090-2001 LTC
L.T.C. No. q D - eJOO I
May 6, 2001
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzale\~lPk-'"
City Manager ~-l.)
The City of Miami Beach has initiated work on improvements to the public right of way and parks
on Sunset Islands I & II. Available funding for neighborhood improvements, which includes Islands
I, II, III & IV entails Stormwater 2000 Bonds, $583,749, Water & Sewer 2000 Bonds, $2,323,349
and General Obligation Bonds, $200,000. Plans and design of these improvements are part of the
Bayshore and Sunset Islands Infrastructure Contract, which will be presented to the Commission on
May 16th.
Prior to the initiation of these extensive improvements, the City has been working with the Sunset
Islands I & II Homeowner's Association to implement a number of priority projects, including
entrance and park improvements. The projects have been somewhat delayed as delineated in Ms.
Sharp stein's letter of April 26th (attached.)
The City has taken steps to expedite the improvements to the Park and entryway and has notified
CH2M Hill, the selected A & E firm for the Bayshore neighborhood to prioritize the right of way
improvements for the Sunset Islands, with planning and design to begin this summer.
The Homeowner's Association original request consisted of the removal of the utility pole behind the
existing guardhouse and the construction of a third lane at the 29th Street entrance to Sunset Islands
I & II. The pole removal was required prior to the construction of the third lane. The utility pole
removal and associated utility relocations have now been completed.
On November 6, 2000, the General Obligation Bonds Oversight Committee recommended the
allocation of$35,000 for the construction of the proposed third lane from the $200,000 GO Bond
allocation for the Sunset Islands. Since that time, the Homeowner's Association has requested that
a kiosk (guardhouse) be provided within the right of way at the center of the road and that major
landscaping improvements be included in the project.
Letter to Commission
May 6,2001
Sunset Islands I & II Status Report
Page 2
City staff has completed the design of the proposed project, which includes roadway, landscaping,
and irrigation improvements. Provisions for the proposed kiosk include ADA accessibility features,
reinforced concrete pad, and required utility relocations (electrical and telephone). Construction is
scheduled to begin in June 2001 at an estimated construction cost of$85,000.
On May 14, 2001, the General Obligation Bonds Oversight Committee will review a request for an
additional allocation of $50,000 for the construction of the project. The total estimated cost of
$85,000 is broken down as follows: $50,000 for roadway improvements (including kiosk provisions)
and $35,0000 for landscape and irrigation features.
Upon completion of the third lane construction, the Homeowner's Association will obtain the
approvals and permits required for the construction of the new Kiosk and associated security gates,
at their expense.
As to the landscaping/park improvements, please find the following 2001 schedule of events
concerning Sunset Islands I & II entrance and Sunset Island II Park:
January 12 John Oldenburg, Assistant Parks Department Director, and Dale Bryant, Landscape
Architect, met with Janice Sharpstein, President of the Sunset Islands I & II
Homeowner's Association, to discuss preliminary ideas for the entrance to Sunset
Islands 1&11 and to inquire about Sunset II Park site plan developed and approved by
the residents of Sunset Islands 1&11. Mr. Oldenburg and Mr. Bryant informed Ms.
Sharpstein ofthe following:
- Parks and Recreation would not begin drafting a planting plan for the new
entrance until Public Works had completed final drawings for the proposed entry.
- Parks and Recreation was in receipt of the Sunset II Park plan developed and
approved by the residents of Sunset Islands 1&11. Mr. Bryant requested to meet
with the author of the schematic plan, Ms. Wendy St. Laurent, to discuss possible
adjustments and/or additions he may recommend making to the plan. It was stated
by Ms. Sharp stein that design work for the park should be coordinated with Ms.
Carol Dan, Sunset Island II resident.
Mr. Bryant called Ms. Dan and Ms. St. Laurent. The initial meeting between these
three individuals was set for February 1, 2001.
February 1 Mr. Oldenburg and Mr. Bryant met with Ms. Dan and Ms. St. Laurent to determine
the degree of flexibility to make adjustments to the plan as submitted and to inquire
about the details and intentions of some generally labeled elements in the schematic
plan. The meeting was productive and provided needed information. Mr. Bryant
informed Ms. Dan and Ms. St. Laurent that in approximately two weeks he would
provide them with some preliminary ideas for plant species selection. Ms. Dan and
Ms. St. Laurent agreed to provide some information by the following week on
prefabricated gazebo choices they were partial to so the basic footprint could be
worked into the plan spatially.
Letter to Commission
May 6, 2001
Sunset Islands I & II Status Report
Page 3
February 27
March 1
March 5
March 16
March 29
March 29
April 2
Ms. St. Laurent called Mr. Bryant to request of copy of the planting plan for Sunset
Island II park, stating that it would be presented and reviewed by Sunset Islands 1&11
residents at a March 1 evening meeting. Mr. Bryant informed Ms. St. Laurent that a
preliminary plan would be hand-delivered to her on March 1 at 4:30p.m., Ms. Dan,
Ms. St. Laurent, and Mr. Bryant were to meet on site at Sunset n park to review the
Mr. Bryant met with Ms. Dan and Ms. St. Laurent at Sunset II park to submit and
review a preliminary draft of the planting plan, conforming to the plan drafted and
approved by the residents, with minor changes and additions. The following new
issues were discussed:
- siting alignment of the proposed gazebo, new "entry" palms at the north end oftbe
park, and siting of the park sign and how it should be juxtaposed to the alignment
ofthe road.
- it was determined that a ground survey was needed of the site. The option was
given to hire an outside survey firm to perform this task, or have this task handled
by Mr. Bryant. It was decided by all that Mr. Bryant would perform the survey.
- some of the existing palms in the park are a generic species of date palm, not
canariensis species, and a recommendation was made by Mr. Bryant to alter the
south end of the plan as submitted, which would generally reflect the north end of
the park. The preliminary planting plan was presented to the homeowners
association at a monthly meeting that night.
Mr. Bryant was informed that the preliminary planting plan with proposed species
selection was accepted by the residents as submitted. Also, the residents agreed to
Mr. Bryant's recommendation of reducing the gazebo footprint from 24' to
approximately 16'. Mr. Bryant advised he would proceed as planned with the spatial
survey of the park.
Ms. St. Laurent called to inquire about the progress of the ground survey. Mr. Bryant
informed her that it was approximately 50% complete. An approximate schedule of
2 weeks was agreed to by Ms. St. Laurent and Mr. Bryant as an acceptable date for the
ground survey. It was agreed that the planting plan (landscaping portion) and
installation could be completed and installed without interfering with a later gazebo
installation. Both parties agreed that Ms. St. Laurent would inquire every two weeks
as to the park's progress and verbal progress reports would be given.
Ground survey was complete.
Mr. Bryant was asked, via interoffice e-mail, to attend a meeting with Ms. Janice
Sharp stein and Ms. Nikki Baron concerning the addition of a third lane to the
guardhouse area at the entrance to Sunset Islands I & II. Mr. Bryant responded with
an inquiry as to the anticipated agenda and whether anything particular was needed
from him at this meeting.
Mr. Bryant was asked to provide landscape plans for the 29th St. third lane project by
Ruth Rahmani, Capital Projects Coordinator, via interoffice e-mail. Mr. Bryant
responded via telephone conversation with Ms. Rahmani that he would prepare a
preliminary plan for this project.
Letter to Commission
May 6,2001
Sunset Islands I & II Status Report
Page 4
April 13
April 16
April 18
April 20
April 27
April 30
May 2
Ms. Rahmani and Mr. Bryant met with Ms. Sharp stein and Ms. Nikki Baron to review
plans for the proposed entrance to Sunset Islands 1 & II. Mr. Bryant informed Ms.
Sharp stein and Ms. Baron that in order to have the planting and irrigation plans
complete by their suggested 4/20/01 deadline, all other projects he was working on
and/or involved with would have to be put on hold, including Sunset Island II park.
They requested this be done. Mr. Bryant met one on one with Ms. Baron that
afternoon at 4:00 to revise plant selection and placement to her liking.
A meeting was held between Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager, Kevin
Smith, Parks Department Director, Mr. Oldenburg, Michael Alvarez, Assistant Public
Works Director, Ms. Rahmani and Mr. Bryant to discuss progress and schedule for
Sunset Islands I & II entrance and Sunset Island II Park. It was agreed that these two
projects would be an absolute priority. Mr. Schwartz set an April 20, 2001 deadline
for the design of the 29th Street entrance to Sunset Islands I & II.
Mr. Bryant met with Ms. Baron and Ms. St. Laurent at Ms. Baron's house to review
the revised planting plan. Additional revisions were requested. A request for
Japanese Fern Trees along the proposed third lane was given. Mr. Bryant advised Ms.
Baron and Ms. St. Laurent of the potential conflict of using this species in the size of
planting area provided. Ms. Baron and Ms. St. Laurent were cognizant of the
potential conflict with vehicular and pedestrian (ADA) traffic, and requested Mr.
Bryant to explore other "tropical" species alternatives, as well as available sizes of
Japanese Fern Tree.
At approximately 6: 15p.m., Mr. Bryant hand delivered a revised set of drawings, that
included the entry layout, siting of the proposed kiosk, revised planting plan inclusive
of Ms. Baron's and Ms. St. Laurent's requests, and an irrigation plan, to the on-duty
guard at the Sunset Islands I & II entrance. Both verbal and written instructions were
given to deliver these documents to Ms. Janice Sharp stein immediately.
Ms. Sharpstein, Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Oldenburg, Mr. Alvarez, and Mr. Bryant met and
discussed additional requested revisions to the Sunset Islands I & II entrance plans.
It was agreed that another set of revised plans, inclusive of requests by Ms.
Sharpstein, would be delivered on 4/30/01. It was also agreed that Mr. Bryant would
deliver the planting plans for Sunset Island II park on May 15, providing there were
no more revisions to the Sunset Islands I & II entrance plans required.
At approximately 4:15 p.m. the revised set of plans and one copy each of technical
specifications for irrigation system 02810 and trees/shrubs/groundcover/other
ornamentals 02910 were hand delivered to the on-duty guard with verbal and written
instructions to deliver immediately to Ms. Janice Sharpstein.
CAD Planting Plan for Sunset Island II Park 80% complete.
Letter to Commission
May 6,2001
Sunset Islands I & II Status Report
Page 5
May 15
Mr. Bryant agreed to have the planting plan completed and ready for the homeowners
association review and approval by 5/15/01, based on the schematic plan drawn and
approved by the Sunset Islands 1&11 residents and the accepted changes included in
the preliminary plan submitted for review and approval on March 1, and additional
comments by Ms. Baron and Ms. St. Laurent given on April 18. If any additional
revisions are requested by the homeowners association after this submittal, additional
time will be required to incorporate these changes.
Damage to the existing roads has been caused by extensive traffic of construction- related vehicles
and equipment. Private construction activity within the Islands is still ongoing. Additionally,
infrastructure improvements are required on the islands, including approximately $583,749 of
drainage improvements and $2,323,349 of water main and subaqueous forcemain improvements.
As to signage improvements, the Homeowner's Association's original request was that one-way street
signs be placed throughout the islands and that decorative street signage be installed. City staff has
worked closely with Mr. Muhammed Hasan, Chief of Traffic and Highway Engineering for Miami-
Dade County regarding this request. Mr. Hasan would not agree to one-way signs throughout the
island. However, one-way signs have been placed around the park. Additional signage improvements,
such as decorative street signage features, would have to be included in the streetscape portion of the
upcoming Bayshore Neighborhood Improvements Project.
The Bayshore Neighborhood Improvements Project will incorporate the necessary infrastructure
improvements within Sunset Islands I & II as well as additional streetscape improvements, within
funding limitations. This portion of the proj ect will be constructed separately, in order to prioritize
the improvements within Sunset Islands I & II.
Authorization for the planning effort is scheduled on today's agenda. The planning effort should last
approximately 23 weeks. Upon completion of the planning effort, negotiations will begin for the other
phases of the project. Until such improvements have been constructed, the Public Works Department
will schedule the City's asphalt contractor to patch and repair severely damaged areas, as needed.
In summary, City staff has been working diligently to meet the needs of the Sunset Islands I & II
Homeowner's Association. The entrance improvements are proceeding, with construction to begin
in June and the remaining improvements will be included in the Bayshore Neighborhood
Improvements Project, which is also proceeding as scheduled. Please note that severe funding
limitations exist which may not allow for full funding of requested streetscape improvements. In the
meantime, City staff will continue to address required restorations on an as-needed basis.
01 ;.::: 27 ~JI12:: j
HAY 0 f<,' CO~11'11 ss.
TELEPHONE (3US) 577-4860
FACSIMILE (3US) 577-0313
April 26, 2001
Mayor Neisen Kasdin
City of Miami Beach
Officer of the Mayor & Cornrnissioners
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
RE: Sunset Islands I and II
Dear Mayor Kasdin:
As you know, I along with several rnernbers of our community, have worked for
the past several years to rernedy long-standing problerns which plague Sunset Islands I
and II. To that end, we have: I) held neighborhood rneetings; 2) obtained community
input; 3) prioritized problerns; and, 4) presented possible
solutions for a comrnunity vote. Once a consensus was obtained, we rnet with various
city department heads. We also rnade requisite presentations to obtain all available GOB
Thereafter, we were advised that long-overdue irnprovernents (including a rnajor
irnprovernent of the island entryway) would be irnplernented within rnonths. So would
proposed park irnprovernents. Neither was ever done. Nor were many long overdue
rnaintenance rnatters.
Regardless, I continued to rnet with the public works department, the parks
department, the City Manager's Office, BellSouth, and, Florida Power and Light. I
continue to do so still. Every tirne I arn rnet with prornises. None have been fulfilled.
Last year, I was told that the island entryway irnprovernents would be completed in June
2000. Then it was to be completed in August 2000. When in the fall, the project had not
yet even started, I once again appeared before the City Cornrnission.
Once again, I was told that our long-overlooked projects would be given priority.
Yet again, however, I have been sorely disappointed. Now, it is alrnost June 2001, and
we are facing yet another year, another surnrner, and another series of unfulfilled
Throughout this year, I have continued to rneet with and speak to, Mike Alvarez,
Ruth Rahmani, John Oldenberg, Dale Bryant and Matthew Schwartz. Each has been
responsive. All have indicated a willingness to cornplete these projects for us. Yet,
nothing gets accomplished.
Instead, we get excuses. As to the huge potholes in the streets, we are told they
will not be fixed until after the slated sewer/drainage repairs are finished (two to three
years hence.) As to irnprovernents at the entryway, we are now told they will begin in
June 2001. As to park improvernents, (for which we outlined a design sorne time ago),
we were told that the landscaping departrnent could not yet prepare the final design
because: (I) they were busy with other projects; and, (2) La Gorce Island had a problern
with their palrn trees, so we would have to wait.
Well, we have waited. In fact, we have waited several years. During that time, we
have watched our streets worsen and our neighborhood deteriorate. Palrn trees that line
our entryway are falling over or dying. Potholes have become craters. Street edges are
crurnbling. And, there still are no speed signs to protect our pedestrians, rnany of whom
are children. There are also rnissing street signs. And, still there is no sign oflong-
prornised irnprovernents to our park and entryway.
I believe we have waited long enough. So do the neighbors whose signatures
follow on the enclosed petition. Therefore, I once again, request that this itern be placed
on the next cornrnission agenda. .
[,-ery truly yours, , ' ','
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Cornmissioner Matti Herre~
Cornmissioner Sirnon Cruz
Cornrnissioner David Dermer
Cornrnissioner Luis R. Garcia Jr.
Cornmissioner Nancy Liebrnan
Cornrnissioner Jose Srnith
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Author: paulineWalters at C-H-PO
Date: 4/30/01 4:33 PM
Priority: Normal
Receipt Requested
TO: JohnOldenburg, KevinSmith, MichaelAlvarez
CC: MaxSklar
BCC: paulineWalters
Subject: Sunset Islands I & II
Can you please provide me with an update resulting from your meeting
last week with this lady.
Thank you.
Forward Header
Sunset Islands I & II
MaxSklar at C-H-PO
4/30/01 9:00 AM
Mayor Kasdin and the City Commission just received a letter from
Janice Sharpstein, President of the Sunset Islands I & II Homeowners
Association. The letter basically states that the improvements that
were promised for their islands were never made.
She requests that this item be placed on the next commission agenda.
Please give me an update on this matter so that I can update the Mayor
before he responds.
Thank you,