Original Attachment AATTACHMENT A CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FY 2008109 RENEWA_ L AND REPLACEMENT PRO_J_ECTS PROJECT NAME f DESCRIPTION POLICE STATION BUILDING Replace communications & security: fire alarm system 125,000 Replace two passenger elevators and lifts {Partially Funded FY 08 - Total 273,913 $499,719 less $225,806 previous funding) j Service Elevator: Total Project S201,484 Less Funded FY 06 113,484 777 FIRE STATION 3 Replace Exterior Windows lighting & branch circuitry, emergency lights & power system and FLAMINGO POOL FACILITY 'ool Deck Repair and Replacement 304,000 NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK Replace Pavilions in North Shore Open Space Park 150,000 VARIOUS Install backflow preventors at various locations to comply with Code 35,000 TATUMIMUSS PARK BUILDINGS Domestic water distribution upgrade 50,000 S-VARIOUS_ BUILDINGS 539,000 SUB TOTAL 2,017,249 CONTINGENCY - 10% 201,725 TOTAL 'L.218,974