LTC 096-2008 Analysis of Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenses for the Three Months Ended 12/31/07 ~--~ N C~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ..~'.t, ~ NO. LTC #096-2008 LETTER TO COMMISS~I~ ~: TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission ~:~' ~ ~:, --~ c,a FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ •' -~ .c DATE: April 8, 2008 SUBJECT: ANALYSIS OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007, WITH OPERATING BUDGET PROJECTIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 FOR THE GENERAL FUND The Purpose of this LTC is to provide the Mayor and Commission with the status of the FY 2007/08 budget to actual revenue and expenses at the end of the first quarter with projections through September 30, 2008. Based on the review, it is projected that, overall, there will be an operating budget surplus of $513,090 (0.2%) in the General Fund. I. General Fund Overview An analysis of the actual three month operating revenues and expenditures for the period October 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, reveals an operating surplus of $56,528,305. While the surplus as of December 31St seems unusually large as compared to the final projected for the year ending on September 30th, it should be noted that the City receives a greater percentage, approximately 60% of its ad valorem taxes in the first quarter. Ad valorem tax revenues representing approximately 54% of total revenues have been almost 65% received whereas the remaining 46% of revenues are approximately at the 25% level as of December 31St A summary of preliminary General Fund Revenues and Expenditures as of September 30, 2008 is as follows: Adopted Budget Projected Budget/Actual General Fund FY 2007/08 Sept. 30, 2008 Over/(Under) Revenues $230,624,537 $232,222,027 $1,597,490 Expenditures 230,624,537 231,708,937 1,084,400 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 0 $ 513,090 $ 513,090 For a detail of General Fund Revenues by category and Expenditures by Department, see attached schedule. Detailed comments on those revenue and expenditure categories with significant variances over $300,000 are shown below. General Fund Operating Revenues As of December 31, 2007, revenues collected were 46% of budget or $107,113,273. Historically, the City receives approximately 60% of its ad valorem taxes in the first quarter, which must be considered when analyzing actual revenues and formulating year-end revenue projections. Year-end projections through September 30, 2008 which total $232,222,027 indicate that revenues will be above budget by $1,597,490 or approximately 0.7%. ;-~ _~ ;~ LTC #096-2008 ANALYSIS OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007, WITH OPERATING BUDGET PROJECTIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 FOR THE GENERAL FUND Page 2 Licenses and Permits -This category includes licenses and building and special use permits. Despite the downturn in the building industry, projections indicate that year-end collections will exceed budget by 15% or $2,280,500. This is primarily due to the implementation of new processes and the related continuing review of existing open building and trade permits from which approximately $2.1 million has been collected to date. 2. Intergovernmental -This category includes state-shared revenues such as cigarette, gas, and sales taxes. Projections indicate that year-end collections will be below budget by 4.6% or $489,600. This is mainly due to lower than budgeted revenues, specifically from half cent sales tax as well as local option gas taxes and motor fuel taxes collected statewide. 3. Miscellaneous -This category includes concessions, planning fees, and other reimbursements. Projections indicate that year-end revenues will be 5% below budget or $377,905. This is due primarily to lower than expected revenues from construction management charges to capital projects due to vacant positions in the CIP department, thereby also creating offsetting reductions in expenditures. General Fund Operating Expenditures As of December 31, 2007, actual expenditures were 22% of budget or $50,584,968. On a straight-line average for three months ended December 31, 2007, expenditures should have been at a minimum, approximately 25% of budget or $57,656,134. Year-end projections through September 30, 2008 indicate that expenditures of $231,708,937 will be 0.5% over budget. With the exception of the Fire and Police Departments, there are no significant deviations from budgeted expenditures, and almost all remaining departments are projected to underspend their budgets. Significant variances to budget in excess of $300,000 by General Fund department are explained below: Police Budget Projected Budget/Projected FY 2007/08 Sept. 30, 2008 Over/(Under) $76,957,768 $78,307,768 $ 1,350,000 The Police Department is expected to spend approximately 1.8% over its budget in the amount of $1,350,000 due primarily to higher than anticipated overtime usage. The department will be meeting with management staff to develop a plan with the goal of being within budget by the end of the fiscal year. 2. Fire Budget Projected Budget/Projected FY 2007/08 Sept. 30, 2008 Over/(Under) $45,774,552 $46,844,552 $ 1,100,000 The Fire Department is expected to spend approximately 2.4% over its budget in the amount LTC #096-2008 ANALYSIS OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007, WITH OPERATING BUDGET PROJECTIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 FOR THE GENERAL FUND Page 3 of $1,100,000. The major contributing factors are as follows: (1) internal service costs in Fleet Management are expected to be over approximately $260,000 due to higher fuel costs; (2) personnel costs are expected to be over budget by approximately $840,000 due primarily to holiday pay ($348,000) arising from contractual obligations, as well as overtime ($325,000). As discussed in LTC #042-2008 entitled "Analysis of Budget to Preliminary Actual Revenues and Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2007, for General, Enterprise, and Internal Service Funds" overtime in the Fire Department has been an ongoing issue since the minimum staffing ordinance was implemented in February 2003. As compared with FY 2002/03, overtime in the Fire Department Suppression, Rescue, and Support Divisions has increased from $365,362 to $1,518,898 in FY 2006/07, an increase of 316% in total and over 63% annually. The FY 2007/08 projected year end for these divisions, represents $1,581,454; bringing the total cumulative increase over FY 2002/03 to 333%. In addition, based on a review conducted in mid FY 2006/07, the Fire Department level of unanticipated leave usage is the highest of any other department in the City. Prior efforts made to address overtime usage in excess of budget, including increasing the overtime budget, adding positions, hiring in advance of anticipated vacancies and instituting a sick leave sell-back program, continue to fail in yielding results. CONCLUSION This analysis of budget to actual operating revenues and expenses for the General Fund with projections through September 30, 2008, provides the status of the FY 2007/08 General Fund Budget as of the first three months of the Fiscal Year. The Administration will continue to monitor revenues and expenses to ensure that we close the fiscal year in a positive position with overall revenues exceeding overall expenses. JMG/KGB/JC~y~, ATTACHMENT FY 2007108 General Fund Operating Summary Projection Adopted As of Projected Proj-Adptd FY 2007/08 Dec. 31, 2007 FY 2007108 Over!(Under) REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes-S Pte Costs Ad Valorem Cap.Renewal & Replace. Ad Valorem S Pte Cap.Ren & Repl Ad Valorem Taxes-Norm Shores Other Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Interest Rents and Leases Miscellaneous Other -Resort Tax contribution Other -Non Operating revenues Fund Balance Mayor and Comr City Manager Communications City Clerk Finance Office of Budget & Perf Improve. Human Resources/Labor Relations Procurement City Attorney Economic Development Building Planning Tourism & Cultural Development Neighborhood Services Parks and Recreation Public Works Capital Improvement Program Fire Police Citywide Accounts Citywide Accounts-Normandy Shore Citywide Accounts-Transfers Capital Renewal & Replacement AL $ 114,114,196 $ 73,880,705 $ 114,114,196 7,718,251 4,993,708 7,718,251 3,266,096 2,113,164 3,266,096 234,435 151,679 234,435 148,820 96,287 148,820 22,833,300 3,704,092 22,955,300 14,941,425 7,163,846 17,221,925 10,713,940 1,890,467 10,224,340 8,242,350 1,733,621 8,279,950 1,975,000 238,206 1,892,000 6,200,000 1,503,993 6,200,000 4,371,150 359,857 4,479,045 7,479,914 2,898,693 7,102,009 20,696,309 4,592,827 20,696,309 7,689,351 1,792,128 7,689,351 0 0 0 $ 230,624,537 $ 107,113,273 $ 232,222,027 $ 1,403,877 $ 338,670 $ 1,383,877 2,289,042 595,052 2,279,042 1,224,962 268,622 1,214,962 1,669,012 361,597 1,659,012 4,274,374 989,756 4,104,374 1,904,001 468,075 1,875,001 1,802,168 511,331 1,915,568 926,568 211,994 891,568 4,213,126 922,342 4,193,126 933,299 240,782 943,299 8,689,391 1,863,656 8,439,391 3,215,399 649,834 3,165,399 3,147,135 550,787 2,997,135 5,532,938 1,260,117 5,452,938 28,142,606 6,247,064 27,892,606 6,222,817 1,357,573 6,117,817 3,376,245 655,712 3,076,245 45,744,552 11,767,872 46,844,552 76,957,768 19,529,367 78,307,768 12,570,893 1,790,038 12,570,893 203,833 0 203,833 12,680,000 4,727 12,680,000 3,500,531 0 3,500,531 $ 230,624,537 $ 50,584,968 $ 231,708,937 0 122,000 2,280,500 37,600 0 107,895 (377,905; 0 (20,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (170,000) 113,400 10,000 (50,000 (150,000 (105,000) (300,000) 1,100,000 1,350,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $ 0 $ 56,528,305 $ 513,090 $ 513,090