Emails from Jose Cruz and Robert ParcherPage 1 of 1
Parcher, Robert
From: Cruz, Jose
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2:21 PM
To: Parcher, Robert; Brooks, Kathie
Cc: Chartrand, Jorge; Donoso, Gabriel; Vieira, Thais; Carlson, Carmen
Subject: RE: Construction 10th Street Auditorium /Beach Patrol Headquarters
Importance: High
Please process, it's being funded from previously appropriated County G~ bond funds.
From: Parcher, Robert
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 5:58 PM
To: Brooks, Kathie; Cruz, Jose
Cc: Chartrand, Jorge
Subject: Construction 10th Street Auditorium /Beach Patrol Headquarters
Kathie/Jose, have you had a chance to review the expenditure on the above project? Jorge needs the contract
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel 305-673-7411 i Fax: 305-673-7254 / www rniarnibeachfl gov
We are committed to providing exceNent public service and safety to all who live. work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
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Hernandez, Kerry
From: Parcher, Robert
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:02 AM
To: Brooks, Kathie; Cruz, Jose
Cc: Hernandez, Kerry
Subject: Renovation & Construction of 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol HQ.
I have been given the agreement below in the amount of $6,222,500.
As you can see from the title of the Resolution below and the actual Resolution, See Laserfiche, there is no amount.
Before I sign and release I want to let you know.
June 6, 2007
11:55:44 a.m.
R7A A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager Pursuant To Request For Qualifications
(RFQ) No. 29-06/07, For A Construction Manager At Risk Firm To Provide Pre-Construction Services For The
Renovation And Construction Of The 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters Project; Authorizing The
Administration To Enter Into Negotiations With The Top-Ranked Firm Of MCM Corp. For Pre-Construction Services,
And Should The Administration Not Be Able To Negotiate An Agreement For Pre-Construction Services With MCM
Corp., Authorizing The Administration To Negotiate With The Second-Ranked Firm Of Soares Da Costa, And
Should The Administration Not Be Able To Negotiate An Agreement With Soares Da Costa, Authorizing The
Administration To Negotiate With The Third-Ranked Firm Of Jasco Construction Company; And Upon Completion
Of The Pre-Construction Services, Authorizing The Administration To Enter Into Negotiations To Amend The
Agreement With A Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) For The Construction Services With The Selected Firm For
Pre-Construction Services; Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute A Professional Services
Agreement Upon Conclusion Of Successful Negotiations By The Administration.
(Capital Improvement Projects)
ACTION: Resolution No. 2007-26569 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Bower; seconded by Vice-Mayor
Gongora; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Libbin. Jorge Chartrand to handle.
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7411 /Fax: 305-673-72541 www.miamibeach~oy
We aye cornmitted to providing excellent public service and safety to at! who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community