041-2001 LTC
L.T.C. No. 11-2.;01
February 2l, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin
and Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. GOnzaled
City Manager I ~
This L.T.C. is to provide you with a status update and current information on the above referred
issue. On Friday, November 3, 2000, the Administration met with Mr. Mark Fagan, Public
Information Supervisor, for the State of Florida's Citrus Canker Eradication Program, to express the
serious concerns of our citizens related to the cutting of citrus trees on their property and to obtain
specific information on the program as it relates to Miami Beach.
At this meeting, Mr. Fagan agreed to work closely with the City to facilitate the eradication program
in the least obtrusive way possible. Mr. Fagan provided informational packages detailing this
program and has provided maps and information for specific affected properties as they become
As a result of this meeting, the following action plan has been implemented. The plan will be
amended as warranted.
. Mark Fagan is acting as the State's main contact with the City for this program and the Parks
Division Administration is coordinating the City's role.
. Prior to any tree being removed, Mr. Fagan notifies the City via fax and phone call of the
location of the infected trees. Upon notification to the City, 10 days is provided before an
Immediate Final Order is issued for the removal of an infected tree. When the Parks
Division Administration receives this notification, staff visit the property in question and
offer the property owner the opportunity to have the identified tree tested by an independent
laboratory currently under contract with the City, at a cost to the resident of $75 dollars per
test. This fee is a direct charge from the independent laboratory, with no additional amount
included from the City or State of Florida. If the independent test result conflicts with those
of the State, the tree in question is not be removed until further review and a third test
conducted. This test is performed with city staff present during the sample collection. If no
independent test is requested by the property owner, the tree is removed five days after the
Immediate Final Order is issued by the State.
. Mr. Fagan has informed the Parks Administration that the State of Florida is not removing
exposed trees at this time, pending the outcome of various legal challenges. Exposed trees
are defined as citrus trees that are located within 1900' feet of verified infected trees. The
city will be immediately notified of any changes to this policy.
. The State of Florida provided a representative to meet with affected residents, answer
questions and provide further information related to the eradication program prior to tree
removal operations within the city. The City facilitated these meetings at City Hall, as
. As of this date 236 infected trees on 108 properties, have been removed within the city under
this program (June 1, 1995-November 30, 2000). However, no tree has been removed since
November 30, 2000. The State of Florida is continuing to conduct field inspections and is
monitoring the spread of this disease.
. The State of Florida conducted 40 hour Citrus Canker field diagnosis training program for
municipalities within the Miami Dade, Broward County Area, on February 12 ,-16,2001.
This training will assist city staff in verifying the results of field inspections conducted by
the State. Mr. Robert Pardo, Superintendent of Parks attended this training.
. The Administration will continue to maintain an accurate record of all activity related to this
program and copy the City Attorney on all information compiled in this matter.
Should you have questions, please advise.
c. Murray Dubbin, City Attorney
Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager
Kevin Smith, Director Parks and Recreation Department
John Oldenburg, Assistant Director of Parks
Robert Pardo, Parks Superintendent