LTC 213-2007 New CityVision on MBTV 77m MIAMIBEACH
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TO: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission ~. ----
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager cn -~ ~
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DATE: September 20, 2007 ~ ; cr+
SUBJECT: New CityVision on MBTV 77
As part of Miami Beach's ongoing efforts to provide enhanced information about the City to
the community, we are now airing the latest edition of "CityVision" on MBTV 77, our
government access cable TV station. As you know, "CityVision" is a 30-minute magazine
show produced monthly by our Communications Department specifically to illustrate the
City's progress in meeting the goals of our Strategic Plan, and to provide information to our
residents on current events, programs and services that affect them. Attached, please find a
DVD copy of this latest program.
The September, 2007 "CityVision" was filmed inside the Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie
Gleason Theater, and updates residents on renovation of the theater and upcoming events.
The program also includes an explanation of Miami Beach's various permit application
processes, a Capital Improvements Program update on the need for homeowners to keep
their swales clear of obstructions that can impede good drainage and affect upcoming
capital improvements, a look at how Art-In-Public- Places makes Miami Beach more
beautiful, a report our partnership with the Environmental Council of Miami Beach to keep
the City clean, and some history on the cannon unearthed on Belle Isle.
Future "CityVision" editions will, among other topics, include an interview with Florida's
Condominium Ombudsman, provide a recap of the FY 07-08 City of Miami Beach budget,
update residents on the new 18th Street Parking Lot and the Greenway & Bike Path, preview
plans for November's exciting "Sleepless Night" event, drop in on the North Shore Youth
Center R.A.T.S. - "Racers, Avionics, Technology & Science," and stroll through the lush
Botanical Garden.
"CityVision" is promoted on MBTV 77, in MB magazine, and in our weekly CityPage
published in the Miami Herald Neighbors section.
If you would like a DVD copy of earlier "CityVision" shows or if you have any DVD's from
previous shows that we can recycle, please contact Jay Moore, MBTV 77, at extension