~Od I I.) \} _ .J ~ \ ~, : ) 1....::: ;\ f" \.\ .1 U . J CCT 22 'S6 ~2:0~ 0'" ,-} I U lJ:: C'.1tl [.F.e; \1. rJFP1 ;2cc F05 JOINT DECLARATION OF THE CHIEF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI 8EJ~C H POlleE DEPARTMENT AND THE CHIEF OF THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREE K PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT PURSUANT TO MUTUAL AlO AGREEl'w ENT A deputy sheriff or pOlics officer of either of the participating law enforcal1'1E nt ager.ci.as shall be considered to be operating under the provisions of the mutual aid, Igraement when: participating in iaw enforcement activities that ara pre-planrlell and approved by each respective agency head, or appropriately dispatched in response to a request fer assistar ce from the other law enforcement agency. spontaneous response where assistance or aid is apparent ( ~ ee #9 below). In compliance with, and under the authority of, the Mutual Aid Agreement hereto enterec into by the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the Village of Indian Creek, F!c "ida, it is hereby declared that the fOllowing list comprises the circumstances and cor ditions under which mutual aid may be requested and rendered regarding police operaiiols pursuant to the agreement. Said list may be amended or supplemented from time Ie ime, as needs dictate by subsequent declarations, 1. Joint multi-jurisdictional criminal investigations 2. Civil affray or disobedience, disturbances, riots, large prote~,t demonstrations, controversial trails, political conventions, la.:)o' disputes and strikes. 3. Any natural disaster 4. Incidents which require rescue operations and crowd and trcllffi: control measures, including, but not limiting to, large.scale evacuat;ors, aircraft and shipping disa3ters, fires, explosions, gas line leaks, radiol,'gical incidents, train wrecks and derailments, chemical or hazardou:" waste spills, and electrical power failures. 5. Terrorist activities including, but not limited to, acts of sabot~lgl~. 6. Escapes from or dIsturbance within detention facilities. 7. Hostage and barricaded subject situations, and aircraft piracy. -''-' _W.~1tJ 244 Fas 8. Control of major crime scenes, area searches. perimeter ':Cltrol. backuj: to emergency and in-progress calls. pursuits, and missing pel Sons calls. 9. participating in exigent situations without a formal request whic1 are spontaneous Occurrences such as area searches for wanted SL bjects. perimeters, crimes in prof;ress. escaped prisoners. Traffic sto~ s near municipal boundaries, request for a -'" 5-" and no local units~vailabre or nearby, calls or transmissions indicating as officer is injured. c;a [Is indicating a crime of jncident has occurred is which a citizen may likely be injured and the assisting municipality is closer to the area that the cfficer re :eiving the call. 10. Enemy attack 11. Transportation of evidence requiring security. 12. Major events; e.g., sporting events, concerts, parades, fairs, fa:;ti 'als, and conventions. 13. Security and escort duties for dignitaries. 14. Emergency situations in which one agency cannot perfor:n its fl.:n:tional objective. 15, 'ncidents requiring utilization of specialized units; e.g., underwclte' recovery, aircraft, canine, motorcycle, bomb, crime scene, marine patrol, 3n::1 police information. 16. Joint training in areas of mutual need. 17. Off-Duty Police Services: Indian Creek Village will be totally res pc nsible for their officers, to include, but not limited I a est, pension, insurar ce, disability insurance and -workman's pe saUon. DATE' ;/-/L -j1.r' DATE:' c...., ~"" CItieI .... '" """" c___ Cepertmel1t. MIami Sueh. Flori<l<l Safely Oepartmtll'(. Indian Creek. FJonda Lecnan;l A. Masarese ATTEST: '1S~m:dc~~ " .-. . .-.. '" -..... .-..... - -.- ... ..". ~ CITY OF MIAM~ BEACH ~(l:L ,-, CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER CAlVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 :=-- ==:It -= -= = COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. g~(t? -g~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission Roger M. Carlton "0 J 1 ~ City Manager tJ1I ~ OATE: Dece:nl: er 21, 199 FROM: SUBJECT: MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF M:Dl..K.: BEACH: AN THE VILLAGE OF INDIAN CREEX ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commissiol approve the Mutual Aid Agreement between the City and t:1e Village o. Indian Creek. BACRGROmro The city of Miami Beach and the Village of Indian Creek, because 01 the existing and continuing possibility of the occurrence of la.. enforcem.ent problems and other natural and manmade condi:ions whicr are or are l.ikel.y to be beyond the control, personnel, et{Uiprnent or facil.ities of participating municipal police departments, believE that it is beneficial for each to participate in c~,tnutual aic agreement as authorized by Chapter 23, Florida statuten. This is a new agreement between the C;ity of Miam.i B3a:::h and thE Village of Indian Creek. CONCLUSION Thi.s Mutua~ Aid Agreement wil.~ benefit both the citizen:;;,f the City of Miami Beach and the Village of Indian Creek. RMC/SDR/FC/MMS/lml AGENDA ITEM:::: - I - E DA1E.r2.- 2.1-q