LTC 241-2008 Anchoring and Mooring Public Meeting~ '••,
TO. M yqr, att • erre Bower and emaers of the City Commission
FROM: JO a M. Gonzalez, City Manage
DATE: September 22, 2008
The purpose of this LTC is to follow up on LTC No. 217-2008, which notified the Mayor and
City Commission of a public workshop which took place on September 9, 2008 in
Clearwater. A second public workshop regarding draft legislative proposal will take place in
Date & Time: October 1, 2008, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Location: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Marine Science Center Auditorium
Attached, please find the meeting agenda, communication from the City Attorney's Office
transmitting preliminary comments regarding the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's
(FW C) 2009 vessel management legislative proposal, and a copy of Draft 4 of the proposal.
If you have any comments or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact
'9 E~-
c: Executive Staff
Jose Smith, City Attorney
Gary M. Held, First Assistant City Attorney
Fred Beckmann, Public Works Director
Kevin Crowder, Economic Development Director
Attachments: ~., ,~,
October 1, 2008 Meeting Agenda =~
September 8, 2008 letter to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Comrxissipy 7~
Draft 4, FWC Legislative Proposal ~ ~ ''^rT
~" N •~)
- W ,~
(h 'G '~
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Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission -'_ ',i.h -
Anchoring, Mooring, and Vessel Management Draft Legislation
October 1, 2008 -University of Miami
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
a) Introductions - FWC Staff
b) Introductions -Participants
c) Announcements
a) Purpose of this meeting -review draft language and
receive public input
b) Input from participants
c) Discussion
SCi~~~'~i ~(~~~~• ~~~~~
f L 0 R I D A
JOSE Sivi1TIY s,~ Telephone: (305) 673-7470
City Attorney Facsimile: (305) 673-7002
September 8, 2008
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
c/o Major Paul Ouellette
620 South Meridian Street
Room 235
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600
2009 Session Legislative Proposal and Draft 4 of Draft Language Concepts
Vessel vlanagement -Anchoring and Mooring
Submitted by Division of Law Enforcement
Dear Chairman and Members of the Commission and FWC staff:
This letter provides preliminary comments to the 2009 Session Legislative
Proposal ("Proposal") and Dtaft 4 of statutory amendment language referred to as Draft
Language Concepts dated approximately September 2, 2008 (`'Draft") concerning
amending State law on anchoring and mooring, circulated and posted by staff of the Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FWC").
The City would like to first thank the FWC staff and other interested persons for
addressing this issue, which has presented problems and about which disputes have arisen
between the rights of boaters and riparian landowners for many years. The result has
been local governments attempting to mediate these disputes through the adoption of
local legislation and enforcement activity. The City reco~izes that this has created
disparate rules across the State, and realizes that one solution is to establish a statewide
set of rules that can be applied uniformly, with appropriate notice to affected boaters and
landowners. This appears to be what the Proposal acid Dram aze seeking to accomplish,
with some recognition to the unique circumstances that a local community may have.
The City believes that the Draft takes an important first step in trying to resolve these
issues. However, the City believes that further consideration needs to be given to the
affect that some members of the boating community have had on riparian landowners and
the unique circumstances existing in communities azound the State. Further, amending
state law will not address the abuse of the exercise of rights provided thereunder.
Unfortunately the coexistence that is needed between boaters and riparian landowners
can only happen whin the exercise of rights provided is accomplished reasonably with
due regard to the rights of others affected by the activity permitted.
1700 Convention Center Drive --Fourth Floor -- Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
c/o Major Paul Ouellette
September 8, 2008
Page 2 of 3
The City submits the following preliminary comments on the Proposal and Draft
1. Draft Section 11: Section 327.46, Florida Statutes, Boating restricted areas.
The Draft establishes in Section I1 specific criteria for the adoption of boating
restricted areas in subsections 327.46(1)(a) and (b). The Proposal, page 4,
recommendation (8) makes clear that the "good cause" necessary to establish boating
restricted areas "should nat include the consideration of compatibility with non-water-
dependent riparian land uses." The Draft and Proposal are consistent as subsections (a)
and (b) exclude any recognition of the impact on upland owners.
The adoption of statewide rules governing anchoring and mooring, however,
creates an opportunity to create a statewide boating restricted area for anchorine that
reasonably prevents boaters from anchoring too close to upland property, preventing their
infringing on .the use and enjoyment by riparian owners of Their upland property. It
seems reasonable to the City that a statewide seiback area be created that puts boaters in
Florida on notice that they should not anchor for extended specified periods of time or
except in emergency or other specified circumstances immediately behind someone's
single family house or other residential property. While reasonable persons may differ as
to the extent of the setback area, it is a subject that deserves discussion and consideration
as part of this amendment process. For purposes of discussion, the City proposes a
setback area be created of 300 feet behind residential properties, in which azea boaters
may not anchor for more thati 12 hours except in emergency circumstances, which the
Draft defines in section 327.46(5}.
'1'hc Draft also proposes language in section 327.46(2)(b), which provides that no
local ordinance may become effective without FWC review and approval. If the statutory
language is sufficiently clear, local ordinances consistent with the statutory criteria
should not need such review and approval.
2. Draft Sections 12 and 13: Sections 327.60, Local regulations; ]imitations,_and
327.61, Anchoring, local regulation, Florida Statutcs.
The Draft proposes to strike the phrase "in navigation" from section 327.60(2),
which it renumbers as 327.60(3), and relies on new section 327.61 to govern local
government regulation of anchoring within its jurisdiction. Subsection 327.61(1)
proposes the 30 consecutive day or 120 day cumulative length of stay provision that
would apply statewide. Subsection 327.61(2) provides fora 3 consecutive day or 10 day
cumulative length of stay provision if the local govemment has provided a mooring field
and satisfies other criteria subject to FWC "determin(ing) that a sufficient number of
public moorings are available to meet the needs of resident and transient vessels."
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
cJo Major Paul Ouellette
September 8, 2008
Page 3 of 3
The City's ordinance regulating anchoring adopted in 2005, copy attached, sets
forth a length of stay provision of "seven (7) consecutive or cumulative days within. a
flurry-day period,'' for vessels that are no longer engaged in the exercise of rights of
navigation, subject to extensive exceptions. See Miami Beach City Code sections 66-
8(b)(1}, (c} and (d). This ordinance was adopted after extensive review of the applicable
case law, other anchoring legislation adopted by local governments throughout Florida,
extensive lobbying by the boating public, and numerous public hearings at which affected
boaters and residents appeazed. It represents a consensus reached locally based upon the
City Commission's weighing the impact on boaters, and the results experienced when
some of them anchor too close to and adversely affect immediately adjacent riparian
landowners. This dispute would not be occurring if all boaters exercised prudent
judgment in the selection of their length of stay and location and behave with due
recognition to the impact they cause. However, we cannot regulate manners. The City
urges the FWC to consider a statutory amendment that is closer to the "seven consecutive
or cumulative days within a thirty day period" that the Miami Beach Ciiy Commission
has adopted, -for the reasons sei forth in the ordinance. It has proven to be a workable
compromise that all affected parties have leazned to live within after adoption.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide these prelimn~azy comments to the
efforts of the FWC, the FWC staff and other interested persons in addressing this issue,
and look forward to further opportunities to discuss tltis matter with you and them.
Thank you
G y eld
first Assistant City Attorney
Cc: Mayor and Members of the City Commission
Jorge Gronzalez, City Manager
Jose Smith, City Attorney
Robert Middaugh, Assistant City Manager
Fred Beckmann, Public Works Director
Kevin Crowder, Economic Development Director
Y:tatwViELGIOcdinances~lnchodnglCotrapo~denceV.•eaer m FWC rc Sept 2 diafl.doc
C E2i`.1~'I' _ >r+~ L 'ti?E 'P ~>' p R~L'I' .. ~.' l: RAF` P 4 ~" l:ii;: _f"'1' _
Be .L Enacted ~o the Lagis lat~ur e of L'ac ate of Merida:
Section 1. ~ 112.19(1) & (2) This section has no effect on boats or boaters.
La+v enforcement officers currently get certain death bcnctl[s if they arc killed in the line of
dory while enforcing traffic la++a or invcstiga[ing trafic accidents. 'Chic section will extend
those benefits to law enlilrcement officers killed iu the line of duh while enlbrcirw boating
laws or investigating boating accidents.
Secrion 1. S'lbsections (_) anc: (2j of :,er,-.ion 112.19,
Florida ::[,atute., 2rr'. ananded to =cad:
.=2.19 -a:v enfo'~ramar.t, correctio_lul, and cotrcctic•n,=.1
orr..~oar.._on officers; i:e&Lf: bui:•:~lits.-
(1) ;^;nenever toad i:, tslis ~ecLicn, ~hc te~7:
(aj "'=IRJ_U_Jc-.O a'edaS c'• Ste'-L8 riCa rd, COI7l[ri1551::a, QCpa L'tl'len-.,
C._`;iS1•~C, r',l T"call, Or <1C~_.C _r =:x a C:: .la Li, n'ltl ll '. ::1311-~, OY'vLt1CY
jJOiltlcdl ~: [IpC:`+1..>1^ll ..- -.3a :i-i::~E, aitL •`al L:Cl(':LO_'E:, =r1-iOlCt.^-„ :?__
Otr:ex Wl:;C engares C..'16 Sr Y'ilGe3 U. _iA +: erILU_:1CT.ea L, •:".O"'.`aCtl Oll3.,
,,^.r C::rx'ECL_GILdi pYCl~•d ~_1On off". ~: P.°'=.
(b) Cap: a:,fcrcement, c:o_'_ectior.a- , ::r ccrractlo.:a
prowa-ion officer" means any •afficar as dafined_n ~;. !'~9~.1~~t1~)
eY' C1;10_O~e(. JT t.'1 a. .4 tF]tE• Ci. ll.'~% (:J11~_1C;dl :: ~i1 .'JCl: tri::1.^,:! ::L ~:1C:
stale, incl~dinq an~,•• ia:a -:-f::rce:ce_:L cLLicer, r_•~'rrectirna=
off_ce_', correct`~nal probatic:; cfLiccr, slate attorne-;•
=n~TP..^:t lCil t::r, Jr j)l; k..L1C :l t't F..:'i:'-r~r l:l ~: r:S ~_C]i:ity_, 'n~_1.';; l' C.Ut.~S
tegt:ire s'.IC:n officer cr cmracyee ~-r; in~~ast.`_g3te, _:ursue,
3~~ret":ead, 2i Y'r'C~: I_, t_Yc'. 1'iSDOYT., Or rlix=lltd_II '~I:SLOJV C.~.` tJP.r5Jr3 'v:h0
arc C'l c. r~eC ... th, .'-.llSl~eCtEQ O` _•~i171'1 1.1:,nC, C:Y G~•n~'_Ct:_•.i OI d
nu l r r .r: yaiaoos
crime; at:d t:lc to-m i-~cl:ldes any ¢ienwcr of a bCl'b d'.sposal t:nit.
whos° prirrlary °espo_lsiaility .s the "acatior., a.:nd_iI:•:, a:;d
dispcsdl rf explosive devices. ^he term al s: inc:udes a:;y
fu11-time otYicer Cr emp-.oyee of tl:e ,Late Cr dliy political
subdivisiol: oL tole SCdt2, Certified p':rs'aant to Ct_api_cr 913,
:•ihose cubes requ_re sccY: :~LLiccr tC serve process or to attend
terns of Circait. o° .,ot:r'.t` cczrt as buili'-.
(::) "InsuranC:~" 'I'°d-~c 1:15.]rancB :iriJCUr'i_CY Lr::2 ~ St.OC1C
Company ..^.r mllt Ual :: J:r[an}' Cr d5F,'eCldtl C•n or P.XC: Y: ~>?1 :yF aUtltCi _'_LC0.
to do l:'J51 nF..SS a= as insurer 1n tn18 Std te.
(d) "tresh p~rsui." means the pursuit oL a gcrsor.~,;ho has
c;;rrrritted or _s reasCnwa_,.• susneCted of ha-.i:-.u col:u:litte•d a
felony, miscemea:,Cr, ,-raff'_,, or boating iraractien, or ~.°iClati:an
ct a county o-' :r.lnicioa= o~c',nar.Ce. The ter:r. deer not i:rfl;r
lnsi.dnt. pll"5lilt, 'Jllt pU_'sL11t i%1thUl_Y. ,.^T.°•3°^na.'~_P. delay.
(7) (a) l"rle sum UL a~C,uUG, ds ad~'asted ~u_st:a-.t .o
paragraph {j), shd-_1 be paid as prcvidvd in th_s section aihen a
.as enforce rent, correr_r_io-.a1, Cr a,rrec-ion<3_ proba_icn o`_"CC r,
'v:hi1A AI".Ca'~Fd in the perL;; r:rdnC:C CL ~ne 0---_~':?"' la.~i F.nf0=cellEllt
dUtleS, 1S c'-CC:QP..CY.alljl .<1ltBd Ur rCCC1±(:S d'1Clij°lC-cl D^Q--y
ir.j•.:ry saaicil resells in ~'ne less o` t..he officer's 1ite, pc:r::i•~:~:c
that sur..:'I Viz::=ir.c is not tnc resu-t of suiCi:ie anQ that suCt:
bodil}• injury is not intent.:ona__y se_t-ir.llictcd.
Nct:ait_lstancinc any Cher nror`_r.`_on of 1_r:,~, i:l no ~:dse s'~all th-
arrClln'. payable '.x_ldcr' th_S SUbSP:`.1'.lOn be less ~?lall tt-:'~' dCtUal
amount stated t_lcrc_n.
(}~) 'Lt:c :url iii 'J~', ~.'~'~..', as ad~'_1GtCd UnC1tY F:d rd:Jra:~h (l),
sha.. be pa>d as pro.`1dCd r:~ I_ Is :;ec-ion tf a law cn'or^Ament,
I)li~il~1' 4: 9/2/2004 2
correcT.iOlal, Or correctional prcbal_ic•n c•--`_^eY is ~cc_~uenCa___~
killed as s~e<:ified i~ ~aragr.=~'n rr:.} <.u]~~ the accil9enta-: death.
1 . 'a a T-esalt. o the 0111::':'' ' ^ . ,.sp:,ns= u• 1c _:>h pars'al t;
2. ~; a result of the 0ffic~t'c re::pcnse t.<; oaat is
reasonably believe~~ t0 Lc a-; e'1'erger~c:~r;
3. i~t the scene of a *_rafiie c:r bc•at.'nq aocident to :.h_ch
tt_e olLiccr has re.=.pcr,ded; or
9. 4•;i]i_e tt.^ r :`=i cer `.. ~nfc:_''-_ny aa:at is reasonably
Y_~r•lic~:ed to be .. ,:__--_ ,,t rc~ ,t,: or crdinan^c.
Th_s sum is in additiol: Co a'V s.:•r prc~ided io.' ir: t;s.ragra~h (a).
1\Oti•:1 tt:~~t3-1:11nq an'T Ott:?r prC ~'l:alC:l C~ 1a.•i~ '.tt r:.^. Ci;.SE ~hcl__ the-.
acllo,ur.l p~~le.'r~1e under T.ais subsec:ic:n be -ess than r:]e acL~_a.
a~r'a'a:,T. s=urea tt:orein.
fc) :f a lava en_Orccment.,, cr corracti_~:r:al
pro:?at_on ollicer, :•:h'.-.e Pngaged ir: the ~:erfcrman::e :;1 ~_hc
O___!]C-__°'S ~a4: P.n.CirC:e[llel:t •~1'.: Y_1.eJ, l:i _.:1 u5:'_a__1' aCd 1`"i `.en-.: C:I1 L:llY
1C___Eda O_ dle`i aS .9 rP. s'.:lt Cf v.1Ci7 ~.]n)a:afU1 aRa l.aeIY 1C•na - dG-.,
the ::cm of $15J, CCC, as adiusted parsuanr. to para:~r-a_]h (j 1 , sha11
bO pai_d as pro~~_ded is !:pis secr_icn. ot:•:_ttata']dinq any ot.he_
provlslcn C•I .av:, rn no ease sha the amoul:t papaa_e !:rder tt:_::
s'J1JSP_. C.%1On be less ~.han the aaua_ amount stated the-~ei_:.
fr.:) St:ct". payn]cnts, pursua:a to tt:c L:rc~. i s' or.s of 1ur~:gr~:f:`'.-
(a), (b1, ar:d (n). ;•:hether scc'.:red by insurance or act, sha11 be
mai'1'_' t.0 tt':e bP_nef _:laSV `.1eSl gnated by :i LI C.II _:1'v: ?'1f.':YCF.T1Fnt,
C.O T'Te Ct l0aal, Ci. CO1 fE'.f::_1Cnc1 JriiA::a .On i--~~ ~ 1CeI lrl Fia lll!:,
si:~_]ed by the otfi~:er anti dc__'::ered to the e:et.loyeY dt:ri=:c tt:<~
f)li.-11' + d: J/?/?008
officer's lifet_rte. IT roc such designation 's rcade, then LL sha_!
be paid Ce the officer's sur•div_nq ch':c <;= children ar.d spotae
l:i C:;Ual DOrY..l i.77.=., sand _i tflC _C ..~ r'O .^; l:rV1~J l:1Q Cfl_1d Or ~~::: 5~,
:Ten to the cEfirer's pa_era oc [:a_e-.ts. 1r a beneficiax,i is not.
des_gnal(~d and ,.here is r.o s'~r•/i'•.;i::g o'`~i1d, spouses, cr _;arcn~,
ther. it. st:a11 be pai(a t.o t''~e ~ f'i~_er's estate.
(e} Such payme:,ts, _~ursuant tc• the pro-ri::icns o_ paragr.yphs
{a} , (ij} , i:,nG (e) , are l n aci.=T.=0I1 LG an_' a:orkeT-s' corrpe:auLion
::r pension ber.=fits amp. arc. excr7pt. from the c1ail:rs ar:d :_len'a-.d.> of
credlLOrS OI 7'.]C~`i 18:•: eR£or::G[Ibjt:I_, 'tprreCtl.Cnal, (i CUrrCCC]Crial
'oroUatior: officer.
(f) If a iU__-t 1Te ld:i* e:,£CrCeII1CIY_, •~O""PCt ic:Tal, O''
corr.~ctional nrohat.ic:i ctLiccr :ehr,• '. ., el:Tp_o.;ed bl ~. state agen::y
i s ki lle;i in CY:c line r.,` cute as a resuit of an act of ':rioler..e
1:1L11CLCC C)`J ~:"~cT.ner JCr;iOn 'v:h;le t.I:e offlCer l.`~ C,nCJaC: °.:i l:, tr:c:
:;er£orrnance of la:•; enforccmecl_ d'~ties or as a res~_:1C cf an
assault ac;ainst the officer ~:,dcr riot ccndit_or.s, tnc sur'; c•-
s;i,rrr ;;hall ac paid, as pr^vided icr in naraq--ap%i (d}, to',.ard
the funeral anc burial exr:cnscs c- such n.£-::__. Such ~oer.ef`_ts
are i:-: addil_on to a ,y ~:-.Ter acne-'__t.s ::h=ch e:cplc,~ec
beneiiciar'es a:-.d de:;cndcnts are enT.it_ed t. tinder tt;e pr;;••~~i"ions
CL the i':OriCerS' :.tiI(TJEI1;3at_On l.,dit Or ar:~ :.`•tYir_x' vtote Or Te:ieral
(c) r,:iy :>'. baivisi::~ c[ t~ne state t`ia! CrTp_o,/s ~_
fell-Lire 1 a:~r enforce:ren! c= `i cer as de__nec, it s. 49 ..C: (~! (:;r a
f•.:11-time correctio:Tal e__i~~er as ce£_uea is ~;•'13.:C(2j ~~~Yo :s
'.tilled in the li:,e o£ cuLy on •ar aft~_ J•_:1,_; 1 , '. ~":', cis c r.a,. I C.
e= an amt of ~<ic;lence ir.flict~ci by anet?',er ~ersor ~~~hile r.he
,_IR-~ i t 4: l/2/2003
ct`tricer -.. er:+agcd in the pe_'fo_mar.oe of lava en'o_cc:re~it duties
C:•r a- a =es"ult c•. an assa'.at a;_li:;st t',e c=='_rer .:rider r_vt;s sau__ pa'_v the en_ire _;rcmium c` the p:ai__•~.a_
s~ubdi'Jisicn's healtYi insurance a:an for the c:eplcvee'r. sl.rvi•ring
spc'ase urlti_ _~~m.arried, and fo_ each depec•de:,t ch__d of tP.e
e:n_;1a,JCC unt.i 1 t:~e ch__a -caches the are of :rra~c•°'_t.y or :mtil tYa=
F.n,~ al tl:e cdlCndaY vear 1I: 'i: t-:l Ct: the Cnl id rE'.a::t:ems: t^~e ~.qP.. a- GJ
1. At the time :-:r -.sae em_.;1c•,'cc's ceath, tY:e c:l__a is
]epe'~den-. upon tt_^ e:rtolc•,Jee -or su_r.~crt; ar.d
~. ^he s~~r~.;i;ing .:h__c ::cnl_nues to be dependet:t Yor
suonc:•t't, a- tt:e sux'~:_••.•_ng ohild is a mull-tim,e aY part-ti:rc
stucent at:d is dependent fox s'_FFort..
(t:) 1. Ttn,J e1-lp lOyer 'n'hiC CT,~i 1.CirS a Llll l-t -Isle ld'N en=0'le nt,
CarreCtl Caai, iJ_ Cv^I"I"P..Ct.iCni;.l Ox'OJa ~-C•n a`f" Cer :Q:U.i, (iII a. aft.cY
Ja:taar 1, _ „5, s'~LLcrs a •oat.a.^,troph_:: _njf_:ry, as defir.e•d in ~.
990.2, S.o=ida Sta~ute- 2(;~2,_n the ]ice of aut shall pa tt:e
entire premi-t::r. cf the emplio'_;er'^ hello: ir.oaran•-e plat; Lcr t`.-,e
'_n]UreCY eR1p1Cj'ee, the 1I:]L.rCd '.'.:7'pl.^. `J??~:i :i _~OLI.`~C:, a".::~ rCT" Fir: C:il
doper:dc::t c:nilc of tt:e i_ljurcd en-ployee unt__ tY:e c~ild reaches
the ale cf r;lajo_it_; ;:r un-.i1 tae cnd c:•- the calendar 'ca' in
'~'P~ic:'1 .-hr-. ch'_ld xeacaes the aqe of 2t .1 the c:'~i1o corm __es to
he dependent Ior su•o•oart, c_' the :child is 1 Lu11-t:rle or
'Cart-t.'.rle .^; aflC .S CepeI:del:t LCt ~~.:ppi:r-.. ^_he tcrr, ".'iP..r'.itk:
_nsu=ance pl?-." doe:: riot _:de ::'.apple:r.o:~ta1 ~oecefif.s _aut are
not. part of `ae basic .afc'.lp sealtCl 1I1F;UC'an•Ce plan. I_ the: Injured
emp1.^.j72e SLI:iSCf',l:Jfl_:t'r' dle3, :ilC CI'IJ OVe- ?t=0111 CCfI; ° nl1P. t.0 p]_
t_ie cnti re health insurance pren_ucl lo" the sarv_:~_nr, spc'a e
Dti.-l i J Q; y/2/2008
unt.`.: --emarried, an•:3 for the depe:T:ien'_ cn~ ~e"er, '.7:i:i~r the
cora3itions cut-ir.ed i:l _:lis oaragra~h. Ho;ae:~ex:
.... Hca~th irl.=.urancr aenr__Lrs padble fr::rc un' oLY:•~r sot:rcA
s:'lall re:iu.e beaeLits :,ayab-:e ur.cer tt:is secti_Gn.
b. .T. is an1u:•:1u_ f•o:- a persor. to ~.:il1LuL' _ acd kn.^,n~i:i:71y
rlakc, O~ i:a'.:e -o be Inside, or I.C a;.si t, ccnsp_x~ ~Rit'~, or urge
anU L3P::x I_C 'Y~c'.<P, O° .^.a1:5O Y_: bU :T.2d°, crl ~ -a_^e, LruU:{U_Cn t, C•Y
^11 S1P.aC~l:;Q Cx'a= O-_ V:r1 ttP_. TI .S t.ii. ~`.eI[ieIY_ ~C C:7ta7.n }".eal-.h =ll:?Ux'IIITCC
::Ob`UY aCaC a, ornvi ded 'wader this na ragrd'oh. - persc~n .; t'ro ••.: i•olatAs
t.h.i.s s'ub-subpa_ar_.rap'I r.,~mm?ts a cl_sceneanoc of t:'le .__::t dex~a~:,
f:anishable as prc~~idcd .n s. •_..1;82 :)= s. .7.5.:)8~s.
c. "r. addi`ion to at,_a applii:ahl= crin:inul pccall__;, uF.::n
C:OI1V.:t 1:)I: LCY a `•1-O1atlOr: ilv <.3e:iCrll:C~~ In SL1 :J-Sl: ~:~a ra:ari::p:l ~., a
- .- . -
d4: enforce:r:ent, CO-C:'?Ct.l .^..1'.dl, Cr C::rrCC ~1C•n.i_ ~Y::)_','dt l6ll 0==_CCL
or ott_%r kene--C7a°_'y 4:3i:) reCCl`~?CS CY SP.e.kB t.O _C'?1'..•'C 3lCa t.h
ir.s'.:ra:lcc bcnefi is 'antler _ais paragra~~h sha- 1 forfeit the °'_ght.
to receive sua: tcalt?I insurance benel_trs, ar.•d snal' °eimLcurse
the employer for all i~cnef`t.s paid cue to Lt_e hour," <~r other
yx'Qtl'tJ-t.eG•1'.i. .IJ=' pU_poSOS •7f thl:i 5'..ib-:iLlrJpa_d%Tap'~~,
°COI1V_CL'On"'-nS d GP.. to rRlll:UtlO% Ot c'a llt -.:1fi T. 15 LIiC rC. Ult Of
a p_ca o_ trial, regardless oL ~n'het.her ad=ud_caLlo: is :,iit-hneld.
2. I:1 crdcr for the officer, spouse, and depe:ldent ch__dre'I
L•o be eligible for s'ach insurance coveraye, LI=~~ i:r,ory nusT. ha~:e
occ~rre:3 as the result c•` ~.he o...cer':: resf:o-.:,e rc fresh
pursuit, the :,fficer's response tO ;•:hat is xo~ac•nab-.y belie-~~a to
be an mereer.c~, cr an ur:laiaft:7 act. perf.2txa'_ed b_ ar.~;t:~er.
Except. a.=, other:~Lsc p-o•••rid~d, :laainq 'n thi naragru:al
shall be cc:TSC rued f.o slealt`.i insurance co .jerage -Gr ::h:c?1
f)H l r i -1: 9/1/1004
t.'le Ci-==i:e=', spCUSer C)-" CwEpol:d'~r.t .. t'. 1.ldre:i :[:u~t Gth•er~::15P. I)E
e.=C]_}J 1'^., °XCPDi. th8t. ~ pe. I"5•`.%"i h*: i:: :]-.A,ll _leS 11 n!7'°.r t:11 :i SC~: •~. C.~C•n
stall not be e_igiJ:ae Lcr the :ne<-:.1~:1 lnsuranc= -.Ibsio, p1o•,~~ce
_ :der charter 171, caz._>ter .'S, or ..haptel' 185.
(_) ^he 3'~reau or C_'im•~! Prever.tior: and Tra-n_~r.c ,eit:ii:; tY:c
De~ertnent. of ~ega_ i;ffair^ stall adopt rules necessary ~-c•
_['11J1C(l11_'.i:t pc'Yagraphs (a}, (r), ~'~:~ ('.J .
(]) i_nV p3v'1112:"a5 IRcidC r)UrSUcri-. -':~ :iardi3rapil (c)r pa.agr%ilgil
(b), cr parai~rcila_ (c1 shaL cous_st of the stata~ory am•:>>.:rt
ad~usted to _eflec: pr_ce -ecei charges si-.c° the effecLi',:e date
~= th_e acL. T'Te R11rP.al1 of l".rl(IlC Pr~'.°eCltl:::l c.nG 1_dl"ill'tq .Scull Ly
rule adj::st tale staL~~tpry based cn -he Cor:s'~:rcr ?r`•-e
lr:dex for all a-bar: cc:lsumers published IJy' the United `?tabs
~apart:nent of T.ab.^r. .~dju~tcl~nC sha== be rliad~ :, .11,.E of ~sct: '_i•~ar
using the musC recent. nonttl for whi~.h data are u~:~ailable at tY:e
t`_r1c of the ad=,usLrTent.
Section 2. § 16;.31?8(3) This section is fir clarification only; there is no substantive
This amendment makes it clear that creating mooring liclds will not u-igger the Dc~ clopmcnt
oY Regional impact analysis and revie~~ it they arc inwater harbor I'acililies of ports, port
n-anzportation facilities, certain projects listed in s. it I.0?(3)(b), or infirnxxlal transportation
1 ~~)
5ec:.ian 2. 5ubsect'~n (3) of sc^ti•oc los.318, Florida
;aatutes, is a:1':endcd to read:
-..63.31'8 Coastal rrar.age:r'.cr.t.-
(.,y} ~XOnn^lOnS t0 C)C C: ~'I r. Y.')cr:ir =+~(-'~ !~1STi ~Sc1 .J~t.'~:4,
n.a. a ;~ a: viziznns
1 s4
Ild'.•'_yatl•:Jn CY':a:1IlE_S, I_t.:: ^1nC ):; a:i l_:5, tia Y-l;•er Oert.h , :LQCr_n(]
fields acd ct_:~e*_- _-elaL:::1 irnvater :arbor _ac_~~Cies c` pots
listed is s.. 403.ti21 (9) ; pc:r~ r-rnnsportat_or. laci 1 i t'_es ar:d
pro=acts 1_slc•d in s. 3.=.~'r(3)i.b1; an!i iraex:fcda_ transportation
[ariliT.=es ide_ttiiiec pu--suara to ~. 311.t?9(3} shall :: _: I_ lac
dove--opmer.ts cf rey_or:al impar..t. sel-.ere s.acn expansions, projec..,
o° faciliLics are cor.siste_1*_ wit_:'t ccm~rr-.nens_ve :ral_cr p-ans*_
are i--. cc:ft:~liance v:i t''~ -.:'tis section.
Secliun 3. ~ 1'0.01(1)(j) - This section is' for clarification only; there is no substantive
This amendmznt makes it clear that anchoring and mooring arc included ut navigation and
that municipalities may use their current taxis; authority to providz improvements that :a~ill
facilitate anchoring and mooring.
~ect`.or. 3. 3arayraph (j) of sctaoction fl) of sectic~
I +C.U., Florida., is a:rc'd°~ to read:
i?~J.[J1 .~uth•:arity for prcvidi:tg irr~~rcc~el-ler.ts a:td_evV~ng and
collccli:-~g special assessmen.-s against ;hope~ty bane-_ted.-
(1) ;~.n=a ml.".1 C.1LJG1_tV O` th..4 :i t<.i tt: [itd _J/ h`i ~'rn fir, ~~r _,rr.l_ r~
o'ltt:'tcr1T. ~;':
fj1 Provide o° .mp-nocerner.ts Lo pewit -he pass.igct
a I1 Ct1U. 1L:: a'r'I P.tnO'_":I:C:, d':~:a `:a°-°1 ~3t 1::71 ~_ 'JC `J .`?F' - :.~ .~~'='Ci c: Ind
DIf.-1: 7' •J: 9/2/2/1(18
Section 4. ~ 253.72(2) -
'Chic section clarifies that aquiculture lease markers roust confomt w the ILS..1ids to
~tavieation Svstem and FR'C rules. Violations of posted restrictions arc currently crimes
this amcn;ln:~~:! v:uu!d Iuok.c them infractions.
Section ~. Subse•:a._ca, t,Zl Ol :__.:_a.; :.. "~ti ~. 2, =lurid:
Statutes, is a-nended to _ead:
2~3.,~ Nlark:ny of lcae;:3 sreas; res'_ri•~l'<>ra ::n ~u:;__c
(2) Except to t:'1e extent necessary to permit the effect.i'r
de~•:elc:~clent of t}ir, s11c~_`_es of an_r.Ial o. pant life Liei::;)
c:u'_tivaLe6 bl t:'1e lessee, the pLblic stall be :provided :ait_1 :r•ca:
o` reas~~r:nble ingres:> a-d egress to a-Id from the 1<:ased -area fcr
traditio'1al :•; acll~.ities suctl us boat`_ng, :.rai-c:niny, and
fiskliay. .__ -:imitations upon the use by the Fablir.. of T.he a_oas
under lease Lh_at are author_zoc. b the terms ct Lhc lease sk_all
ac _=ea:--.y p::sted a,, the 1G,s-e pIu_~:_a_tt to s. _L? ~U :r s.
32+'.41 ar.•:3 r~rles o ttre Fish. _ar.d Y•iildlite Cc•nservati::n Conunissiu".
$^--t•1-~-~-zr~. ':n perso:, =~=i111.,111~ viola-iny posted resr.r_ct_ons
:10'1"1'.1 t5 *lOll-f"-1011 "la l 1nL ri:.Ct ion 'Jun'. shable Lis Kire=~~ de!7 =^ v .
3Li iJ. 'vif? at10I'. :a tae DpSte~ '"estr Cll•Ors S}'in11 De ~Ui'S 1•d?~.`P.Q
:iolal'on of t:'1e boating iav:s of this stale anr. shall }>c
char4ed •~r a a'li urn b•~atirc cilalio' a:=: ~r;,.;:_izeu i .: ~-,77.
=[t, pu~su" i~=-1n ref~~`CS to pCSt f: 3>;:nd or l-C•'PPt. :S:la J1CIrI a
trif^r-r be=''nq ^itaticn snail as 'Jrovlccc it = iL?. +3(?1, be
1i1*_V e. a clisder.eanor o' the seconc, cie•,roe, ptm'_shable as
oro~:icacc 'n :.. -'S.~)82 •:~' s. .'~.C83.
!)!i 4 t :~' 4: 9/2/2008 9
Section S. ~ 318.13(3), (~4), K (5) -This section is for clarification only; there is uo
substantite change.
NF,nly county cout'ts currently hear boating urfractions hclix•c magistrates in traflic court.
This aux~n.llncnt m:,l:cs it clear that this is pennissiblc.
sectlon ~. :il:b.SBCt10nS (3) r fd) ~ ani: (J} OY .°.eCt._Cill .31v.-.?,
N'lorisa ~Latut25, are aetended to read:
3.8.13 Dciinit:ons.-Tt_e Lollo+,air, .;`crds anc: Y:rra..:.:, :acie::
USCG 1C trls caa~Lr.:_, shall. ha~re tYi= m.eantngs _"e5p~r_Ll,.:c1,.'
ascribed t:; '_hem ir. this secl_icn, excep- o-;he_c Lt:e crntext
otrierwise rei:u__~:a:
f3) "=r.fractiun" cleans d ~riclar.:on tt:_tL r.d_a
rev_uirc GOmmi::':it.y serv_~•:= boors t:rder s. 31u.82+(fl) or s.
~7' ' ~ (~) , bat is not p'.:::isP:able by i:,<:arceraL_•ur. .a -:d 'cr :•;hic:~
Ch•ar2 is :,: riyhL to .a trial by ~!r' r..r a r_yht t:
wart-apF>cinted c..o'.i:~sel.
(~l) "u^Yiicial" means an_/ judge authorizes al/ -a,e to pre~l•w
of=cr a cou'~t or aear_ng adjt:dicatir:•, Ltaffic cr boatir,r,
('J) "J--~_~^er" :r'c'i;.:l:i any la:!' P.n. CrCCriCnt Oftl rP.r C:tlii_000
~n'ith and act_nc ~.:: der :pis or her author`_t},~ t~~ arrest. pers~oc.:
S'.l S'Je CtCG Cf, or :<rto:•;n tG .7P_, V-0_itt_ny Std t'J t.eS Or G=CI. lt'dCl'.eS
regulat_ny Lra[Pic or boal_r.o or tt:e ol.oraCicn or of
'•; 0117. .,^..ie5 Or ~°85SC_S. "(%fficer" 1`•C:l'~]dP.:i aa'~r 1r1a~U1•:~',lal eI[l?~1C~'i:a
b`J 3 Sli'c'rlli'S GP. )r3rt:l'.'c'nt CC r`Ie 'JC11Ce (1C?d :`tmP. rit C. ii Chart:=r~~l
T.'.:::il Cl~~c.ti tV :tir0 15 dCL:IICI a8 a traLi~ :. i.CfraCtlO^ efl tiYC ::eme1'a
c__i•~er as proviscd 'n s. 31v.:~~C.
D(d. l P 1' 4: 9/2/2008 l0
Section 6. ~ 3I h.32 'Phis section is lilr clarification only: there is no substantive change.
Many county courts currently hear boatine infractions before tuaeistratzs in tral tic court.
Thix amendment makes it clean' that ibis is ponnissible. Note- Boaters and drivers currently
have and will retain the option to have the case heard by a courri}• court judgz rather than a
traffic magisu-atc.
Se:?t.ior. 6. Sera-roc: 31°. ;7, h'loriaa Statutes, is a7~ended to
31E.32 Jurs•aictic:l; liri_taticns.-
(1) rlCar=nC OtTlcers s:tull .7C erlpn;•;cred t:: c;000C7t tlleas
fr::a'. and dc•~_de the qui'r. or_nn~ccnre of ar.- person, adc1L •:~~
-1l'JF n1'_0, :1:axi7Cd N1 Lh an`J ::1i+11 t._a111C OT' t>Cn-.=nq 1I:1x3C1_1C['
and sha' : be ernpo:•;er~a Lo adjt:di cafe or 'n'il-azeld adjt:di catica ~l
qu=_~t ir: Lhe same as a coa:;t_,• cclr*. 'udye ~:::der ti-,e
sLaC~~tes, rules, and L.xccedures presentl cx_sti-:x ,Gr ns
s+.:L;sc,gac:ltl_d aiher.ded, eXCC_:•t .-~a~ '~FaY'nq olllc~_rs sha nc?t:
(a) Ha•:o Ct:e pG:,;er t.o ho_c a dcfendar.t i:, conteripL Of
ccur-., but sY:=ill be pern'tted to i_le a motion -or o.der :1
cantcripC c•:ith t:~e aup_op_iaC•~ scat= t.ri71 court ji_idcre;
(~) Ecar o Gase ir.volvi:::~ a traffic. crash o_ L.oa*.inq
a<:::ide.^.t result:nq ir: i~j.:r_,• .^,r de~,t:r;
(e3 Hear a ..ri:rinal tru_=ic car 'x~.,r.`_nci o11c_,si :,as•-• .._ c,
case invclv_ng a civil r.ra'._c or Oeat nq ir.frac~ion _sst.ed in
ccn=unct_on v:ith a crin:na_ t_'a11_c ~'~ boating o°_ens•e; Gr
(G) 1:75.-0 `_1C 110'r:e'r t0 sl:SpOr:d OL re`~:GiP.. h GP_f E:: C1~3at'S
a-'1•:+e.'s ltcen,e pll_SGa~t tG s. 316.GS5(2).
{i) TC11S SE::Lx(::1 fi:e; nr,- _JrCalbtt .~ ::c?Cnt~+ CCUrL-
f T':;T. eXOrCiS_nQ COtIC~.lYYen~ lLIr-SC'•:7t'-.On i•:_t1: :~ Ci':'. 3-TiT
DR. tF! 4: 9/2/2008 11
(3) Jp ~~. _-rye ,-ec;cc:~t of t.h.e defe:;dant cc•n t.air.~d in a 'dC'_iee
of P.pp~~araxe or a r-;ritto:; £:lea, t'~e cuse shall t;e :asiyned to :.
cot::-.t,~ court judge regularly ussiyned to hear tra££ic o" boat_ng
Section 7. ~ 327.22 is repealed.
Section 327.22 presently allows only two throes: 1)1\funicipalitics and counties may regulate
their own resident vessels more strictly than tramienl vessels; \dunicipalities and counties
may adopt ordinances that allow for enft~rcernent of boating restricted areas (speed limits.
etc.? by mailing a citation.
No municipality or county has ever passed an ordinance tha[ regulates thz operation only of
its owu resident vessels and not that of n-ansient vessels. Phis amendment would repeal that
authority. As a catscyuence, it will promote uniformity of boating regulation.
The provision for mailing citatiats will remain, but it is clarif7ed and transfecTed ur section
327.4(1, Florida Stahucs.
Sect'..on '. Section 37.7.22, _~_oridu StaCates, :.: =epealed.
Section h_ ~ ~~?.40 'I'bis section i, [i~r clarification onl};there is nu ,ubslantive changz.
F ~ ;u,lr~~~lin:~ is n..i c,=~~] i i~:.;~cn~l.ull~:' below.
Section 8. Section 32+.9J, -.or-~.da Stat~~tes, is arner.ded top
327.40 Ur~i`!sra ;•:ale_'o:ay rnarkPrs .. ~~.~ _ ._ ... _u_'„_.,
frit;tFT d: l/2/200,4 12
(I) This atucndmcut makes it clear that all :~•atcnvay marker,, nut only safety and navieation
markers, nmst conform to the U.S. ~1ids to Navigation System. It strikes language that
expired llecember 3l, 2(103.
(_1 i•?ai_.,is~=~,;s -n i•io=ida . - _ . _. ~ ~~ .1 .,
.' < shall be :narked :;:~1r in confnrmit.Y :aiul ttrrd^r
the t]nlted .~itii.tE9 ?.1dS tG NaVlG~,t1C:1 Jy9'~CR1, 3? ...F.h. :part 6c.
(2) Removes language that inadvettzntly required signs that were never considered :~'atcnvay
markets at confi~mt ro the U.S. Aids to Navigation System and FWC rules. Thi, returns the
stauuc to its prior state when these requirements did not apply to "no sla•inuuing" signs,
public health notices, trash receptacles, °end of boat ramp" signs, emergency notices, and
similar sins. The present stahtte exempts these signs front P44`C permitting -they :vill
remain cxetupt because they lm ill not he considered ~~'atena•ay markers.
(21 (a} Tipp''.catic_: for :narki:7g inland _akes a_,d s:at?
'v:at°rS d.,d any na'J 1:, :1}:iC 'A'uterS Under C:OI1C.Ur_CI:t j'.I T"l Sd: Ct _JI1 CL
the CGd9t GUdYCl dr.d t.'lE d1v191Cn Sna'.1 CIe glade tC t.'le G".L7^_OR,
acccmpanied by a :ear.• lc•cat'.nq the a_~p_ox~mate placel-lenL of
mUrkers, a list cf the nlarke-s t<; be laace:a, a statement ci th2
9oe~_ficatio:, e= the markers, a state:r.c:7t ci the pl:rpcse c±
n[c"l.klnq, and t_lE' IlcintCS GY p°r S.^.=i:i r,±:i~%C:1S1.'.?1F fn'_' tt':E' ~;•f dCClriEnt.
ar.:a t:pke~p G' 9u~h markers. Tae di~:i9ion :o..i assi9t the
applicant to seci:r~ tae _~ro_ter nern'_ss_on from. lie (:oast ica_c:
1~1~: tt ; a: vzianns 13
:a'~ere rec?u__•c_i, rr~a'<e such ir:vcsLiratio.^.s s needed, a_,d issue a
pern_t. The di~isicn sha]1 f'.:r:-,is_1 t:Ze ar~oli•cant ~~riT._1 one
ir.tcrmat.icn cen::erl:i_:g Cie s•;s`em udop~cd anr.: the rules ex_:L-ny
for Placing and reaintuining the narkers. ^1Yr~ di`.;ision shall k_•~:p
records c' all .apprc~.a_s yi•:ren anc co~msel ~~:it_Z ind_cidt:als,
CGU n'rl e^, ITIl:I:1C l~.'ai_t-P.S, IYIOt~:~rt:J_i~ cl'..h•>, Cr oT. tler Cr.^,'„jFi$
GeS ___nn t''J 7ar.ti L•i i]tC-''='i~.'_i'JS f`J I' .':.df~t'~ ~l:l:~ :l i. `:~:C~atl~l:". ~>:lrvli:i C::-i 1".
{t;)~ So p•o_so°~ cr munici_;u1i:,J, •'ount', :;r o:.ilc~
governmenta: eraitj~ s1a=_ p-acA anv un_lo.m v\~.ater:•;a-~ ~-r
r:• <a _ markers '. n, Qn, :)=' J`~`:~_' th= i•:aters Ur ;i tl0 re:~ cr the
state ;:-:rho+.:t a c~crn~t from the di•disio"~.
_ a \• i t. .n ..< .C , _ ~ .._ ~ , . 1. ~ , ~._
. 4 ... ~ _. .. ..'. •~-. -. .. -. .. ... .~ ~. • ~. _ J V r ._ .tom G J
_... ~. _ ~~ .. ~- J J 1. .. .. .. .. G .u/
r .. J. `n t. 1. .. .• .rf.: 4 ~. i, ~ ._
(:,) The ec;r~r~iss'on _.. autt:o_ize•d to adcp~ rules p'arsaa:,t to
chapter 12C t; imp_eriet:L th]s sectio:;.
(3) Claritics that permitted uniliu-rn w•atcnmav markers do nut need a submerged lands lease
trout llLP. Codifies in statute the present llL•'P rules that exempt permitted uniform
w•atenvay markers lrom DLP permitting. [Rxamplcs: Rules 62-312.050(I)(b) and l (t~). r~c.~
312 (31 T}~e placenAr.T ul:~~r tf:is >ecticrl cr s 3c' 91 c>.' ,=n_
313 uniform ~~:stex'wa•,~ Harker ... -..y .. _u. .4_' ._ ~. _
314 ... <~_ _ _ .. ~_ ~ u.. cn stat.e
i15 s'ub:cer~ed lanes ~..:..:--~~ _..-_ _-_-_--_--__- ones not s+.:bject such land= to
31G tn2 lease requixer.en~s r•= chapr.e_ 2~3 0. the p2rmiT. rectcir~nacl;ls
ill c>_ cnaatrr ^S s.
(4) 1\~Tovcs the aduaculhue marker provisions without change from s. 327.41 to s. 327.40.
31T~ {4) ruacsat.tr2 leaseho_cs r>1la_- be mat_k°.a as _ec;c:ire•~i b=~
3l9 *'•ii" ~'c•"t_~n a:,d fire corln_ss~•~n nav approvo alternatic2 a.arkirg
320 rPv"U'reClURt° a" ~ C:OnG.t:1UI: O1_ I.1`!? 1235.°. p'.irsLlullt tJ :~. %~).3. FMK
321 ^h? procisic:ls o_ this s2ctio:-. ot~~~ithsCandinq, r.o permit s_~all
322 T'j~? --`2C(;:l r°~ LUr the t%1.d C2'r2:lt OL :['.ur ~C: x'~: feGll'. "P. C1 1:V :i Ui:h a
i2i iE? l:i~ .
Section 9. ~ i2%.41 -'Phis section clarifies the existing statute and eoltfol'ms it to changes
made elsewhere in the draft bill Subsection (i) moves without change to s..i2?.40. There is
nn substantive change ut this section.
324 "C:pCI_1C: f1 ~;. :5 t,~}::i?C-'_1CIi (7), lJ), ct I1C: (+J1 ..^.C .~_: t.Ci I'. 32i~1":,
325 Flcr iCia i:-.aT.utes, :rc arlen~i~!i to -~:_a~:_::
1)R:~ f T J: 9/2/2008 1
32?.41 U:ti=orta ;•:ate_;ca_a 'egt:lat:,rt :car~ers.-
(2) i',:1f count_/ or r-::-.icipaliL}• '.d:`~ic:`~ aas h--:. granted 4
boats^.u rP.S-r=Cted ~LCa deSl`~ric'.t1C:R, ;~y ruie of th° ccmtn_ss_on
purs.,aat t-r, s. 32":.45 1f 1 (u), °or a ~orr.on of Lt:c Flc•r`_oa
Intraceast.a". rJat~r:aay v;_th_n _ts jur'.sc::ai~~r. ;;r :•~h_ch has
adopted a boar_i'~q restr_::tea a_ea by •o'~dir.a-',ce ~ursuar:L to
3!+.4~ ... .._ , .>. .. .. , 7r .;. S: 7.L=sI IZ?(''), Jr I':as 2:.:.: ~_~ '~~
an an::l:~rin~ requ:atior: p~.:rsua _t to = :i2?.51, o.' a::y ctner
(~OVe'n!r°:':tal eRt=t`_/ H'l:l C~'i ~'1a `: 1P. C:ta 11}~ LS taal. shed a bCat _IlU
rC$tL1Cte`.~ nYFa, Iri:l}~ d~G'•1 i/ t-C' ~-IlP CoiMtl S:i_GR for ~'ie YRl'. SS=C?Tl tCJ
Flacc rcgu_at.ory rar:<ers :•;ith_n the baat`_ng restricted a'ea.
.. ... r o r v i .. ., ... ... .> ,a .. .. - .. .
_ • ~ .J ~ - J J... •.. 1 ~_• ~_ Jul. .. , ..• J 4 -
_ _ _
1C4JC .
Vii' ^he ,,^. r.r.ission _~ aulh•:~r` ze!i to ado~~t ru_cr; p~.:rs'.:a^. T. T.o
r-.:`yap-er =2C Lo i:r~plertent this ::eclior..
Section 10. :32'.42 -
Conforms the language to use "uniform waterway marker ;expands the prohibition against
tying to a marker from governmentally placed markers to all lawfully permitted and placed
markers. 'f}'ing to markers remains latvfiil in emergency situation. Additionall}•, this
amendment m ill alloly persons to tie their vessels ro markers with the lvrittcn consent of the
marker's owner'.
~...:ti:.i 1J. S8;^T.1:._. 3_ .~G, FI;:T-lda ..~~itUL<__, ie; crlendc} t'.
/t/1-t l i 4: 9/2/2008 16
347 32?.A2 Mooing to :-1-r damagir;g of rrark~rs o_ buo_;.>
344 -,roh_blt2d.-
34q (1} Nr ~e_sor: s1:a1] rr.cor cr _us~en a :~e=s~1 *_c u _a'.•:Fu
350 pl acea uni_orct v:at~r:,ra~: m<:.rkcr ~ _. . _ ... __ .._ _ _ ,
351 . < _ ,. _ , - - .. , ..~_ _ .,,, ,
352 , ~ ..... _ _ _ . ~. _ ..__ _ -• 1 , ex^ept. i.; case t
353 f?I'1F 'gP.l:.^. `_;' :;r W1Lrl t.ll r^ "v;rltt£':; C:: :iS~~it ::r ~nE I:l%3='IC^r~ S C:tiner.
354 (2) Nc _~c_'sor. :,Y..all :vi11La11 damhge, ait~::x, cr rlc~re a
355 laws"al1;r placed ~u::iierrr~ :aa--Pr:,;<-:~ Iaurkcr ~.:_
356 ,. ; , -~ 1 : ~ - - - -- .,.. .~ - - -- ._
357 i~ttl''~.
Section 1 L ~ 32?.46 SUBS'1:~1N'I'I~'F: CHANGES I\ 'I'IIIS Si:CTIO)\. Lacb
subsection is addressed independzntly below.
35S Sector. 11. ~c•~=C'„n ~2?.45, .lo=ida St~.t.u-e::, is ar,,`.aed to
359 Ye.:,c:
360 32?.!fi 3oat_nq `2st.ricted axcae..-
(I) All boating restricted areas otlizr than those liar manatee protection :~ ill be basal on the
criteria in this section. Additional authority is proeidzd to allow the protection of livine~
natural resources (examples: seagrasscs, corals) attached ul or gro::~iue upon sovereignty
submurvcd lands.
362 -~ ~ .._ _ ., r~>.~t.rict~d arca~ ~ c:~l~..dir..? b!:L
363 nC•t 'I`l'tcd I YPRT.r=ctl0r:v Ot "P3sel i[='~C-ti nnG "~55E1 ~r'c!_, ~-C'r_
,164 CILl `;' tJ~' P. ~.T. d}-:11St1E'C: 'O f. t. riP WutF?r5 CI. _-'iP. S'ate 1:01 c".a~% ~llrj)USU
t;ri.,i ~ ~~ ~: ~nizno,4 I~
36i •~i•::::ned r~ecessa-v Co prc:er..-.: =rr
3fi6 (a) T'he safety e_ the puo-'c, .._ ..~, .~ .. ...
367 _.. _ ~. .. ~ _ .-....: __ --.., :`:h.ere such _estrictic.,.; rt.e
36a CC-PI'teC ne.^.essu x'V :Jd B~~:!a p" i":~:.9 r.1:'.:_; 1r_Cl ~i:_:'it S, '. ^'ia llr J,
369 hazardotis currents or v;_ater levels, veJ.:Jcl traffic.. crngestien, cr
37(l oti:cr aavi gat:onal t;azards_
371 (b) L_^~rc -aturai rescur•~cs at.ta•-:hed to ::r gr0•,.~nr, upon
372 scvere_gnt•~ ss:b~'erged -ands.
(2) FI~~C will continue to create boating restricted areas by rule. Counties and
municipalities will continue to create them by ordinance, but +vill do so under this section
instead of under section 327.6G. Local ordinances, however, will not take elicct until F~VC
has revic++rod and approved thetas.
373 ~%') (7) T:1C CGI'IOlJ -:7 ^. r; Fls tii0'-V T•• ~St3)_11Sa :~Cc":7_
a rF. rt :: b`~i x'.:1C Ki ,]T".S llan~ ~C i:Cl~.:?LC'"~ ~'
374 °,t`rct°9
375 (b) LxucpC a° provided in s. 37?.F.:), rlur:i[:iK?alit`PS and-
376 c,unties have the au-~~or:T.v to c°.:tab.°sh boati_;g rest°'i~.t.ed a°eas
377 b•i erd`.nan^e Yic:ae~;cr ~u^h an e.c_r:ar.c~c ma; nc- Take ~ilcet
37R oast' `t has been re•.i2;`:?d ar.d 1pGxove:d b`I t:`te corrunit;sicn.
(3) Clarification only, no substantive change.
379 (~Z E3c'.i such boatir:a x~~stricted :lre~; ~~In:i be de-.elcf%ed ir.
33~ :'ar.sultaticn and coordi:iaticn sei t:'r * gc•~:crn' nc body o the
3S1 ::o-.::a_i cr mun`r..ipality in :,riic?~ -ae bo~Yt_ny ..atric~rci a-'ea -.-
382 l::catcd and, luhe_; tae boa t: nu _e tc ted are- is ~_~-:• l:a uoo:: th?
CLCf. i? ' 4: 9/2/2008 18
333 ncV:QBU_c' 4:3LCYS U- the UClt~d Wit: E]L_C`S ... .. ._ , `n~1tC1 L1C
334 ;;n'teG States Coast Ccard a-d the l!:,ite:i Sates r:r_•~ Cetus of
33i Er.=.:ir.ccrs.
(4) Clarification only, no substantive change.
336 ~'fzfi I*_ {s un7ao;ft.1 Ior d _ t:^r::.^-~ rn nperaf.e a ~essrl i~~.
337 a p-ohibited manner or to carry o-, a:,y pre:lia_Lcd acti\;i-y, as
333 ~Ci lt'2'.3 l:l tnl S :-hapter, :1CC:r.C~ a Sc-~P_. -. ~% ilaza_d cr lIl'_Cr~G renCF_.
339 4ll ti: :iaL'l:Ja t:On as pr^C'1 ~e~ a:JU~iE Wl Lhin a b•'7at1:,~ re Str'_`:tCC.
390 vaater area :•:hich has been c_ear_,/ clacked by r=q-.llar.ory mark•~rs as
391 a.~t'~cri zed under t__iis •~-ha:?ter.
(.5) Clarification only, uo substantive change.
392 ~-(-~-~ P.oatirc restricte.l areas e^--sb__shed K:.Irsualit tr,• ~r
393 this section shall art apply in tilt case of ar. er.ergen::y or Lo a
394 law e'irGrCP.meR t, ilr'C:1(3 ilLlnq, OY re:i i:I1C VCvv'C1 C:`i rieC O" :1);e?ra 1.EQ
395 b~ a Cnt1L,/.
(6) No subtan[ive change. 'this is the citation-by-utail provision translelnd li•om section
327.22 and clarified to facilitate understanding.
3)6 (6) fat P:or.crir.inal v_o_aL_rn>; of boatil::: rrs~r'C:ta•:3 arena:
397 ~r:av be enfo"Ce•~ by a uni£orra b•:~atir.c citation 1[IrJ .QCi t.o t'.e
393 rC<t ~_Et t.!?°P. C~ O*n~=,Pr Q-- ~. f. ~-` \•?_55~~.. 1t:15 Fir^`.•'1S1p^ °_t: _lll 26~:)~V Cn1V
(1 u:! r :l 4: 9/2/2008 t 9
=u legally es*.ab__sf:ed boating restricted areas tahich ore
t~r^perly rrarker. as per;ritted pursuant to 327.x2 and 32'.4=
(.'~) t:. tatl:::i:i 13;>UC-G t.0 "Very Ve:i ::ei~; r%aYSUant to tt:l:;
su;~eect_on shall be the _espor.sibi',it-.t :;f tt:e lcsso•~: of t'-,e
yes:=e. it tY:c livery has ir:cl~ud•~d a vrarr~ir~a o= this
CSr%OnS]bl l t`~.' aS it [%-art or t`~e rP.:iti;.l izQ rC Crton Y. a-:d, 11 Ji)Il
''2q"°St ^1_ `ItC d(72rC`t ] S.Sll1Irq t:1L CiLati Qn t.0 pr~`JidC t9 t.hF.
aaenc<~ ':'te name address, and date of n'rth of the _essec. The
li~•crv ~ G not resaons_b_e for the pa'trtte:•r:t of ci;-a t'.or.s if tt:~~
•:erv provides the ~~q~_.i -2d ":arr.i-.c a::d lessee ':r.for:r.a*_icn.
(^) This subsectiosi the en°crocm.c^t r,' r.h'_s
~~Ct i ~ ~ by ~ a:•: orf^YCP"IiP.n- i;==1CCr5 and does riot c:roh_b'_ t. a :a:•;
e,fcrcernent officer *rort `_ssu'_nq a aatioP. for c -~'_o:atior: of
*..his sector. i~ arcordanCe t•:ith no~mal .poati:tg cntor.eme:;t
Le„hn=. gt:es
Section 12. § 127.60 SUBS1';~VTi~'E CHANGES 11V~ THiS SECTION. liach
subsection is addressed uuiependently below.
?e;'C or. 1~. vc~L'on 3^?.~~;, ~lo_i<.ia Statures, is,ded T.i;
32?.00 La~a~. recnlaticas; lirr.i-.aricns.
(l) Tlu amendments to this scctiou make it clear that it contains limitations on local
authority rather than any graut of authority. The limitations are spelled out iu subsection (2),
(1) 1`_rc ;~rovisi~rs CL .'ri=; r,:-,r:~ter anc cf:apter 2F;---
L>R: ,`'7~ 4: 9/2/2008 20
;,".. , .. .. _. - .~ .,. .-., .. a .. shall
gii~. Er'Il L11C O[%C rd ~-l on, P.. Clt:lp(TL°I:~, 31:•;;l dll : r~'IPY r131'.t°rS rE'1dL1_i,
thP.rE?t0 "v: t:°.1C`JCC dnV ~•~°SS°1 °.ti:lll k%C C~iCY'drCC U~:JC t.'lE? S•i~1tEr'.`i CL
Luis sl.dte *-; ~r :a`io:i arr; ac*i-;i-, reguLlCed hcrro sha11
tyke hlacc ther2:~r.
(2) Makes it clear that local ordinanccs carwot:
(a) Impose mauufacttuing safety or perlitrmaocc standards a' regulate the ca(rying or use of
marine safety articles. [Identical to the procmption in a6 U.S.C. ~ 4306. J
(b) Keeulate the design, manufachtre, or installation, or use of any marine sanitation device
on any vessel. ~ Identical to the preemption in 33 U.S.C. § 1322.]
(c) Regulating any vessel upon the Florida Intracoastal ~Vatcrevay. [Presently in s.
(d) lliscriminating against pcrsoual watercrafr. [Presently in s. 327.60(1)]
(e) niscriminating against airboats, fbr ordinanccs adopted after July I, 2006, unless adopted
by a nvo-thirds vote of the governing body enacting such ordinance. [Presently in s.
(Q Regulating the anchoring ofnon-live-aboard vessels outside of the marked boundaries of
mooring fields permitted as provided in s. 327.40, cxecpt as prodded in s. 327.61. Similar
to the provision presently in s. 327.60(2), but conforms the prohibition to roflect the
authority granted in the new s. 327.61 in the next section of the bill ~
(g) Regulating engine or exhaust noise, except as provided in s. 327.G5 [Similar to
provision presently in s. 327.6(2); arnli~nns this prohibition to changes in s. 327.6(2)]
(h) That arc in conflict with this chapter or any amendments thereto or regulations
thereunder. [Presently in s. 327.60(1 )]
(:') (ioT.rina in LhPS2 chapters: -+=+~-r== s_na'_ be co:~straed T.o
D C'(~:: •`=n Y. r.t':° u:~C`:)L _On Ot- dClf OTC~l:iB::CI: CT' LOC<a_ =E":.'.:1i: 1.1 Cin i:.:7
.°P l.dtl»r- LC C:)C _'d t..l O:i ~. .. 6- •?E'S SC l:~, BXCP"Jt that rl_;:i
U11:-t ± f 4: 9/2/1008 2l
cour.t~~ Cx :nun.^ipality sau11 enac~, cc•n-'nue ir: eiiccL, •::i_
e:lfrrce an' ordi~ a:ice cr loca: reUU_at_on:
(a) F;-t.ablissling a ••;else or a~socidled Cain ~ner.t
~er`orrlamr? or or:~er safet•/ standard irnposina d _oc7i_lr~"I',8"it. f6=
a••°-c"`ate>.`l ~q_li~ment_ or reo~lati-,c the carrviuq ox .,oe r..` marine
safet•/ urticlCS;
l^il ~Il re:SG'=Ct tC t`iF :iF:il Qn, ILIU'nU~a'~. t.l:r°r Cr -I13 tLl__L-C:'l"I
or ..l.=C CL nn'v' m~r1::E? Si.I11 L2•t-C•n CE`.T"•'B OIl <lI'. `r' VC:i Fi'C_;
(c) Reaclati^,q anv resse. ut~on the Florida 1nr.racoastal
(C'i) :tI SCT'1.l:1-R<7t 1I::'1 3Cdl.^.St p°rS^::al :Jdtl r•L: _"'al ti
(C} D1SCY:T'1'.P.ntlliQ d:1dlnSt c'1rrJCat3, .C1"' Jdl'1anCFS aC:O'.ted
aftar ,:'11V 1 2CCn .lr~lPSS adcoted by a t:•:o-thirds vvtc of the
aC•/erninq aocV e::actinq su•~h ord_nan:e;
(~1 Rcqulatinq r.he anc:ho__nq of nor.-live-dbcard v2ss=ls
rlrts=de of the mar~~cec bounder°'i~:a of moori::a fielcs perrritted as
prow ced ir. s . 32 + . 4C 2xc2pt ss t-x :'. ided i n s . 32? . 51;
(v} ~P.Qll~ilt=lLi: C^.;11.`i° Cr eXau-,.1:iL .'IC'1SC:, ex^6~t i~:i 'irOV:ced
(:~) That axe in rcn'Lct •.•;_th th's .^.hrlpt~z Cr ali°a amecdments
t.~ereto or ~•Cr.~•:latic•ns therc:un6e~.
_ .' .. r _ _..1 .~ .. o .. _ ~ ..._ .~ .. .. ...
1 ... ., ... . _.. .J __ __ _ _.~.., .._
uk i r r .r: vannrrs „
455 ... r .., _ ,. _ _~ _ ,. ~ ... _ .. ,
456 w _- ~ _ ~ _. ~ .. . - ,. < _ _ ._. ..>
457 ... _. .: . ~ _ .. .. _ .. ~ _ _. . ._ r
45S .._ - ~ - - --•
(~) Provides cross references.
459 ~ 'ctfi 1~7ot`~ing •::onY.<a_ne.:_n Lhe provisions of tt:is s action
460 sna'_'_ be ::oratr.aed to p'roh=:bit local :,o••~~n_rnren.-a: atahorities
461 _roci Lhc er.actnenr_ o. erao_cont^_:'t of reu-ala*.iorrs ta:ict~ pre:-`~ir•it.
462 or re^t~ict the moo~icc or ar.cl_crig et float`ng str~c*_ures cr
463 _~Ve-dboard L'eS:ic'_S/ 3v deCl -IPd l:, :i. 32 ~ .02, 'v:lt}l7'i -ne.r
464 j~.:ri:,dicticns or of a_i~ ~,•cssels :•;i-_:nin r.he r.Ia_ked u•ounca--:es o'
465 n::;::rl_lg ilC'_C.S ~2 rT.l tr ed aS :JLOV_QCC :n ~. ~L?.~J. Ilci'v: C: V'..:", ]i~~a_
466 acvernmenta_ a~~thcri r.ies are prch_b_Led f'ro!r requ:atir:q Lho
46Q7 anchor`.ng otaside o. such moo:-ir.g fields of ~cn-=`~.e-aboard
4611 Vesse-•~..'/ 'r tSCC~%t C+S ~+•-~Y ld~d II. J. Jl^.O]. _. G.Y- v. .
Section 13. C=rcates a new § X27.61 SCI3S1'_LV1'l~'P; PRnVIS10nS Il~'T111S
SECTION. L'ach subszctian is addressed indepzndenth• below.
469 Secrion 13. Section 32?..._, =_o_ida StaCa*_rs, is crcaLO•~l to
470 rc4a:
471 327.:11 i~nchc•r'.nq, local rect;]ation.-
UK.-aI-I J: 9/2/100y 23
(1) ~'Vithout regard to whether or not a local government has a ruauaged moorin; field, that
local goverrunent [tray pans an ordinance w prohibit vessels from anchoring within its
jurisdiction for more than 30 consecutive days or for more than a total of 120 dais in a year.
(1) =,n., ,-.~,.:".t'T is [-luni::iaa=:tv naV A°ok_ibit the an:'horir.q o
vessels _tlcir: the •.•:ate'-s of =_t:: iu_'isdictio`~ in excess :;L ~C
cc•nGeruti-ve days or .2C da~T.^, r,,:m•.:lati;rel•,• in an .= cale-~dar •?eax.
(2) If (and only il) a local govcnunent has a managed rnoorine ticld, and if it makes a
determination that htrther anchoring restrictions arc necessary to protect the public health,
safety, and welfare within the jurisdiction; the local government tray enact an ordinance that
prohibits anchoring for more than 3 consecutive days or tin- more than a total of 10 days in a
calendar year. I kiw•ever, the ordinance cannot take effect until P~'1 C: dctenuines that there
are enough public moorings to meet the needs of local and transient boaters [see subsection
(3), bclow~. The term "public moorings" means mooring buoys. dock slips, and wharfage
berths that available fire rental or (case by the general public on a first come-first served
basis. The term does not inchtde facilities that store vessel on land.
(2) Tf ar.y cc'anty cr rtun-c:pa_it•v that. establi:at_ed a
R1'R-ge C, rlvO~li q tl. e.1G =t11 [Ilc~-'ked 1JOURda rte S, ~iC rl7_tted as
SJY(JV =GeC 1I: v. 32~.41i dete Trill l:CS t}"i P. pri>t E_'::t10_i dnCl.
eRhan.^. °rr!E::t C:_ i~Ul~ ~ 1 (: t'i°71 t=i~ 62.LCt +` c'. rl:~ :•iE1=il='t J:i SGI11F.: OY ~~11
of the ~nraters v:ithi:: sac_'1 cGUnty or [nuniciT~aiit~/ require greater
rr^tec'icn ~u^h rc'inty or rtuni•~ima:`_ty [1av Prohibit. by o.dinan•r.e
tine anchoring oL •iesse~s `T.hin the ~•:at.e"s of i*_e iu_'isctictior. `_n
ex^e°G of 3 cc_tsecul_'vA days o- 1C davs c'.:'r-.lla-ivei•a i^ an`T
calenda- Vear tlo•ae~rer ^o s,.r'I'. ordi_ia_~ce shad - take eLLec: cr re
er.Lorced :mr.i' the egrr~issi-cn de_er(nines that. a s.~Liicient. nurni.>er
oL fN1h1iC MOO'"lI'C:~: c'. re a`iai_aU_C: tli I'IE:eY. tLe _i2C:d.S OI =2.^-.ld°nt
,nd -r-n••~crC •`°ssels. o. Purpores of tt:is :err_on, tt:c tern.
Dlt ! I i ~: 9/Z/2008 2a
487 '~:;ub._:. noorinps " means rnoorir.c b::ov s, d`c~<. S1'_ps, and :aaartaac
433 llertla teat. a°:a' able fcr rental cr lease :~' the ae_u_ral oub'ic
=139 or: a Lust cc..•ne- first. sere.=ed :Canis. The tern does net '_nc:udr-
490 facilities that store ~.esse on _and.
(3) Local governments thariaant [o adopt the 3day? 10 day anchoring ordinance can reyucst
that F!i'C determine whether there are enough public moorings within its jurisdiction to meet
the needs of boaters. F~Y'C :mill he required to adopt a rule that establishes the specific
criteria that it :mill use to make this determination.
49l ~:;) e+:~•:~ =~ount.<d or municir,uli:.•:~ ma•; aon" to tine •::o[v-i_~• •sn
492 for a determ_natiCn Cf :aheT.her or net a sufficient. nunber of
49i public noorir.r.s tc meet Lhc- neers of residera and transient.
494 vessels are a~=?ilac;_P. ^_he contrtissioc =hall esta:;__:a:, Ly r.:l~.
49J s~er.`_fic ::riteria to be t:sed ir. rn:tki:: :; this deternir.ation.
(4) Tf a vessel anchors for any part of a day within a county or mwtieipal jurisdiction, that
day will be counted toward the vessel's total ntunbcr of days anchored, even i(thc vessel
moves and anchors elsewhere within the jurisdiction.
49C, (41 Each day or ~ort_on c1 a c:a': that. a vesse_ is ar. cho'-eri
49i :•rithin the i~urisdict_ on shall. he cocr:ted tCWc1'd the coraec '~ti••~~o
493 ca•4-: o'- Ct:re::lati~:e da ys, ^ar:a] _ of ..,e_.t_r Lt:_ •:~..~.e cnam.e.
499 _~catior.s.
Lt6',. r'7 ~: 9/2/2008 25
(5) h1akes anchoring ~°iolations boating infractions (S50 payable by mail). Sornc cities have
anchoring ordinances on the books that mal<c the violation a crime or that impose exorbitant
administrative penalties.
(5) :',n+; par ,en :•;_'_iu__v v.o-.at_nc ar: craLnam~:e a;:3:-pte•3
pursuant to this se<'t°on commits a r.or.-cririnal :nfractic:~,
oun' shahle as r;ro•: _c•~:d ir. s. s77 ? t.
(6) Provides dte necessary rulemaknte authorih~ for the rules required in subsection (3).
(E) The ccaaniss_on s aUt.h•~?r~.ze<z to at1cF,!_ rues pt.r __:;r:.t t~•
chanter .2C C;; ircrolement. This sec ior..
(7) aVhen any anchoring ordinance is approved, F'~Tt'C ;~ ill be required to notify i ISCCi and
N(~S%NOAA so that the ordinance can he noted iu the applicable Local Notice to ~4aruters,
navigation charts, and Coast Pilot.
(?) ^_he c:::r:nisszen ;•::-_1 notiLd th~~ Urited States Coast G.:a°d
and the Kati., Ocean Ser~~ica "ritFir•. tf,e Alatienai Ccea-,ic and
`tmo=Ut•eric ~dm'n'^tratio_: ::L each ar~c:'~cring o_-dic:a::ce a~'~rc~ed
purs~'a-tt t^ Lh~ °• ^cti^n a~,d request t:rat su^h ~.rdinancc Uc
dF-Pr^gria-.e.-.' not<;d in -she a~•~L'cab_e Lo::a= -.n t•lar_ne~s,
:ia°.:ia~,~_c[i char-t.:1_ and Coast. ?_ c•t.
UR.t `~T d: 9/2/2008 2li
Section ld. t 33?.(i~ -
(I) Clariles tuba[ is moant by "official boat racc'~ and `'while on trial runs."
(2) Clarifies that municipalities, as [sell as counties, can impose the noise ordinance
spccilicd iu s. 327.65(Z). Just as ttith counties, this will be the Drily eneine or exhaust noise
ordinance thzy can impose.
Secti cn 14 . Sectica ~2%. 65, I•'1 on da :aatctes, is ar7cnded t.o
.12''.55 P<h:ffli_ut de•:!•:_c .-
(1) ^he 2xhausL of eve= _ntc:rna i ::omh-.ation er.%ic:c ..s:~d •~n
any vessC_ oFerated on t-he water; 01 tl'is state shall be
e`fe:tivcly .ra[`ler. by eq+:ip:t:er:t so co~str,lr-e~ ar-d 'ased as '_c
muffle tt_e ncxse oL the exY:a'ast i_i a reasonaa_e ma-.-,er. "'he Uric
of c~uto'ats i s p"ohit;ited, except fr..r -;esse'_s cotrpetinq '_n a
r2catta cr >~ia=r bra- held and ;_ancit:cted as vroviaec; _n
s. 3i?.•9si anti for sack •:csse's :•:h`_._ on t_ial cans, 'f trill _uns
ire ~hCCi ` ^a11-~ a'at?lor_zed .n the permit s~utticriz_no the r=caT.ta
c:r race.
(2) (a) ii_ty county or :m:r.icip_11iL'.i vris`~ing to i:r'.pcse nr..ise polltwtic ~ aid exha:lst reyulal_or.s o-. vessels
may, ~ u _ -_ .. adept -•~',~ county Sr :r~uni•:_`pa--
ordi-:ante Lile follo~~~inq requlaLions:
I. \o person shal- operate o_' yl.~ permiss'_on for tt_c
aperat_on of an,~ vesse= er. tt_e ~:al•:_is of any count°a or ~-~ a
spec_fied F:orti on of the v:arers .^.t ar,y ccunLy, ` r r l .,d i n:~ Lae
1''l OS l•dd TatYar Oa.^:tal iM ~: ~_Gr:V C'.';.', bi C11 CC1 aaE; aCOj~t°•;~ tC1E _)x'vV _c~ nnS
t»t.~i,~~, a: ~riziznns z~
o_` t.h'.s se^tica in Such a ss to exceed the follc:wing sca-d
_C: `.: •:115 dt d dl Stafl::E_' J1 .S'J feet Lrcm rile '~:v: C:'.: LCr dl.l ?re.S .Sels,
a II(axirr'a r. sound 1ev°el cf 9'0 dB e'..
~. An,~ per5o-: sync reuses to SuAm't to a sound _e:rel L~~St
:~*:l E?Il rEC;UC9 tC'.i~ l,C ~C SO t)V a _a;•: E:I110"C(1r~1U ('t. ^LL1CEr 1:i C~.~ll t: •";f
c_ IfllSdemeal'.Ur :;i l.:le SeCOnC deCJ'_'eE, j:'~f:15i:dble aS xi'CiVld'2:1 l.: ~.
.... (iB~ Or S. !.i5.~83.
~}11 '1112 -O ni%lI:C: Y::;rds 3.1d p11ra SeS, :`i tle Tl ILsed In LI11S
52Ct.l Or. ,y 51']all llavt tl'.C :1'.ed ail "i~.S res~•E'i:t 1`,•'C.1~' d:>51','i F.:~ -0 'tllEl(! l:l
tl:ls Satisec% .lon.
1. "dR .°..~• TY(eaas t1E COICIDC•5it-2 a~ODrev=atlO:i '_-Or the
P,-wcig:'I~ed sound level anti Lhc un`t. of sound le'.re1, Lho decihe_.
2. °.°iUGf.d 12Ve1. ° T:leans the ..-;v~igh.t.ed scant P=es~:crc 12ve1
mea SUY2C. 4:ltl: fci:il rC:SpOn Se. liSlI:C af: 1I:$I_ra:r~e ri L. COltl~l'yr L'i CI 'Al~_li
T.he-' :ipe::111Cdt1Cn -Ur S:iiul:%l l<:'~`Cl Tet.P..rS CL Ltlt' ?.Ill'111Cd11 Va-.1 t;:irll
Standards In5t1tU1=e, Lrc.r Ur 1tS S,lCCeSSCY DOC1°s, CXC'C7t that.
only a saeiq:lting al:d fast dynamic resc;onse need be proviceci.
Section 15. Adds the newly created infractions [ayuaculturc lease and anchorinu violations
to the intYaction list in ,. 32?.?3(7). Remo:~es the doss reference to s. 32'.60.
S~cticn 15. ~araarap_1 (:t1 is amended and paragra:~hs fX) r:.nd
(y) are added t.o s~.lbsec~ion (1) c•` sect`_on 32;.'!3, F'o-`da
Statures, to _cdd:
32 ±. r'3 Noncri_mina: _nf_'actior.s.-
O '•.'lola~it:•ns or tl:e follo'~'i'ia ~rC ~r1S1UI15 OL l-`le ve 33C'1
=aus of Ct:is Brat= ire ..ricri.r,inal in'r~:ct_ons:
UK I h', a: 9/1/1003 _'8
_1 ]_1
(k) '•.•'ic-ati:~,cs rel;:'_itic~ --c ~oc~r.:T__nca =~sl_~icteil a°ea~ ant;
speed limits:
_. Estat':lis'ia~. t~,r tt•~: ~mn•i:>,:=i _ or L le•. y, u,~ l rr:~_'~I_~a
autho°ities F'•ursuant. t.o s. =27.96.
L . _J ~4• ~. .. • f G . .. f. _ _. .. .. ~.~ ~
J. • ... ~~ .J. ... .
r. Speed liri.s e.,tai;__:huG pu'~suar•.t tc s. 3?'.:.:r zl ('?) .
~X1 `iecticn 2~3.7~ '~elatir:c to prohibi-eo. :~ess:~l roer~tior:
on tr_n;;gcS:7 C.,re "ea:ae::.
-- on ?'L':. 61, ref ~-i nq _ anciic•r' rcr.
i~ny person :riled fcr a v_o_at_on of any ::r.:ch t~•rov_s or. shall t:<
deel-led to be rhargeci. v:ith a r.or.crimi::al iafracr..:on, shall 1'.•e
C.=ted 1'Jx S.1C:1 an =nfr:lC tl C=i, and Saiull :7C C_tPC3 t.^. aT~:JC ci x' :~C-CY°
t}'e CO~.]aty (:OUxt. The Cl?ill _iCn2.i~y -0r uR,% FiCCt: la?'YnCt.=0I1 _.,
i'rj (~, P.XCEOt dH Ott`:er:•il SF Jx'O\'_dCC n th_:: section. ~~.ny pe-son 1•: rl C•
fails to appear cr ethero se p.opc_1_ respo:,d *_o a ur.iforr.
boat_ny ~itaticn saa__, ir. additior: to the c~rrarge relating tc the
v_oiatior. .^.f tae boatirnq laf,rs :;L this state, be charged :•:itil ~:tc of fai_iny to respond *_c suc?r Ci t.aT.ion _t_td, upon
C.^.'i ~°1Ct1Cn, t)P Cl:llt~+ 0= d M~Sd FT'1F. <z Tlor Cif the .;FOOnd i:c:
punisaaD_c as provideti._n .,. ..-.C~2 or s. .'Ei.;183. _. ~~'rxtt°".
.:arn°nq T. c; this e~=ect shall t;~ provided at the time saca uaiform
lloatir..: citations is>s::°d.
1.1i~-11~ I' 4: 9/2/1008 2~>
Section 16. Adds the nc:cly created infi'actions [aquaeulnu•e Iease and anchoring violatiou,~
h, the inl}action list iu s. 327.'731(1).
4ertior. 15. vubsccL ioc (1 1 of .. coon 32 ~ . ,.'..1 , Fl crida
~t&tutes, is amended to read:
32?.~31 ~°ldndaT.ory ed'.zcatiCa r;:r violator::.
{1) i~rer_J p•~rson ccm-ic-ed c u cr_m nal -aiclat_on oI th`s
et:dpt°r, Peery person ccn.~i•~ted o= a ncnc_' in=ra:aion. under
t_ris cirdnte~ if t71P. in`ra:l_on ~Asulted ir: a re:,crtdblP boati:~~
aCC=i:ellt, dI'd BtiPYV pets OI: COI:1~1Ct?•') ^f t:9C IIGII•`:r,ml-d1
nfra::tl'Jr::i ~.S C.ef'.nPd l:": v. .SLi iJ (1) (~`~)-(iC), (al), (C), ('O), a.ld
(5)-~_ ~^.lrr, said 1:'LT"a Ct. it:n,i Ci:i:Ux'rl ng ..'.thin 1 1G-1[liill t)i pP'!:. C•d,
(a) Enroll in, attend, anc successfclly cecTp.@tP, at t:is or
rlE'r CY;n P.Xpe'~:ie, c1 l~Odtl nC .safet ~ CO'.:xSt'. that. meets a'.1n1TiU:T~
stdncidrd.=. Ps*_ab__~h•rrd by t!-.P cc:r:~:issic:; ru-e; hov:e-JCr, _'~e
COCIICIll SS10`i ma' p.OVlde ~y YUl P DilrsUuIlt t0 'C ridpt.Pr 115 Ur'
v;aivers cf the atte~ddnce requirement 'or violaters res_uinq '-n
.areas waere cidssrccm presental_on of the course is not
d'~id11 aD. P.;
(b) Fil P With the commi ssior: vaitr:i~ 9~ davs prod cL
successL ~L ccrcro- eT.i.or: oL t`.li: c ~.rrse;
{c) Re=rdic frc:r. c-~erG~inq a vesse_ until hP or she has
filed tare proof of success `u. comp=et_on oL the c:nurse h~ith the
ccminis s_on .
!?R •t l ? d: 9/2/2008 30
i;r:y person :•; }i0 has SlICC(=;i :i_U'_'~/ •C CiT'1'~_BtE?(:. F.ir1 3pprCVC'C 1~•'13t1 nU
course sha_1 Le exem~r.. frorl these: provisior•.s upon sho`r:i-.j proof
r.o the :o[ttmissir..n as specified i:~ paracrap:~ fa) .
Scctiou l ? throu« ~ 27 -
The various statutes pertainin; W vessel title, registration, and numbers specify to which
vessels the reyuirenlents apply. llepending un the spccit7c statute, the vessel might bo: "used
utl Lhc w'a[CCS Of this state'; "Using lhC P'atCrS of this stale' ; "(tperalcCl url the waters Of the
state' ; "stored in the water"; or, simply "on the waters of this state." These various terms
will be changes [o the appropriate verh finrn of "operate, use, or store."
8cc'_ic•li " .. S'.ik:•section~ i") and (21 0l scctic•n 328.1;3,
Flcr>da StatUtCS, are anenaeo. Lu °'edc.:
328.;13 CertiLica~-e of title r::q~.:i~e•.l.-
(1 J °accl •dessel that. i-, operated, ased, or torf~a cry . ~~e
taaters of t:~is state m.'ast be titled by '_nis states p'.lrsuanL Lc:
this chapter, un12.=,s it is:
(a) :_ •:+c sel used exc_us_••re=y on private lakes ar.r3 por:d::.
~Dl _: ~u~eJiJel o:•med by the L'ni Led St.a tes overnnt•~r.C.
(::) y ~cn-mrto°-pov:ered vessel less taun .6 Leet. in le:r.;th.
(d) n ledera_ly :3or..a:r.e:,ted ~esscl.
(e) A vessel already covered br a reg`. straticn nw~tber ' n
fall fcrcc anc effect w_lica was a:•;arded to it pursurnt to a
federally approved mlmber_ny system of ar:ott_er state or by tltc
United States Coast Gua_-c ir. a Late v:itY.o-.a a °ece°ally approved
nllml~2?"iIl!I system, .f tl:e i`C:~:iel 15 :'iCt lccatca ~.n tl':ls :i ~i.::tL tCr
a pe r'1O'd 1 fl exCP.^^ of L"J C.'.: riSF.Gll-1'iE dc.,`5.
(f) n Ve5SC1 trCm a count rjr nt11 P.r t1:al: t.`li• ~In:Y.eC1 L;tiltec
nr,v ; a: vaianns sl
tem:~orar'.-~,~ csi:ig tnc :•:at.ers of t.h_s stal:~ for •._. period that i
not _n exc•~ss c` °.;] da/s.
(qJ iea umph`_bioL.=., vessel Let sv-~ic''i :-. '.eh_cie title ':s
1SS'..ed h,.r the Cepar'tT.e:lt_ Cr H1g:lbiuy z_C:tV and i~:CtCr Vell_~_e.s.
(:n) - vessel used so'.e.y for ceclonstratiorl, testin, o
sales :~romotiorr/l purposos by the mar:+~L;ict'..rer r.,r dealer.
(i1 ±+ `.else: ol•:ned ac:d opera tad by tale Slate or a poli*_ical
subdi-.isic:l tacreof.
(2) :~. persor: shall not operate, use, or ..=.tore a :+esse:. fnr
Wa1CC1 a eertlfli'aT.e iV. t_t._e S rP.CUlred ~~I:1^.SS the o.%ner t:as
receives. frore. Cho Department of Filth.+r.a-y Safety and [Motor '.iesiicles
a va 11d C't)r~:l_1•::atA Of tlY l'2 1:_r ~.]C'i 'iESSCI. l~ov::: `.%°r, Su•:;11
vessel may ae operated, used or stored -or a period e- up to =b~
days £rem the date c_ app_i•oat:on or a certificate of title
w:nile the applica':.ion `_s pending.
;~P..^.t l:;:i 1~. `OIIb SP.Ct10::5 {1} a~i:'~ (G) CL UC~Ct10"- .SG~.J?r
Florida Statutes, are dreaded *_o read:
3%6.~~ hull idea*_i'ication num:~er rerciral.-
(1) T`o pers;;n sha-= operate, use, or store on the +rraters 01
`.his stale a vessel the const.ruct.ior: of ~n'h]C:n •:?egan alter iictober
3., =G?2, for :~aich the departme::L 1':as i ssaed a ;:utt i ri rate ct
t:T.le or ~n~'~ich '_s rey'~ired by la:a tc be reg.stered, unless the
'Wessel. disp_u_:~s the assigned hu'.' ident£L_catior~ nurclUe_' affixed
b;r -.:ne manulact_lrer as rocui~ed by thy' Ur:it.ed Sates Coast <,'.:ard
or by the dopar~ment for a homerade VeJJcl cr other v2sse] fc:r
o:hiC:h a 1:'.:11 ide.nt.ificatic:l :cumber is nc~ recu'_red by tine i;nted
States ';cast i;!;a~Cl. T:ze dull ident___•'on r.+.::tber mull. Le
Carved, :JU°'ned, StaIRJCC, C,11110~~CQ, O" Other'n'1SC permnne:itly
11R.•Li~ r a: 9/2/2008 33
a=f!xed to tl-:e cutaGa_d side of the transom Gr, if there is nc
transom, to t:ne outerr<:o~l_ starl:•card side at the e_(d G` the hu11
LraC bears -he .cd~.ier cr ct:ner s--Bering 11e::hal:is:r., aGC•v2 the
'waterline G_° the -vessel in such a :•%ay that altera~ion, =Gmoval,
cr re~lacec:tenL 'n'Ga]d be obv_ous ana G•,~d2r,t. 1'he cha=asters of
the hul: :deraification nunbe:- musT. be I:o less than 12 ir; :;•ua•.Le_
and nc• -:2ss than one-lou~Lt: inch is hei•~Ya.
{~) N,^, pP rSOIl :>t:all Opera t°r ~.]S2 Cr :i =Ci x'C !J I' tilE :pia-.e r.S Cf
this sLat2 a vesse. the c:::atracti.n cf :,;:Wish ;aas c;::n;:1GtGd
before P1::v2In1CL _, 19'2, rcr tnc de~art.mer.t aas _ssuG( a
CCrtlflCa to Of f.ltle Cx' '.`i:11 Cl1 I.S Yevll :_re0. b'_/ 1_9'n' tC:• Oe
registered, unl2s.s tine vesse. d_sp_as a ht:ll ident_licatior
number. ^he t:cll ident.'.f' nucabc_ shall be c_early i:rprir.t2d
in the or Gn the ht;ll by sta:cpi.,g, imoressir.c, cr n:axkir.q
.,_Lh pr2sst:re. In _iec o1 irprir,, tae au.. ~dectiricar.ical
numb2_ may be c_spiayed cn a plate in rz perctan•~r.t r,anner.
~/essel for o-;h_:,h t.h.e :ranu;=acturcr leas ~ror•:c.ed ao au1.
idar,tiricat_Gn r.'~.mb2r rr a homel:ladG vesse-. shall be as::igr.~~d a
mall ident' ficatic:l number b,/ the depa_tmec:L 'n'hioh shall k;e
ai`ixed to the vesse_ pursuant fo tt:is section.
~e:LiGr 19. Subsection. {~) Gf Sectic:a 326.40, Fl::rid~_
Statutes, is amended t.o read:
32 LZ.t+V =`-C`.l']=C11:itZat lO:l Cr ~P..S.Sel rCC~_St_'atl O:'i and t_t__flg
lav:s; xcccrds.-
(2) ^_hG ^2part.ment of H_gh:•:ay Safety avid r9Gtor /ehicles
saa11 keep 212ctrrn:c -ero_'ds and perforce. sash other clerical
izut_cs as req:li rep: pe_ La i:- i n:; ti::
{a) :IessG_ _2cistraticn and :-ir_ling.
(~) ~uspe~sicn c' the •....:se_ op•o_atir.y prit-::eye ~uader
c~a~ter 32? ..... ._~ _ ...._-.
Sc:Ctio^ 2J. Suhsectio:: (~) c:r section 328.3i~, Florida
Statutes, is ame=need to read:
:s2u.9G Ope' c' registered verse-^.-
(2) ?;o person sha" operate, use, •or .=,tr:re or yiv:
permission fo_' ttic c•oerat.`-on, use o_ sl:?=ar:<_ cr any st:ch ~=ess•~l
cn such :•:aters anless:
(a) S.:ch verse". is recist~~r.~a ~~=ithir~ 3;? nays after purc:'~ase
by the and numbered t:'ie idcati£~•inq number set_crt`~
i r tha certificate o1 reyi s*ra*.icn, dis_>ia,/ec:
I. In accorda:~ce wi;-h s. 328.98(9), except, i` the ves::e-
l :'i d:1 c.l rOOa t, tl:e reylstx'a L_C•n nUl"IOer may )::e dl:; :?~ay e.G OC: e;l"h
SldP. C= the .'~w•dder; Cir
2. r. accordance a:ith 33 C.C'.R. s. 1?3.2?, o° b:itYi a
ieaeraily appre•:-ed numb~~rir.r system. cf anct acr state; and
(b) 1:'ie certificate oL regi_stration or temporary
certificate of nt:mber a:~Grded :c• such vessel is in `u'_~_ fo-rce and
Sect`_on. 21. Subsect.'_on (L) of section 326.98, Florida
Sr..atutes, is amended to -ead:
328.'8 '~icssc= _?cistratio::, af:plira*icn, :.~rtiLicate,
number, decal, auplicat.e certificate.-
(2) ul_ vessels camera-ed, used, r..•r -to°ed ,:n the '..aters o'
Che sta_e mu:,Y. be rcyist.erer.:, e_thc_ comme' or reo_•~atior.a'.
as de"_ned ir. s. 32?.02 tlr~--chaptc:-. ~XC~pt as io__o~~~s:
(a) F. 'v eSSel U~CCi ?X:'.1'.S 1vC1V .::i Firivate 1a)CC:i and JGndS.
(b) h `'iCJJF. Obi":ed by the ~Jni-.ed ;:Cates Go'~ernment.
Dh4 f~ l~ d: 9/211408 39
(;:) A vess•C= used excl"~sivcly as ~ saip'e lifebca'.
(d) ."•. nCll-[:lOtOr-pv:~fPrP.d Vessel lest than to Leet .n _ength,
ar.d any non-motor-pe~rP red canoe, kayak, racir.r. ss1e11, •o° '~or:inq
soull, regardless o'- length.
::P.:a`_Cil: LL. Se•~t_`•on 328.~r, Florida Sta-ur.e::, ice. .a:r,endPd to
328.cJ~1 ~•iCSSe. ..~15tru't1Cn :'(.711"ibPT".-L:aCtl .•~sSCl ~-hnt =:i
OC:CTd t.=d, :]SeG, Or Stored cn ..le tia ~CrS Or rt:P Sti:.t E` f.TUSt C" Sp_i::'
1 C:::T.:T.C rCI a~ O"' re Creat iC•na '"-Or. C.a reylSt-=at1 Cn nUl:lt)E=, ~~7'.1=~SS
It IJ:
(-) A '~=essel used excl~usi'.~ely .... pri•.u~e _ak=~s ar~d loads.
(2) a•'1 tie:iSC_ Oi~:rPd t:y ttie Unlted :?-.c--P.S li=JVa:L:11TiCnL..
(r} :1 '•:F.^-.^El 'uti C'.( C:+C lt]S 7.'VF. ).V iz:~ cl Sh~Fi'S 11 LE:.iiJat.
(9) Ti nor.-motor-.~e:vcred vessP= _ess thar. "I & =Pet ir: lcr•gth,
end any non-motor-posPreo: :anoc_, kay:3k, raci:;g she" -. , or ro~f:i::=
scu=' , regardless of '_er:ytY:.
(-•) ~, Ledcra.lV doc".:7.e::Ced '.essel .
('o) A °~PSSel already ccVered by ~. reg'.st_raticn number '_n
ft:ll fcrce and eff=r..t. :a:~lich nas been a;•;arded to i*_ pursuant to a
Lederally appro•eed numbPr_ny system of slate or t;y tt_;J
United Slate.=.. ..„asp Cua_'c;u ir. a state v.'ithc.a. a 'ede_'ally appr;:Ved
nurtr~e_'ir.q system, _1 the .=essPl t:as :1ct been ..'_t.t:i:: t:~is sta-.P
for a L:oticd i n excess ;:i 9"~ rcnsecuti•,=c da s.
(','') r vessel cperating under a va__d terrpcrary ::e_tilicatP
oL number.
(8) A Vessel from n co~~rtry other ttlan the Ur.itPd States
temporarily us'nq the vaatex~; c:f t~,is s~atc.
(9) :.n undocurentPd ~:esse_ used Pxc=usiV:_ly`or racir:y.
73) JC:i:t.On 7J. :ieCT.`On ?L$.~Q, F'1O"1•da :;tatllT.P.::, 1S a:r.cnd^:] to
732 rF. r3d:
733 32'cr.58 ~cc_orocity of :-.::-.reside:lt cr d..en vessels.-T=te
734 ~:x•:rer of a:r,~ ~:essei already cc•%er2d by a rey_:.=Lrai_icn Wanner in
73~ li. 11 Y..^,YCF. anG effect Wn1C:n ndS 722n a:•iarced:
736 ('I) Ry another state pursuant. to a federally approved
737 :ialcucriny s st2T rf anof.her state;
73R (2) By Lhc United Coast icar•d in a state =,;itilcat a
739 _cdera-_-y approved nurr}~crir.: syst.2m; or
740 (3) By t~'12 i;n-aed Stat~•s Coast 'sward `or a federally
741 documeraed •/essc_ :•:ith a valid reais'_ratic•n 'n f•..11 £erce and
742 effect frog] another state
743 shall record T.t_e .lunwcr •.•:_t.h the L'epartmel:l cf HiyYl:•:ay :safety anu
744 :JCtc.•r `:%ch_ol2s prior to ope_alir•g, t:sir.c, or s`or_ng Lt:o •re.=,s21
745 On the caater8 CL Lt'1 -. S sf.ate 1I: 9XCeSS Ot t~'12 ~J-GA_i rE•C1Ki x-CClty
746 p~=x~od provided `or ii: thi.-, Sach re~.ordati.^rl shad :.>e
747 p!:~:>t:ar.t. to the procedure required 'cs the a.•:a_•d of an or_q_na1
748 xeylStrc.tlGn nL'nb2r, eXC:E :it tnc.t no aUC.t=ol:al cr SUDS t.. t.U t2
749 r_:-tisLra~ic•n nrmiv2r s:ra11 be _ssuer,' ' f f.he ~.~esscl o•.•mer mainfa_ns
750 I.`'le ~r2viou•:1•_i a~n=arded req'.st_at_on nuntbot i-~ fu1= Force a _d
751 c--ect.
752 SecLio:; 2A . :?e:aio:: 32~. o~~, Florida SI_atuCes, i s arnendca to
753 _ead:
754 :itu.6J P~lilit..ary personnel; reg'.sT.rat_or.; f:enalt'25.-Anv
755 7-i•.r pcrsor.r.21 cn act_vc duty ' n this state a:?eratir.cLCSinq,
75G cr stering a •.-essel that has a reyistrstix; numoe~ ir. fall force:
757 and cft`e:~t. =,;hick fats: b•:::~r a=~.arded t;: it pursuant to a federally
Dli; i P ' 4: 9/2/2(108 36
apgrcvcd numbering system of ar.ot.her stale cr by the Uni*_ed
Males Coast :=ogre lI: a slate selthcat a ~cdCra_ly .apprcvea
numbering s+stem, or a icdcrall t+ documented •:+essel :,~i r.h a :+a `d
teC;l StratlCll .I1 LS.11. fCYCF. and L.=CC.t 'YCjm acOtriEr ;;Ia LC St7a l_
net be reau_red to h_s or tie= vessel in t.h_: ~,lale ++,:hi:e
such ccrC'_ficate C' reyisl°'atior. remaira valid; but, at t_ie
exp__ali:or. of such =egistz_~lio.^. certificate, a__ r2cistraticn aid
t.lt11I:C Stld11 :JA :SSI:°:~ ~'y ln1S Stc'.tP., lIl LtIC .aSt' .^.r a -r?QEri;ll?:
•d OC'.:T.231ted VCJ S~~'~., t. ~`i P. 15311 i:.n<:C O. n Y'. t _~ _.. ..Ut rcr,':U'. reG t)V
this cha'
veC. L._OI7 7J. 9Ct.on 328 .'~: , ='15'=1i~a 8l.i t.U:-F..S, lv 1:1:0ndC•d t.0
32E. eS i,eg'. S aT.1've 1_aC:7l 'n'1 th reSpeC~ tCi rCglStYaL1Cn aiid
numbering ct vessel:..-lt is tnc legisla-ive '_nlc'nC t.ndt ve5se_s
be registerec. ar:d na.r,bered uni'or1-1_}~ througho•.a tole slate. 5'he
p'.irpcsc e` ss. 3't7.5~, 32?.?0, 2?. ,2, 32Q.'oo, :328.tiE, and 3i?.?2
is tc make -e;istrat.'_on and I:cmbc~irq procedure:: similar tc those
of automobiles and ai~pla^es a::d Lo provide 'or a •,c_ssel
=eoislraticn 'ee al:d certificate sc as t.c• ceterlr.ine .nc o.•:nership
of vessels ;•:h_ct: are r.,oerated, used, ar -Toyed -c'cr°tr.. or. the
:Ji:.tCrS O. th7.=. StiJ.tE c1nQ t0 a.C .Il ltle ddi'ar,ceT:entvl [ilarltlm~
Se^tl ^.:, GE. .ci ll t.'S°Ct 1.^._, (1~ .:1 St~Ct1C:Cn 32 `a.r'J p, F'1 (>r 1du
Stut~~les, is amended to read:
:i28.6~ Coi:ray and mun`.c'_pa__C•d opt'onal reyistrat:or. fee.
(') An~r! y may _mpose an ar.r.l:al registrat.9or. fee ...
VCSSe~ S .eClsr Cx'Cq, operated, e'd, ..^.r SrCrCd n t. t:e Warer tvi l.:il.^.
_t.s jl:risdiction. This fee s`.7a11 be 5~ _)er•rPnT. of tae app~_cablc
llh .l r , 4: 9/2/2008 3'
vta to reCl.St rii.~_OIi 1C^. cycle i°er, t~12 ilrS~ h~.. Of e'Jery
recistraticn `npns=a 'a_Ider t:nis su~~section sL:all lie t~
the state c- •dep~sir in the Sa•:e the P4anatee Irust ?ur.d createa
W 1. ..nln the i'151i and ri: '. C_:fP. 1.011°C_'ddtl. ~CC lam.^.T.Til S:i_O[I, d"~ Sl".811
ae usec. only Lcr the purposes specified i-~ s. 3'ti.2~.~7(4). All
other moneys rCOC: _':: a•;.i frr::r. s'~ch fcc s`iall :~e Pripo_:d;:'l1 -cr t:ie
patrol, re.~tr 7<3t.OP., a_,d T.GllltencnC: P. 0. the _akeS, r1T•ierS', dnC
v:8 to r:i ii.Ild iv. OY_h.e T' )70ut 1Il(J-x'C_at-eC dia.\'i tl']S C. SUCK
:canicioa'.ity or ccuntp~. .. muni::ipa_it'.a that s~*as _cipo~;i1: .a
reyistratior. fee beiu°e i'tpril 1, 1ti8=, .ray rcnT._nue to le~.~= sact:
fE'e:, n0 t'i:l t.riSt~an( tt':C pr Ci'151C::7s Cf Ln1S SPCC 1.^.:":.
Secticn 2?. S•absccticn (13) c' scct_on 328.?~, °-o__da
itat.'ates, !s amended ... read:
328.+2 ~~lassi-.•-at`_on; re•:,ist~atior.; fees and charges;
sur:harge; disposit_on of fees; fil:o~s; r?.rine Turtle sCic~.ers.-
(13) ?X?"RN: L' RE;ISI3AT TON .-l:~ie ci:•c ra:i_on, tae, cx' StC•raae
1:p7:- trl'c' Wc:tCrS Of thl:> :itc,tC C- r_ ~rE`!_Jtl ;: 1'_~I Ze.~1.Sterea VCSSC--'..
after t:ie cxpirati^n o` the req` straT.ion p•~=iod i s a nol:crirnina-.
~~icla~'.on, as dcLiner `_n ~. 32 :'.?3.
Section 28. ~ 403.R 13(2)(k) -'I'bis section has no effect on boats or boaters.
Conliimts tcnuiuolo~ry to clarify that unifomt ~~'atcnvay markers pennillcd by P~'VC do nat
need an additional permit front L)13P.
Sectirn 28. Fx.grap:~ tom) c` subse~tior. {c) r.' se:a_vn
9~J'?.873, F:o_-ida Sta:-ores, =s aciencec, to read:
41;3.813 Ferm'_r.s isss:•_~;a at district cen-ers; <uceptic:ns.-
DI( -I ;'7 ~!: 9/2/2004 31i
(c) A permit is nc- reUUired under this chapter,
"s':i, caa:,tc° n1-691, La:•:s of ~_o_'ida, or ct_af:LCr 2521' ox chapter
252?~, 19~~, lia=:as of F)OT-lda, fox .actl-.lties associated :vitn -...',P.
fOllo*n'ing LVUFS Uf prClCC~-S~ :lU:•iC~?C Y, F.XC.e~7t ]S Ct.'1P.r:v=:iij
t"ircvlded .Il tt:75 .S'.]JSe C:t-Cn, nottl=llg In tt:15 5~,1~SECt1 Ur. r211E ~+P.=
an app.'.car.t ixom any regt:irem2r.t to oLlai'~ permi:ssio`~ tc use or
occT:py la^:ds r.,•:•;ned b'_~ the ~cara cf Trus*.ees of t.h~ In'_crn.,'
Improvement _rt:.=. T. Land c:•r an- :•;atcr nanayemor:l_ dis-.r_:a it ;t.s
governmental or proar_Eta y= capacit,; c,r fro:r. ccmp:yir:<,•. ~~~it''~
app-.icable leco'. polh~tior. co:axa progr<uns authorized under tail
ct_apter or othc:_ r2q'airements r.,' county and mc::icina'_
(k) Tt:c insta__atior of ~.:_:ilor7 s:*:aex:>ia~,: markers r.~s-mac
_ ,,. <.: ... ~.> ~_~~ ...., _ .. _ ~, pre;=i dcd the
devices ore per:ritted >>` pursuant to s. 62',•.40 and r_les of
the =_est: ar.d i~iildi_fe Co:ac:x'>~atio:-. ~o:r_rission.
Section 29. Provides an ctlcctive dote.
Section 2?. Tais act sha_" take effect "open ~oe.~omir..^, lar:.
L>R:.I i'r ~l: 9/1/2008 3rd