Amendment No. 11 Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, Inc.,~oai-t Sys O ~~c~i- c7.~s AMENDMENT NO. 11 TO THE PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE, ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND WILLIAMS, HATFIELD & STONER, INC., D/B/A TETRA-TECH WHS, DATED JULY 18, 2001, FOR THE PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $11,668 FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITONAL GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NEIGHBORHOOD N0.4-NORMANDY ISLE AND NORMANDIE SUD PROJECT. This Amendment No. 11 to the Agreement made and entered this ~` 'day of ~ 2007, by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporatio existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as City), having its principal offices at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, and WILLIAMS, HATFIELD & STONER, INC. d/b/a Tetra -Tech WHS, a Florida Corporation, having its offices at 1180 Southwest 36th Avenue, Suite 203, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 (hereinafter referred to as Consultant). RECITALS WHEREAS, pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 07-00/01, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2001-24505, on July 18, 2001, approving and authorizing the Mayor and City Cferk to execute an Agreement with the Consultant, for professional services for the Neighborhood No.4-Normandy Isle and Normandie Sud Right-of-Way (ROW) Infrastructure Improvement Project (the Project); and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides for the detailed planning, design, permitting, bidding /award and construction administrative services for various streetscape / landscape / utility improvements within the Normandy Isle and Normandie Sud Neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the Agreement was executed for a not-to-exceed amount of $617,664.00; and WHEREAS, on September 10, 2003, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2003-25320, approving additional design services as Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement, for rear easement waterline relocation efforts, for snot-to-exceed amount of $50,529.00; and WHEREAS, on February 25, 2004, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2004-25488, approving additional design services as Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, for re-design of lighting system, pursuant to the City's new standards; a planning study related to hardscape and landscape revisions arising from the Community Design Review Meeting (CDRM), held on October 21, 2003; and for administration, specifications, and reimbursabfes associated with the additional scope of work, for an amount of $30,500.00; and WHEREAS, on November 16, 2004, Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement was executed, to include the additional professional landscaping, architectural and engineering services for the detail design, permitting and bidding /award services for the extension of the proposed right-of-way improvements on Bay Drive, between Marseille Drive and the Normandy Shores Bridge, which are required to complement the design efforts for the Project, for snot-to-exceed amount of $17,047.00; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2004, Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement was executed, to include the participation of the Consultant in eight additional design progress meetings, originated by design revisions, for snot-to-exceed amount of $7,458.00; and WHEREAS, the planning effort for the Project has been completed and detailed design activities are underway; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 2004, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2004-25731, authorizing the execution of Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement, to include an additional scope of work which consists of design services for the replacement of existing 4-inch and 6-inch diameter cast iron water lines with new 8-inch diameter water lines, to be relocated under the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) right-of- ways, at 71St Street and Normandy Drive, for snot-to-exceed amount of $50,000.00; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 2004, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2004-25731, authorizing the execution of Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement, to include an additional scope of work which consists of design services necessary to implement the re-planning study originated from the CDRM, for anot-to-exceed amount of $58,220.00; and WHEREAS, on December 6, 2004, Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement was executed, to include an additional scope of work necessary for deletion of the Rue Granville Street-End from the Project scope, and the re-design of the Trouville Esplanade Street-End; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 2005, Amendment No. 8 to the Agreement was executed, to include the verification of additional underground utilities to avoid conflicts in 150 boring sites, for anot-to-exceed amount of $24,700.00; and WHEREAS, on July 25, 2006 Amendment No. 9 to the Agreement was executed, to include an additional scope of work necessary to re-incorporate the "Type 2" encroachments (ET-2) into the contract documents, fora not-to-exceed amount of $10,750.00; and WHEREAS, on July 12, 2006, Amendment No. 10 to the Agreement was executed, to include additional services related to procure Resident Project Representation (RPR), and additional construction management services, for a not-to-exceed amount of $555,540; and WHEREAS, this Amendment No. 11 is to include additional geotechnical services necessary to define potential muck locations throughout the neighborhood, for snot-to- exceed amount of $11,668. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements, terms, and conditions herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the respect and adequacy are hereby acknowledged, do agree as follows: 1. ABOVE RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated as a part of this Amendment No. 11. 2. MODIFICATIONS The Agreement is amended as defined in Schedule "A-11" and Exhibit "A-11 ", attached herein. 3. OTHER PROVISIONS. All other provisions of the Agreement, as amended, are unchanged. 4. RATIFICATION. The City and Consultant ratify the terms of the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment No. 11. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 11 to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officials as of the date first set forth above. ATTEST: City Clerk Robert Parcher CITY OF MIAMI ~r, CIP ~fficE E. Chartrand ATTEST: CONSULTANT: WILLIAMS, HAYFIELDS & STONER, INC. D/B/A TETRA-TECH (WHS) ~ ~' SECRETA 9~/ED AS TO By ~~~ ~'~a ~~07 RM & LANGUAGE FOR CUTION ~~ . P/7l J ccT/Yl.~i~/.rf G~F-~ Janis B. Sal' ~. Print Name ~ ~ 7 7 rint Name D ~ M, ~s eY ate SCHEDULE "A-11" TO AMENDMENT NO. 11 TO THE PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE, ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND WILLIAMS, HATFIELD & STONER, INC., D/B/A TETRA-TECH WHS, DATED JULY 18, 2001, FOR THE PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $11,668 FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITONAL GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NEIGHBORHOOD N0.4-NORMANDY ISLE AND NORMANDIE SUD PROJECT. SCOpe of Services: The Scope of Work consists of additional geotechnical services to be performed within the Normandy Isle and Normandie Sud neighborhood. Specifically this consist of nine (9) exploratory borings to define potential muck locations that might affect the proposed water main and other underground construction. The original Agreement will be revised to include new task 5.8 for additional geotechnical services under the existing Task 5 (Additional Services). A detailed scope is defined in the attached Exhibit "A-11 ". Compensation: • Original Agreement Amount: $617,664.00 • Amendment No.1 (relocation of existing utility improvements) amount: $50,529.00 • Amendment No.2 (study of revisions from the CDRM) amount: $30,500.00 • Amendment No.3 (improvements along Bay Drive) amount: $17,047.00 • Amendment No.4 (additional progress meetings) amount: $7,458.00 • Amendment No.S (additional water lines and meter relocation) amount: $50,000.00 • Amendment No.6 (additional design of re-planning study) amount: $58,220.00 • Amendment No.7 (Rue Grandville/Trouville Esplanade Street-Ends) amount: $0.00 • Amendment No.8 (verification of additional Underground Utilities) amount: $24, 700.00 • Amendment No.9 (re-incorporate ET-2 encroachments into the contract documents) amount: $10,750.00 • Amendment No.10 (additional construction management services and Resident Project Representation) amount: $555,540.00 • Amendment No.11 (additional geotechnical services) amount: $11,668.00 • Revised Agreement amount: $1,434.076.00 . , 0 TETRA TECH May 23, 2007 Stephanie Harari, P.E. Hazen and Sawyer, PC 975 Arthur Godfrey Road The Glller Building, Suite 211 Miami Beach, Florida 33140 ~xxi qtr ~-~~ ~~~~ H1a;ZB~t ADD ,~AyyyE$, P. C, Miarui Basch, ~'lors8a SAY ~ ~ :~~4 .~ ~ ._r3_ 1/ ~ r..~.A.~..g ~i)~ i+fio. Re: City of Miami Beach, Capi#al improvement Program Normandy Isle and Normandy Sud, Neighborhood No. 4 Cost Proposa! for Geotechnical Services Dear Ms. Harari: Sent via US Mai! Tetra Tech Project No. 5493.02 Enclosed is Tetra Tech's cost proposal in the amount of $11,i#~8.00 for geotechnical services to be performed on the subject project Specifically, this consists of nine [9J exploratory borings to define potential muck locations that might affect the proposed water main and other underground construction. The services have been contracted for, and wilt be performed as requested by the City of Miami Beach as referenced in the attached messages. Please initiate the preparation of a contract amendment tv provide Tetra Tech compensation far pertorming the requested services. if you have any questions, or require any additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, ~t-...~ Eric B. Johnson, P.E. Senior Project Manager eric.iohnson cni~tetratech.com ENCLOSURES Cc: R. Saltrick, P.E.; City of Miami Beach File A, K -Tetra Tech Proj. 5493.02 1180 Southwest 36'~ Avenue, Suite 203, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Tel 954566.8341 Fax 4545655421 wwwtetratech.com Tetra Tech, Inc. 1180 SW 36th Avenge, Suite 203 Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Phone: (954} 566-8341 Fax: (954) 565-5421 May 23, 2007 Via US Mail COST PROPOSAL RE: City of Miami Beach, Capital Improvement Program Nomnandy Isle gad Normandy Sud, Neighborhood No. 4 Cast Proposal for Geotechaicai Services The firm of Tetra. Tech, Inc. is pleased to provide you with the following proposal for professional engineering services for the above referenced project Geotechaical Services: GEOSOL, INC. [Soil Borings) ...............................$10,168.00 Tetra Tech, Inc. [Supervision and administration).......... 1,500.00 Lump Sum Total ............................................... 77 8.0 Scope ofServrcesy The scope of services is limited by the specific terms of this proposal as deseabed is Attachment "A" of the enclosed agreement Except as stated specificallq herein, ao other service will be provided except as "extra work", subject to the fees to be determined should the necessity for additional work occur. 08/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEOS~ INC PAGE 03 05/221200? 17:05 9545655421 TETRA TECH WHS PAGE 02/1 SUBCQN$ULTAPIT $EIZVIC$3 A13REEiiIENT G'!!y of 1~1larni @each ~nfiasbuc /mprovsn~nt Pto~~am lValg~rbn-fiotvd Ma ~ ~. Nornta-~dy 14rte and Normandy SUp r~ r,~r~i, ~,~. Pi+t:~acr ~. s,~a.oz This is an egreen~un# made as a! lhit 2Znd dal' vF Msy. 2t~7, belwesn Gawol. tr-e. {$Ut~CDNSUtT/11~tT) rr~ Tsbraa'treh, tnc. Tetra ToCh, !hG herby retains sUBGOMI$lILTANT to perform services fn connection with s Pro)ect as described in Adachmant A. SUeCON8t;~L'~11N'f age tti perform the seruicrls In ronaideraton of ttte rompensatian describrd in Atteatcrnent A and in atlooordartsaa with rho Oornr+s dsscsit-ed in Altachmamt 8. This AgnrQmsnS ser+sts~s of this doeumerst together with ,attachment 'A" -Scope of SarYtt:etl - t3eosol, Inc., artd Atlaclgrsent 'B" _ Terrtts ARt! Corttlttlests. Thts agrsernens suparc:adea all Rrbr wrtilen and oral undarattlsldings. 7t-ts a~ltaanta~t>t rtr~sy only be amended, suPP~s~, ~ a' cancNted by a de+1y exttel~tvd vrrinen instn.trrtent. In exec~ttnB this Agsearsisnt the undafsigned also adcnovNedges d~eir atstltarihr to efnd tfie psartiyw to all terns and conditions. in wlttteas wlteseof, the pasties heI6DG have made and exectrted this Agttxmes-t os o} the dsy antl year fiMt v1-rSttors. . Gecrao(. tnc. Tea Tech, tnc. ,4aidr+eas: 1'180 SY1t 36°' AVllntie. 9asee 243 tsotn(~w tom, FL 3'093 t~hc,cte: C~os)S~-~f~7 Sl- (Oiacia Ricaabono, F.E. - Presslden!) ~~ Phone: 964-83x1 $Y .. ~s~r~:.---: Eric B. n, P.E., Senior Tsara'i'~ct+ page t of 1 SubeonluitaeR ®5/22/2007 16:55 3058284235 135/23.'2©pT 17:06 X754565542: SCOPE OP BEftViCEfi: GEOSOL iNC r~-r>~a T~cN wNs ATThCHMEN7 A Perbrm geoterhnlc~l ~piora@on as fisted in ttte llfteohed ~ropoRel far the City Of Miecni f3esah Normatndy 181e, Normandy Sud Gepital imprp~~neet f'roj6~ot. Gellrersbta: '1'hrwe [3] copies of RePat of Gtofschnfcal 1=xploratian Resins Ccmpeasation: payr~tMt shell not ef[eeed =4Q~1Q>s.Oq per U1e atbclted ri~Dosel. PAGE 04 PAGE 03115 05/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEOSOL INC PAGE 05 ~5t::_; 2t3d? 1'P: kifi `1546:+54;=° TETI~C. "EJ~-i WN: pn~GE 0d/15 i•!.'~~ .GZy aGUL7 r~tra rich, t~L~.. t t as sw :+~.Avenue, suite a0~ 1'ompanv 9each, FL 33089 Attentior_ Mr. Eric ~. Johnson, P.E. Serir~t 1'rojct~t M~tneger Ra; Proposal rF3absurPaccExplQration attd Creotec~Finicai F~t$iru~xing trvatoations Normandy Isla and !~Tarmandic Sud Llty of Miami Beach, Flaridx ost3l_pta~osat ~'o~,,,P„ 207129 (TGtra •~eoh P'roiart No. 343.02) D~tr Mr. Joftnsnn: Jrs accs~tdartce with your regoest An May 2I, 2t1Q'7, t,idoso0, Inc. (G)rQSQI.) is pia~sed t0 submit this proposal for gerforrnanee geotealtraic.al vices far the above-rtIezvnced project. inclwite! herein is an eazimatc of the work: cslFort and awr anticipated approach bayed an our undarstand'+ng df the pt+reje~ct. 'fho pcujcct i~lvoi++es the design and installation ot'S-inch diameter water mains for the area of Norrr!andy [xt~, snd Nflrrrtandie $ud in tha t.rty of Miami i~eaclt, )~?vrida. A field exporation pragiam t+vi l] ba roquirai to explore the subsurli;ce conditit~n along tl-e Atigttlnent of t~ pTOp~ised improvemetrts. tiE(?54.~ wiil use tt:e resuttti of the field exploration. pragranh to penvick ge4teCt7rncal Cvaluatians ~d z+ecotttrt-erfdations for the pt~7ppged water minx. ~as~ nn in`otmation ~+pvided ey the City of Miami 13ca~ch, Standard ~~ 1'cst (SP'1? karengs wilt be cequired at the following nine t;9) locations: • Station l l 3+44 (A;ang gay Dri~~e) +w Station t42-t•cxl (Alonng Bay prive) a Station t c~~ (Atattg Bay i?rive) +*a Siatias- S l 3-+00 {Along Nw 7 t a Street) +'+ Station 525+00 {AlrntgNw 71:u Street) ~ Station ~3+o(1(A tang Nw 7 i ~'3treet) ~ Station 303+UU (Alcang Marseille Drive] ~ 1'tatiUs~ ~ i9~^0(l (Along lviarseille Drive) ~ Station 331~OQ;,Atong tvlacseiile Drivel S79S-A ~l.W.lSla Sinot Mimi Lalaes. FI.33aIa Pt-o~w (305) a2a-436'1; F.x f3ost aza~it3s timail: gco9otussLbe}bouth.net 05/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEOSOL INC PAGE 06 45/22.'2087 17:06 35~5655a2' 1'E1'RA ?t=CH 47NS paG~ p6f15 9vbsu!fie«e t?.xl-foration and Geateahnieel ~vatusriona Normandy isle and Normandie 9ud City of Miami Beoi-, Florida Gesso] Pct noari t3o. p-207122 scoFar of ~~~t Our servicas wit} consist of perfptrnirtg itetd elcploration aesd tabaratory tenting programs in areas of the Proposad ' mains that are part of this piro~ex;t Ttue results cf tha field and } a6aratary testing progtgtns will be usa! W aonfism tl]at the proposed pipe iazstal}atiott method vviIl be etpp~pri~ for the s+ubsurfaca conditltf!ns i et the prajcct site. GlA50L wiI l use the f ieid daisy w eveluaoc ti'-e sine +COnetitic~ns and prov}de reCOmtne~dsltiatfs for the support of tha propvsad $-inch diamctaz water maws. 'The results of th,e finical testing pr~rarn slang with then design information futtmsbexl to us will l~ used far ~afaE goo~cieniaei engineering ~dndrms t'or die eteelgn and installation of the ~nnpoxsd water tnaitts. AtUrx t+eceiving auttsorizatian for our services, we will pcoeeed with the executiaa of the r~eq-ecst~i fie;id teStin~ peo~rarn as well as ~crbechn~l ereginearririg evaiuatxons. The Sold ~' end lal~aratvey testing pf*ograteis will geaexaily ~;usE of providing the faiiotivittg t;etvicna: ~P~,aloratian arrd labargg?~-„~'egtSg„~ ] . 1'orfatm mte cocotwtussa>ace, locate: and coarciinate for existing eltilities that may interfere with the drilling opetdtians. 2. Clbtain the ne+~ perrnitg 1;crrn The City of }VJjiatni &~h rognired for Ira~c control In soco:daitce with thes Standsr3 Index 600 pries of the FDOT Roadway surd Traffic Design Stsrtdards. 3. Perfbzttt sins (9} Standard Praretrntion >C'est ESP?`) booing$ to depths of 20 feat below existing grades for the proposed 8 -inch di~umetar water rr1@ine tltss will be installed in Normandy tale and Norma~~y Sud slostg the aligatrtertt of the pcopvsod water r1r-ains. The: borings will ba performed to e:~rplote: the subsurF~ rAndit;ons ~ the project site. We understa>ad that the hest booing lvcatians are accessible to a ix~ck-Yrlc-iuEtod dri}l rlg. Santple~ of the im-place materials will be c~ecovexed widx a standard ttpiit band drive with IA(?•pouttd hattmyer fhitiitg 3El inches (the Standsnd Ferlebracion Test after ASTM D}585). Then borings wil! be advanced with rotary drillir]g methods. Given vin tanow}«ise of the subsurface conditions ist the virSnity of the ~njeet area, temgoaary casing witl be r~ecltt itxd to ptrevent maturated soils t3+nm caving irate the bardtole dtzri]tig t`he drilling operations. 65/22/2087 16:56 3058284235 GEOSOL II~lC PAGE 07 0!5/2/2997 17:4~E 95A5655421 Tt;TPt,A 7ECW lAiS PAGE 86/13 Sub~arFace Exp]oretien and pooeechnicai F,vglugtions 3 Narrnbndy Isle elfd Nonnandie Sod Gty oYtNami'Baach, Florida Plttits;~Il.L'iSL.. F-7S1T112 4. Measure groundwatter lcveta at tb~n tit boring locations. ~. 8ackfilll the borehotes using gtptit mad patch the stuface with cold aspl>alt milt. 6. Visually euamino all racovrted soilhock samples in ilae laboratvty. Classify tt-e ao#L samples in accoalance wltb the Un{l~ied Soil Ctassiflcntian System and general accordattcc with the Asner]car5 Soddy df Testing st,d Materials (ASXM} hest destg~tian D-3262, titled "Ciassific~n of Song arki Soil-Aggregate Mixtct~ frnr H~Eghwaj- Cansb~Hon Ftarposes". 7. Ikwelap s soil lagettd for the proposed water a»ains xrtd drainage structures ofthls pro,~ect using tlae Unified Soil Classldcation System (USCS) as well a,5 to dcr~lop die rteccssflry soiUrarlt design parameters for analyses tmd design of ground support systems. The design of ground support systems (such as sheet pileas and/or trench boxes) are clot part ar oc~r scope Q£ servicos and assumed tb lye ptrfanied h3' others. Por location a€ our fasts, we assume that the project surveyor will not marls Ilse ba4eline of 8~irhey statipns in the field. Fnstead, we w]!t use the existing landmarks and taping procedures to mark our t~ozings. Since the baselltit: of surveys will twat ba marked in the feid, ;va will t~efet+ettce our test borings by measuring dlstanecs fl~nm chtisting tn~dway ititersc~ic~- The bvringg will be gectorrnexi as e1~q as possible to the propa~se~1 water mai~- taeations considering the presGnoe of t5xistirtg utilities and otltt:pmttnt access#b#tity Constta~inots. We also easutrte the boring elevatfans and locations will ],+e vrrified by the project sasrvtyocs after they have bean perfomred or that you will have stafficient topographic races-action data fo attow intetpalatian of ettsvations. 3't C:ozatrol T1te wocic will be coordinated to miaimixe tF~a amaw,t c-t'tra{1•+c disruption. Fiagmest, l~rrirades and signs will be used itt accclydancc rn-stb. the Startdazd lndox 600 Series of the FUQT Roadway and Tra~a Design Swdatds to allow for continuous tt~c flow. CFiven the location of requested test borings and thQ anticipated vzbi4-ular tic, these tests will hm-e to be p~erfiorn~d using rnasx~te~rtce of traffic (MQT} ro~casut~ in ttaccotl'dance with the t~tt#remuttts by The City ot'Miattti Seach and 1~bOT'a Standard Tadex 6011 Series. Gaoze~i~ ~~rtgfrtcarfn$ Evalua#frnzs and $~„~{3 r~a~Z_'a~ ']"ha fiekt aT,r# labarasory data will be ut+ed itt perfatrnittg the geot¢chnical engiatecruag cval:~tiatrs and dervrJopirtg geoteclarricrtl angineeFing rrccrmrneadatlotts for the ptopoatTd instt-lltiticxt prrradnre for the water taaains. The findings wilt be summaria~d in a geotodtnicsl nbpprt. We welt submit three {3) copies of tiro geotGChnicai report. It will include tht following: , 05/22/2067 16:56 3058284235 GEl3Si7l. INC PAGE 08 Ofi/tZli00i 17:06 8545b554c::. Ti:T~ta YEr'H WHS f'A~ 0i/15 Sub9urfaak )rxaloratlon artd CieoDxhaiaal E~aluaticns Nannaady tale and Alo*mal~d4e Sud City ofM"wni Beach. Plar~ds 1, PrOjcct loaativa rA~, 2. Methodology tiscci for perfoxetutrtce of field eacplaratiam and laboratory testing. 3. Rasttlts of sttb3ut~ce eaeploraetion, incladntg SPT N-values ~d groundovadgr depths. Q. T3uring lugs and substutac~ protlles, 5. .Evaluation of the results of the SPT boring infa~tthiltion. 6. Detavstiva and recontmetldatiasi of saii/t+ock pat~ameters for use sn the sRaalpses and design of the tempozaty ground support systems. 7. Evaluation of ground irnprovetnent alternatives. 8. ,piscussirrn of czitical design ar cottsmtcdon cottsidecettions tensed on the aubswrlse~c and groundwater oaetditiosts developed Cram the results of the geabechnical iav~C,igatiorls. 9. Gaottchnleal engiaeerlag evalt2ations and tercomirtettdations. pour w~ can bagin vvi4ltit! cute Cl) ~Y ~ Yom' ~~ =o proceed. The uali~ eltnrance process typical l}, takes three (3) days to co»ngie~. Processing afthe permit bji The Gity al'Miami Heath has in the past taken about twu C2) additional days to cgmpleta. Criven t~+e Scope Qescribcd hetcin, wC can catttplete tl~e -Field study far this project within nun ~) w~orking days. The laboratory testing prvgrem will rake an atlditlenal Ftvb CS}working days t0 cx-ti~lete. 'Tine geotechniral relmrt will tape ttvo (2) working days to usrrtpl~. Them'ore, we estimate a time requimement of abet fifle~en (15} working days t0 eon~pletE the geoteotmiral, z~e}xuzt after we t~eceiv+e Waite to pc+oceod. Hawrvcr, wee wlfl pla+dge atl of our resources to exprdite the submittal schFdule, 05/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEO50L Ih[C PAGE 09 05/22!200"r 17:06 954565542; TETRA ~'fiCH WHS PAGB. fi8J15 Subcurt#~e FsxploYatian and Cieauahntoal8valuationr. Nody TYic and Nonntndic Sad Ci>ti o~Mlantl 9each. Flo~dat Geoeol Pmoosa! No. X129 ~ ~!. Based on oar gcaeral knowled~ and are intecpretatiea of your requtreme~s, we aca willing to complete the subettr~ee exploration at the site, geateclmical engsneering atXid report prepacatiau~ for a total sum of ~Q,$~„Q¢ We have eaclosec! a detailed Fao ~ropasal far your nwicw in Attachment 1. We reciuirc PaYt of our invoice Rrsthin 30 days 4ottt t3te date of ovt' invoice. 4ED~t?L appi~tcusGC,q yoanc consideration of owc ~ as ~clextake this pmjat. Tf'you have any quest~iosts, please de not he~tex to co~+ct ua. Sirice~relY, GE09l~L, INC. Oracio .Riccobono, P.E. Senior Geotechnicat Et~giitaerJPresident Enclosures: F'ee Proposal ~. !1 ~ ' ~' "} : t . a - M_; alp.! ACi1tEfiD TO THI5 ~ ~~ -- .DAY dF , 200'7 PLEASEI'RIhix"N'AM~; ~.~~ ~D~i'~ TITLE: ~' ~/ei2 /QiCdcfis~f /~/lNO[66~i.. ®5/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEOSCIL INC PAGE 10 95i22.`za97 17: 0b 554565542: TE^7RA TECH WH5 PAGE 99/15 Snb8ati4ce U~ tptor#tk+n Avid Geatectmical !/vniua~tona NoRmandy 1~le and \iorroaadib Bud City ofMfamt Beorh, Flarlda a°0~.~4r ~-• t 4 AT!'AC'iEl~T i F.EE ~tQP06t,~. 05/2212007 16:56 3058284235 GEDSDL INC P~/2~~'s8t7% 1i: 96 95a5655a~. TETF..~ TEt~-I WHS 5ubauffice Expbt:iion :and G~SalecMica! fivalustion~ ~icnmandy [s?e and ~;pttt~andie $ud City of Miami Beaah.Flocida ~w1a! Ptgnr«7 N,~$Q7~Q C,EQS~L, ~E~IC. t~ pttt-rhos~.. Faux PtJ~'4RMl-liGE at+ G>ronyECtinIGAt. lEXP'LQiiA1'tON+t GtT1l of 1MIAM4 9~1CH - MQR1YfANUY folic AND Nt~ftMA1NDY lrUD tIYlPRO~ESit~VF PR~DJHCF trrn a! taitu~n t~cti caafrlu. tavs~rcrs torsi ash ou rES ~seu+ss~fs vr~rt APC~E >} A ~ Rate cs~ :i~T~I.S~ 1. ltd tfrofk A. fYlof~iRZS+b11dDKiYIQhNtx7ti~ft of faliil. fagtitD, rich 7 X300.00 ~11fl.00 b. ~tno l,aseut t~qy tM~aranoe ltmu 1z 35o~U0 sepa~c c9rar~. tinny. 'r~rt+, } C. +,lt~'p T'sst 9o~Mtfn - ~A'Im CSSInO i acadw~s to ZO i!.) tit te0 tft5.00 53E.2rt0.G0 p. '3rov11nfior8arwt~dAS ~ tee ~.aa S9Qf}.flC tc. ?rm~c t~ar+tto~ ~ Z 3200.00 5400.40 (ssr~riaawea, wrtow EJOand. ~ Cogs) ~'. ~ t~nphwr t~ar_ a xr~.an sasa.oo tcnv or c>o~no ~ntc~ c. nncn' f=vu~-~~ sit ~ and ~~ u~ ,!~ s s~4.oo t:a0t-.t7q cs.t~. tare. ~+ - ~ H+srtas-l cattatatoty suatndd CFieid wofx~-:~ n. A. Shelf En9kReey't 3tdl ~'~t~tCetlpt? ~ 2 574,00 S+St?.OD 6 MN4tMiA MGtlttlne £crrtent gdy~ 4 81200 546.04 C PArCAryt P+4 ~ 2~p ^airw4 ~ 4 ¢35.pD 974Q-00 n. grant 13iv~w as+afy~,s .,,~~ a 550.00 5~oano k. (,tn~x~ Can'td~t srllrh t 3115,04 E'1130'.fip F. ( ~FIt. (:f1bPr14eS, St~lt7ta. Rast~,~ ~l ~ S'9d4.QR S~8D-QC ~uhtotaP ([ hhvcatVty) ~`i~.'~~ EIIQUICINtt~ ~PpRT f~f4EPAfiA710f~t} R!. ~-. tUrErr. P,~ t!!'F3.l~ 4 5150.00 9B04.f10 8 ~~+dj68 Erfgklldf 1 18 ;95.00 S1,5,ZO.QQ c. iZSattWe~~on t» a san.op s4da,oc o, s~ser~rra~lctatu~~ ~ e at~.rro s3eaao tom, t~+••~>""' GtZAHlD 'Cr7'fAL .QQ f~y~l1 of ~ ; F'ZOT12!? Gri aF MIANfI 6E.AN f4CRMrRNDY fSL~: ~8r2007 ' PAGE 11 FAME :D/15 7 . 08/22/296? 16:56 3058284235 GEOSOL INC PAGE 12 05/22/2007 17:06 9~S~t5by5~i21 TETRA ~CW lJHS PAGE 31.15 SUtSCONBULT/kNT SBRVICE$ AGREEMENt ATTACHMENT B rt„awls AaD coNOmoilis S.rviras - 3UgCOtVSLILTAtJ1' will perieum PrGrtbaslanal 9etYICeS fOf thep PtajeGt ets yet forth in AttscFxrrenf A and in Eiccordanae wtih tllei+6 Teens and COndNGone. Autltariied AsipAgEE~nmel'v~ - Ttly ~~ asslpited ~ the project by Tatra Tech, Ina is the arty Sltrthori~rd replwentatlve tc rr~ke decistvrls ar criommlttrletlts on t>e[xtt otT Teba Trch, inc. T}Ee suecolvsut_TANT itteli desiaRah M ripre9erM8tly! Wish EsiEnllsr aa#h0lfty. W+ojeatl~uktrtatttat - Tytta Tsah, Inc. shall confirm tie objech+rea, rE3quiran1atrbi, ~, and cxltbrfa for the Pfoje~'t bard on C{Isnt Input. >r the CCxnt has esteemshad standards, they sheN be fvmiahed to suacvr~s,.r`n is ~t ~ tom. 8UBCONSIlLTgNT WIN rarEtaw the Client dNfgn standartk anEi msY r+saomrAefld atlrrnate stea+de~ eonslderlnQ tRly slandeEM ct r pnoviEatan. S~ Aaaess . Tha CFior-t shad obledn sit heoessery apprgvals for SiJSCQNSULTANT to access the i~rojed sitE:(s). . 1_ump eam Is dettned asr p liked prig amount for rie scope of neEatoes elescribed. • $erfxontrrCtsd services are dsllned ai Project related services proetded by cRtter parties to SUBt;ONSULTANT . reimbursable expenses erne defined as actuErl expenses tneuned l11 COnttedlart wim tfre Project. PeyauNtt Trrnte SUBCOIJ8L]LTAhCC srraM submit sittrte+rEen~ for eervloes parflxrr~d sad "Cerra Tech. tnc. shall pay the tL~t inVCkw ant Yorithin fiourteM (14j days of rNCeilting psyn»nt ~ the Chant. Addftlfonaf Services • TCte SUBCOt~aUt.TAI~ and Tatra Tech, Inc. elsitnarNedse that itdditiorwl s4rricas maY be naC.asliAr~t for the P+vjacl Ea addneat teESUas that may not be latwrn at Project iniaatlan of that Envy ba ~qulrad to addrebss dretxnstartoes thst caultl not ba iorrsearr. in ffWt event, Tara Tech. Pnc. shall notryy the t~Emt of the need fo!' addllhfnsl saMOas sieEd Tetra TE<oh, IriC. payf for lull 8ddnltittal 9®rvrce5 appncEVW by txEe Ctfent In the amatmt and tneurnar as TetxB tech, inc. end SUBCOfVSUI..TAt~'C may Elt~NttuMtly A9:+ee. P~ ~ Seryfca - t3VI~Ct3h5Ut.Tnt~rrr sh~u pe+fomt the serNca tibr tt'lQ Ptaject In a tbrrelt- rTraU-rler CoilirEtlnt with sound profe9siot~l practke. SUBCQNfiUk.TANT wits ptri+Ea to perform its 8arvioes sccardlrrQ to the t'1'Ojea st~teQute sat thrth to AtlrZChrOint A. The services Of eaa+ tgsic till ~ oortstdena aoerrptste wtlen deulversbles 11ar the task have been p!'eseMld ~ ttAO C,aent. CawrlpansaBott - IA Cdnsldstatbri of ~ services perfbmlttd by 6UR(:ON9Ui.TANT, Tetra Tech, inc. ahau pay e3uBCQf~,ILTANt' M tt~ rnenner serf Earth In Att#erhentlnt A. TM parties sotrnowtedge theft terms nt ccrnpsnesrtlon as teased on an erdsrty and oorEtinuoue prosyress at the pncjact. PayrilafK O~aA9r-gfiDr=s -The faflawing detinkiorta shall aPPh+to methods of petyment, • eat is clstlrtsd its the irx!'EVtdual's base Wary plus rxwtomary and statutory tHtrellta. Statutory Uarteilts rnau le ea prescribed by IsvEr and custornsry bandits iltali I!e its establlahed by St3SCON6t1L7ANT ampicyment ppllay. Cast ptuEr is def[ned es ttte indMdual'8 belie ~~Y plot adusl ovetneatl Rrlut: prryllsssforEal 1iee. UVSrhealld sf+ett irxtude tat4tCfrtdy and statusory benefits. EsdrnlrllsbattYe Expense. and non-project Or1g 005'ta. /ndipenalent tbllatrflurd! - SUBCONSULTANT' shall a0tve ~ an inQe:pgttdent ooniuftsnt far oerviOiC provided under ttvs agreement. $UBCONSUI.TAN?' 9haa retain oentrot over the means and rnethafs used in perfortrrtng thgir arrvl~ antl may retain itiboortsuft8nls ro Qllrtorm oerGin ESerYfaESS gS deMrminad by SUE3CQt+1S!lI.TANT. Stitttdarof d Cerro - Services provided by SiJ13CaNSULTANT wAl be perbrmedwith the care and skiff ordinarliy gxerdsed by members of the same profession practictnp under similar arcuntstancas. CO~anras with l.aY1~ - StJBCOtdStJLTM1T shat! pllrforrtt ire senrioda cotuisfasEt vvlitt sound prafessiartal ptat~ltx and er1d91lYbf tp incarporatt le~ws, reQiilstloh6, codes, end sta>,dsuds appticabk at the time the vrork is performed. Perrnlts aEaaf ~pprpve(s - 5U8CONtSULTAIVT ,Milt assist TabE3 Tech, lna. in pr~oerttlQ Rppltcatiom artd supporting tioourtrorRs TOP ttte plant to securer permits eatd etppr+oti-ats ttvrtt ~QROIet! having jurlsdlttfor+ Over the Pro)eet. 9CISUL.TAtVT triMsratemds all apgleation er+d reEelaw tirars,rtll ifs Arid by ttia Cfient. 1'Nrl7'rCh, OrAgs 1 et ~ SErboansuRant Terms a: CondlUone EiWY d27it)7 05/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEOSOL INC PAGE 13 95/22!2007 1:-: Fl6 35~r55564~2 TETRA TECH WFiS PAGI= i2/15 Otw~rrsuahtp of Doptsst~ - Cecotner~s prsparod R+Y SUBCONSULYANT for the 17r~oleot' an" inst~rneras at servicR artd strati rterseln th4 propefty ~ 9LiBOONSLILTANT. Record dooumsrRS of servipr star!! bo based en ties tamed ~Y- SUBCQN3ULTANT ~y „ docurnenN of saMOi Nsfy and T~ TOOtt, ittc. MrMW SUBGONSULTANT from any hY that rrwy twit from docur»eMs rews0 to Mlti fonrr ro tl+e extent that Tatra Taoh, Inc. k relrasetl by we cwt. IrllWrAllCa - SUBGQMSIJLTANT will rtrelntain Hie Nrses9~tt~ and cavwsrasa Tirnits dusfng the period d ssrvbe. The client arr~d Tstr>s Tech. Inc, wtll t7e earned es an additldrW instxied an the Gornt»snraal C3enenrl i.i6ibliity and Automobile Liabitii<yr pollcSos. procaedtrg in gsflerai aecerdance YWth the Gottbsc# ~. Thls oonstnt~ion r+avicw is intended to observe, document, srtd ropart Irrlbrmattan cancsmir,g ~ pp~f ptoeass. ObslrVetlDtr Of work at the f'-+oject site starts rr~ make SUBCON9ULTANT t+asporre~liM fpr the cork pak+nned by another putty. fire rnennts, ~. sequences, ar procedures selec6sd 1aY a~rrotttar pa~rtlr, nor the safety pn~rblons ar programs ~ ar~o~p+er p°Ay. RaJeGdlon ad' IAAork - 5t1HG4A15ULTANT may only ria0ortsmond tl1i1! tt+e dt~t ~ +~ by cettiab~rction Gor-tracto~ts that doss net to tta~ nequit+srtrents of the t~rajpct. Selte4r - I;t,(BCONSUE.TAM' st~atl be tespan'sible for the safety procau6oris or programs of its srnployees. As BqufAd by ttpp(idtble state ~ statute ~~~~ s'l,ooa,ooo,l»r oocurrsmce (badlly Intury including death ~ prOpetty dartlQg!} 162.1ydb.fi00 S'! ,ooa,ooo combinact singNe ~t~ Iknit tar bodHy UrJliry and ProP+KY d>~e per' [, ~1.gp0.t}00 each claim acrd in LPL ~ tMrfwr oI ~ • SUBt:dNfilil.TAt+Cf shell endvswr to ~n a waiver of eutx,ogstfon against trite Cllsnl. ~ requastat) Irt WMing btr rho Caienk pre~vfded tl~ 8USCOHSiJt.YAty'r ewer eat increase its exposrsr$ ro risk and Client vd4t pay the cost assoCbtriki wim airy pretttiatn trxxnese or apedat fees. I»gMsrenlMettNn» - SUBGt)I+eSUt.TANT shat irrdtfmnify VIMS ft'om sny ralNOnltbta danfA~es r~cssesd scoMty by the nepiipent act, emai', or sxrrfwlan of SUBCANSULTANT in the partk~rmarscs of s~rioss under trM t~r¢t~C~t, If itiCh dsrnege rputla in part by the rtegtigenGp of paters, SUBCC1N5Ui.'1'ANT shall be liable to tftp ~Snt of their nQgByence. Gt>'d Qplnlaus - $IfBCOrfi6ULTAPR' shall prepare txtst oplrr(rJrer ttx rite ProJett barred on experier>ce and >titatcxlrel kr00rnra{lon thsit rrprasent tMre )ctdgmertt of e quNitts~d pbnai, Stipp Q-awMpr Reyfew - if intiuded in the saopa of service, $t)$CON$l}tTANT ,hsl! r'aMiew shop-drliwlr+p twlunitteis ttlDtrt Rfua cnn~tor for tttett WRi'4RSterroe vrEtfs the design terser of and psrfrinrMnca satitesfia spaalfied far the Prot. Ceryas4arC~ot- R'e+dew - d inaiuded M tt+s ss~pe of service. SUt3Ct]AISULTANT shall observe tree prograsv and contact of lfts work to detenntne H tire' work Fs -nrorn+a~an tf~oar e7[frer Pa-dtss - $UBCOf+ISt1t.TAM' end Testa Tech, Inc. adcnnwledge that SUBGONSULTAt+IT viii! rely otr inforrrwda~ famished by other prrbea In perforrtifr+g itb a!n'v{t~s tinder the Proisct. Cont<b7rctiav~ Re,ROrtd a'rgwfngs - If inCudaQ In the scope df seMte, SiJBCt?N81.N.TANT vvlp deliver construdtat reoard drdvringa to Tetra Tech. Inc. Ux~arporali~ inkmrefiotl fun+tahed by constructlon contrtiCbors. to filet danstnraion rtYCOrd grarNitrQs are bad an infotmat[on prarided bA- ethers, WH$ vriu not warrettt their eccaraay. Derscts f+t 3~ervfce -Tatra Tech., tnc shalt prompfty r~Otify St)t3CONSULTAiNT s~f any defect ar suspected defnnt lfl lire services p4rbtmad. SUBCONSUt.TAt+iT vlnl! take tamely ytatinn bo minimize the po~nssquenoes of nny r~orifirmed delsct. SUBCbN3ULTANT shell Ctxreot defvds at ttreir nest. SttreduNs « The srtsedute or terms cf complettoss fnr ttw nos of ssnrtoea cruder this AGFtEERAErPi1' shall as specified in the Stops M 5e~nrlees. to the event that the SU9CQP13ULTAt+iT ar Ti;TRA TECFI eatinretes tl~eik the SU9CONSt3[,TAN7' wtfl fdl to rrwQt a mutuaity agreed upon schedule or time nt completion end ttw ~UBCf+iBULTAN'C does not proQosa a solttttan stltisfawl~ory m TE'TRr4 TECH, TETRA TECtt tneY. wlg+out pMjtdditx to its retrtadi9= trtrir~vrhsne in thi£ e~srnent, nxryir+e the :tll9GOiNIS~-T~ to implement arty or eh of tine foltoMntrg aroaMtsded scrNces; S_ f:~stend isle v~arisup day b 11J Fr0ar8 dr ntOre. ~, Extend ~ +MOrfdng wedc to 6 or r days. 3. ine.,emise tha tabor f+oroe a pnat~asisivnal staff ttx fire prC~t StJBCQN~ULTANtT vtdil aontirx~ tt+e acce3erstsd sesvicvrra tin>til such time es T'~'Hi- TECH deterrttlnes that prrg+ess conforms ro t}ra sdtedt>fed rArt>pletion T~Tezh. PaW 2 of 3 Sut~ovngultant Teens 8~ Conditions Ro~~ 5~'r/s»' H5/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 95122.'200/ 17.06 954565542. t;rrse. All addftlcxtsi coats Ot the eccelMlthd e!(drt wiq bornR solely by the St18Ct?MSULTANT urilrass oihwwise agreed In carding. i~IspUte tYesaludoat - gUBCpN&ut_TANT ar-a Tetra Tech. Inc. egg that they shall dte9endy pursue ras;otutton ~ ail d~ within 46 days of etther party'8 wrN,bari notTfi!! using A muhaaltY ~~~ intro of rrrediaibd dtaputa ~aotuZtOn prtar to aoo~SlnQ their tights under isw SLIBCON~UI.TAM' shtil carttir~ to oerfoem trerVis:tes for the I~rD~eat end the TMra Tech, Inc, shell ppy for sash ssrvioes unwss the ~st~ e written ns>etsw to eusoersd or tsn++ls~ work. ~~ of Work - Tetra Teak. Irsc, rrsay d 94rYiCp pwitxtn$d aY ~vEtCONSULTANT swidlt t*We sin faitrteer- (14) days written notice. giSt1t,TANT shalt subrrli/ an inwoicas fbr aeroites s~ ~ wl~s rna ue~coH ~ t matt outs4ndks9 ins+aiccsts wtp+tn f~ourteMn (i4y days or rsaeitirino pt-gnwr+t cram the Client. If tiro wsyrk sign etooeada lhiRy (di}) ~ irom the etFeclivo w~suspaneian data. SUBCONSUI'I'AtVT shall be es,steee w tw~otlaM the Pt+o~ert schedsrle and tho rxxnpengti0rt terms tut the . 'lexrrtiasilsoit - SUBCONBtlrLTANT or retJ~a Teats. inc. may twrtnit-a6e serviree tyrl the tyro)ett iapOn seven (7) days wrfiEen notlC! 1h ~ evtsnt of subatanHat fe8urs by the ottner party to fssitfd its oWi~+stlorss of the terms hereunder. 8 13CAN8ut,'YIINT strait submit an invoiee for soeviaes pMionned ~P tp the affextfre ~ of terrtiinatieat and Tetra Teich, trsc. shall peg $UBGON~li.TANT all oulsesnditq invr~iehs wlEltlrt fowt~een (1~1) days of rer7eivhp Payment from tttt; Ciierrt. Tetra Twit. Mc. rrttly withhdri ors amount for sersAcae tMit may be fn distMiie Qrovideti sat Tetra TQdt, inc. tlurNertes a vrrttten nouns of the basis tax their tslspuae artd that the entourtt siiiMlttseld repr~rsi4tt8 e ree~aorteMe value. tiosnsrr+My Zerr -The tanrss of l~eerrsent ghap ba gosren~ad by tht laws of ttte state where trte setvltyee silts pertorAtad provided the! ttOthinB oarttairt~d hittein shell be interpreted in suds a rrtanrier ai+ to rll~air ij ursartfar+dtabisr under the taws d Itre stale in whicfi the FrojeGt rtwldses. A+ralgrtrrrllrt -Neither Why ltsali alLtsli,'Irs its rights. irtter+gta er o~attont- tinder the Project without the escisiess written aaeireim syt' the otrtiK t'-artyr. warn~sr at i~taaa - me radiate or atmer pr:rttt ro enforce the provisions a taps. tis+nss end coswditierts shill not conattf`a a waiver of sudt prCVisione nsyr dlnsiNSMt tht- r'sgttt of either party ~ the s~errtedles Of sudt pro~sio!!s. GEOSOL INC PAGE 14 TETF~A T8~ WHS r~AGE 13/15 ypyi~ty , Q~SUt.TAt+i'[ wertarsis that they writ sXeBver prodsacts smttstir ttse Peojirct wgtwn the standard OT t'IM'e. Sever~MbfiitY. Any ps~osrision of tttesa tetrns I~ held tc viota4e any law ~te11 bt deerr+ed void and ali ratrtaiNng prvvlsioris shall ooMlnua in tome. In such event, St1BCdN8Ui.TANT and Tetra Tech. ins will wr-rlt !r• pad ~tf#t to r+ep}1we ~ [nveYtl pravlsiort VMiti't one that is va}fd wlih at< dose UD the txtyinsl trieaNng ~ pr~ssfble. SJN'V1MJAr -All pNY!'SId7S Or ttiei8 LaRne th/d aUoosto rs.apansatadily 4r Itebitity between $iJSCONSULTAhIT ~ '~~ Tech, inc. shall sunrkns the Gompletioh tx tN~naiitxt Ot aersrlGes t~7ar ttte Pr~ajact. Ta~traT•trt. Rape a 0! 3 SuDoassutGint Tarnta ~ Condltian$ Rrv ~fA77 05/22/2097 16:56 30582$4235 GEOSOL Ili PAGE 15 09/22x`20@7 7,7:06 554565+4:1 TETREI ?EGH WH5 PAGE idll5 d~Q~,» CERTt~tCATE aF L~At31LITY IN;,UFt~kNC~ sunoa.at tn.urE~. ~ ro. teooc 2~0A T+att~. FL 3~t-ise~ >Z43 ~9~ G!O>vq{, Ittc. >3796~11 NNf 131at9trest tlAlrmi 4ks*. FL 130'1,4-?~i90 orYk (11YronR'~ t1VBUREIts /~F'FOltD3~l0 ~pVEtia##IE TN! POLiW3iOpIN9UNA*~CE usTER BF1DW liAVL' EEC 193UED YO 'FHE SItSUREO NMIK~D AiWE idtTMlMblIGYM~RIObINDIC,AhD. iVOT~TH9TANOMifl ' SIZED 0!! TElW! 011 CONORION DF ANY CCNlRACT AA 87'FIEIf DOCU~ET V/fTFt fiL8P4CT Tb VMtIOM THIS GHRI9FICI1t1• )MY M~ u ANY RRQLN~I~iNT , MAY 1'~CfAIH~ TWE 1Nif~MNCR A1~RpR0lD tlY THE QdL~lEB 19~ F!EltEM! iS EL7LglECT TO ALL TM! T!!IlAAlZ, F~LUlfONS AND CONbttIONS OR $llt:Fl -OLIGIE3. AOORtiOATit LIMRi alIgUYN NAY HAVE AEON RGO110E0 k+' N-14 Crr1wW. -~...•.•• .~. r~ouerrwwe ' T1Ar6oFwrtNIAUQ _ LWRS A snlww~L,wr~.nr it31Cb1~~J900 ial1A'!/08 0ltft1l+b7 aAa~oac~rn~ it ~~ ~ rX CpiMGRCfALCSM ~ ifTY ~ I ~ pA1AAC4(AMon~~, 9 I~~ :.~.. ~ ~ I>,~~.~,~.- .st00o0 ~ `"`~7` ~ IPt~1lSdNALbMYIWIl~iY~ S ~'""' i '~ ~ i ~ aerm~+-aoAaa+tTe s2 000 0 TSUMrr~~srE~1r ~ `I-~~wLnnae¢ati vpaoucrs .a~-urgr±~oo s1000~000 „ '~ .a ICY I X La A I AYILMOltILEW~m ®B109:t659A0 011x1!66 03121/07 GO-A1n~sMY~aserr slfoop,000 X A-~nAU*o ;e.s.eawNa . ALLWVMEOAUI'fl8 i ~ ~ 1lWk,VI1SA1tY •! ~; aotimusp ~+rvoe x ~-ormetiwuTOS ,,, ,... ~ si s eAwwoc LU111N~ ! 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IN-0'llMQ01t,t0AT10MQ1/LJAR~1.rtYOiiNY7q~innP9RtnllrsUkEk,4TbA06NTErO~t I~L.,Q4, f~"""f" AyCORO k3.1 pA714 pf R NB4~483a/iM 2Bt2T BJM v wwwo avnrvrK i ~vn ~~rr 05/22/2007 16:56 3058284235 GEOSOL INC PAGE 16 05/'l2/2007 17:05 9565655421 TETk`A ~ECt-I Wl-fS PAGE 15/15 ~~~~~~~ K tt+e cart>ilCates holder is an AODFTIOhU1t. It+tSURElS, the pvMcyties) nwtt be sntloneQ. A t~tetert-ent on thw wtii~te does not apntce rlgh~ to the cartlficabe holder in neu 018uth ersdoniemsnt(s). if Stl84iOQA'1'i0N !S WAIVEQ, subject to the terms Anti conditions a! the policy, cesris~ pvGc~ttit n+aY tsqulra ~ endotsetAeM. A ~emerrt an !hb r~ritAe:~ does stet confer sights b the aertlRCata pokier in Ilstu of bisaGt endorseensni(sy. OISCi.,AJtil~ti Tha Carti~Ov of Inouran~ an the nave~ssn side of th~ firm dyes Plot cvnstituta ~ COntr8C1 bettrreen the issuing Insurar{s), autitprlxad t>fpr~arttetltto or prcaucq~. and !hp tx+rtMcaie hatdsasr, npr dotrg it Mhmattwty or rtepstwely amdntl, extend or aNer the rhvGrage sifordse by tM, poAdee Itsted thesatxt. ~cvRCZSStt;•~Z ts~ a 1FF31.44543/M128427