97-22273 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 97-22273 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF $12,500 FROM THE CITY -WIDE SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNT, TO MATCH A CONTRIBUTION OF $12,500 FROM THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THROUGH THE PILLARS FUND, AND A CONTRIBUTION OF $12,500 FROM PRIVATE SECTOR FUNDING, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $37,500, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY ON THE HISTORY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MILEMARKER PRODUCTIONS, AS THE PRODUCER OF THE DOCUMENTARY, WHEREBY THE COMPLETED DOCUMENTARY SHALL BE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) has offered to assist n producing and funding a historical documentary of the City, to be produced by Milema rk ~r Productions; and WHEREAS, the completed project will be the sole property of the City; and WHEREAS, the City will also be given and have rights to all of the out-takes not 1St. d in the final documentary; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the project is $37,500; and WHEREAS, the Chamber will pay $25,000 toward the total cost of the project, wi h $12,500 to come from the Pillars Fund and $12,500 from private sector contributions, and h;.s requested that the City contribute $12,500 toward same; and WHEREAS, as a condition to its contribution, the City will enter into an agreement wi h the Chamber and Milemarker Productions, wherein the parties agree that the completed pr~iiec':, including all out-takes not used in the final documentary, shall become the sole property of tl e City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CIT f COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and Cili Y Commission herein approve and authorize an expenditure of $12,500 from the City-wide Speci II Projects Account to match a contribution of $12,500 from the Miami Beach Chamber Iff Commerce, through the Pillars Fund, and a contribution of $12,500 from private sector fundinl:, for a total of $37,500, for the purpose of creating a television documentary on the history (,f Miami Beach; and further authorize the City to enter into an agreement with the Miami B~a(. h Chamber of Commerce and Milemarker Productions, as the producer of the documemar: 7, whereby the completed documentary shall become the sole property of the City of Miami Beach. PASSED and ADOPTED this 5th day of February , 1997. ATTEST: ._'- Rel4d- fauk CITY CLERK APPR~D AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOREXECUnON IUIJi~ (" . ;A.~r"'Iev \" '2~~2 Do!1e F:IlNFOI$ALLISITEIRESOLUn WPD CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 3 -~ 1 Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission Jose Garcia-pedrosa.H~ City Manager fif f' A RESOLUTI~~ OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION APPROVING AM> AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF $12,500 FROM THE CITY-WIDE SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNT, TO MAT(H CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER (IF COl\1l\1ERCE, THROUGH THE PILLARS FUND, AND FROM PRIVA11 E SECTOR FUNDING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A TELEVISI( N DOCUMENTARY ON THE IllSTORY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTJI:ER AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WI1H THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MILEMARKER PRODUCTIONS, AS THE PRODUCER OF THE DOCUMENTAR"r, WHEREBY THE COMPLETED DOCUMENTARY SHALL BE THE S4)IE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. DATE: February~, 1'197 ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the resolution. BACKGROUND The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce has offered to assist in producing and funding a historical video documentary of our city to be produced by Milemarker Productions. Wht. n completed, this film will depict the roots of Miami Beach, its ethnic origins, growth and travail ;, the diversity of its peoples and cultures, its enrichment over the decades, and now its importam. e as a dynamic and growing city. Producer Tom Glennon and Videographer Joel Kaplan are an Emmy Award-winning tean.. Professor Paul George, History Professor at Miami Dade Community College W olfsonCampu: , will be the consultant on the project to oversee its accuracy and contents, and will work with tt e City's Historic Preservation Department. The completed project will be the sole property of the City of Miami Beach. The city will lis ) be given rights to all of the out-takes not used in the final documentary. The television distribution of the documentary will be coordinated by Milemarker Productic,ns. It has the potential for presentation by one of the local PBS stations for distribution nationw.ide. The documentary can also be aired on local cable channels, such as Metro-Dade Channel 34. :t can also be distributed for educational purposes at libraries and schools, and used for marketing. AGENDA ITEM~_ DA TE ~ -';-0 rl- ANALYSIS The specialized production skills and background of Milemarker Productions make them the perfect selection for the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce to execute the documentary. flmDmG . The total cost of project is $37,500. City funds in the amount of $12, 500 will be allocatee. flom the City-wide Special Projects Account. The matching balance of $12,500 will be paid by the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce through the Pillars Fund and the remaining $12,5OC ti Jm private sector funding solicited by the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. CONCLUSION The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce is offering to assist the City of Miami Beach in the funding and creation of an important documentary detailing the City's rich history. The (~i~ r is obligated to pay for one-third of the project once the full 2/3 match is complete, and will becc me the fInished owner of the video. Based on the credentials of the producers and videographen, .lIld the value being offered by the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, the Administration belie les that this expenditure is in the best interest of the City. ()p '" JGP:RS:JQ:ep---r \ F:\INFO\$ALL\SITE\COMMISS2. WPD ". ~. . ..// /..\..,\~~t. / ~tJYF-- ~X)V . ,fir, ~~uJ~t'~I: ~J~ OFFICE .I \ if ~ I BEACH IAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 I~ =======-====== 1-= :=::::=:::===:= I~ ======== TELEPHONE: (3(J5) I 73-7010 FAX: (3(J5) , >73-7782 March 21, 1997 Mile Marker Productions, Inc. 5411 Pierce Street Hollywood, Florida 33021 Attn: Tom Glennon, Executive Producer CJ \..D ::i -1 .:0 -( :>t fi1 " ~"".ijl c: .."t, '::-) ,--,,- . I r: _l : n 2.;:. ,,- ~"'-" ,~.. ...... .,..;..- (.,r) :r: r',' C) '? -q 0 ..... C.n - ("') ,;)'\ ("T1 Bruce Singer President Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 1920 Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Documentary of the City of Miami Beach to be produced by Mile Mark,,:r Productions, Inc. (Project) Dear Mssrs. Singer and Glennon: This Letter Agreement shall confirm the understanding among the City of Miami Bcac 1, Florida (City); the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce and Miami Beach Chamber of Commer :e Pillars (collectively, the Chamber); and Mile Marker Productions, Inc.(MMP) with regard tn tl le City's rights and interests as pertaining to the above-referenced Project. (1).).73 Pursuant to Resolution No.c11-~Resolution), as adopted by the Mayor and Ci:y Commission at their regular meeting on a . '5 , 1997, and attached and incorporat,~d is Exhibit A hereto, the parties herein acknowledge that the Chamber and MMP shall enter in'o . m agreement for the production of a historical documentary on the history of Miami Beach ard ts place in contemporary America; said Project having an estimated total cost of $37,500.00. Accordingly, pursuant to the attached Resolution, the City agrees to contribute the sum )f $12,500.00, in the form of a matching contribution, toward completion of the Project. The Cit: IS contribution, however, is subject to and conditioned upon the Chamber's matching contribution )f $25,000.00; thereby totaling the $37,500.00 necessary for completion of the Project (ard IS specifically set forth in the attached Resolution). Additionally, pursuant to the Resolution, the City's contribution is specifically made subj( ct to and conditioned upon the Chamber and MMP's agreement and acknowledgement herein thit ,lll copies of the completed documentary, in whole or in part, including but not limited to any outtlkl s, additional footage, condensed versions, promotional tapes, or any other audio-visual or writte 1 materials, footage, or other documents associated with the production and completion of the Pro.! ec ., shall become the sole property of the City upon completion and/or termination of the Project. Upon completion and/or termination of the Project, MMP and/or the Chamber shall, upo 1 written notice from the City, immediately assemble and deliver to the City all of the abov(- referenced materials and documents related to the Project; in no event, shall such delivery perio:l exceed a period of thirty (30) days from the date of written notice by the City. The Chamber and MMP herein agree that, for purposes of any agreement or agreem~nl s entered into by the Chamber and MMP related to the Project, it is the parties' intent that the City: s an intended third party beneficiary thereto. As such, the Chamber and MMP agree that this lett( r agreement shall be attached and incorporated to any agreement or agreements that the Chamber an :l MMP may enter into with regard to the Project. Should the above terms reflect your understanding of the agreement among the City, tn e Chamber, and MMP, please acknowledge and have s~e duly witnessed in the space provde:l below. This letter shall be enforceable in Dade County, Florida, and if legal action is necessar:l b V any party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclmh e venue for the enforcement of same shall lie in Dade County, Florida. Upon execution of this Letter Agreement by all parties, an original copy will be provided t) you. On behalf of the City, we look forward to working with the Chamber and MMP on the abc )Vl - referenced Project. MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF CO By: ~___. inger, Pr~t Witness: 4{-d?~ 27A.';:~!'-f/1- .c-'h.~ t '2 c.f) (J J rt. ;; It ,nu !1'l cf O)r.J 11//... t _ . I. ) cc: Ronnie Singer James Quinlan f:lattolagurlagreemntlmmpchmbr.ltr Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager ,( '-'-- 2 :?'2cJ.73 - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COM:MISSION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF $12,500 FROM THE CITY-WIDE SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNT, TO MATCH A CONTRIBUTION OF $12,500 FROM THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMl\1ERCE, THROUGH THE PILLARS FUND, AND A CONTRIBUTION OF $12,500 FROM PRIVATE SECTOR FUNDING, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $37,500, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY ON THE mSTORY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN. AGREEMENT WITH THE .MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MILEMARKER PRODUCTIONS, AS THE PRODUCER OF THE DOCUMENTARY, WHEREBY THE COl\1PLETED DOCUMENTARY SHALL BE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) has offered to as~isl in producing and funding a historical documentary of the City, to be produced by Milemarj :er Productions; and WHEREAS, the completed project will be the sole property of the City; and WHEREAS, the City will also be given and have rights to all of the out-takes not wed in the final documentary; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the project is $37,500; and WHEREAS, the Chamber will pay $25,000 toward the total cost of the project, w th $12,500 to come from the Pillars Fund and $12,500 from private sector contributions, and 1 as requested that the City contribute $12,500 toward same; and WHEREAS, as a condition to its contribution, the City will enter into an agreement w th the Chamber and Milemarker Productions, wherein the parties agree that the completed pwje :t, including all out-takes not used in the final documentary, shall become the sole property eft le City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND en Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and C ty Commission herein approve and authorize an expenditure of $12,500 from the City-wide Spec al Projects Account to match a contribution of $12,500 from the Miami Beach Chamber Jf Commerce, through the Pillars Fund, and a contribution of $12,500 from private sector fundin~, for a total of $37,500, for the purpose of creating a television documentary on the history )f EXHIBIT A ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH CIlY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 3 -Gj '] Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: Februall 5,1997 Jose Garcia-pedrosaHA City Manager liP , I' i /. _.. A RESOLUTI<p~ OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COl\1l\1I,sS (ON APPROVING AM:> AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF $12,500 FROM THE CITY -WIDE SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNT, TO MA'l'CH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THROUGH THE PILLARS FUND, AND FROM PRlV,lTE SECTOR FUNDING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A TELEVISfON DOCUMENTARY ON THE IllSTORY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTllER AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREE:MENTWITH THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MILEMARl':ER PRODUCTIONS, AS THE PRODUCER OF THE DOCUMENTA RY, WHEREBY THE COMPLETED DOCUMENTARY SHALL BE THE S( .LE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. ADMINISTRA nON RECOMMENDATION Approve the resolution. BACKGROUND The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce has offered to assist in producing and furdLlg a historical video documentary of our city to be produced by Milemarker Productions. V' hen completed, this film will depict the roots of Miami Beach, its ethnic origins, growth and tray iils, the diversity of its peoples and cultures, its enrichment over the decades, and now its impc>rtmce as a dynamic and growing city. Producer Tom Glennon and Videographer Joel Kaplan are an Emmy Award-winning tt. am. Professor Paul George, History Professor at Miami Dade Community College WolfsonCanDus, will be the consultant on the project to oversee its accuracy and contents, and will work witt the City I s Historic Preservation Department. The completed project will be the sole property of the City of Miami Beach. The city will also be given rights to all of the out-takes not used in the final documentary. The television distribution of the documentary will be coordinated by Milemarker Produeti >ns. It has the potential for presentation by one of the local PBS stations for distribution natioll'~, ide. The documentary can also be aired on local cable charmels, such as Metro-Dade Charmel 3.:. It can also be distributed for educational purposes at libraries and schools, and used for marketing. AGENDA ITEM c.. 1-A_ 7...-<;/) +- 22 DATE MILEMARKER PRODUCTIONS, INC., 5411 Pierce Street, Hollywood, Florida 33021 phone/fax (954) 966-5758 4/8/97 AGREEMENT between Milemarker Productions, Inc., A Florida Corporation, located at 5411 Pierce Street, Hollywood, Florida, 33021 and the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillars for the production of a twenty four minute (24:00) professionally produced documentay to be created by MMP on the history of Miami Beach and its place in contemporary Ameriea. This program will ~e a genuine historical television story of Miami Beach and the remarkable men and women who have brought it to its place of prominence. Professor Pad George, highly regarded local historian, and a Miami Beach expert, will be an active participant in the preparation of the materials and will maintain the documentary's accuracy and relevanc~. He will review all interviews, the working script and the final script for accuracy and content. He will liaise with a designated representative from the City of Miami Beach Historic Preserva1 iOI 1 Department and a designated representative from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillars. The budget will be $37,500, 20 percent of which will be payable on 1st day ofprincipd photography, 20 percent on the last day of principal photography and the remaining 60 pen:er t upon completion and delivery of one BET A SP Master edited tap and three VHS tapes to the Chamber of Commerce Pillars within nine months of the agreement signing. The Pillars \\ ill have unlimited use of these tapes for non-commercial, promotional uses only. The initial distribution will be facilitated by Milemarker Productions and distribution should be to all F B~ " county and municipal stations in this region followed by distribution state and nationwide by a PBS affillate. This program can be also used on commercial stations and will be edited for jm t such an eventuality. A condensed, six minute version of this program will also be produced for distributi on to television stations and for promotional purposes at no extra cost. The same strict adherenc e t J fact and quality will apply to this short from documentary. . While MMP is contracting with the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillars for th;, production of this documentary, it is a provision of this agreement that the City of Miami Bea:h will be the sole owner of this program. Milemarker Productions, Inc., will have no claim to tI e documentary or any of its parts. MMP will, without c rge, advise the City of Miami Beac h . .s to the best means of distribution and the possibilitie foreign markets. -/t L '----- ~~ Tom Glennon, Executive Producer, Milemarker Productions, Inc. Date Miami Beach, Chamber of Commerce Pillars Date CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1_' ============= I-=: -- Ir:::::___ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (31'i5) 173-7010 FAX: (3115) i73-7782 March 21, 1997 o ::::-'" _l.... "C \ -.I ",;) ~..,.,\\ -:;';' '"" r:> rC\ -- "/ w_.. Bruce Singer President Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 1920 Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 o Ie' \,', "J S,:;,;:: '!. .~. (..0 o -f" -t\ :? tJ'\ C1' f"i\ cJ ,::') I'" Mile Marker Productions, Inc. 5411 Pierce Street Hollywood, Florida 33021 Attn: Tom Glennon, Executive Producer Re: Documentary of the City of Miami Beach to be produced by Mile Mar ke r Productions, Inc. (Project) Dear Mssrs. Singer and Glennon: This Letter Agreement shall confirm the understanding among the City of Miami Bead, Florida (City); the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce and Miami Beach Chamber ofCommerc ~ Pillars (collectively, the Chamber); and Mile Marker Productions, Inc.(MMP) with regard to th ~ City's rights and interests as pertaining to the above-referenced Project. Pursuant to Resolution No. ~17 -););;;'1;:; (Resolution), as adopted by the Mayor and Cit T Commission at their regular meeting on CJ . 5 , 1997, and attached and incorporatel j a ; Exhibit A hereto, the parties herein acknowledge that the Chamber and MMP shall enter into a 1 agreement for the production of a historical documentary on the history of Miami Beach and it ; place in contemporary America; said Project having an estimated total cost of $37,500.00. Accordingly, pursuant to the attached Resolution, the City agrees to contribute the sum 0 f $12,500.00, in the form of a matching contribution, toward completion ofthe Project. The Cityl; contribution, however, is subject to and conditioned upon the Chamber's matching contribution 0 f $25,000.00; thereby totaling the $37,500.00 necessary for completion of the Project (ane a; specifically set forth in the attached Resolution). Additionally, pursuant to the Resolution, the City's contribution is specifically made su~iec: to and conditioned upon the Chamber and MMP's agreement and acknowledgement herein tha1 al I copies ofthe completed documentary, in whole or in part, including but not limited to any outtal:es, additional footage, condensed versions, promotional tapes, or any other audio-visual or wril:te 1 materials, footage, or other documents associated with the production and completion of the Proj ec , shall become the sole property of the City upon completion and/or termination of the Project. Upon completion and/or termination of the Project, MMP and/or the Chamber shall, upo 1 written notice from the City, immediately assemble and deliver to the City all of the abovE- referenced materials and documents related to the Project; in no event, shall such delivery pe:'io 1 exceed a period of thirty (30) days from the date of written notice by the City. The Chamber and MMP herein agree that, for purposes of any agreement or agreeffii.~nt ~ entered into by the Chamber and MMP related to the Project, it is the parties' intent that the City i ~ an intended third party beneficiary thereto. As such, the Chamber and MMP agree that this kttE r agreement shall be attached and incorporated to any agreement or agreements that the Chamber an 1 MMP may enter into with regard to the Project. Should the above terms reflect your understanding of the agreement among the City, th ~ Chamber, and MMP, please acknowledge and have s~e duly witnessed in the space provide 1 below. This letter shall be enforceable in Dade County, Florida, and if legal action is necess~r b 1 any party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclu;iv ~ venue for the enforcement of same shall lie in Dade County, Florida. Upon execution of this Letter Agreement by all parties, an original copy will be provided t ) you. On behalf of the City, we look forward to working with the Chamber and MMP on the abovE- referenced Project. Vry~ ose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MILE MARKER PRODUCTIONS, INC. By: Witness: ~ctf~L ?3ltl5tu1 ,.,-, ,-n JllfnALir'1../ '!lrVA rid cc: Ronnie Singer James Quinlan Witness: r ,;:? "'-, .,,-. f:lattolagurlagreemnt\mmpchmbr.ltr 2 ...~ ~_;:J.. .- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITI' HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. L:: 3 -CJ 7 Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: February 5, : 997 Jose Garcia-Pedrosa 1.H' City Manager rP ~/J./ _0. A RESOLUTI .' OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSI ()N APPROVING AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF $12,500 F'ROM THE CITY-WIDE SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNT, TO MAT(~H CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THROUGH THE PILLARS FUND, AND FROM PRIV ATE SECTOR FUNDING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A TELEVlSION DOCUMENTARY ON THE IllSTORY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT 'VI rH THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MILEMARK ER PRODUCTIONS, AS THE PRODUCER OF THE DOCUMENTAI'.:~Y, WHEREBY THE COMPLETED DOCUMENTARY SHALL BE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the resolution. BACKGROUND The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce has offered to assist in producing and funcllin.~ a historical video documentary of our city to be produced by Milemarker Productions. W len completed, this film will depict the roots of Miami Beach, its ethnic origins, growth and tr,.va, Us, the diversity of its peoples and cultures, its enrichment over the decades, and now its impo::ta Ice as a dynamic and growing city. Producer Tom Glennon and Videographer Joel Kaplan are an Emmy Award-winning te~m. Professor Paul George, History Professor at Miami Dade Community College WolfsonCamrus, will be the consultant on the project to oversee its accuracy and contents, and will work with the City's Historic Preservation Department. The completed project will be the sole property of the City of Miami Beach. The city wi! ,Iso be given rights to all of the out-takes not used in the final documentary. The television distribution of the documentary will be coordinated by Milemarker ProductiolS. It has the potential for presentation by one of the local PBS stations for distribution nation wi je. The documentary can also be aired on local cable channels, such as Metro-Dade Channel :14. It can also be distributed for educational purposes at libraries and schools, and used for marketing. AGENDA ITEM c.. '11~- -:2. - S..ct.~ 22 DATE RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF $12,500 FROM THE CITY-WIDE SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCOUNT, TO MATCH A CONTRIBUTION OF $12,500 FROM THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THROUGH THE PILLARS FUND, AND A CONTRIBUTION OF $12,500 FROM PRIVATE SECTOR FUNDING, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $37,500, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY ON THE HISTORY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO AN. AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MILEMARKER PRODUCTIONS, AS THE PRODUCER OF THE DOCUMENTARY, WHEREBY THE COl\1PLETED DOCUMENTARY SHALL BE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. 'WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) has offered to as~ is! in producing and funding a historical documentary of the City, to be produced by Milemarl:er Productions; and 'WHEREAS, the completed project will be the sole property of the City; and WHEREAS, the City will also be given and have rights to all of the out-takes not m ed in the final documentary; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the project is $37,500; and WHEREAS, the Chamber will pay $25,000 toward the total cost of the project, w th $12,500 to come from the Pillars Fund and $12,500 from private sector contributions, and t as requested that the City contribute $12,500 toward same; and . WHEREAS, as a condition to its contribution, the City will enter into an agreement w th the Chamber and Milemarker Productions, wherein the parties agree that the completed pr(lje :t, including all out-takes not used in the final documentary, shall become the sole property eft le City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND ell Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and C ty Commission herein approve and authorize an expenditure of $12,500 from the City-wide Spec al Projects Account to match a contribution of $12,500 from the Miami Beach Chamber :>f Commerce, through the Pillars Fund, and a contribution of $12,500 from private sector fundir.,~, for a total of $37,500, for the purpose of creating a television documentary on the history )f EXHIBIT A MILEMARKER PRODUCTIONS, INe., 5411 Pierce Street, Hollywood, Florida 33021 phone/fax (954) 966-5758 4/8/97 AGREEMENT between Milemarker Productions, Inc., A Florida Corporation, locatfd at 5411 Pierce Street, Hollywood, Florida, 33021 and the Miami Beach Chamber ofCommen;e Pillars for the production of a twenty four minute (24:00) professionally produced documenta y to be created by MMP on the history of Miami Beach and its place in contemporary America. This program will be a genuine historical television story of Miami Beach and the remarkable men and women who have brought it to its place of prominence. Professor Paul George, highly regarded local historian, and a Miami Beach expert, will be an active participart in the preparation of the materials and will maintain the documentary's accuracy and relevar'.ce He will review all interviews, the working script and the final script for accuracy and content. :Ie will liaise with a designated representative from the City of Miami Beach Historic PreservatiOI Department and a designated representative from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillars. The budget will be $37,500, 20 percent of which will be payable on 1st day ofprinc.pa.l photography, 20 percent on the last day of principal photography and the remaining 60 perc:en: upon completion and delivery of one BET A SP Master edited tap and three VHS tapes to tle Chamber of Commerce Pillars within nine months of the agreement signing. The Pillars will have unlimited use of these tapes for non-commercial, promotional uses only. The initial distribution will be facilitated by Milemarker Productions and distribution should be to all PB~, county and municipal stations in this region followed by distribution state and nationwide b;, a PBS affiliate. This program can be also used on commercial stations and will be edited for, us: such an eventuality. A condensed, six minute version of this program will also be produced for distributi In to television stations and for promotional purposes at no extra cost. The same strict adherenc:l t, ) fact and quality will apply to this short from documentary. . While MMP is contracting with the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillars for th ~ production of this documentary, it is a provision of this agreement that the City of Miami B,each will be the sole owner of this program. Milemarker Productions, Inc., will have no claim to tbe documentary or any of its parts. MMP will, without charge, advise the City of Miami Beach as to the best means of distribution and the possibilities f foreign markets. ~~ ~L~ Tom Glennon, Executive Producer, Milemarker Productions, Inc. Date Miami Beach, Chamber of Commerce Pillars Date