Exhibit 2 Addendums 1-3Exhibit 2 Addendums 1- 3 ~ MIAMIBEACH City of lNiami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, !J~iami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miambeachfl.gov PROCUREMENT DIVISION Tel: 305-673-7490 Fax: 786.3944002 June 8, 2007 RE: ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO BID # 0705-001-JOB ORDER CONTRACT; ITB No. 35- 06/07 VERTICAL AND ITB No. 36-06/07 HORIZONTAL In response to questions and requests for additional information received by prospective proposers, the RFP is hereby amended as follows: The deadline for receipt of proposals and Performance Evaluation Surveys has been changed from June 15th, 2007 to June 22"d, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. Potential proposers that have elected not to submit a response to the RFP are requested to complete and return the "Notice to Prospective Bidders" questionnaire with the reason(s) for not submitting a proposal. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH %.:V. Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director Bid # 0705-001-Job Order Contract, ITB No. 35-06/07 and ITB No. 36-06/07 Addendum #1 6/8/2007 Page 1 of 1 ~ MIAMIBEACH CiFy of Miami Beach, 1700 Cnnvertinn Center Drive, tvSiami Beach, Flnrida 33139, www.miamibeach?i.gov PROCUREMENT DIVISION Tel: 305.673-7490 Fax:.786-394-4002 June 11, 2007 RE: ADDENDUM NO. 2 INVITATION TO BID (ITB) No. 35-06/07, FOR VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION AND ITB No. 36-06/07, FOR HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION. In response to questions and requests for additional information received by prospective contractors, the aforementioned bids are amended as follows: I. Performance Evaluation Surveys previously submitted by contractors on other projects will not be considered for evaluation purposes. Only new surveys submitted by clients of contractors will be considered. II. Section 14.2 entitled "Technical Review Panel Selection Criteria /Section arocess" is hereby amended to revise the Technical Review Panel's evaluation criteria; 1) Qualifications of the Contractor's Team (~ 10 points) 2) Past performance based on number and quality of the Performance Evaluation Surveys (10 points). 3) Interview of key personnel (30 points). 4) Combined Weighted Adjustment Factor (40 points). 5) Risk Assessment Plan (RAP) (10 Points) III. Copies of all necessary forms to be submitted with your bids will be sent to all prospective Bidders via a-mail and/ or fax. Potential bidders that have elected not to submit a response to the RFP are requested to complete and return the "Notice to Prospective Bidders" questionnaire with the reason(s) for not submitting a proposal. P~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director Bid # 0705-001-Job Order Contract, ITB No. 35-06/07 and ITB No. 36-06/07 Addendum #1 6/12/2007 Page 1 of 1 m MIAMIBEACH City o£ Miami Beach, 1700 CNorrventian Censer Drive, Miami Beach, Flarida 33139, wwvvv.miamibeachfl.gav PROCUREMENT DIVISION June 19, 2007 Tel: 3051173-7490 Fax: 786-394-4002 RE: ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB) NO. 35-06/07 -- VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION, AND ITB NO. 36-06/07 -- FOR HORIZONTAL CONSTRUCTION. In response to questions and requests for additional information received by prospective bidders relative to the bonding requirement, the following clarification/amplification is hereby provided: 1. Bid Guaranty or Bid Bond. A bid bond or an alternative form of guaranty (i.e., certified check, cashier's check, corporate check, or money order), in the amount of $25,000, must be included as part of your bid submission, for each ITB that you are responding to. If you are electing to submit a bid bond, you may utilize your surety company's standard form. Please note that your bid bond or alternative form of guaranty will be returned to you immediately (within one business day) after one of the following two conditions: a. You are not approved for a contract award; or b. You are approved for a contract award and you execute (sign) the contract. If for any reason, a decision relative to the contract award is delayed and the above aforementioned conditions (whether to award or not award) cannot be applied, then City will return all bid bonds or alternative forms of guaranty within 180 days. The bid bond or guaranty shall be forfeited if the successful bidder (contract awardee) fails to execute a contract, or fails to furnish the required performance bond and payment bond, or fails to furnish the required certificate(s) of insurance after being notified of the award of the Contract. 2. Performance and Payment Bond. A performance bond and a payment bond are required only when notified by the City that you are the successful bidder(s) and the City Commission has awarded a contract(s). When notified in writing by this Office that the City Commission has awarded a contract(s) to your company, you must submit a payment bond and performance bond each in the amount of $1 million. Each bond shall be in effect for a period of one year. Each contract will have an initial term of 12 months. The contract may be renewed at the mutual agreement by the contracting parties (i.e., your company and the City). If mutually agreed to renew the contract term beyond the first and subsequent renewal options, a new performance bond and payment bond will be required to be submitted in the amount of $1 million. There are four one-year renewal options. On an annual basis (one year from the effective date of the contract), the City and successful (contract awarded) Contractors will sit down to discuss at a minimum: 1) any increase to the adjustment factors bid (i.e., profit and overhead) pursuant to the Engineering News Record's 20 City average report; and 2) whether the contract(s) should be renewed for an additional year. Should your respective surety companies have any issue or need clarification relative to this addendum, please do not hesitate on providing them my point of contact information: phone: 305.673.7495; fax: 786-394-4007 ; or a-mail: guslopez _miamibeachfl.gov. Thank you, ?" CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director Exhibit 3 & 4 Unit Price Catalog Technical Specifications ~cD~