David Elder/The Tower Group, Inc.t~l;~~s;- °z0 X007 9: 56PM OHL USR 954 476 3230 p. 3
NQV 20 2007 17c41 Sands l~,Moskar:it~x 3052650899 p.2
~ N1iAl~~BEA~~ -
City of Miami Beach Oflir~ of the City Clerk
1700 Gonvetrttian tenter priVe, l~aml Beach, F!. 33139.
wasx~sr tu~cz~uT[ox r~oxn>E
Lobbyist meansap persons employed ar retained, whethw peld tx not, by a prtrltipal who seeks to encouragn the passage, defeat
or mpolCatl0lr ar any adieanci, raotutbrl, adton or derision or am commissbner, erry edton, dec~swn, reaommrrdatian of the
Gry Manager or amr Hty ttfaaM or cammit~oee; or mry action, dadslon Or rewmmendat3on or any dtY persennei durrig the tkrle
period of dre etAtra decistan•makingprowess on such actlon, dada-on er recommendation shat foroaeesdy wll tre heard ar revkwed
. by the dry Cenrnbstoq or a cNY board or eommittiea The term speelliealy Mxfudes the prltrtipal as well at arty employee
frlobhyinpenivlNes, firbettn`Lobbgdeb'ArArsptrdlic.madrMlWM. Pteeeeratertodndinanw301N-~q5.
NAME o>= ~aesytsr: Gast) cruel l tM.~
~L~ER .i~ c€+v~S~?,~ 3~~ A~pOr~ar. Aa>t~ 5eea Sot Co~ean.~ ~t'o~tt sit 3133
ttilSBtBS tU1-F1E AkQ ADDRt35. (Numberand Street) (Cry) (Stale) (2p Cade)
toil oe! tits eectlon It Pn~Oa) if<~ Carportlioey PYrLtettlUpor Tiruat I t:-fi2 [Sly
NAME t7F l7ilEF. 0~F1C~R, PARTNERS OR ttEkBFIGiAitYt ~ f ~V F~.O ~j R~I~T~
- mExrrFr rtu masons rrato~t~ atttcnx oR tNrnrsECnr, a s~ otz Moue oyn~itaswP 1PrTEttFST tau stJttH
~ 6P~lFiC LOeti:T~sl1E:
A~wr~b of erc>~~tt-r rw -zu~ -cot~R c~,~ow, ~c . .
~esue to be labble (oesainq In detaH}: "`"
m. LtitY A~EhlpiSi1t10a'Ifi111111L1i TO tit: tWd!>iL'D:
~) ryM tirme at'JrtdhtlQurlJTlttf _ ~)My trtnrridrt, ('eeriiiel or Profesaiarrad ttelrtloerhtp
C.•L . t~C Mt,CM~~ QDMr-+4Siila{