Fifth Amendment Miami Beach Jewish Community Center10/10/2007 15:02 3053776222 BERCOW RADELL PAGE 04107 DRAFT FII~"T'H AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AND RESTATEDlCONSOLIDATED LEASE This Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated/Cansalidated Lease A.g:ree:;nent, dated July 12, 2000, {the "Lease"), made and entered into at Miami Beach, Miam: i-Dade County, Flari.da, this _ day of , 20U7 by and between: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida rnunicipal corporation {hereinafter referred to as "Lessor") and. MIA,J1~Z 13EA,Cl"I JEWISFI COMMUNITY C~VTER, INC., a Florida not-fox-profit corparatioz, (hereinafter referred to as "Lessee'") WITIVESSETS: WHEREAS, on June 3, 19$1 the City fu~st leased to the Jewish Community Centers of South Florida, Inc. ("JCCSF"), the City-owned property located at 4221 Pine Tree l:lrive, also Imown as lots 5, 6 and 7 of Flamingo Bay Subdivision, as recorded in Plat ::!cook 6 at Fage I01 of tb~e public retards of Miami-Dade County, Florida ("Pro~~~erry"} (Resolution 81-1G678); and WHEREAS, JCCSF's lease was amended and e~ter~ded an three accasio;as, suclx that t:~e Iease term extended through October 31, 2015, with two additional ten-year option>, and was assigned to Miami Beach Jewish Community Center, Inc. ("JCC"), a not-fe:°-profit corporation (Resolutions 84-17863, 85-182$0, and $$-19226); and WHEREAkS, ort July 1.2, 2000, the Mayor anal City Cammissi.on adopted Resolution No. 2000-23994 approving an Amended and RestatedlConsolidated Lease Agree;:nent ("Lease") with the JCC for the Property, subject to referendum, which was duly ln~ld axed approved, which included pxovi.sians in. Lease l~aragrapl~s ].5.$ and 15.11 that s~:t time limits for the obtaining of a final building permit and the commencement of cvnstz•~.iction; and WHEREAS, the City and JCC entered into a First Amendment to the Amended and k~,estated/Consalidated Lease on October l5, 2003, extending certain dates as provided. for therein; and W]~E~REA,S, the City and JCC entered into a Second Amendment to the Amended atad Restated/Consolidated Lease on October 13, 2004, extending the deadline for su~;~mitting the design drawings for the proposed buildings to the Design Review Board for review and approval; and 10/10/2007 15:02 3053776222 BERCOW RADELL PAGE 05107 ~~~~ WHEREAS, the City and. TCC entered into a Third A.rkaendment to the ,A.nr~ez~,ded and R~astatedlConsolidated Lease on ,extending deadlines related to the pravi.,ion of building permit plans to the City Manager and for the approval of the require^d building permit; and 'WHEREAS, the City and JCC entered into a Fourth Amendment to the Amended and R~stated/Consolidated Lease an ,extending deadlines related to the provi, ion of a final building permit and the commencement of construction; and V4rIi~REAS, permitting and funding delays have made it impassible for the JCC to car.:iply with the Lease"s deadlines related to the issuance of a final building permit for the de~~~elopment plan and the cotnmence~oaeot of cortstxucti.on; and NpW TII;iEII~E>FORE, the Lesser and the Lessee, for an in consideration of the mutur.l covenants, agreements and undertakings herein contained, and in further consideration of the improvements herein mentioned, and to be made; do by these preser.~ts rxlutually covenant and agree as follows. 1. Paragraph 15.5 is amended as follows: 15.8 Cozaditions Precedent to Lessee's Comz~aeracement of Construction of the Proposed Improvements. Lessee shall obtain a final Building Permit in accdrdarace with the D]~,.B approval, far the Proposed Improvements but not mare than sever years a~d~ix montr~~, from the Commencement Date and failure to do so shall constitute a Default under I:his Lease. Lessee shall pursue issuance of a building permit by the City diligently and in. good faith. Lessor's remedy for this Default, and for all defaults under this Article 15 fo:: failure to follow the time schedule under this Article relaxed tv the Proposed Irnpro~,~ements, shall be limited to a reversion of the duration of the Lease term to that last provic[ed in tl~e Prior A,greementa, to a ten:tainatio~a date of October 31, 2015, with two ten-ye:~r lease options by Lessee. In such event, all other remaining provisiozts of this Lease shall remain in full farce and effect. Lessee shall not commence canstructior~ of the Pr~rpased Improvements unless and until (a) Lessee shall have obtained and delivered to Lei;;'or copies of all final Pez~n:its azxd Approvals required to commence construction, (b) Le ~ ;see shall have delivered to Lessor original certificates of the policies o£ in~suraz~ce requir~:d to be carried pursuant to this Lease, and (c) Lessee shall have submitted tp Lessor: evidence satisfactory to the City Manager that Lessee has sufficient funds and/or constxiaction fur~ancing commitments to timely commence and complete construction as provicL~d herein. 2. Paragraph 15.11 is amended as follows: i S.l. l Caz:aumencement and Completion of Construction of the Pmposcd Impra~rements. Lessee shall at i.ts expense (a} commence construction on or before shy ~H9~dEi~ ozze hundred twenty (120) days after all permits and approvals necessary for the commencement of construction are issued (tlae "Constz'uctaon Commencement Date") and (b) th::reafter continue to prosecute constAVCtaon of the Proposed Improvements with 2 10/10/2007 15:02 3053776222 BERCOW RADELL PAGE 06107 DRAFT diliger.~ce and continuity to completion. "Gonaznence Construction" ar "Commencement of Construction" means the coxnrxaencernent of major work (such as pilings or found":~tians} for construction of the Proposed Improvements. Promptly after Comn;;encement of Construction, Lessee sha11 notify Lessor in. writing of the date of such commencement. Any and all prelirn.inary site work (including, without limitation, any envira~unental remediatian and ancillary demolition) shall not be deemed to be Comn;.encement of Construction. If, after Lessee has commenced construction. Lessee foals t~,~ cliliger~tly prosecute construction of the Proposed Improvements (subject to unavo;dable delays), and such failure continues (subject to unavoid$ble delays) for thirty (30) c ~~nsecutive days after Lessee's receipt of notice of such failure, Lessor shall, in additi~:~n to all of i.ts other .remedies under this Lease, have the right to seek such equitable relief (yither mandatory or injunctive in nature) as may be necessary to cause diligent and eontin:,ious prosecution of constructions of the Proposed Improvements (subject to unavo; dable delays) by Lessee, it being understood that construction of the Proposed IAapra•ren~ents is a material inducement to Lessor to enter into the Lease and monetary damal~~as shall be inadequate to compensate Lessor for harm resulting frazn such. failure. Notwi~.hstaading aaything to the contrary contained herein, if Lessee foals to substantially campl~~te construction of the Proposed Irx~provements by the date provided far in this Lease., then the same shall. constitute a default under this Lease. 3. Except as otherwise specifically amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the A.~nended and RestatedlConsoladated Lease Agreement, together with the First Amen~3;naent to tl7,e Restated/Consolidated Lease Agreement, the Second Amendment to the ;:;.estatedlConsoli.dated Lease Agreement, the Third .Amendment to the R.estai~ d/Consolidated Lease Agreement, and the Fourth Amendment to the Restal:~ ~dJConsalidated Lease .A,~neer;nent by and between the Lessor and Lessee shall remaii;~ in fiill force and ef~'ect. In the event there is a conflict between the provisions proviclyd herein and the Amended and RestatedJConsali.dated Lease Agreement and the First 1's.mendanent to the Consolidated Lease A,gree;tx~ent, the Second Amendment to the Restal~:.dlConsolidated Lease Agreement, the Thud Amendment to the Restal~ad/Consolidated Lease Agreement, or the Fourth Amendment to the Restai~~d/Consolidated Lease Agreement the provisions of this Fifth Amendment shall goven:s, 3 10110/2007 15:02 3053776222 BERCOW RADELL PAGE 07!07 ARAla7" IN W]:TNESS WHEREOF, tlr~e Tressor and Lessee have hexeunto affixed their respective hands ,and seals at the place, and on the day and date first hereinabove written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of ,A,ttest: Witx~e~~ses: CITY OF MIAMI BEAC~I Dated: , 2047 ML4MI BEACH 3EWISH COMMUNITY CENTER, INC., a Florida cvrpoxatioza not-for-profit Print l~i ame: Print ]~~ame: AFPR~;7VED AS TO FORS![ ANA f ~.ANGUAGE ANA I~QR EXECi.TTIGN: City .~~ttorzxey I?ated: , 2407 Ey: ,.,,_ Name: Title: Dated.: , 20U7 4