ITB 46-06/07City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4235
October 1, 2007
LEASING OF COPIER is amended as follows:
The Bid Opening Date has changed to 3:00 p.m. on Oct. 10th, 2007.
CHANGE: Please be advised that the evaluation criteria is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Special Conditions 2.3 Evaluation of Bids:
Note that Cost/Value is now 40 points and Methodology/Approach is now 25
The Administration will utilize the following evaluation criteria to evaluate bids
submitted by vendors:
1. The experience and qualification of the bidder (vendor) and key
personnel (10 points).
2. CostNalue (b0 40 points).
3. Methodology/Approach (46 25 points).
4. Past performance based on number and quality of the
Performance Evaluation Surveys (10 points).
5. Copier Demonstration (15 points).
Additionally, as part of your bid submission, your offer must describe in detail, the
approach and methodology that you will undertake to ensure excellent customer
service coupled with a best value offer (i.e. cost: copiers, features, volume,
maintenance, etc.) in comparison to the City's existing cost and copiers.
CHANGE: Please be advised that the Minimum Specifications 3.0, is hereby
amended to read as follows:
The minimum number for sheet auto feeder is now 50.
(45 ppm), laser print engine, integrated to print, copy and scanner, 480 50 sheet auto
feeder, finishing/collating 25 page stapler, 64mb memory, 6 GB HD, 600x600 dpi and
256 levels of gray, reduce/enlarge (25% to 400%), adjustable paper handling up to
11x17, 3 paper trays (auto select on two), duplexing, 10 bin stapler sorter, auto, manual
and photo modes. Please state paper drawers and capacity for each.
(55 ppm), laser print engine, integrated to print, copy and scanner, 4-00 50 sheet auto
feeder, finishing/collating 25 page stapler, 64mb memory, 6 GB HD, 600x600 dpi and
256 levels of gray, reduce/enlarge (25% to 400%), adjustable paper handling up to
11x17, 3 paper trays (auto select on two), duplexing, 10 bin stapler sorter, auto, manual
and photo modes. Please state paper drawers and capacity for each.
Questions & Answers
1 Q. How many copies and originals are we looking for?
Answer: Original plus seven (7) copies.
2Q. The date of the start of installation and completion date of the installation?
Answer: The installation will commence 10 days after contract execution and
complete installation within 30 days.
3Q. We have your average volume, but we are confused are those the models and
also who is the manufacture?
Answer: Yes, these are the Toshiba model copiers we have currently in place.
4Q. On page 2 of 33, Leasing of Copiers states — The term of the awarded
contract(s) shall remain in effect for a period of five (5) years from date of
contract execution by the May and City Clerk, and may be renewed by
mutual agreement for three (3) additional years, on a year-to-year basis.
However, page 16 of 33, Section 2.2, Term of Contract(s) states — The
contract(s) may be in effect for a minimum of one year to a maximum of
five (5) years from date of contract execution by the Mayor and City Clerk,
and may be renewed by mutual agreement for three (3) additional years,
on a year-to-year basis. There is an inconsistency between the two
statements. Please clarify the City's intent regarding the contract term.
Answer: CHANGE: page 2 of 33 Scope of Work:
Scope of Work: The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract(s), by
means of sealed bids, for the lease of copiers for all City departments.
Successful vendor must include in its bid price, the delivery, integration,
installation, service and maintenance including toners of all copiers
pursuant to this Bid. There are approximately 70 copiers included in this
Bid. The term of the awarded contract(s) shall remain in effect for a period
of either 3 years or five (5) years, based on the City's best interest,
from date of contract execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. and -may -be
♦. rb.
Answer: CHANGE: Delete first paragraph and second paragraph.
years, on a y or to year basis.
A. Should the City elect to enter into a 3 year contract, said contract
may be renewed by mutual agreement for an additional 3 year term,
Whether the option to renew is exercised will be contingent upon
the needs of the City and market conditions at the time of renewal.
The renewal discussions may include but not be limited to cost of
copiers and/or replacement of copiers.
B. Should the City elect to enter into a 5 year contract, said contract
will not have any options for renewal.
The following paragraph is deleted in its entirety:
Contractor shal! State: of the Art System, during tho term of thc,
its performance. At a minimum, should the City elect to enter into a five
year contract, the cucccccful bidder must agree to replace thc existing
copiers with state of thc art cep:arc at t.". " month) of
the contract.
5Q. On page 18 of 33, Section 2.17, Exceptions to Specifications states — Any
exceptions to the General or Special Conditions shall be cause for the bid
to be considered non-responsive. Please confirm if vendors can submit
clarifications to the General or Special Conditions in an effort to provide a
better understanding of the services that are included in the vendor's
response or expand on how the vendor will meet the City's requirements.
Answer: Bidders are strongly encouraged to thoroughly review the scope of
services and/or experience and qualification requirements set forth
in this ITB, specifically the scope of services section, identified by
the words "must", "shall", and "will". Bidders who fail to satisfy the
requirements set forth, may be deemed non-responsive and receive
no further consideration. Should your proposed solution not be
able to meet one (1) or more of the requirements set forth in this ITB
and you are proposing alternatives to said requirements, you must
notify the Procurement office in writing at least five days prior to the
deadline for submission of proposals. The City reserves the right to
revise the scope of services via addendum prior to the deadline for
receipt of proposals.
Sus Lopez, CPPO
Procurement Director
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,v,
Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4235
October 5, 2007
THE LEASING OF COPIER ITB is amended as follows:
The Bid Opening Date has changed to 3:00 p.m. on Oct. 17th, 2007.
Questions & Answers
On page 17 of 33, Section 2.6c, Delivery Time states — The City will notify the
awarded vendor if the need to move the equipment to another location or site. A
ten (10) day written notice will be provided by the lessee prior to any relocation
request. The City shall not incur any additional cost associated with such a
move. Can the City provide the number of moves that have occurred during the
current contract term?
Answer: There have been a total of 3 moves.
2Q. On page 24 of 33, 5, Interface states — The vendor will be responsible for
identifying and resolving all interface parameters between multifunctional
machines and the existing equipment and/or network infrastructure. Warded
vendors shall provide network engineers as required to bring equipment into full
operation. The City shall be responsible for cable and telephone drops. Will the
City provide personnel support from the Information Technology department to
work with the vendor to ensure successful installation and troubleshooting.
Answer: Yes, the City will provide personnel support from the IT department.
3Q. Can the City provide an anticipated award and installation date for Bid No. 46-
Answer: Award of contract(s) will be presented to the Mayor and City
Commission at the December 12 Meeting. "The Installation will
commence 10 days after contract execution and complete
installation within 30 days."
4Q. Addendum #1 of ITB 46-06-07A1, Exhibit 8, issued August 13, 2007 provided
information on models, usage and number of copiers citywide. However, the
exhibit did not provide the monthly cost for each copier. Lack of this information
places vendors at a disadvantage. Please provide information?
Answer: Yes, we will post on the City's website current monthly cost
information as of next week.
5Q. On page 17 of 33, Section 2.8, Addition/Deletion of Units states - Although this
Solicitation identifies specific units to be delivered and maintained, it is hereby
agreed and understood that any new units may be added/deleted to/from this
contract at the option of the City, at the awarded bid prices. Please clarify if the
City requires all contracts for products including additions and deletions to be co -
terminus or non co -terminus.
Answer: The City requires contracts to be co -terminus.
6Q. On page 20 of 33, Performance Evaluation Survey — Includes a survey to be
completed by customers of the vendor. Can the City provide a list to surveys that
have been submitted to the City before the bid deadline?
Answer: Yes, we will post on the City's website all surveys received.
7Q. On page 22 of 33, Section 3, Minimum Specifications states - that the copier
models should be 2007 models. Please clarify if the City is referring to the year
the product was introduced or manufactured by the vendor. Using the year of
product introduction would limit the copier models a vendor could provide the
Answer: The Specifications refer to new copiers being manufactured in 2007.
8Q. On page 23 of 33, Section 3.0, Minimum Specifications — General indicates that
toner should be included as a consumable supply item. Please specify if staples
should be included in the monthly cost.
Answer: Staples should be quoted in 2 ways, as a separate line item, and
included in the cost.
9Q. On page 22 of 33, Section 3.0, under Minimum Specifications — under the 20
ppm states stapler and sorter capabilities. This feature is not standard for the
industry. The vendor requests that this feature be removed as a specification
Answer: Please see attached revised Minimum Specifications page 22-33 and
pp 25-28.
10Q. On page 22 of 33, Section 3.0 Minimum Specifications — under the 30/45/55 ppm
states integrated to print, copy and scanner. Please specify if scanning capability
that would include scanning software is a requirement and if so specify the
method of scanning
Answer: Laser engine integrated to Copy, Print and Scan to Email in TIFF and
PDF format. Print Drivers to support Windows, PC
114. On page 22 of 33, Section 3.0 Minimum Specifications — under the 30/45/55 ppm
Includes finishing/collating 25 page stapler and 10 bin stapler sorter. 10 bin
Stapler sorter is not a standard feature for the industry. The vendor requests that
this be removed from the specification.
Answer: We are removing 10 bin stapler sorter as a minimum specification.
12Q. On page 22 of 33, Section 3 0 Minimum Specifications — states specifications for
a 30 ppm digital color copier. Please provide a bid proposal page to submit
Answer: Please see attached a bid proposal page for the digital copier.
13Q. Insurance Check list with the XXX before each question are they the questions
needed to be answered?
Answer: The XXX means that you acknowledge you are covered.
14Q. Cost per month on the 1-2-3-4-5 year leases how is service packaged? Separate
based on the monthly minimum volume?
Answer: As per Addendum 1, we are asking for quotes on both a 3 year lease
and a 5 year lease which will include maintenance based on the
minimum monthly volume.
15Q. Payment terms to us when we bill you how many days will be before the check is
cut to us?
Answer: Payment terms are net 30.
16Q. Have you ever exercised the Spot Market Purchase for MFP's (Copiers).
Answer: We have not exercised the Spot Market Purchase.
17Q. Have you ever exercised the termination for convenience for MFP's (Copiers).
Answer: We have not exercised the termination for convenience.
18Q. When replacing the existing copiers with state of art copiers @ 30 months of
contract would that be all units installed?
Answer: Please note as per Addendum 1, the option of a 3 year lease to be
renewed with the same vendor will be subject to negotiation that
may include discussions relative to replacing the copiers.
19Q. What guidelines would be used to determine replacing the existing copiers with
state of the art copiers.
Answer: Cost capabilities and features of copiers.
20Q. Please define (auto select on two) on the paper drawer options The machines
will auto select what drawer to pull the paper from based on the print or copy job.
Answer: We are revising it to auto select.
21Q. There is not a "Leasing of Copiers" page for the 30 page per minute color device.
We will submit a per page cost for both color and black and white.
Answer: We are adding a Minimum Specifications page to the Color Copier.
Please see attached.
22Q. On page 8 of 33 under Cancellation, in General Conditions, could you extend the
period to correct deficiencies from 10 days to 30 days? (30 days is standard in
bids and copier industry).
Answer: Yes, we will extend the period to correct deficiencies from 10 days
to 30 days.
23Q. Will the vendor have to provide online access of billing and leasing information
throughout the life of the contract?
Answer: Preferably yes, as per the ITB (Revised) please refer to page 24 of 33
Section 6, Reporting Requirement: Successful bidder(s) shall
provide on a monthly basis, a citywide usage report for all copiers.
Said report shall, at a minimum, provide the department name,
copier ID number, and a number of photocopies.
24Q. Under General Conditions page 17 of 33, Section 2.8 Addition/Deletion of Units
is it understood that new units may be added to the fleet and old units may be
deleted from the contract by fulfilling the contract obligations?
Answer: Yes, that is correct.
25Q. Under Bid page 16 of 33, 2.0 Special Conditions, 2.2 Term of Contract:
Under the new terms considered on this revision, The City of Miami Beach fails
to realize the tremendous financial impact they could be subject on a 60 month
lease with a 30 month mandatory replacement.
Answer: Please note as per Addendum 1, we have revised the terms to either
a 3 year lease option, to be renewed with the same vendor under
negotiated conditions (to include new equipment), or a 5 year lease
26Q. Under Bid page 18 of 33, 2.0 Special Conditions, 2.12 Estimated Quantities:
The City estimates 70 plus copiers, but currently 80 are installed. Are any
departments subject to loose their capacity to use a Multi -Function device; if so,
could you please specify, so copy volumes be revised.
Answer: We will be revising copy volumes in the Minimum Requirements,
please see attached.
27Q. Under Bid page 22 of 33, 3.0 Minimum Specifications, 1 General:
20 ppm: Industry standards limit equipment under this speed to offer a stapling
finisher. But the City continues to request a stapler and a sorter. Please clarify if
stapling is not required and electronic sorting is needed.
30 ppm: Faxing feature is no longer required.
45 ppm. Faxing feature is no longer required.
55 ppm Faxing feature is not required.
Answer: We are removing the stapler requirement for the 20ppm and 10 bin
sorter minimum requirements. We are expecting to be quoted for
the faxing feature as a separate line item for each different speed.
28Q. Under Bid page 25 of 33, Bid Proposal Page 1 of 5:
Is the City not revising the required monthly volumes.
Answer: We have revised monthly volumes, see attached.
29Q. Under Bid page 26 of 33, Bid Proposal Page 2 of 5:
Is the City not revising the required monthly volumes.
Answer: We have revised monthly volumes, see attached.
30Q. Under Bid page 27 of 33, Bid Proposal Page 3 of 5:
Is the City not revising the required monthly volume, since no copier currently
installed in the City is reaching this minimum requirement.
Answer: We have revised monthly volumes, see attached. Note, we are not
trying to extend the `status quo." In other words, we are
contemplating different options, including speeds and volumes.
31Q. Under Bid page 28 of 33, Bid Proposal Page 4 of 5:
Is the City not revising the monthly volume required, since no copier currently
installed in the City is reaching this minimum requirement.
Answer: We have revised monthly volumes, see attached.
32Q. Between Bid page 28 of 33 and 29 of 33:
Bid Proposal for Page for the Color Digital copier is missing and what monthly
breakdown for color and black & white copies/prints will be considered.
Answer: We are adding a Minimum Specifications page to the Color Copier
with a breakdown. Please see attached.
33Q. Since the bid will be based on best value with different grade per categories, can
we include 2 separate bid quotes for two different manufacturers that we
represent in the market place? Do you see a problem with being able to show
the City all the options that might best suit the requirements?
Answer: Not a problem. You may submit multiple options (i.e. copiers) for
the City's consideration.
340. According to the addendum, if we cannot meet and (1) one or more of the
requirements in this ITB, we must notify the Procurement office in writing
at least 5 days before the deadline for submissions. This doesn't allow
much time. Is their leeway with this?
Answer: The deadline for receipt of bids is being extended. If you cannot
meet one or more of the Bid requirements, you can notify us up to
two (2) days prior to opening.
35Q. In the slim chance of a tie will the City supply the certificate form?
Answer: Any documentation that certifies you have drug-free work place
would be acceptable.
Sus Lopez, CPPO
Procurement Director
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4235
October 11, 2007
THE LEASING OF COPIER ITB is amended as follows:
Questions & Answers
1Q. Leasing of copiers bid proposal pages 1 through 5 lists a volume range.
Which copy/print volume should be included?
Answer: A copy/print volume within each range as listed below:
20ppm 1000 — 5000 monthly volume
30ppm 5000 —10000 monthly volume
45ppm 10000 — 15000 monthly volume
55 ppm 20000 — 30000 monthly volume
Please note that the number of units required will be determined based on the
needs of the City departments and on their respective budgeted amounts.
Therefore, please provide your cost per copier and a sliding scale based on
volumes that would result in discount for the City.
2Q. On the individual spec bid sheets fro copiers, for the B&W systems, the
city asks that service be included for the minimum # of copies listed for
each machine BUT there is a RANGE for each machine....for example,
the 20ppm machine shows 1,000-5,000 monthly minimum. Which is it?
If the monthly minimum is 1,000, the bid price would be significantly
lower than if it were 5,000. On the color machines you have a static #
(10,000 each on the 30 & 35 ppm).
Answer: It is the range. Your bid price will cover the number of copies that
fall within the range.
30. Where are overages to be stated on the Bid Proposal Pages 1 through 6?
No overages will be applied. The foretasted ranges
Answer: No overages will be applied. The aforestated ranges will be
sufficient to cover any potential overages.
4Q. Would you please let us know the following:
20 ppm How many units required and how much copies per unit
30 ppm How many units required and how much copies per unit
45 ppm How many units required and how much copies per unit
55 ppm How many units required and how much copies per unit
Answer: Each form provides with the anticipated number of copies per unit.
5Q. The answer to 27Q states that the 10 bin sorter requirement has been
removed but the new 3.0 Machine Specification, 20 ppm has the 10 bin
ctaplcr streaked through and sorter is still required.
Answer: No, it is not required.
6Q. On the new revised price sheets, there is no space to show the cost for
excess copies, above the minimum monthly volumes. Where would a
vendor show the costs for excess copies?
Answer: Please refer to answer for question 3.
7Q. Addendum #2 - Response to question 7Q, to clarify, are you saying that if
the copier is manufactured in 2007, (but maybe introduced in 2006), that
this meets specs? Many current models, from various vendors, were
introduced in 2006, but are still manufactured in 2007.
Answer: Yes.
8Q. For the Color copier/printer, could you please clarify if the minimum
volume of 10,000 per month is for Color images only?
Answer: Yes.
9Q. Addendum #2 - Response to question 33Q, Please clarify that if a vendor
submits multiple options (ie: copiers) that all submitted responses must
meet the Minimum Specifications of the ITB.
Answer: Yes.
10Q. On the minimum specs for the machines it shows for example 1,000 — 5,000
monthly volume In your requirement we have to incorporate this monthly
volume?? Which amount is required by the city?? This applies with all of the
segments across the board.
Answer: Please refer to answer for question 2.
11Q. Color copier machines have two speeds and meters for B&W and color. On the
color copier machine specifications:
• Is the 10,000 volume color only or is B&W copies included in the minimum
volume. If B&W is to be included what are the minimums for each color and
• Is a sheet feeder to be included with the color copier?
Answer: The B&W copies should be a range of 3,000 to 5,000 and the color
copies a range from 5,000 to 7,000.
Yes, a sheet feeder should be included.
12Q. Will references that are not similar be weighted the same as references are?
The references that are posted seem to vary greatly. They appear to range from
cities in the area, government agencies with similar sized fleets in South Florida
area, to commercial accounts that are very small. Others references are
scattered around the country. Government agencies are prohibited from taking
gratuities and favors from vendors where as commercial accounts are not held to
the same standards.
Answer: The assigned score will be at the discretion of the City.
Gus Lopez, CPPO
Procurement Director
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Tel: 305-673-7490, Fax: 786-394-4235
October 12, 2007
THE LEASING OF COPIER ITB is amended as follows:
Questions & Answers
1Q. Answer to question 2 of the attached amendment states the range but
you have for and fixed cost on each unit. Do you then want us to bid only
at the top of the range? If we use as you requested a sliding scale, we
cannot give a fixed cost.
Answer: Each bidder must decide whether to bid at the bottom of the range,
middle of the range, or the top of the range. We expect a fixed cost
for copies within the range.
2Q. Since you will not allow for overages, what guarantees does the City of
Miami Beach have that no copier will ever exceed the maximums?
Answer: The City is not providing any guarantees that any copier will exceed
the maximum. However, in the developing, the range of copies it is
anticipated based on historical usage that the number of copies will
be at the lower part of the range
3Q. Answer to question 8 states 10,000 color copies yet the answer to
question 11 gives a range of color copies lower than in question number
8. Please clarify? Again we have to ask the same question as we did
above concerning how to bid copies.
Answer: The question was the following:
Is the 10,000 volume color only or is B&W copies included in the
minimum volume. If B&W is to be included what are the minimums for
each color and B&W?
The answer is the following: the B&W copies should be a range of
3,000 to 5,000 and the color copies a range from 5,000 to 7,000.
For a total of 10,000 copies
4Q. Will the City accept more than one pricing proposal from a vendor?
Answer: Yes. Multiple pricing proposals are acceptable.
5Q. Addendum 2 stated that the City will post the monthly costs for each
copier to the website this week? As of today, the information was not
Answer: Copies of invoices that show monthly costs are posted in the City's
6Q. Does the City have any plans for increasing the number of departments of
buildings that would require additional copiers or moves within the next
three to five years? If so, how many additional copiers and moves will be
Answer: There will be a multipurpose parking facility with approximately
30,000 square feet of office space for city departments. The facility
will be constructed behind City Hall (1700 Convention Center Drive),
and it is scheduled to be completed by July 2009. It is anticipated
that an additional 10 copiers will be needed when construction of
the facility is complete.
7Q. The section regarding RANGES for B&W is doing a disservice to the City
of Miami Beach. If the city is asking for a "Range" of copies on the
20ppm, for example, the answer in bid form would be, logically, a "range"
from $128 to $140 / month. The actual bid number is directly
proportionate to the amount of copies that the cit will make because we
ALL charge $ X per copy. Obviously, the higher number of copies the
City uses on any given machine will affect the cost. If the City, as in
subsequent questions, is asking for "overages" to be included in the bid
and as the City does not expect any monthly copy volumes to exceed the
range (for example 5,000 on the 20ppm) a vendor would reflexively bid
based on the maximum number of copies in each segment. Otherwise,
we are in effect playing Russian Roulette and HOPING that the City's use
stays at or below the number we "guess" at. Further, if everyone bids
based on the maximum number of copies in each segment, The City will
be paying for copies that are NOT being used on a monthly basis.
Answer: Each bidder must decide whether to bid at the bottom of the range,
middle of the range, or the top of the range. We expect a fixed cost
for copies within the range. Although the City is not providing any
guarantees that any copier will exceed the maximum. However, in
the developing, the range of copies it is anticipated based on
historical usage that the number of copies will be at the lower part of
the range.
8Q. Would you accept a no minimum CPC?
Answer: No.
Gus Lopez, CPPO
Procurement Director