Stephen D. Nostrand/1825 Collins Ave. Cii:y c}f Miiami E3~~ac~h C)ffi~;E~ c~fr tku~ (:icy C:Ielrk t_7()t# C;c~r~ver~f:ion ~;et~ft~t- I~riv+•v, Mi~tTti k3c~ac:h, k-1.. 33J.:3~ LOI313Y1~'C' Idb:(;1~`I'>iZAaT'lON 1~'ORM Lobbyist means aN lrersons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal vrho seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any comrnissioner, any action, decision, recommendation of the City Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or rccomrnendation of any city personnel during the time: period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recorrrrnendation that forese~eably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, or a city board or committee. `Lhe term specifically includes the principal as well as any employee eng<3ged i~r lobbying activities. fhe kerrn "i.ofibyists" has specific E~xctu5ions, Please refer t© grcilnance `ltlt)9~3~:35. q / .., -• .... A t .. NAME OP I.OF36YIS1: (Last} (First} E3USINESS NAME AND ADDRESS _~ K~~~r~ ~~~~~ ~/'lG~~~ T l t t-PFiONF NUMF3f l2: Y. t.Ot3f3YI r EtFiAltlVf~p 13Y: (Number and Street) (Gty} f~AX NUMBER: ;~ (State) ~~ ~~~ ~, cMAn..: (M.J) ~~.,~~~~t9t`_6 ~~~~4 /gas e~ < ~ , a.~ s /~ v /_ N ti r" !3 t..~ ,~ .ee R L L C, NAM1.01=PRINC:IPAI/CLIENT. """.,`""°~:"`".`"'.."."".,: `.~",_ ...`»;..,~_w_,~.:._ ~..-,...,....,~~.._,,,:~., ~ / ~' GJ2.~ ~ iu w, c../ Sr~~,~•k r /V.t=... t a.2/c .y __...._._ _....__~_._ Jv~ ~ u o / DUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Sireel) (City) (State) { ,Tip Code) aia-79G-Fti~o did-791 -~-y~a TI I LPFIONf NUME3(-R: 1-AX NkiMl3ER: (Optional) EMAIL: (Optional) r-ur our xurs sectron rr prrncrpa! ]s a (;orPoraYion, Partnership or Trust [~rtion ~°+38~ ~)11ny Financial, Familial or Professional Itela4ionship e NAME: OF CNIEF 4EFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIARY: ~L /_= /4 S E f~ /- /~ r Tl; c i.+ /~~ ~~ IDENTIFY Al.l.. PERSONS NOE.{)ING, DTREC'I"LY OR INl)IRf:CTLY, A S% OR MORE OWNERSIiIP INT'I.:REST" IN SUCti CORPOI2A-TTON, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUS"!°: II. ~PaicIFI~ t.q~~v x~su~: (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~z ~~ r~~a~~t~ ~~ ~_ Issue to be lobbied (Describe rn detail): III. CITY ACa~fdClES/IP1gTVIDUALS TO F3E l.gBBIEq: A) Futi iVame of Individual/Title _. _ ____. ___ _ _ r _ _ _-~~_ /~i~> A~t ~ ~~~~ 1V. UTtS(:L() aU(2{? OF~ "i"FC21'~#~ AFUI""') flf~lf)UN f~; OI' (..f)IiF3VIF~ ii f;t)r`'il>~Rl~,~"1>tUiU (!1l~fsC;l.()€3rri wR)F'i"4rr:Cd f1ClUf7~Y, l~f.AI7"flll ~f: L1fl C17'fff"fl}: _ A L013f3Y[`.~ i" DISCLOSURI_: 3ateE uirerl ~ (;, c) f ~ I "r .1 ~'`"' ~`~ ' L~~ (3} PRENCiPAi_'S [)ISC,IOSLJRI= (OF LOf3E3YIS[ COMPE:N5Al tON): (RF~gr~Fre:d} .. _. _.,-.,_ ~~O_`"`"'iz,L~ . ,. -. _ ~ ~.SEr' ` ~~ "T'Ite fcrFl[sv~in!~ inic~rn~R~ti€an r-7ic~'~i Ir€ art9~v~r€.cF: 1) Pursuant to Miarni Beach City Code Se<aion 1••~t3t3 Entitled "Prohibited Campaicjn Contributions [3y (_oi~byists On Procurement Issues": ~~ r~ esenE ~r_~enciinc~_awartl Apr ~oods~eguiument flr servir,~'? 7} PUI'SUarlt tU Miarrri F3c:ach Clty COde 2-h90 F~ntitied "Prohibited Campaign (;oneributions 13y E.obbyists On Real Estate Development Issues": a~plrcaf4ion for change of yoninc~ reap tfPSic~nation or cf7ancLe,fo ft~o Citv`s Fui~ure Land. Use ~~a :i) Pursuant to Miami F3each City Code `1.-484 (h) Any person (except thcase exempt from the dcafinition of "lobbyist" as set forth in 5edion 2~48I above) who only appears as a representative of a not••for-profit corporation or entity without sperial compensation or reimbursement for the appearance, whether direct, or indirect;, to expre5~s support of or apposition to any item, shah register with the cl;:=.rk as rec{hired by this section but, shall not be required to pay any registration fees.. yr rc;iml~ursemerrt. . V. <a"IGIdA7r112E UN©Ett n!~`CrF: lhfQ f)G`I"O~r~t~ iLsr f)Ir l~,CW Y~Aff, p.Af:W lft~»Y%~`f SHALE. SU~M~'t<' ft) IfiF: Glii'1( fl,.~ItK !~, ~I(aF~FF;F3 ~"i'Ai€~P9~hf`1 (1f1iU~R CIA~'H, E,I~1°~{~C t.ACi~YYf`ity ~Xl~~f~d[)~'"U~~~S, A~ WfELI. iA~ G~pMPf~P~F51t`I'~ON aE~fEXVfi";1~, XIS 7'FIC CTIY'y QIF t.~xsr~rF 13L/~(:i-! ~plt `PI#t~ p1tECtE~IPIC9 Ctt<LC~DA1t YfuttAlt. d ~`iF'A"C~~I~E~7 SHALL ~f= F~L~1] ~t;/ici~ )4fP `i ~i~121~ WAVE 13fuE~ t~f) p~pphff)7frUEtg~ eEt CORrIPIE~S~-~tfyi~ 1~1113gN+~ `i'FI~ E2EPt)Ft`I'YFV~ PuEt2~U1~. Signature of Lobbyist T da solemnly swear that all of the foregoing f are true and correct and that S have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Se 482 of the Miami Beach City Code ancf all rhporting requirements. 1 Signature of Signature of VI. 6tJB8YI5f IF)Ei'3~'YFICA'r$UFJ: Produced ID __ _ _ F-orm of Identif7cation 'personally known (Lobbyist) VIT. ~YCr111A'1"tJt'd~ AHIJ ~`iAMI~ ®!i= IY©fQ1tY: State of Ftorida, County of Miami-[)ode Sworn to an¢ subscribed before me .l his __-_~- day of ~?...+r..#'! _, 20 t`'}- ~y __. Signature of Public Notary -State of Ftorida Notarization of Lobbyist's signature Annual Registration fee: n/[Yes j ) No lobbyist Registration Form received and veri F: \CI.f~R\$ALt\MARiA-M\Lobbyist\LOBBYISf ~t~xnlelr'ar. I~~tvYlo~ICA"rlt~N: ,Produced ID --....Form of Id .._,~." ;,_._ _ ORLANDO yELAZQUEZ, JR. .+: ;r MY COMMISSION # DD 418255 ~'`• a`= EXPIRES: April 12, 2009 ersonally known (Princi lf~y~,ly~~ s«waan,~,rbm,i,u„,~ State of F=lorida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn and subscribed before me phis ~~ ~ day of _ S ~''T , 20 L~"~' Signature of Public Not -State of Florida Plotarization of Principal's signature ~WM R .~ 1~ ~ ~~" -_ note Paid 1~`~I ' ~/ ~~ Revisad I)/08/0~+ a a ~~ ~~ M 61 tb7 -~--® C .~ -~ (~ ~_