97-22472 RESO RESOLUTION- NO. 97-22472 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RETROACTIVELY APPROVING AN APPLICATION SUBMITTED ON JUNE 27,1997 TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO), UNDER THE 1997-98 MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM, FOR $60,000 IN FUNDING TO PERFORM A TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR THE DADE BOULEVARD I WEST AVENUE I NORTH BAY ROAD AREA; AND, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF THE REQUIRED TWENTY-PERCENT CITY MATCH, AND THE EIGHTY-PERCENT MPO FUNDS, IF AWARDED. WHEREAS, the City is experiencing an upsurge in development and redevelopment activity throughout its boundaries; and WHEREAS, changing demographic patterns and urban densification is occurring, particularly in the Dade Boulevard/West Avenue/North Bay Road Area; and WHEREAS, main intersections/roads are being impacted by heavier traffic, and adjacent neighborhoods are concerned about the ever increasing traffic intrusions into their residential streets; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive traffic impact study with roadway analysis needs to be conducted to identify problems and suggest areawide solutions; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Planning Organization's 1997-98 Municipal Grant Program is accepting applications from Dade County municipalities to help fund transportation planning studies of this nature. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission retroactively approve an application submitted on June 27, 1997 to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), under the 1997-98 Municipal Grant Program, for $60,000 in funding to perform a traffic impact study for the Dade Boulevard/West Avenue/North Bay Road Area; and, further authorize the appropriation of the required twenty-percent City match, and the eighty-percent MPO funds, if awarded. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR exeCUTION ATTEST: Ro~ p(M,~ CITY CLERK aj ~~ YJf12 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX; (305) 673-7782 June 25, 1997 Mr. Jose-Luis Mesa, Director Metropolitan Planning Organization 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 910 Miami, Florida 33128 SUBJECT: City of Miami Beach Application for FY 1997-98 MPO Municipal Grant Program Dear Jose: The City of Miami Beach hereby submits a grant application to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the FY 1997-98 Municipal Grant Program. The City wishes to conduct a Traffic Impact and Roadway Analysis for the Dade Boulevard/West Avenue/North Bay Road Area, at a total cost of $60,000. We understand that the Municipal Grant Program requires a minimum 20% participation by the City, to which we agree. Our application package includes the following items: Exhibit A: Scope of Work for a Dade Boulevard/West Avenue/North Bay Road Area Comprehensive Traffic Impact/Roadway Analysis and Plan Development. Exhibit B: Project justification based on the MPO's five-item project evaluation criteria. Exhibit C: Draft City Resolution supporting this grant application. A signed version of this document will be forwarded to the MPO subsequent to a formal approval by the City Commission, at the July 16, 1997 meeting. If further information is needed, please contact Joseph Johnson, Project Manager, at 673-7000 Ext. 6185, or Amelia Johnson, Transportation Coordinator, at Ext. 6347. Thank you in advance for seriously considering our grant application. ~ Harry Mavrogenes Assistant City Manager HM/AJ/aj Attachments cc: Joseph Johnson, Project Manager Amelia Johnson, Transportation Coordinator SCOPE OF WORK DADE BOULEV ARD/WEST A VENUE/NORTH BAY ROAD AREA TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Background: The City ofMiarni Beach has been experiencing a huge upsurge in development and redevelopment activity throughout its urban boundaries, due largely in part to land-use and zoning changes, development plan approvals, an robust economy, changing demographic patterns and urban densification, particularly in the area of the City bounded by the MacAuthur Causeway, Alton Road, Dade Boulevard, West Avenue, Chase Avenue and North Bay Road, commonly referred to as the Alton/Dade/BaylWest section. As a result of this frenzy of new development and redevelopment activity within the area, vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic has increased steadily over the last seven (7) years, often leading to serious and sometime fatal consequences for all three (3) modes of transportation. This is due primarily from the increase of vehicular traffic on the area's often congested, neglected and deficient alleys, streets and roadways. Thus, the City's Public Works Department is publishing this Scope of Service for professional consultants to conduct an areawide comprehensive traffic impact study and roadway analysis for the area bounded by Chase Avenue (North), Alton Road (East), MacAuthur Causeway (South) and the Bay (West). It is expected that this report/study will be use as a blueprint or guide for development of critically needed Public Works, Capital Improvements and/or Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) projects designated for the area's major traffic corridors. Objectives 1. To conduct an areawide, comprehensive traffic impact study with roadway analysis for the Alton/Dade/Bay/West section of Miami Beach, which shall include the following essential components: a) Traffic counts (24 hrs. - weekday & weekend) b) Level of service (existing and projected for roadways and intersections) c) Critical movement analysis (intersections) d) Directional distribution (existing and proposed projects within or near study area) e) Peak-hours wi "K", "D" and "T" factors f) Seasonal adjustment factors for peak-hours (year) f) Roadway capacity analysis (State, County and Local) g) Conflicting vehicular and pedestrian/bicycle movements h) Prevailing traffic conditions i) Prevailing roadway conditions w/(deficiencies) j) Trip assignments (new and approved projects within or near study area) k) Trip generation (new and approved projects within or near study area) 1) Signal phase analysis m) Parking analysis n) Aesthetics considerations (landscaping w/ traffic calming techniques) 0) Accident analysis p) Methodology q) Opportunities and Barriers r) Recommendations (projects that are needed to address problematic areas) 2. To produce a comprehensive traffic and roadway study which ensures that the Public Works and Capital Improvements projects which are developed from the data and analysis will be consistent with the City's goals and objectives for the area. 3 . To develop a prioritized implementation plan within recommendations section of the study for Publi<; Works and Capital Improvement projects, deemed essential to correct existing and projected deficiencies associated with the area's roadways. 4. To produce a study that whom analysis solidifies the linkage between various modes of transportation, parking activities, land-use, zoning and safety. 5. To produce a study/report that facilitates effective strategic planning and policy-making decisions. Project Approach The selected consulting team shall specify what approach(es) or methodology will be used to obtain traffic data and information, projection of future traffic impacts and accurately assess the existing deficiencies & needed remedial actions for the study area's roadway network. The applicable approach( es) may include usage of computer models, and other programs such Geographical Information System (GIS) and Computer-Aided Drafting and Design (CADD). The final completed study or report shall include maps, diagrams, pictures, graphics and tables to facilitate understanding and decision making. The general tasks description will include, but not limited to: o Data collection/production shall include Traffic Counts (24 Hrs.) for the study area's roadway system (major/minor arterial, collectors, local streets), turning movement counts at critical intersections and survey of available right of way for all recommended Public Works or Capital Improvement Program projects. D Identify and analyze the study area's existing and projected roadway network deficiencies, including roadways and bridges, levels of service, available right-of-way, signalization, parking/loading needs, transit, bicycle/pedestrian access and ADA compliance. o Identification of area's future roadway network, transit lines, bicycle, pedestrian and parking facilities, off-loading needs, and aesthetics design features (landscaping). o Identification of strategies and policies which minimize intermodal conflicts and eliminate the deficiencies of the area's roadway system. End Products: The desired results of this Public Works and Planning effort will be a Public Works and Capital Improvements Programs document with a project implementation component, of whom the other major components of the document are transformed into strategic planning and policy decision for the area's transportation network, specifically developed to address the growth management issues of needed facilities and services for the Alton/Dade/Bay/West area of the city. Policy Recommendations shall be identified for possible inclusion in the Municipal Mobility Plan, for City Commission consideration The prospective Consulting Team shall be composed of transportation planners, traffic engineers urban planner and landscape architects with extensive experience in traffic analysis, transportation planning and implementation of capital improvement projects for urban areas and resort/tourism environments. The Consulting Team will be required to do the following: * Prepare a comprehensive document which contain charts, diagrams, pictures and maps, and includes among other important items, traffic data/information for the study area, a capital improvements/public works component, an implementation component and tools to manage the overall plan implementation. * Provide City consultant for the Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan, copies of all traffic data/information collected and implementation plan for designated study area. * Coordinate the study with a designated Study Steering Committee and public * Abide by a 3 to 4 month timetable for final study, recommendations and presentations Funding: $60,000 as follows: $48,000 from MPO's FY 1998 Municipal Grant ProgramlCMB Application $12,000 from City of Miami Beach (20% matching funds) $60,000 total Project Manager for the City: Joseph Johnson, Planner - Planning Department, on behalf of the Public Works Department Participating Agencies and Departments: City of Miami Beach Public Works Department Parking Department Planning, Design & Historic Preservation Department Miami Beach Transportation and Parking Committee Miami Beach Transportation Management Association Dade County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Dade County Public Works Department Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) DADE BOULEV ARDIWEST A VENUE/NORTH BAY ROAD STUDY TRAFFIC IMPACTIROADWA Y ANALYSIS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION Answers to the MPO Project Evaluation Criteria: 1. Level of service benefits of the proposed project: o Analyze and assessment of the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions for this special highly dense and rapidly growing area of Miami Beach. o Development of needed transportation, public works and/or capital improvement projects, which address roadway deficiencies, existing and future traffic congestion and vehicular/pedestrian safety for the area. o Ensure that access to alternative modes of transportation (non vehicular) within area are developed and maintained. 2. Impact of mobility/traffic circulation gains: o Development of the area as an "urban transit village", which facilitates the safe and efficient movement of people and goods area and countywide. o Increased solidification of the linkage between various modes of transportation, parking activities, land-use, zoning and safety. 3. Intermodal nature of proposal: o Identify of potential locations and/or sites within the study area for the development of Intermodal facilities (electric shuttles, transit, light rail, water taxi service, bicycles, parking) as a means of developing an " urban transit village". 4. Support of the approved countywide activities of the Unified Planning Work Program for Transportation: o coordinates the economic development and transportation/transit planning for area and suggests way to encourage joint development projects in "urban transit village". o Development oflocal and regional-level strategies to help alleviate traffic impediments for development of "urban transit village" . o Coordinate recommended improvements for the transportation network of the community with the broader goals and objectives of the Metro-Dade Long Range Transportation Plan, FDOT Five-Year Work Program and the Transportation Improvement Program. 5. Consistency with the applicant's local comprehensive plans: o Identify and measure the interaction between local land-use and regional transportation network, presents current research, and makes recommendations for necessary changes within the Future Land-Use and Transportation Circulation Element of the Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan. o Development of policy recommendations for possible inclusion in the Municipal Mobility Plan for City Commission consideration. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~l TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and DATE: July 16, 1997 Members of the City Commission Jose Garcia-pedrosa.. Ii. City Manager i I I A RESOLUTIOrJhF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BVAcH, FLORIDA, RETROACTIVELY APPROVING AN APPLICATION SUBMITTED ON JUNE 27, 1997 TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO), UNDER THE 1997-98 MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM, FOR $60,000 IN FUNDING TO PERFORM A TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR THE DADE BOULEVARD I WEST AVENUE I NORTH BAY ROAD AREA; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF THE REQUIRED TWENTY-PERCENT CITY MATCH, AND THE EIGHTY-PERCENT MPO FUNDS, IF AWARDED. FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND On June 17, 1997 the Administration was advised by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) that the application deadline for the 1997-98 Municipal Grant Program was moved up to June 27, 1997, one month earlier than in previous years; as such, the City's application had to be submitted on June 27th. The application was made to the MPO in order not to lose the opportunity for funding. The application is subject to a retroactive approval by the Mayor and City Commission The MPO's Municipal Grant Program awards, on a competitive basis, a total of $150,000 a year to applicant municipalities within Dade County as matching grant funds toward the total cost of local transportation planning studies. The awarded municipalities must match the balance. In the last four years, Miami Beach has received a large share of these funds, as indicated below: 1993-94 - $32,000 toward the Transportation Coordinator's salary* 1994-95 - $50,000 for the Beach Broadwalk Study (completed) 1995-96 - $75,000 for the South Beach Electric Shuttle Study (completed) * * 1996-97 - $78,500 for the Municipal Mobility Plan (under development). DATE c..'lI 7-J/'''Cj 1 AGENDA ITEM * Beginning in 1994-95, salaries were no longer covered by the grant. * * This study was entirely funded by the MPO. ANAL YSIS For the FY 1997-98 Municipal Grant Program, the City has submitted an application for a comprehensive traffic impact study/roadway analysis/plan development for the Dade Boulevard/West Avenue/North Say Road Area, as detailed in the Scope of Services, attached hereto. Due to an upsurge in residential and commercial developments as well as changes in demographic patterns, the area bounded by the MacArthur Causeway, Alton Road, Chase Avenue, and Biscayne Bay requires specific analysis in order to develop appropriate solutions for present and future transportation, traffic, mobility, street calming, and related streetscaping projects. If a grant for this study is awarded by the MPO Governing Board (a decision is expected in October-November, 1997), the maximum amount funded by the MPO may be $48,000, while the City share may be at least $12,000. If the Miami Beach application is awarded, the City share will be funded by the Professional Services Account of the Development, Design and Historic Preservation Services Department Budget-Economic Development (Transportation). CONCLUSION The MPO has been supportive of the City of Miami Beach in seeking solutions to congestion, mobility, and parking problems, and the measures the City is implementing to minimize the impact of development and redevelopment projects upon City services and facilities. Among the City's on-going efforts are the Electric Wave Park-and-Ride Demonstration Program, the Municipal Mobility Plan, the establishment of thresholds for traffic studies being required by the City from applicant developers, the Concurrency Management System, and area-specific traffic impact studies such as the one proposed herein. The grant application already submitted by the City requires retroactive approval by the City Commission. Attachment JGP/kAJ/aj (mgpa98)