2538 Reso:.. F ~. L ~ - - ~ ~~ i - - Chimci.lman ~£Carth~ stated that after listen~ig to the i t th d th v3d h b it = ' r< nce a e e ~ conv e w nesses en~e ra aght ~t in su port~of the char es a ainst the Chief Rare biased b same F l ~~~ ~ g p g y farm,df grudge or bitter feeling towards the Chief and that 0 ~ it was an effort to frame the man in order to put-him out ~ ~ of office while on the other hand several. gaud men in the "` ,~ .. Department had testifies as to the efficiency Qf the Chief. r` f, ~ t7a•~snaiimaa Meyer stated that the charges based an t =. neglect of .duty ~.nefficiano~f and lack of caoperat~.an ~,~th ... R ' ~` ' the Mayer era ample s+abstant~,ted by the Mayer. He cam- ~ ' w ; minted in detail an the evidence ~ hioh had been presented th f i hi i hi i ~, ~~ ~~ s ng , summar e C e aga nst s remax~ss by stating that ina under the Cae s~mtch as the Mayan rter is char ed ~ th ,, , ` ~ . . , ~ g . the raspazsib3lity~ and supervis~.on of the Po~.ice Department 3 and he having brought in these charges he offered a motion ~ r ~ to Sustain the Mapar's suspension of C~aief Glenn but said , °~ ~ _ ,,,. h , motffln fai~,ed to receive a seaand. ~ _ ~., ~ Councilman Nice urged that the Gouncil take some addi- '~ - ~' tioAal tine to Gonstder the evidence be,fOre taking a cats. ~ ~~ Catmcilman Clene:~ts expressed h~.6 belief that the Coon- . ~ G~~ it9slf Sh~u~d her8after have more to dv W~.th the Depart- ~:. - _. ~~~ meat than in the peat, that promotions and demotions should :~ r be passed upon by them and that the ?dayar cad seven Council- ~; '~ m$n should alb. bao~r about the i,~er worxing~a of the Fo~.ice _ ~ - ~~ : ~: Department in the future. . ~ ~ . A motion Acs then made by Cauacilmar- Levi eecoaded by s Cpun+ci~n ~o0e,rthy ~ that the btayos ~ s auapensivu of Chief .~~ 5~, Glenn no be sus aired aAd upaa cal? of roll, the motion ear- `° Y ~ ~t~ TO rigid six for and one a~ainst as follows: ~ !&~ (Against sustaining ~or~s sua~pension of Chief Gltnr.~: ~U6PE~ 0~ Ooanailmen Clements, Childers, Hiae~ Levi., dead and C~ ~' . MGCartbx. , ~ ~~ r . RO ~Fa4oring Yayor's suspenai4n of Chief Glenn): Councilman ,2 Meyer, '~k':. A complete transcr#pt of the hearing es retarded by ~~ `~ the Clerk and his secretaries ~ made and ordered f~,3ed ti th ~ ng. is mee vith the data concerning '~ .~ ~ - ' r ~ Upon reque$t of M1ami Beaeh Bay Share Caatpany and Mr. : fi . ' and Mrs. C. Alan Hudson tha foll,ot~ng resolution was intro- M ' ,, ~ .: duced authariz:~ng the ayor and City Clerk an behalf of ; ; ~° f ~ execute a ~u~,t c~,a the City to i~t to a certain easement ~ 1 L t~Q~h ~ts l~ 8,x3d ~ j iII ~~4t3k 3x, of Lake View Subdivi,sian, L in exchange far a similar easement through Lot l3 of said s , ~SOLt~'I'XQ~ ~0. ~~~~ °~ . : BE IT H,r"BGLVED By SHE CI`fY GOtT~CIL 0~` TF~ OILY aF ~iAMT ,~ BEACH; FLOF~IDA ghat the tfayor gad City Clerk, for and on be- half of the Gi~y of Miami Beaoh be and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to execute and ds3iver ta.C. Alan Hudson ~ ~~ OLCpf'I0~ ~ 0 HG and Ellen Granville Brutes :~udsan hf,s Rife as instrument re- uit-olaim~n mirin releasin and vgta tie said Hudson E~EDD~ 4~ ~ g g q g s~ their heirs and assigns forever all of said City's right ~ C 0 title a.*td interest in and to that certain Easement along the Northerly ~'ive.Feet of Lot l~ and Southerly Five Peet of Lot . in Block ~~ of Lake Vietr Subdivisio* ~,~ according to Plat , ~ ~ Book l~~ Page ,~ of the Public Records of Dade County= Flan-- x reserved bar said Plat far th$ use of dire Linea ids Wipe , , Lines, poles Sewexs, latex Ma~,ns etc. in exchange for e -~ - den boat ~10~} Easement from M3am~ Beaa~ Bay Share Campang in fever of said City for the use of 'dire Lines Pipe Lines , Pales Sears and dater Mains elan the Piarth Line of Lot l~ ~ Block 31., of said Lake View Subd~.vieion. ~_ PASSED AHD gDO~'ED this 6th day of Maay, A. D. 193. ~, , ~ { i ed D. Rfaha,rd Mead r , 4~k , 4 r~i~den'~ of Ci~~y ~ Oouno r 4 ' -- 2 ~Si 8d C• ~ ~o~ l~.neon ~ %^ ~. ' _ p t~Vrk C L3 . a r ~ h ,,_ - .: .,. .... ' ~ T \ s~ . . ~ - - _ .. , . ~ - -. ,, .. ~ - .. r i ..' ~ '' ~ - i ~' ;. a ~ v _. .. ~ ~ ~ .~_ ,. ,_.. ~, ......~., w. ~Y F., ... '=g ... ., s~ s~. L~. ,. ...~. ,r ~~ f. . ~ ~~ w _~., ,..~, .. .+.r, v e~_. -~_v~ - .... ~.. L_'s~~...~~'~ w. ' r ' ! y ~ '~~,