LTC 224-2019 NEXT GENERATION COUNCIL MOTIONS MIAMI BEACH 224-2019 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager a DATE: April 18, 2019 SUBJECT: NEXT GENERATION COUNCIL MOTIONS The purpose of this Letter to Commission(LTC) is to inform the Mayor and Commission of the advisory motions passed by the Next Generation Council at its April 3,2019 meeting. MOTION 1 Recommending that the City Commission recognize the value of promoting the establishment of big businesses that preserve the historic structures on Lincoln Road as well as the small businesses that preserve the character of Lincoln Road. Motion Made By: Wesley Kean Motion Seconded By: Jaime Maniscalco Motion Approved: Vote 10-0 MOTION 2 Recommending that the City Commission not retroactively interfere with developments and businesses that appropriately follow the City's rules and regulations at the time of approval to promote a healthy business environment. Motion Made By: Jefferson Brackin Motion Seconded By: Jordan Kramer Motion Approved: Vote 9-0 Members Present: Adrian Silva,Daniel Smith,Elisabeth Rabin,Jamie Maniscalco,Jefferson Brackin, Jessica Shraybman, Jordan Kramer, Lucas Hernandez, Mark Jacobs, Michael Thoennes(via phone), Wesley Kean Members Absent: None