LTC 080-2008 Miami Beach Special Master Ms. Lisa Walsh6. Under "Methodology" (Pg. 21).
No Methodology, except nanung of Management and Upper
7. On Page 34, under cashiers, they mast be referring to another
contract, when they wrote as their duties the following instructions:
a. Safely park & secure vehicle.
b. Provide assistance to and from vehicle.
8. Under "Local Trained Personnel" (Pg. 35).
a. 7 salary and 39 hourly, for a total of 46 employees.
b. According to their response and local references they only have Meter
Collections and Enforcement (No cashiers, attendants or supervisors).
If' awarded this contract hoiv are the~~ going to provide the Cite
with close to 200 trained cashiers, attendants and supervisors?.
9. Under "Auditing" (Pg. 38).
This whole section is not applicable to this RFP
10. Under "Proposer Information" (Pg 25 of RFP) they proffered as the
Proposer (Entity) LAZ Parking and thru their response, signed by
Luis Macedo and Chris Walsh.
11. Under a sworn statement (Pg. 29 of RFP).
a. The Notary Public Mr. Julio Santiagq makes two nustakes:
1. Personally la7own Julio Santiago instead of Chris Walsh
2. OR Produced Identification FLDL for Chris Walsh, I believed that to
be impossible since he is based out of Florida.
12. On Page # 33 of the RFP, it's a requirement to list the proposer as well
as have the President (if a corporation) signed and have the Corporate
Seal adhe~•ed
«. The C'otporation that vas proffered for this RFP ivas LAZ/Ka~p
Associates, LLC. nth address at 1 ~ Levis Street, Hartford, Ct. 06103
b. The President listed is Mt: Alan Lazoivski.
c. There ivas no signature or corpor~de seal in this response,
therefore is not a completed response.
Therefore once again, I believe that
there are enough reasons and
deficiencies to have LAZ Parking
disqualified from competing in this RFP.