Settlement Agreement and Release of all Claims~E10'~, ~F~;~18 itl: Fq y5~~ :_'~:~2~-. 1E~ F'r=.i='( l~l~~t?t{API P~~_ Jl ,HOC/-~~f~ ~' ~~~'"a 6rE!MtENY ~C~E~~~ENT' ~Nf~ ~E:i:.EA ;s~ CJ's AdLI~ ~i_faf~i;'; This Sektierr° n ,,c~gre~3rrte!'tt a;~d Reie.=.~se ~"Ayreert7~;rat") is made ane~ entered into this %day ofrl~~ ,~24G~ by ar:d 1~etvueera ~Ct~N° P~G5t3cc::~, Sr (`;~aoicaccc~") ~~nd the ,,~..~ ~iky of M;anti BBach, a municipal ccrparaticart i ~.{tg+"), cc~iiecti~eiy referred to as "the Parties.' i~#E~i"i`1~.t.~ ~~i-i~i~iW>~..~, Or1 ~lUi~' ~~, 2~~~, ~t~4:,IuL:GO ~iiECr e3 i~vLr~^laCt e~C~'e4!rt5t ~.+tty 18'? tilE'. C{rclflt (;Dort in ao7d far iV'iarrti-Da~,le Caunty, FAoriciaF ~:ase ~iurrtt>er C?~~1~237 r~. ~G; `J'Jf-tEREAS, t~?e ~att?'t i'~as jt.!:iSdi~Gtiar'! t~v~, thi8 C~-i.ase; rind Wi-iP~.i=A~, the parties ~~reP t~± r~s!~ivo this rraa!ter ;~efr~re trial. NSW T~iE~iEi=~M~E, in consideratinra nt thFr farX~e~~i~r.;s set farth Herein ar~d other yond snd valuable cc.~r.sideration, rec°~:int. an:# ;;~;~fi~it~rlcy oaf ~,viftich is hereE~y aeknawiedged, tire; Parties ac~rQe as fi~ii+~~s: The foregoing F;e~,itals ,are true artd cc.yrrec,t any! incorporatod herein by reference. if. i~A'~i'~EN7 2. i`or tho st~ie cony!=.~erati>~lrt c~F the payrrter;$ of the sul;r at ri'+~E ~i-HGJS.P~ND J(~LLR.Ft~ (~b,G(3C-.f~C-1 Pcc:.inctxt and his i'?sirs. ext~cutc~rs, a,,+rr,ini~.;trc:-t~,~rs, and assigns d;a i'terei~y rNieatie, acquit srlcf forever dis4•hart~e, artd 6car his h~:ir, exe~a~tcrs, ad ratinistratcrs, and assigns do hereby ratz9is~~, re9ease art~.S ~gr9vPr discharge CITY, arm #s successors and assigrs~ agents, offiCe+~.~, erab~li~y~:es, exec;.jtors. and admir~istratQrs motto rrtight ~e 1i~ble of an>~ #r€?m any alnrS ail actions, caws ~f acti~,n, civil rir~hts claims, demends, darn~ges, cocks, lass c7f servirres, expenSE~S, and ^c~r;t~ensatiran, can acc~~-unt of, car in any ~w~y grs~~~ring ~r~st ~:a~, Ur1y artcl al! Known an:i unk„cwn, forewent and urrforeseen, tfamages. ~•nd ttae uc,~-lse~u~;nces `hered~l, {'esuilir~<J iii" tt7 re ~~,alt frt~m ttie claims a.isertPd ;ar tlaak ccauiti have; beery asserted in Case Na.. 0~-~4i~37 CA 30. Louis ~acic}c~ay,~r ~r. City oaf Niiari-~'s _irs~aett, in #hr~ Circuit. ColirY ire ariri fr~r ~~!iam+-Cade l:ounty, Florida. 3. it is further understood end agreed tttat this sAttiement is the r..camprcarrtisN~ Gfi ~~ d~tt~btfiul and di~~autud i;;E~ir!'°~, aC7t~ that the payment is S~C1' to ire C~nSti'U~d ~S an admission ~:af iial~'siity Qn tl~te mart of #}?e Ci#y, by ~hhc~r;; !ia!?iiit~~ is eriaressly denied. ~. The i~~3ft6f~5 agrees t0 cooperate fully and wx+~cute amp and ell ~v fapiernent~ry dr~curnertts ar:d take all additional actio~'ts v,rhich may Ise necessary car ap~rr~priate +aa giyc Toil furi:.e and effect to the intent of this Set~errrert Ac~reerrent, ci6; '~. ;'~ll'~ 1~: 54 95v8~'~i ~.__ Pr,~._._ V. E=hiTliztE ,r~~1~~t=E~Eti~"' ~~~ 3t~~~~~aOE~~ i!~ tNTE.ft~:~'t° 5. T-tris Settlement Ar,~reement ~©ntaGrls the antire. i~.greerr-ent betv~s~n thc~ ~'~rties. This f~greerr.ent replaces ar~y (prior car c',c~r?t~irrlgk~ranewJUS wrltt~ar~ rar era! representatimn or understak~ciirtg ~bcut the srrttEem~nt. f his ggr~er~ent may r-at be chanced except in ~wr~tsng sit~nUd by -the P~rfir~s, or tht;ir resp~c~tive attorneys. Phis Agreement shall be ~iincii+~g en all and shah ir2U[e tc~ the tT~neft 4f #!~?e rt;s~eCti~ve Successors anti assirras, it ans~, cf each pa!'ty. 'V6. ~G'1trc~~19i~ICs ~AIn6 6. This ,~attlerrs~.~r;t Aclreerr~ar~t i~ bein4 ;:«rysus-nrr-a#ect in the ~tatEr nF Flor`sdz~ and the ~rfnrrnance i~'x° the r'ar"i~;5 her°t;~ ~s n ttre Sta#e oaf FlQrd=~. ~~t~is f~grt:errreret sha{4 be governed by and rw.ur~stor:µc~ iE: ~at~7rdarrrE? °d`efl$i1 the 1a~vs of tt~e Matt; ref F=loritta. the venire f€~r any legal prc~ceedirig of any n:~`:ire E~rc~trc~ht by eitt~~er party against #f're othtrr to Qnforce any right or tabiigation under this C~greemer3±; ar rising t~~f. of any rr~~a"tE:r taertaining to this Agreement sha91 bra ir; PJliami--~att€~ ~;,ounty, F!raridd. 1. The "artier ~~rRrrant tc Fach ntrlr r th:t they' have road E:rgks S~ttlern~:nt Agreez~tient and that edcli !'rat; E;it;;~."•t-1 re;~r+~se~ed by' c©ur~sei t~EsTC:(~ sigrtinc~ this Seftlemerrt pgreerrren*.- iN WETPdESS Wi~tE~~~3F, to f f writters above. L.Qr~is Paciucco, fir. tai I'~til~Ml9 BE}~+~H ('archer, pity ~lerlc °..t"l.k~b~ d'4J ~:,. .. the parties ha°y e= s~~t their s7ar:ds and seals en tP~f~ d~:y, ~~~ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, Jose Smith, City Attorney Interoffice Memorandum To: Robert Parcher Date: June 30, 2008 City Clerk From: Steven H. Rothstein First Assistant City Attorney Subject: Paciocco v. City of Miami Beach Case No. 03-16237 CA 30 Attached is original executed Settlement Agreement and Release of all Claims pertaining to the above-referenced case. SHR/ag