LTC 239-2019 Miami Beach Convention Center Construction Project Update No. 31MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive , Miami Bea ch, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl .gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # 239-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor uan I .. .:Jt:::luc, dnd Members FROM : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE : April 24, 2019 SUBJECT: Miami Beach Convention Center Construction Project Update No. 31 The purpose of this LTC is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the Miami Beach Convention Center (MBCC) Renovation and Expansion Project. The financial information provided is through January 31, 2019. Project Dashboard is attached as Exhibit A and corresponding Budget Summary Breakdown is attached as Exhibit B . SCHEDULE UPDATE & PROJECT MILESTONES Construction of the project commenced in December 2015 and is 99.1% complete through March 28, 2019. The P-lot Park and the Carl Fisher Clubhouse are both scheduled for completion in 2019 by separate contractors . Current Project Status I Events The City continues to host scheduled shows during the final close out of the project using Special Event Permits. The Construction Manager (Clark) is continuing remaining work requ i red to achieve substantial completion and final completion of the project including punch list items, issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy and closeout. A major focus on completion of inspections is being coordinated with the Authorities Having Jurisdiction (Fire, Building Department and Public Works). SEPARATE PROJECTS (By Other Contractors) P-Lot Park The contractor for the Park, Critical Path Construction, has fenced off the property and mobilized to begin construction. The City's Capital Improvement Projects Department (CIP) will be managing the construction of the Park for the City and will be reporting the project updates separately. Carl Fisher Clubhouse Historic Restoration (Clubhouse) The Carl Fisher Clubhouse has been under construction since December 2018 and project completion is currently scheduled for October, 2019. The City's CIP Department is managing the Clubhouse project for the City and is reporting the project updates separately. FINANCIAL UPDATE TO January 31, 2019 The project is currently on budget. The usual project dashboard with updated financial information is attached as Exhibit A. A corresponding Budget Summary Breakdown is attached as Exhibit B. Narrative updates are as follows : CONSTRUCTION DRAW Taking into account direct purchases and payments for the construction, including retainage, a total of $525 .4 million , or 95%, of the total updated GMP amount of $552 million has been paid through January 31, 2019. For a detailed breakdown , refer to Exhibit B (GMP +Direct Purchases Line Item). Miami Beach Convention Center Monthly Construction Project Update No . 31 April 24 , 2019 Page 2 of 3 Financial Protection (Current Retainage and Liquidated Damages) As of December 31 5 \ the City is holding $17.5 million in retainage from amounts due the CM to assure that it can secure the correction of any defective or non-conforming work and complete punch list items currently being documented until final completion of the project. In addition, a total of $1.9 million in liquidated damages have been withheld from the CM as of August 24, 2018. The City and the CM convened a mediation from February 26, 2019-February 27, 2019 to discuss all outstanding claims and achieve completion of the Project while allowing events to occur as scheduled. The mediation ended in a mutual impasse with the parties agreeing to establish weekly meetings between the City, the CM, Spectra, and the Authorities Having Jurisdiction (Building Official and Fire Marshal) to aid in coordinating inspection schedules and to keep the lines of communication open in order to achieve the common goal of finishing the Project as soon as possible . Construction Manager's (CM) Contingency Refer to Exhibit B 1 for a summary of the total CM Contingency use to date . For the month of December and January, an additional $150K was utilized to bring the total to $29.7 million out of the $29.7 million CM contingency. The CM has utilized 100% of the CM contingency. Direct Purchase The City continues its direct purchase of materials for the project originally budgeted at a sales tax savings of approximately $6 million. Through January 3P1, the City has directly purchased $63.9 million in materials resulting in sales tax savings of $4.67 million . The tax savings shortfall of $1.3 million has been funded out of Owner's contingency. OWNER COSTS A total of $60 million, or 88%, of the owner cost budget has been expended to date. Art in Public Places (AIPP) A total of $4.9 million out of the $7.1 million has been expended to date. Below is current update of all AiPP works: • Franz Akermann-Completed. • Ellen Harvey-Completed. • Joep van Lieshout-Completed. • Joseph Kosuth-Completed, pending final electrical inspection. • Sarah Morris-In progress. • Elmgreen and Drag set-Fall 2019 as part of the Convention Center Park construction. OWNER CONTINGENCY For a full detailed breakdown of all Owner costs and credits, refer to Exhibit B2. A total of $29.5 million of the available owner contingency of $35 million has been utilized. Reimbursement from Other CMB Funds A total amount of $11.8 million has been reimbursed to the project for expenses incurred due to event related operating costs, builder's risk claims, enhanced stormwater culvert expenses and other costs . A total of $9K remains to be incurred once all builder's risk claims are invoiced. OVERALL COSTS From an overall project perspective, including owner contingency, $573.6 million, or 94% has been spent on the current $615.4 million project. Miami Beach Convention Center Monthly Construction Project Update No. 31 April 24, 2019 Page 3 of3 LOCAL HIRE Over 7,000 workers have been employed by the project since its inception. The labor force includes full-time, part-time, temporary labor, and includes daytime and nighttime shifts. Approximately 64% of that labor force was local hire within Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Maria Hernandez at Extension 2584. Attachments: Exhibit A-Project Dashboard Exhibit B -Budget Summary Breakdown Exhibit B1 -Contractor Contingency Log Exhibit B2 -Owner Contingency Log JLM I MH F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J AS 0 N D J F To t a l Pr o j e c t Co s t 93 . 2 1 % Ex p e n d e d $O m Ne t GM P Dr a w 95 . 2 % Ex p e n d e d $5 5 0 m -1 $5 0 0 m $4 5 0 m $4 0 0 m $3 5 0 m $3 0 0 m $2 5 0 m $2 0 0 m $1 5 0 m $1 0 0 m $5 0 m $O m CM Co n t i n g e n c y (I n c l u d e d in Ne t GM P ) To t a l Pr o j e c t No t e s : • 93 . 2 1 % o f th e to t a l Pr o j e c t bu d g e t ha s be e n ex p e n d e d . Co n s t r u c t i o n GM P No t e s : • 95 . 2 % o f th e to t a l GM P bu d g e t ha s be e n ex p e n d e d . • $O K o f th e CM co n t i n g e n c y re m a i n s on $1 5 m th e pr o j e c t . Re f e r to LT C 1 $1 0m na r r a t i v e an d Ex h i b i t B l fo r de s c r i p t i o n an d de t a i l . $5 m $O m Ow n e r Co s t s 88 % Ex p e n d e d Owner Contingency (not included in Owner Cost) $40m $35m $30m $25m $20m $15m $10m $5m $Om Owner Cost Notes: • $8.2M remains in the Owner's Budget including $2.1M in Public Art Costs and $3.4M FF & E. • $5.48M remains in the Owner's Contingency. Other Notes: • 47 events took place during construction to January 2019. EXHIBIT B Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion & Renovation Project Approved Budget Dashboard Summary 10/7/15 Budget Current Current Current Balance Original %Total Forecasted Budget %Spent Budget Variance Budget % Expenses Remai ning Trade Costs $410 ,205 ,803 66 .62% 887 ,604 $411 ,093 ,407 66.80 % Direct Purchase 0 0.00% -68 ,112,191 -68 ,112 ,191 -11 .07 % Storm Water Drainage Culvert 0 3 ,309 ,692 3,309 ,692 0.54% Recon 50,803 ,086 19 50,803,086 8 .26 % Change Orders 0 0.00% 14,031,274 14,031 ,274 2.28% Subtotal 410 ,205,803 66.62% 919 ,465 411 ,125 ,268 66.80% 391 ,117,613 95.13% 20 ,007 ,655 Contractor Soft Costs General Conditions (Clark Staffing) 24 ,465 ,886 3.97% 3 ,989 ,316 28 ,455,202 4.62% 28 ,455 ,202 100 .00% 0 General Requirements 14 ,760 ,103 2.40% 3 ,121 ,065 17 ,881 ,168 2.91 % 17 ,880,987 100.00% 182 Payment & Performance Bond 3 ,708 ,000 0.60 % 70 ,410 3,778,410 0.61 % 3 ,778 ,087 99 .99 % 323 GL Insurance 1,807 ,650 0.29% 275 ,262 2,082,9 12 0.34% 2 ,053 ,73 2 98.60 % 29 ,180 CMr Fees (3 .8%) 17,288 ,003 2.81 % 2 ,828 ,474 20 ,116,477 3.27 % 14 ,475 ,267 71.96% 5,641 ,210 CCIPGL Wrap 0 0 .00% 4 ,740 ,576 6 4,740 ,576 0.77% 4,740 ,576 100.00% 0 CM Contingen cy 29 ,747 ,61 3 4.83% -29 ,747 ,613 7 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 Base GMP 501 ,983 ,058 81.53% -13 ,803,044 488 ,180,014 79.32 % 462,501 ,465 94.74% 25 ,678 ,550 Other GMP Items (Including all mark ups) P-Lot Park (allowance) 10,000,000 1.62% -10 ,000 ,000 12 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 Storm water Drainage Culvert 3,475 ,000 0.56 % -3 ,475 ,000 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 Subtotal 13,475 ,000 2.19% -13 ,475 ,000 0 0 .00 % 0 0 .00 % 0 Total GMP (Clark) 515 ,458 ,058 83 .72% -27 ,278 ,044 488 ,180,014 79.32% 462 ,501 ,465 94 .74 % 25 ,678 ,550 Direct Purchase Tax Savings -6,000 ,000 -0.97% 6 ,000 ,000 15 0 0 .00 % 0 0.00 % 0 1 Total Net GMP 509,458,058 82.74% -21,278,044 488 ,180,014 79.32% 462,501,465 94.74% 25,678,550 Direct Purchases 0 0 .00 % 63,926,486 63,926,486 10.3 9 % 62 ,936 ,64 9 98.45 % 989 ,836 GMP + Direct Purchases 509,458,058 82 .74% 42,648,442 552 ,106,500 89.71% 525,438,11 4 95.17% 26 ,668,386 Owner's Cost City Staffing & Expenses 1,561 ,000 0.25 % 1,248 ,650 4 2 ,809,650 0.46 % 2 ,301 ,293 8 1.91 % 508 ,35 7 Consultant Fees (SAG) 1,047 ,725 0 .17 % 160,000 1,2 07 ,725 0.20 % 1,156,819 95 .78 % 50 ,906 Owner's Rep (Hill ) 5,585 ,673 0.91% 1,876 ,175 7,461 ,848 1.21% 7,037 ,381 94.31% 424,467 Design Fees (Fentress) 26,669,442 4.33% 1,366 ,036 8 28 ,035,478 4.56 % 27 ,871 ,018 99.41 % 164,460 Owner's Cost Estimator (US Cost) 400,030 0.06 % 609 ,219 5 1,009,249 0 .16 % 1,009 ,249 100.00% 0 Pre GMP CM Fee (Clark) 2 ,594,073 0.42% -1 ,037 ,629 1,556,444 0.25 % 1,556 ,444 100 .00% 0 Testing & Inspections 2 ,328,943 0.38% 831 ,520 3,160,463 0 .51% 2,623 ,149 83 .00% 537,314 Permit & Plan Reviews 2 ,400 ,000 0.39% 846 ,181 11 3,246,181 0.53 % 3 ,178,476 97.91 % 67 ,705 Other 783 ,526 0.13 % 2 ,192 ,495 2 2,976 ,021 0.48 % 2 ,199,588 73 .91 % 776,433 Other-Legal/ DAP Board 63 ,515 0.01% 260 ,000 9 323,515 0.05% 285 ,668 88.30% 37 ,847 Other-Spectra 0 0.00% 292 ,000 10 292 ,000 0.05 % 291 ,950 99.98 % 50 Public Art (AIPP) 6,900,000 1.12 % 220,422 1 7,120,422 1.16% 4 ,971 ,349 69 .82 % 2,149 ,073 1 MBCC FF&E 6,830 ,945 1.11 % 0 6,830 ,945 1.11 % 3 ,364 ,642 49.2 6% 3,466 ,303 Insurance: OCIP GLWrap 9 ,000 ,000 1.46% -9 ,000 ,000 3 0 0 .00 % 0 0.00% 0 Builder Risk/Building (net) 1,600,000 0.26% -57 ,884 1,542 ,116 0.25% 1,542 ,116 100.00% 1 0 Professional Liability Umbrella 1,000 ,000 0.16% -382 ,117 617,883 0.10 % 617,883 100.00% 0 Carl Fisher Renovation Allowance 2 ,500,000 0.41% -2 ,500 ,000 13 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 Subtotal 71,264 ,872 11.57% -3 ,074,933 68,189 ,939 11.08% 60 ,007 ,025 88.00% 8,182 ,914 P-Lot Park (allowance) 0 0.00% 12 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 Escalator/Elevator/Kitchen Upgrades 0 0.00 % 17 1,487 ,972 1,487 ,972 0.24% 0 0.00 % 1,487,9 72 16 Reimbursement from other CMB Funds 0 0.00 % -11 ,845,653 -11 ,845 ,653 -1.92 % -11 ,835 ,930 99 .92 % -9,723 Total Without Owner's Contingency 580 ,722 ,930 94.32% 29 ,215,828 609,938 ,758 99.11% 573 ,609,208 94.04% 36 ,329 ,549 Owner's Contingency 0 .00 % -29 ,517 ,112 5,482 ,888 0 .89% 0 0.00% 5,482 ,888 Total Owner's Contingency 35 ,000 ,000 5.68 % -29 ,517 ,112 14 5,482 ,888 0 .89% 0 0 .00 % 5,482 ,888 Total Budget With Owner's Contingency $615 ,722 ,930 100.00% -$301,285 18 $615,421 ,645 100.0% $573,609,208 93.21% $41,812,437 Fo r Budget Notes see Pag e 2 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT B Exhibit B Budget Notes: 1 A portion of the savings from insurance was allocated to AiPP to provide for actual costs. Pursuant to Sec. 82-587 of the CMB Code, the total amount allocated to AiPP has been transferred to the Art in Public Places Fund. 2 Miscellaneous costs such as surveys, studies, public information officer (PIO), and utility fees. 3 Insurance Savings as a result of implementing a CCIP (Contractor Controlled Insurance Program) rather than an OCIP (Owner Controlled Insurance Program). 4 A portion of the savings from insurance was allocated to City Staffing to cover costs from Fiscal Year 2014 through December 2018. The previous budget estimate included only Fiscal Years 2015 through part of 2018. 5 Additional Cost Estimating services to support GMP reconciliation negotiations with Construction Manager. 6 $4.7M in general liability insurance was originally to be purchased directly by the owner, but was actually purchased by the contractor. Also refer to Footnote No. 3. 7 Total use of Contractor Contingency to Date. Refer to Exhibit B1 for detailed summary. 8 Additonal fees for miscellaneous design revisions and extra site visits requested by Contractor; approx. $414K of the total has been deducted from Clark's Contract. 9 Additional Costs for Dispute Avoidance Panel and outside legal counsel. 10 Moving expenses, parking fees and other expenses for relocation of building operator. 11 Costs for additional permitting fees. 12 P-Lot Park Allowance removed from Project budget, and will be tracked separately. 13 Carl Fisher Clubhouse Allowance removed from Project budget, and will be tracked separately. 14 Total use of Owner Contingency to Date. Refer to Exhibit B2 for detailed summary. 15 Projected Sales Tax Savings from submitted Direct Purchase Orders; Future anticipated $1.3M shortfall in Direct Purchase of materials. 16 Reimbursement for operational expenses (Reso 2017-29830), Builder's Risk claims, stormwater culvert (2017-29829) & re-roofing of existing building (2015-29144). 17 Remaining amount for additional Escalator/Elevator/Kitchen Upgrades approved by Commission under Reso 2017-29829. 18 Total budget variance includes additional bond proceds of $147,449 +Additional funding in the amount of $4,034,625 for Art Basel Elevator & Escalator per Resolution No. 2017-29829 +Additional funding from RDA 4th Amendment per Reso No. 631-2018, and removal of PLot Park and Carl Fisher Clubhouse allowances, which are now tracked as separate projects. 19 GMP Reconciliation. Refer to LTC# 331-2017 issued on June 26, 2017 for details. Page 2 of 2 MONTH MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY <D MAY 0 MAY N MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY JU NE JUNE J ULY JU LY JU LY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY Total CM Contingency USES May2016 •• Jun 2016 Ju l 2016 Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Oct2016 Nov 20 16 Dec2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Mar 2017 Apri l 2017 -Interim Apr 2017 May 2017 Jun 2017 Ju l 2017 Aug 2017 Sep 2017 Oct 2017 Nov 2017 Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Feb 2018 Mar 2018 Apr 2018 May 2018 Jun 2018 Jul 2018 Aug 2018 Sep 2018 Oct 2018 Nov 2018 Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Tota l Uses EXHIBIT 81 Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion & Renovation Project Construction Manager's (CM) Contingency Report through January 31 , 2019 SUMMMARY REMAINING CM CONTINGENCY Acousti Alpha American Fireproofing Banker Baring Industries Camarata CD PW David Allen Duffy & Lee Ford AV Haywood Baker Honeywell Hufcor I SEC Jaffer Nash NFP Rite Hite R&M Specified Arch Sys Tecta Trident Won Door WPM SUBTOTAL Louvers (Nash) WPM SUBTOTAL Acousti Aeria l Photography Geosyntec Michae l Wood Modspace Goa l Associates Smith Fence TR Permitting SUBTOTAL Temporary Walls Demo liti on Spray Fireproofing Stru ctural Stee l Food Service Masonry Dewatering Ti le Carpet Aud ioNisua l Soi l Stabi li zation Low Vo ltage Ope rable Partions Expansion Joints Dewatering • Wells Dewatering -Underground Utility Fire Suppre ssio n Loading Dock Structura l Concrete Ope ra ble Partions Roofing Resi li ent Flooring Ope rabl e Doors Site Civil Louvers Site Civi l Temporary Wa ll s Aeria l Job Site Photos Environmental Consu ltant FOEP Consultant Owner Trailer MOT Fencing Permitting Exhibit 81 Page 1 of 10 AMOUNT $1,706,560 -$203,020 -$177,612 -$334,136 $33,244 -$171 ,200 -$118,399 -$142,590 -$19,965 -$10,642 $434,185 -$713 ,361 -$267 ,272 $160,317 $1,421 $95,531 -$102,500 -$6 ,60 0 $1 ,115,752 -$4,568 $9,075 -$25,560 $5 ,6 50 $1 ,1 64,378 $2,428,486 -$433 ,354 -$429,292 -$862,646 $4,480 $43 $5,800 $10,200 -$3,197 $46,500 -$367 $66 ,000 $129,459 $84,734 -$10 ,060 -$6,629 -$16 ,59 1 $1,65 1 -$8 ,500 -$5 ,879 -$7,080 -$991 -$528 $2 1,558 -$35 ,420 -$13,271 $7,960 $71 $4,743 -$5,089 -$328 $55,399 -$227 $451 -$1 ,269 $281 $57,814 $120,579 -$21 ,517 -$21,315 -$42,832 $222 $2 $288 $506 -$159 $2,309 -$18 $3 ,277 $6,428 $29,747,613 $3 ,516 ,099 $3 ,539 ,694 $2,345 ,813 $678 ,014 $1 ,373,672 $555,096 $1 ,453,032 $82 ,811 $1 ,491 ,842 $2 ,008 ,668 $1 ,4 13 ,331 $5 ,226,385 $3,075 ,943 -$1 '130,888 $447 ,556 $398 ,299 $1 ,094 ,342 $222,823 $755 ,676 $923 ,165 -$750,286 $591,672 -$1,364 ,016 $169 ,370 $410,659 -$2 ,192,098 $1 ,140,343 $147,471 $657,298 $974,161 $188,966 $152 ,661 $12 ,894 $137,144 $1,791 ,294 -$213,100 -$166,641 -$350,729 $34 ,895 -$179,700 -$124 ,278 -$149,670 -$20 ,956 -$11 ,170 $455 ,743 -$748,781 -$280,543 $168,277 $1,492 $100 ,274 -$107 ,589 -$6,928 $1,171 ,151 -$4,795 $9,526 -$26 ,829 $5,931 $1,222 ,192 $2,549,065 -$45 4,871 -$450,607 -$905 ,478 $4,702 $45 $6,088 $10 ,706 -$3 ,356 $48 ,809 -$385 $69,277 $135,887 MONTH AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER "' DECEMBER ... DEC EMBER Q N DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER ,.._ ... JANUARY Q JANUARY N MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY JUNE JUNE JUNE J UN E JUNE JUNE JUNE JUNE JUNE "' JUN E ... Q N JUNE JUNE JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY AUGUST AUGUST SEPTEMBER SEPTE MBER SEPTE MBER S EPTE MBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER - EXHIBIT 81 SUBCONT RACTOR DESCRIPTION No c hanges SUBTOTAL No Cha ng es SUBTOTAL Eve nt sta r Decking SUBTOTAL No changes SUBTOTAL Hoistway Modification (3b) Modifications for EL 16.02 not used Fireproofing Scraping (3c) Related to elevator only Piling Unbought (16A) Add itiona l length per GM P C larification Pocket Door (42b} Pocket Door for WON DOOR Spoil Removal (16c) Spoil remova l for jet grouting Underpinn ing {16d) Underpinning for East Concourse Existing Structure (16e) Monitoring of existing structure Dewatering Equipment (19f) Dewatering Equipment Temp Power & Fuel Secondary Elec Serv (8 4.3 1) With M EP Subs, from GR to CM Opportunity Trailer (84.36d) Moved fro m GR's to CM Aluminium Steps (84.36e) Moved fro m GRs to CM Temp Trailer (84.36f) Permitting Tr Permitting Permitting SUBTOTAL Dewatering Equipment (19f) Dewatering Eq ui pm ent Temp Power & Fuel Secondary Elec Serv (84.3 1) W ith MEP Subs, from GR to CM SUBTOTAL TOTAL SINCE INCEPTION Baring Industries CDPW Haywood Baker HJ Foundation HJ Foundation Honeywell S UBTOTAL Acousti Alpha Wrecking Baring Industries CDPW Harmon Honeywell HJ Foundation Jaffer Nash Nash NFP R&M SUBTOTAL Alpha Wrecking Alpha Wrecking Camarata FLCivil MC Dean MC Dean R&M W PM /R&M SUBTOTAL Jaffer Tru-Steel SUBTOTAL Honeywell Honeywell Acousti Alpha Alph a R&M DESCRIPTION Temporary Kitchen Cost associated with dewatering d ue to the tremmie seal pumping water disposal-Initial set up and m onthly disposals. Additional costs for soil stabilization at the northwest Florida Power & light vault that was unable to be quanitified at the ti m e or GMP. Additional costs for so il stabilization at the northwest Florida Power & Light vault that was unable to be quanitified at the time or GMP. Additional costs for soil stabilization at the northwest Florida Power & Light vau lt that was unab le to be quanitified at the time or GMP. Building Sepa ration Additiona l costs for the mechanical fastening of the insulation due to inability to remove via air comp ressors by demo subco ntractor INTERIM FUNDING -costs associated with extended dump hours, additional demolition or parapet wall s, structural members abd block removal Cost rea ll ocated to GR Life Safety line item Cost associated with dewatering due to the tremmie seal pumping water disposal -monthly expenses and contaminated water fees. INTERIM FUNDING-Costs associated with the design and engineering associated with modifications to the exterior of the bui lding Cost rea ll ocated to GR Life Safety line item INTERIM FUNDING-Costs fo r work in place associated with the additiona l piles and lies from the desig n co mpletion INTERIM FUNDING -Costs associated with the 3 additional dewatering required for the project Additional dewatering costs associated with the temporary FPL ductbank bei ng routed from Washington Ave to NW FPL Vault INTERIM FUNDING -Costs associated with work in place for rep lacem ent of the existing restrooms , mise material changes to the sanitary, storm and chilled water systems made durin g design complet ion , and new duct Heaters INTERIM FUNDING -Costs associated with work in place for th e implementation and insta llatio n of the higher density sprinklers re quested by the AHJ INTERIM FUNDING-Costs for completed work for tremmie seals as requested by CM and rebar bending: costs for work in place inclu ding structural changes to the vault, shearwalls, footinos and elevated beams. INTERIM FUNDING -costs associated with extended dump hours. additional dem olition or parapet wall s, structural members abd block removal Deletion of scope for the removal of the insulation . Deletion of intregal water repellant per co ntract Dewatering permit INTERI M FUNDING -FPL ductbank INTERIM FUNDING-Costs for completed work for electrical changes to the FPL vau lts and ca mera in frastru cture. INTERIM FUNDING -Costs for completed work for structural changes to the vau lt, shearwa ll s, foo tings and elevated beams. SCOPE CH ANGE-Fine grading Additional drainage well s -Phase 2 Miscellaneous metals scope INTERIM FUNDING -Engineering INTERIM FUNDING-Equipment INTERIM FUNDING -Additional drywall scope INTERIM FUNDIN G-credit for moneys paid under OCO #35 for z-wall scope INTERIM FUNDING -additiona l demo scope SCOPE GAP -Additional labor for floor boxes formwork Exhibit B1 Page2of10 AMOUNT MARK Ups• TOTAL COST so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 S3,000 $149 S3,149 $3,000 $149 $3,149 so so $0 $0 $0 $0 -$150,000 -$7,446 -$157,446 -$4,571 -$227 -$4,796 -$176,952 -$6,766 -$165 ,736 -$5 ,000 -$246 -$5,246 -$2,500 -$124 -$2,624 -$4 ,0 00 -$199 -$4,199 -$25 ,000 -$1,241 -$26,241 -$140,000 -$6,951 -$146 ,951 -$255,000 -$12,661 -$267,661 -$30,000 -$1,490 -$31,490 -$21,600 -$1,072 -$22 ,672 -$10,000 -$497 -$10,497 -$66 ,000 -$3,277 -$69,277 -$890,623 -$44,221 -$934,844 $140,000 $6 ,951 $146 ,9 51 $255,000 $12,661 $267 ,66 1 $395,000 $1 9,613 $414,6 13 $1,202,676 $59,715 $1,262 ,391 AMOUNT MARK..Ups• TOTAL COST $321 ,005 $0 $32 1,005 $166,092 $9,240 $195 ,332 $23,000 $1 ,142 $24,142 $33,647 $1,661 $35,527 $36,623 $1,926 $40 ,75 1 $269,722 $269,722 $892,489 $1 3,990 $906,479 $300,000 $14,696 $3 14,696 $420,000 $20 ,654 $440,654 -$321 ,0 05 $0 -$321,005 $69,312 $4,435 $93 ,747 $160,000 $7 ,9 44 $167,944 -$269,722 so -$269,722 $141,000 $7,001 $146.001 $65,000 $4,220 $69,220 $221,426 $10 ,994 $232,420 $500,000 $24,626 $524,626 $400,000 $19,661 $419,66 1 $2 ,000,000 $99 ,304 $2,099 ,304 $3,706,012 $21 4,335 $3,920,347 $330 ,000 $16,365 $346,365 -$396 ,962 -$19,7 10 -$416,672 -$163,000 -$8,093 -$171,09 3 $23,452 $1,164 $24,617 $250,000 $12,413 $262,413 $500,000 $24,626 $524,626 $700,000 $34,756 $734 ,756 -$767 -$36 -$605 $1,242 ,724 $61 ,704 $1,304,427 $3 56 ,500 $17,600 $376,300 $50,000 $2,463 $52,463 $408,500 $20,283 $426 ,7 83 $200,000 $9,930 $209,930 $250,000 $12,413 $262,413 $500,0 00 $24,626 $524 ,626 -$42,62 1 -$2,126 -$44 ,9 47 $42,621 $2,126 $44,947 $69 ,996 $3,476 $73,474 MONTH SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER ~ NOVEMBER 0 NOVEMBER "' NOVEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY .... FEBRUARY c; "' FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH - EXHIBIT 81 SUBCONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION Banker SCOPE CHANGE~ Cutting out gratmg for new AHU NFP/MARDALE SCOPE GAP-Installation for fire extmguisher cabinets SUBTOTAL R&M Temp work for Art Basel-Transition slab Acousti Temp work for Art Basel-NW egress tunnel Acoust1 Electrical room 1.7.07 build out RITE HITE Dock leveler size SUBTOTAL WPM Import fill for NE helix Florida Blacktop Temp work for Art Basel-temp asphalt Tecta Temp work for Art Basel-waterproofing for metal deck at north loading dock Acoust1 Temp work for Art Basel-patch & repair throughout Acousti Temp work for Art Basel-temp tunnels for NW egress Dash Doors Temp work for Art Basel-repair exist. storefront Acousti Temp work for Art Basel-temp walls for north loading dock dry..m MC Dean Floor box shims Tecta Temp work for Art Basel-electrical room 1.07.07 waterproofing Jaffer Scope reduction -base contract Jaffer New scope-Additional transport of pile spoils Tecta Temp work for Art Basel-electrical room 1.06.04 waterproofing Alpha Asbestos abatement Alpha Lead Paint abatement SUBTOTAL Camarata Existing conditions-z wall infil & patching Alpha West Concourse -AcceleratiOn Alpha Temporary separation -GL-7 Alpha Hall C/0 SOG demo acceleration Eugenio Painting Temp work for Art Basel-to be voided MC Dean Temp work for Art Basel-to be voided PJ Striping Temp work for Art Basel Underpower Repair of damaged traffic signals Wash Ave Duffy & Lee Temp work for Art Basel-floor prep for carpet Staging Concepts Temp work for Art Basel-infill plexi panels for new guardrails at east concourse East Coast Metals Metals Temp work for Art Basel-to be voided WPM Temp work for Art Basel-subgrade prep for temp asphalt for loading dock and east sidewalk American Fireproofing Temp work for Art Basel-fire proofing shear wall braces and beam in elec room Tecta Waterproofing north elec room & FPL vault Dav1d Allen Acceleration for AB16-terrazzo stairs & restrooms tile instal. NFP Replace & repair exist. fire hose & nozzles SUBTOTAL MC Dean Relocation of TC-D3 Telcom Room WPM Fix Storm Box Culvert OTIS EC0#1 -Rembursement to Elevator Pit Duffy & Lee Remove and reinstall carpet-due to asbestos removal Acousti Temp work for Art Basel East Coast Metals Metals Temp work for Art Basel-Change Order Not Executed Decon Rejected Change Order-Lead Pa1nt Abatement SUBTOTAL Decon ReJected Change Order-Lead Paint Abatement Amencan Fireproofing Rejected Change Order-Additional fireproofing on existing members GLE Associates Asbestos abatement GLE Associates Lead abatement WPM Fillmore parking modifications WPM Dewatering for MC Dean ductbank WPM Pump Roof Dra1n Manhole WPM Pump Roof Drain Manhole Florida Blacktop Fillmore parking modifications Acousti East Facade Exterior Stucco (810135) Banker Fabrication and Installation of Floor Boxes Brazos Spray Fireproofing -Interim Funding -Pending OCO Eugenio Painting Temp work for Art Basel-Dec C/O to be voided MC Dean Temp work for Art Basel-Dec C/O to be voided Camarata December amount adjusted -correct typo Jaffer Correction-November CO reversal was mcorrectly listed-C/O to subcontractor was issued. Jaffer Scope Reducion Flonda Civil Dewatering plan modification Banker East facade acceleration Banker Supply floor opening penetration north addition SUBTOTAL Brazos Spray Fireproofing-Interim Funding Reversal Camarata Z·Walllnfills & Patching Acousti Temp work for Art Basel Acousti East Concourse-Unforseen conditions De con Lead abatement East Coast Metals Metals Temp work for Art Basel Banker Banker Supply Floor opening penetratiOn-N. Addition CM RFI2575 Beam @ Level3 Exhibit 81 Page 3 of 10 AMOUNT MARK Ups• TOTAL COST $152,037 $7,549 $159,586 $35,513 $1,763 $37,276 $1,207,548 $59,957 $1,267,505 $408,604 $20,288 $428,892 $180,001 $8,937 $188,939 $18,610 $924 $19,534 $1,770 $88 $1,858 $608,985 $30,237 $639,222 $79,128 $3,929 $83,057 $366,867 $18,216 $385,083 $73,669 $3,658 $77,327 $127,554 $6,333 $133,887 $184,843 $9,178 $194,021 $43,836 $2,177 $46,012 $21,530 $1,069 $22,599 $188,643 $9,367 $198,010 $8,997 $447 $9,444 -$17,000 -$844 -$17,844 $17,000 $844 $17,844 $5,212 $259 $5,471 $65,452 $3,250 $68,702 $151,500 $7,522 $159,022 $1,317,232 $65,403 $1,382,635 $71,868 $3,568 $75,436 $100,000 $4,965 $104,965 $125,000 $6,207 $131,207 $100,000 $4,965 $104,965 $23,916 $1,187 $25,103 $77,123 $3,829 $80,952 $2,916 $145 $3,060 $1,938 $96 $2,034 $7,431 $369 $7,800 $7,776 $386 $8,162 $20,600 $1,023 $21,623 $192,870 $9,576 $202,446 $24,619 $1,222 $25,842 $35,049 $1,740 $36,789 $5,783 $287 $6,071 $7,428 $369 $7,797 $804,317 $39,936 $844,253 $75,761 $3,762 $79,523 $4,665 $233 $4,918 $2,696 $134 $2,830 $8,939 $444 $9,383 $23,501 $1,167 $24,668 -$20,600 -$1,023 -$21,623 $815,476 $40,490 $855,966 $910,458 $45,206 $955,664 $833,128 $41,367 $874,495 $79,335 $3,939 $83,274 $5,873 $292 $6,164 $27,538 $1,367 $28,905 $1,405 $70 $1,475 $4,931 $245 $5,176 $3,994 $198 $4,192 $5,883 $292 $6,175 $4,552 $226 $4,778 $312,005 $15,492 $327,496 $200,000 $9,930 $209,930 $63,000 $4,121 $87,121 -$23,916 -$1,187 -$25,103 -$77,123 -$3,829 -$80,952 -$300 -$15 -$315 $17,000 $844 $17,844 -$24,000 -$1,192 -$25,192 $9,202 $457 $9,659 $150,338 $7,465 $157,803 $100,000 $4,965 $104,965 $1,712,844 $85,046 $1,797,890 -$83,000 -$4,121 -$87,121 $5,309 $264 $5,573 $8,765 $435 $9,200 $88,210 $4,380 $92,590 $219,342 $10,891 $230,233 $20,600 $1,023 $21,623 $133,253 $6,616 $139,869 $4,606 $229 $4,837 ... ... Cl N ~ EXHIBIT 81 MONTH SUBCONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION MARCH Banker CM-RFI 2617 East Fayade Plates MARCH NFP Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (June) MARCH NFP Settlement-CM Contnbution MARCH Nash Settlement-Reverse Jntenm Funding (June) MARCH Nash Settlement-CM Contribution MARCH HJ Foundation Plant fee for opening SUBTOTAL APRIL-Interim Nash Settlement-CM Contribution-Settlement correction APRIL-tntenm NFP Settlement-CM Contrrbution-Settlement correction APRIL-Interim Alpha Settlement-Reverse lntenm Funding (June) APRIL -Interim Alpha Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (July) APRIL -Interim Alpha Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-lntenm WPM Settlement-Reverse lntenm Funding (Jan) APRIL-Interim WPM Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (Feb) APRIL-Interim WPM Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (Dec) APRIL-lntenm WPM Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (Feb) APRIL-Interim WPM Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim R&M Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (July) APRIL-Interim R&M Settlement-Reverse lntenm Funding (June) APRIL-Interim R&M South FP&L Vault-Added Mat for Footing & Walls APRIL-Interim R&M Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim Camarata Temporary work for Art Basel16 APRIL-Interim Camarata Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (April) APRIL-lntenm Camarata Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (March) APRIL-lntenm Camarata Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim CM Fee Settlement-Change Order 34 APRIL-Interim CM Fee/Banker Settlement-Change Order 43 APRIL-Interim Banker Settlement-CM Contnbution APRIL-Interim Trustee! Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim American Fireproofing Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL -Interim Agyle Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-lntenm OTIS Elevator 16.02 pit fill-Reclassed to CM from Allowance EC0#1 APRIL-Interim Eugenio Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim SAS Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim Honeywell Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (Sept) APRIL-Interim Honeywell Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim HJ Foundation Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (June) APRIL-Interim HJ Foundation Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (March) APRIL-Interim HJ Foundation Settlement-CM Contribution APRIL-Interim Hayward Baker Settlement-CM Contribution SUBTOTAL APRIL East Coast Metals Metals Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (March) APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY JUNE JUNE East Coast Metals Metals Settlement-CM Contribution Staging Concepts Tecta ISEC Harmon Harmon Acousti Acousti Acousti Acousti MC Dean MC Dean Trident Arazoza SUBTOTAL Tate Ornamental Hollywood Woodwork Won-Door Over head door Dash Door Florida Blacktop Flonda Blacktop Flonda Blacktop Duffy & Lee David Allen Hufcor Baring De con De con De con De con CDPW CDPW CDPW Florida Civil SUBTOTAL WPM OTIS Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement-CM Contnbution Settlement -CM Contribution Settlement-Reverse lntenm Funding (June) Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (Sept) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (March) Settlement-Reverse CM Contnbution (Feb) Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement-Reverse CM Contnbution (July & Nov) Settlement-CM Contnbution CM Interim Funding -CCD 21 -Kitchen Floor Settlement-CM Contnbution Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement-CM Contnbution Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement. CM Contnbut1on Settlement-Reverse Interim Funding (June) Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement-Reverse CM Contnbution (Sept) Settlement-Reverse CM Contnbution (March) Settlement. Reverse CM Contribution (Feb) Settlement-CM Contribution Settlement. Reverse CM Contnbution (July & Nov) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (July & Nov) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (March) Settlement-Reverse CM Contnbution (July & Nov) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (July & Nov) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (July & Nov) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (July & Nov) Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (July & Nov) CM Interim Funding-CCD 21 -Kitchen Floor Crane Pads@ west Side & South Loading dock Settlement. CM Contribution Exhibit 81 Page 4 of 10 AMOUNT MARK Ups* TOTAL COST $7,804 $387 $8,191 -$400,000 -$19,861 -$419,861 $600,415 $29,812 $630,227 -$721,426 -$35,820 -$757,246 $1,260,872 $62,605 $1,323,477 $1,150 $57 $1,207 $1,145,902 $56,896 $1,202,798 -$59,644 -$2,961 -$62,605 -$28,402 -$1,410 -$29,812 -$420,000 -$20,854 -$440,854 -$330,000 -$16,385 -$346,385 $285,709 $14,186 $299,895 -$4,685 -$233 -$4,918 -$5,883 -$292 -$6,175 -$192,870 -$9,576 -$202,446 -$4,931 -$245 -$5,176 $814,668 $40,450 $855,118 -$700,000 -$34,756 -$734,756 -$2,000,000 -$99,304 -$2,099,304 $94,098 $4,672 $98,770 $2,408,478 $119,586 $2,528,064 $1,806 $90 $1,896 -$1,806 -$90 -$1,896 -$5,309 -$264 -$5,573 $331,166 $16,443 $347,609 $6,000 $298 $6,298 $96,710 $4,802 $101,512 $3,712,187 $184,318 $3,896,505 $71,953 $3,573 $75,526 $34,622 $1,719 $36,341 $301,060 $14,948 $316,008 $2,696 $134 $2,830 $53,589 $2,661 $56,250 $40,441 $2,008 $42,449 -$450,000 -$22,343 -$472,343 $873,073 $43,350 $916,423 -$141,000 -$7,001 -$148,001 -$1,150 -$57 -$1,207 $119,311 $5,924 $125,235 $77,272 $3,837 $81,109 $4,979,159 $247,226 $5,226,385 -$20,600 -$1,023 -$21,623 $112,897 $5,606 $118,503 $36,127 $1,794 $37,921 $118,919 $5,905 $124,824 $60,212 $2,990 $63,202 -$160,000 -$7,944 -$167,944 $782,755 $38,865 $821,620 -$500,000 -$24,826 -$524,826 -$23,501 -$1,167 -$24,668 -$312,005 -$15,492 -$327,497 $1,655,829 $82,215 $1,738,044 -$938,643 -$46,606 -$985,249 $2,108,923 $104,712 $2,213,635 $30,000 $1,490 $31,490 -$20,472 -$1,016 -$21,488 $2,930,441 $145,502 $3,075,943 $50,369 $2,501 $52,870 -$1,204 -$60 -$1,264 $30,106 $1,495 $31,601 $21,545 $1,070 $22,615 $6,021 $299 $6,320 -$366,867 -$18,216 -$385,083 -$4,552 -$226 -$4,778 $106,876 $5,307 $112,183 -$36,127 -$1,794 -$37,921 $16,558 $822 $17,380 $13,758 $683 $14,441 $38,235 $1,898 $40,133 -$833,128 -$41,367 -$874,495 -$219,342 -$10,891 -$230,233 -$815,476 -$40,490 -$855,966 $752,649 $37,371 $790,020 -$275,404 -$13,674 -$289,078 $78,655 $3,905 $82,560 -$4,243 -$211 -$4,454 $22,920 $1,138 $24,058 ~1,418,651 ~70,439 ~1,489,090 $204,791 $10,168 $214,960 $86,770 $4,308 $91,078 MONTH SUBCONTRACTOR JUNE Underpower JUNE Underpower SUBTOTAL JULY R&M JULY R&M JULY Banker JULY Banker JULY Tru-Stee! JULY Tru-Stee! JULY Nash JULY Ford AV JULY FL Blacktop JULY Smith Fence JULY Smith Fence JULY Smith Fence SUBTOTAL AUGUST Alpha AUGUST Camarata Masonry AUGUST Banker Steel AUGUST Banker Steel AUGUST Banker Steel AUGUST Banker Steel AUGUST Trustee! AUGUST Acoust1 AUGUST Acoust1 AUGUST Florida Blacktop AUGUST CDPW AUGUST CDPW AUGUST CDPW SUBTOTAL SEPTEMBER American Fireproofing SEPTEMBER Argyle SEPTEMBER MC Dean SEPTEMBER Trident SUBTOTAL OCTOBER WPM OCTOBER East Coast Metals OCTOBER East Coast Metals ... OCTOBER Tecta c; OCTOBER MC Dean "' OCTOBER MC Dean OCTOBER Brazos OCTOBER Harmon OCTOBER Acousti OCTOBER Duffy & Lee OCTOBER Eugemo OCTOBER CDPW OCTOBER R&M SUBTOTAL NOVEMBER East Coast Metals NOVEMBER Tru~Steel NOVEMBER Tru-Stee! NOVEMBER Tru-Stee! NOVEMBER Thermo Seal NOVEMBER Superior Landscaping NOVEMBER Jaffer NOVEMBER Jaffer NOVEMBER Jaffer NOVEMBER PJ Striping NOVEMBER RrteHite NOVEMBER Big Picture NOVEMBER Homestead Paving NOVEMBER Flonda Civil NOVEMBER Florida Civil NOVEMBER Acousti NOVEMBER Acousti NOVEMBER Acoust1 NOVEMBER Acousti NOVEMBER Acoust1 NOVEMBER MC Dean SUBTOTAL DECEMBER Mardale DECEMBER Nash DECEMBER American Fire DECEMBER Acousti DECEMBER Acoust1 DECEMBER Acousti '----DECEMBER Acoust1 EXHIBIT 81 DESCRIPTION Settlement-CM Contnbut1on Settlement-Reverse CM Contribution (Dec) AESS Steel Shoring AESS Steel Shoring CM-RFI 2396 Baseplate conflict w/ rainwater pipes-ECO #21 CM -RFI 2465.1 Steel Support Beam Conflict-CR 303-ECCO #22 Reinstallation and Repair of Catwalk-CO#B Field Order 4 Rev1sions at the East Helix Roof-C0#9 Partially pa1d v1a CM PH 2 Dewatenng for Plumbing Work-ECO #21 Global Settlement-CM Settlement Adjustment ECO #2 Temp Asphalt for May 2017 Turnover Barricades-EC0#8 Fence Reconciliation through Feb 2017 -EC0#9 Allowance for Future Fence Work-EC0#10 EC0#19 CM Settlement May 2017 Turnover Premium Time EC0#24-CM RFI2415 CMU Pocket Alternate Detail EC0#25-CM RFI 2565 East Facade Differing Site Conditions at Top ofWaU EC0#27-CM Banker settlement EC0#28-Banker scope Deduct for Allowance 5 EC0#1 0 CM Settlement EC0#25-CM PH1 Water Damage Drywall & Temp Roof Repairs at East Concourse EC0#28 CM Set11ement ECO#OS Asphalt Patchmg on Washington Ave for MLB Fanfest Show ECO#S-Phase 2 Area A 1 West Damaged Suct1on and Layflat Hoses EC0#6-Phase 2 Dewatenng Zone 4 & 7 Septic Tank Installation EC0#7-Phase 2 Dewatering Zone 2 Sanitary Run EC0#06 ~ CM Settlement EC0#04 ~ CM Settlement for door replacements &, adjustments EC0#21 ~ CM Settlement EC0#02-Reverse Interim fund1ng for CCD~21 ~ kitchen floor EC0#23 ~ CM Settlement for various sitework issues ECO#OS ~ CM Settlement for miscellaneous metals scope ECO#OS ~Cleanup backcharges EC0#11 ~ CM Settlement for various roofing issues EC0#21 ~September CM Settlement~ reversed EC0#21 ~ CM Settlement ECO#OS ~ CM Settlement ECO#OB ~ CM Settlement for various curta1nwaii1SSues EC0#39. RFI2846 Ceiling enclosure for ch1ller plant ECO#OS. CM Settlement for extra floor leveling and transitions ECO#OB. CM Settlement for additional painting scope due to field conditions ECO#OB-CM Settlement for additional dewatenng scope EC0#28. Acceleration and interim funding for hurricane prep EC0#07~ CM Settlement· MEP Frames/OHD Openings EC0#13· CM Settlement· Miscellaneous welding EC0#14· CM Settlement· Elec Feeder Supports/Extend Partition EC0#14--Pre-Funding of Owner Changes (RFis) EC0#02-U-Line East Facade Joint Sealing EC0#04 Global Settlement Issue VOID-REVERSAL EC0#06-Global Settlement EC0#06-Reverse Interim Funding for CCD 21 EC0#02-Global Settlement~ CM ContributiOn EC0#02-Global Settlement-CM Contribution EC0#01~ Global Settlement-CM Contribution EC0#01~ Global Settlement-CM Contribution EC0#04~ Reverse Interim Funding EC0#04-Global Settlement~ CM Contnbut1on EC0#42-Addrtlonal work on Z-Walls EC0#42~ Level 3-Repair Several Areas@ Bndge EC0#42-Phase 1 -SeiV!Ce Corridor EC0#42~ Repair of framing Elect room 1.29.35 & TR Room 1.29.12 EC0#22-CM-Interim Funding-CCD 102~ Art Basel2017 Temp. generator-810534 EC0#22-CM ·Interim Funding~ CCD 102~ Art Basel2017 Temp. generator~810534 ECO#OS CM Settlement~ Restroom rework cuting of pilasters 1.27.02 & 03, costs to uninstall and reinstall floor matts do to concrete issues. EC0#33 Additional Natural Gas System Reactivation & Drop Test EC0#08 Fireproofing Patching~ BC &CM EC0#49 CM-Level3-Repair Several Areas at Bndge EC0#56 CM: Studs damaged at Level2~ Area 14 EC0#56 PH 2 Area 19 Level1 Electrical Room 1.19.04-Drywall Overt1me Work EC0#56 Area 19 West POD Wall Damage Exhibit B1 Page 5 of 10 AMOUNT MARK Ups"' TOTAL COST $1,204 $60 $1,264 -$1,939 -$96 -$2,035 $290,826 $14,440 $305,267 $166,517 $8,268 $174,785 $72,242 $3,587 $75,829 $3,661 $163 $3,664 $7,656 $380 $8,036 $66,885 $4,314 $91,199 $36,670 $1,621 $38.490 $129,367 $6,423 $135,791 -$72,584 -$3,604 -$76,186 $55,234 $2,742 $57,976 $192,556 $9,561 $202,117 $53,050 $2,634 $55,684 $125,000 $6,207 $131,207 $856,275 $42,516 $898,791 $376,600 $18,699 $395,299 $15,701 $760 $16.481 $32,724 $1,625 $34,349 $3,537 $176 $3,713 $460,000 $22,640 $462,840 -$250,000 -$12,413 -$262,413 $33,017 $1,639 $34,657 $17,443 $666 $16,309 $329,000 $16,336 $345,336 $1,271 $63 $1,334 $4,403 $219 $4,621 $10,545 $524 $11,069 $6,336 $414 $6,749 $1,042,576 $51,766 $1,094,342 $20,774 $1,031 $21,805 $76,509 $3,799 $80,308 $145,000 $7,200 $152,200 -$30,000 -$1,490 -$31,490 $212,283 $10,540 $222,823 $243,000 $12,065 $255,065 $58,288 $2,694 $61,182 -$3,567 -$177 -$3,744 $50,000 $2,483 $52,483 -$145,000 -$7,200 -$152,200 $151,000 $7,497 $156.497 $4,140 $206 $4,346 $60,000 $2,979 $62,979 $52,745 $2,619 $55,364 $19,935 $990 $20,925 $31,255 $1,552 $32,607 $53,394 $2,651 $56,045 $144,740 $7,187 $151,927 $719,930 $35,746 $755,676 $77,971 $3,671 $81,843 $11,816 $567 $12.405 $12,853 $638 $13.491 $182,147 $9,044 $191,191 $17,372 $863 $18,235 $28,601 $1.420 $30,021 $24,000 $1,192 $25,192 $29,363 $1.459 $30.842 -$85,000 -$4,220 -$89,220 $1,761 $68 $1,669 $452 $22 $474 -$9,254 -$459 -$9,713 -$20,582 -$1,022 -$21,604 -$9,202 -$457 -$9,659 $10,330 $513 $10,843 $1.495 $74 $1,569 $3,252 $161 $3.413 $22,945 $1,139 $24,084 $3,510 $174 $3,664 $100,000 $4,965 $104,965 $475,624 $23,616 $499,240 $879,496 $43,669 $923,165 $47,901 $2,378 $50,279 $1,659 $82 $1,741 $19,741 $980 $20,721 $10,506 $522 $11,030 $1,035 $51 $1,086 $970 $48 $1,018 $13,367 $665 $14,052 MONTH SUBCONTRACTOR DECEMBER SC Railings ~ 0 DECEMBER Camarata N DECEMBER Clark DECEMBER Clark SUBTOTAL JANUARY Alpha JANUARY Banker JANUARY I SEC JANUARY Won-Door JANUARY Harmon JANUARY Spec1fied Architectural JANUARY Nash JANUARY Honeywell JANUARY FL Blacktop SUBTOTAL FEBRUARY Hayward Baker Inc FEBRUARY Rite Hite FEBRUARY Clark FEBRUARY Clark FEBRUARY PJ stnping FEBRUARY Clark FEBRUARY Tru-Stee! FEBRUARY Tru-Stee! FEBRUARY East Coast Metals FEBRUARY Camarata FEBRUARY Acoush FEBRUARY Acousti FEBRUARY Smith Fence FEBRUARY Smith Fence FEBRUARY Smith Fence FEBRUARY Mardale FEBRUARY FL Blacktop FEBRUARY N/A FEBRUARY N/A FEBRUARY N/A FEBRUARY Alpha SUBTOTAL MARCH Tru-Stee! MARCH Argyle MARCH Dash Door ~ MARCH Acousti 0 MARCH David Allen N MARCH Dav1d Allen MARCH Alpha MARCH Acousti MARCH Acousti SUBTOTAL APRIL Acousti APRIL Tru-Stee! APRIL Tecta APRIL Harmon APRIL Harmon APRIL Harmon APRIL Harmon APRIL Tru-Stee! APRIL Camarata APRIL Camarata APRIL Camarata APRIL MC Dean APRIL MC Dean APRIL Homestead Paving APRIL Hufcor SUBTOTAL MAY MC Dean MAY Alpha MAY Camarata MAY Camarata MAY Camarata MAY Camarata MAY Tecta MAY American Fireproofing MAY FL. Blacktop MAY MC Dean MAY MC Dean MAY Mardale MAY Mardale - EXHIBIT 81 DESCRIPTION ECO#OS Field Orders-17 thru 22 Stair Railing Area 16 Lvl3, SS Clading E Concourse, Glass remake E. Concourse, ss Gate remake, E Concourse glass remake #2. Lvl. 1 Area 7 Loading dock ramp mod. EC0#09 CM Settlement-Back Charges, Elect Rm 1.09.10, Hall c Chilled Water pipes, RFI 2215.1 CMU lnfill, Exposed clips@ FPL vault,Add-CMU Elect Rm. 1.06.04 & 1.09.10 Global Settlement-CM Contnbution-GR Global Settlement-CM ContributJOn-GMP Allowances EC0#21 CM Settlement of various change orders EC0#38 CM Settlement of various change orders EC0#03 Removal & Replace Horizonal Fire Barrier 2 FL Line P29 EC0#03 CM Field Mod to the Won-Door 1n Area 16 & 26 EC0#12 CM Prefunding of Owner Change 810368 EC0#02 Damage to smoke Curtains-CM Portion EC0#35 CM Settlement-Temp AC ABH/Irma Prepffrane/Other EC0#18 Chiller Plant Stand-by for Filmore Show EC0#08 C0#8 • CM Temp Asphalt for AB 2017 EC0#03 Deduct1ve Scope-ExcavatiOn Support EC0#03 CM Settlement N & S Dock Bumpers & Leveler Controller NCR Allowance Design Budget-City oco #54 funding Fentress Design Allowance-City OCO #88 EC0#02 Reverse Interim funding in EC0#1 OC0#96 Insurance Claim Deductible EC0#16 CM Widing of OA's 2nd floor 21-25 EC0#16 CM Replacement of Existing Grating@ Halls EC0#05 Reversal of credit for cleanup backcharges -moved to GRs EC0#07 Reverse EC0#04 8/C Replacement of Dowels EC0#22 Reverse EC0#20 AB17 Temp Walls EC0#22 Reverse EC0#21 AB17 East Concourse ECO#OB Barricades-Reverse & Fund from GR EC0#09 Fence reconciliation thru Feb 2017 -EC0#9 Rev. & Fund from GR EC0#1 0 Allowance for Future Fence Work-rev & Fund from GR EC0#08 Replacement of Damaged Foot Grills & SS Sheets EC0#11 CM-Prefundmg Owner Diputed Change for AB2017 OC0#118 Funds Transferred to CM "Fire Claim" OC0#119 Funds Transferred to CM AB2017 Premium Time OC0#119 Funds Transferred to CM AB2017 Generators EC0#23 CM Settlement AB17 Removal of Temp Walls EC0#17 CM: Scope for Welding Rebar EC0#1 0 Remove & Install Doors West Concourse EC0#07 CM Settlement-Window Glass Installations EC0#64 CM: Acousti AB17 Acceleration Allowance EC0#12 CM-Reseal Terrazzo Floor@ E. Concourse EC0#13 CM LP-21 Fixture Installed @ Wrong Elev EC0#24 CM Settlement-Additional Core Dnlling EC0#65 CM-Area 19 West POD Drywall EC0#66 CM-Open1ngs Repairs @ East Concourse EC0#66 BC-Operable Partitions EC0#19 CM-Owner Prefund RFI3401-Concrete Ramp Wall Along G F.8 EC0#17 CM Waterproofing repair Hall C EC0#17 CM OT For East Elevation EC0#17 North Elevation Outriggers EC0#18 Accelleration Efforts to Achieve Substaintial Completion EC0#19 Correction of co #9 EC0#20 CM-lnstaiiHoist Beams Elevators 25.01, 25.02, 25.03, 25.04 & 29.01 EC0#14 CM-May 2017 Turnover EC0#14 CM-Feb Prem1um Time EC0#17 CM-Feb & March Premium T1me EC0#36 CM-AB 2017 Tum Over EC0#37 OC0#119 Funds Transferred to MC Dean EC0#4 CM-Fuel Tank Concrete Slab EC0$4 CM-Hole Punchmg @ North ADD Grand Ballroom EC0#24-GR AB2017 Standby generator EC0#21-Part 2-BC Settlement Funding EC0#12· Offset BC from Alpha #809564 (EC0#21) EC0#12· Offset BC from Alpha #809565 (EC0#21) EC0#12· Offset BC from Alpha #809675 EC0#12· Offset BC from Alpha #809683 EC0#15· Offset BC from Alpha #809693 EC0#12-Fireproof patching reconciliation EC0#04-Temp Asphalt for May 2017 Turnover-Reverse & Process from unbought trade d1rect costs EC0#21 -CM Settlement Reversal EC0#21 -CM Settlement Rev1sed-BC and composite cleanup adjustments EC0#05-CM Settlement Reversal EC0#05-CM Settlement Revised-BC adjustment Exhibit B1 Page 6 of 10 AMOUNT MARK Ups• TOTAL COST $23,543 $1,169 $24,712 $93,725 $4,654 $98,379 $36,127 $1,794 $37,921 -$963,391 -$47,834 -$1,011 ,225 -$714,795 -$35,491 -$750,286 $54,337 $2,698 $57,035 $272,500 $13,530 $286,030 $9,562 $475 $10,037 $4,859 $241 $5,101 $10,109 $502 $10,611 $600 $30 $630 $160,000 $7,944 $167,944 $2,833 $141 $2,974 $48,884 $2,427 $51,311 $563,684 $27,988 $591,672 -$319,000 -$15,839 -$334,839 $13,000 $645 $13,645 $20,000 $993 $20,993 $10,000 $497 $10,497 ·$2,916 -$145 ·$3,060 $25,000 $1,241 $26,241 $2,812 $140 $2,952 $3,000 $149 $3,149 $3,567 $177 $3,744 -$1,410 -$70 -$1,480 ·$8,765 -$435 ·$9,200 -$88,210 -$4,380 -$92,590 ·$192,556 ·$9,561 ·$202,117 -$53,050 -$2,634 -$55,684 -$125,000 ·$6,207 ·$131 ,207 $44,825 $2,226 $47,051 $134,773 $6,692 $141,465 -$33,038 -$1,640 -$34,678 -$364,256 -$18,086 -$382,342 ·$314,212 -$15,601 -$329,813 $46,722 $2,320 $49,042 -$1,198,713 -$59,519 -$1,258,232 $8,971 $445 $9,417 $2,802 $139 $2,941 $3,980 $198 $4,178 $76,426 $3,795 $80,221 $25,000 $1,241 $26,241 $3,600 $179 $3,779 $24,421 $1,213 $25,634 $11,584 $575 $12,159 $4,574 $227 $4,801 $161,358 $8,012 $169,370 -$10,981 -$545 -$11,526 $14,305 $710 $15,015 $1,950 $97 $2,047 $6,448 $320 $6,768 $10,840 $538 $11,378 $15,855 $787 $16,642 $6,999 $347 $7,346 $28,317 $1,406 $29,723 $13,322 $661 $13,983 $13,279 $659 $13,938 $5,224 $259 $5,483 $37,975 $1,886 $39,861 $241,111 $11,972 $253,082 $1,340 $67 $1,407 $5,250 $261 $5,511 $391,234 $19,426 $410,659 $13,158 $653 $13,811 -$9,320 -$463 -$9,783 $3,917 $194 $4,111 $2,325 $115 $2,440 $1,566 $78 $1,644 $542 $27 $569 $4,255 $211 $4,466 -$822 ·$41 -$863 -$55,234 -$2,742 -$57,976 -$151,000 -$7,497 -$158,497 $266,875 $13,251 $280,126 -$47,901 ·$2,378 -$50,279 $48,147 $2,391 $50,538 MONTH MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY SUBCONTRACTOR Duffy & Lee Duffy& Lee Tecta Tecta Eugenio Eugenio SC Railings SC Railings Brazos Brazos NFP NFP OTIS Harmon Harmon Won-Door Baring Industries FL Architectural EXHIBIT 81 DESCRIPTION ECO#OS-CM Settlement Reversal ECO#OS-CM Settlement Revised-composite cleanup adjustment EC0#11-CM Settlement Reversal EC0#11-CM Settlement Revised-composite cleanup adjustment EC0#08-CM Settlement Reversal ECO#OB-CM Settlement Revised-composite cleanup adjustment ECO#OS-CM Settlement Reversal ECO#OS-CM Settlement Revised-composite cleanup adjustment ECO#OS-CM Settlement Reversal EC0#05-CM Settlement Rev1sed -BC adjustments EC0#12-Global Settlement CM Contribution-Adjustment-800258 reversal EC0#12-Giobal Settlement CM Contnbution-reconciliatiOn EC0#01 Reverse Duplicate Entry EC0#19-CM -CorrectiOn of C0#9 EC0#19-CM -Correction of C0#9-BC adjustment EC0#04-Additional Mobilization For Won-Door Corp EC0#1 0-CM: Prefund Owner Chg -Design of Precast Seat Edge Foundations {RFI 3890) EC0#03-Re-Spraymg N Add floor Boxes Therma seal EC0#04-CM Area Drain Frame Supports NW East Coast Metals Metals EC0#15-CM Area Drain Frame Supports NW East Coast Metals EC0#19-Prefund Owner Change-RFI366.2 East Coast Metals East Coast Metals East Coast Metals Rite Hide Homestead Pavmg EC0#19-Prefund Owner Change-RFI 2663.3 EC0#19-Prefund Owner Change-RFI 2559 EC0#19-Prefund Owner Change-RFI 3520 EC0#04-CM: Repa1rs to NW Dock Levelers ECO#OS-CM: Acceleration for Art Basel2017 Superior Landscap1ng ECO#OS-CM Tree Pruning Overhead Door EC0#03-CM Overhead Door 2.26.13 Dash Door ECO#OB-CM: Remstal!ation of East Concourse Won Doors Acousti EC0#68-CM: Acceleration for Substantial Completion R&M EC0#39-CM-Descope Concrete Stem wall Balance HJ Foundation EC0#09-Add Pile Mobilization David Allen CM Water Damage BR 2.06.06 Clark Reallocate DC Savings to CM Fire extinguisher allowanc•Cover Installation-NFP/MARDALE-Rev. PR#11 Sept 2016 AMOUNT MARK-Ups• TOTAL COST ·$19,935 -$990 ·$20,925 $21 '135 $1 ,049 $22,184 ·$50,000 ·$2.483 ·$52,483 $82,122 $4,078 $86,200 -$31 ,255 -$1,552 -$32,807 $31 ,755 $1,577 $33,332 -$23,543 ·$1,169 ·$24,712 $24,168 $1,200 $25,368 -$4,140 -$206 ·$4,346 $10,140 $503 $10.643 $28,402 $1,410 $29,812 -$63,916 -$3,174 -$67,090 ·$2,698 ·$134 ·$2,830 -$6,999 -$347 -$7,346 $7,961 $395 $8,356 $1 ,200 $60 $1 ,260 $624 $31 $655 $3,250 $161 $3,411 $6,510 $323 $6,833 $40,000 $1 ,986 $41,986 $48,468 $2,407 $50,874 $7,786 $387 $8 '173 $3,798 $189 $3,987 $8,618 $428 $9,D46 $1 ,894 $94 $1 ,988 $10,236 $508 $10,745 $1 ,530 $76 $1 ,606 $5,871 $292 $6,163 $868 $43 $912 $100,000 $4,965 $104,965 -$39,861 -$1 ,979 -$41,840 $7,500 $372 $7,872 $1,523 $76 $1 ,599 ·$1 ,993,592 -$98,986 ·$2,092,578 ·$35,513 -$1,763 -$37,276 Tru-Stee! C0#23 -Stair 19 Embed Replacements $989 $49 $1 ,038 NFP Fire Ext & Cabinets $10,763 $534 $11 ,297 SUBTOTAL -$1,727,831 -$85,790 -$1,813,621 E ~J~U~N~E----~A~I~ph~a~~~------~E~C~0~#2~8~C~M~S~et~tle-m~e~n~t-~m~i~sc~e~lla~n~eo~u=s=d~em=o~ll~tio~n~--------------------------~~$~3~9~.53~5~----~$~1~.96~3~----~~$4~1~.4~9~8 N JUNE WPM EC0#30 CM-Subgrade and Dewatering on West Concourse $16,042 $797 $16,839 JUNE WPM EC0#30 CM-Excavation along North Wall for Waterproofing $6,788 $337 $7,125 JUNE WPM EC0#31 CM-Miscellaneous Site Work $13,163 $654 $13,817 JUNE WPM EC0#32 CM • CCD 103 Washington Ave Repairs $4,927 $245 $5,172 JUNE East Coast EC0#20 CM-Temporary Handra11s at South Addition $6,439 $320 $6,758 JUNE East Coast EC0#20 CM-RFI2495 Roof Opening Support Steel $7,837 $389 $8,226 JUNE Tru-Stee! EC0#24 CM-Steel Frames Required at Trough Drains at K1tchen $17,536 $871 $18,406 JUNE Tru-Stee! EC0#25 CM-Miscellaneous Steel for Elevator 4.01 & 4.02 $17,591 $873 $18,464 JUNE Tru-Stee! EC0#25 CM-Removal of Temporary Rails $3,816 $189 $4,006 JUNE Tru-Stee! EC0#25 CM-Generator Remote Radiator Structural Support $24,547 $1,219 $25,766 JUNE Tru-Stee! EC0#25 CM-RFI3799 Gusset Plates-SW Facade CMU Openings $2,305 $114 $2,420 JUNE Tecta EC0#19 CM-Waterproofing Needed for Art Basel2017 $23,479 $1,166 $24,645 JUNE Tecta EC0#19 CM-Subcontractor Accelerat1on Efforts for Substantial Completion $20,025 $994 $21,019 JUNE Tecta EC0#19 CM-Temporary Waterproofing ProJect Wide $20,557 $1,021 $21 ,578 JUNE Acousti ~~~~:~~eM-Repair & Patch Drywall Caused by August 1, 2017 Ra1n Event at East $22 ,007 $1•093 $23 ,100 JUNE Acousti EC0#76 CM-RFI 2501 -Structural Framing at Interior Curtainwall $22,549 $1,120 $23,668 JUNE Acousti ~6c;::~,6~~ ~e:o~i~~i~~ for Key Swrtches lnstallat1on at East Concourse-$5,530 $275 $S,804 JUNE FL Blacktop EC0#13 CM-Florida Blacktop Unforeseen Work on 17th Street and cc Drive $4,004 $199 $4,202 JUNE FL Blacktop EC0#14 CM-CCD 103 Washington Ave Repairs $2,831 $141 $2,971 JUNE P&J EC0#05 CM-Temporary Striping on Washington for June 201 a Turnover $7,069 $351 $7,420 JUNE Homestead Pavmg EC0#08 CM-CCD 103 Washington Ave Repa1rs $2,200 $109 $2,310 JUNE CSE Paving EC0#02 CM • CCD 103 Wash Ave Repairs $22,853 $1,135 $23,988 JUNE Under Power EC0#07 CM-Replacement of Damaged Meter Can at Washington & 20th $1,348 $67 $1,415 JUNE Under Power EC0#07 CM -Installation of Temporary Signals Southbound Washmgton $5,372 $267 $5,639 JUNE Acoust1 EC0#24-May 2017 TumoverTemporary Work-Previously Funded from GR $300,132 $14,902 $315,035 JUNE Acousti EC0#32-Art Basel2017 Temp Part1tion-Previously Funded from GR $175,920 $8,735 $184,655 JUNE Acoustt EC0#41 -Art Basel2017 Turnover-Previously Funded from GR $290,000 $14,399 $304,399 JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY _JULY SUBTOTAL $1,086,401 $53,942 $1,140,343 R&M EC0#37 /BC: Damaged Grease Interceptor {Nash Settlement-Transfer to CM) -$9,725 -$483 -$10,208 Camarata EC0#20 OC0#119-Utilized Funds originally transferred to CM (FEB 2018) $39,171 $1,945 $41,116 Banker EC0#46 Slab Edge Confticf. RFI 32.88.2 $6,498 $323 $6,821 Alpha ECO# 31 CM-Settlement for various items-July 2018 $36,716 $1,823 $38,539 Harmon EC0#24 CM-Acceleratton Efforts $687 $34 $721 Eugenio EC0#17 Partial CM/ Partial BC $1,995 $99 $2,094 Duffy & Lee EC0#09: Floor ramping of North Level2 Carpet installation $20,000 $993 $20,993 P&J EC0#06 CM: Temporary striping for 18th Street MOT $1,093 $54 $1,147 Homestead Paving EC0#09 CM: Premium time work for flood wall $449 $22 $471 Exhibit 81 Page 7 of 10 MONTH SUBCONTRACTOR JULY HJ Foundation JULY FL Blacktop JULY JULY SUBTOTAL AUGUST Argyle AUGUST Tecta AUGUST Overhead door AUGUST Acoust1 AUGUST Acoust1 AUGUST Acousti AUGUST NAsh AUGUST Decon AUGUST FL Blacktop AUGUST FL Blacktop AUGUST HJ Foundation AUGUST Underpower SUBTOTAL SEPTEMBER Mardale SEPTEMBER Harmon SEPTEMBER Honeywell SEPTEMBER Overhead door SEPTEMBER Banng SEPTEMBER David Allen SEPTEMBER Acoust1 SEPTEMBER Acousti SEPTEMBER Acousti SEPTEMBER Argyle SEPTEMBER Rite Hite SEPTEMBER Tecta SEPTEMBER Tecta SEPTEMBER Tecta SEPTEMBER Tecta SEPTEMBER Tecta SEPTEMBER Harmon SEPTEMBER Acousti SEPTEMBER Clark SEPTEMBER MC Dean SEPTEMBER MC Dean "' SEPTEMBER P&J ... SEPTEMBER Tru-Stee! 0 SEPTEMBER Nash N SEPTEMBER Honeywen SEPTEMBER FL Blacktop SEPTEMBER FL Blacktop SEPTEMBER P&J SEPTEMBER CSE Paving SEPTEMBER CSE Paving SEPTEMBER Arazoza SEPTEMBER CDPW SEPTEMBER CDPW SEPTEMBER Acousti SEPTEMBER David Allen SUBTOTAL OCTOBER P&J OCTOBER Superior Landscaping OCTOBER Homestead Paving OCTOBER Homestead Paving OCTOBER ISEC OCTOBER Acousti OCTOBER Acoust1 OCTOBER Acoust1 OCTOBER Acousti OCTOBER Acousti OCTOBER OTIS OCTOBER MC DEAN SUBTOTAL NOVEMBER R&M NOVEMBER Homestead Pavtng NOVEMBER Tru-Stee! NOVEMBER GLE ASSOCIATES NOVEMBER Clark NOVEMBER Clark NOVEMBER Clark NOVEMBER Tru-Stee! NOVEMBER Tru-Stee! NOVEMBER MC DEAN NOVEMBER Homestead Paving SUBTOTAL DECEMBER Tru-Stee I SUBTOTAL EXHIBIT 81 DESCRIPTION Prefund Owner Change EC0#15 Art Basel2017 OC0#119 Feb 2018-General Requirements (GR) correction OC0#125 I OC0#119 Markups correction ECO #15-CM: East Concourse Damaged Frames EC0#23-CM: Acceleration Efforts to Achieve Substantial Completion ECO#OS-CM: Horizontal Sliding Door 4.30.15 EC0#81-CM Ceiling@ Chiller Plant EC0#81-CM Board repairs@ Meeting Rms WC EC0#82-CM -Premium time-AHIMA Show-Sept 2018 EC0#51-CM-Acceleration to AHIMA Show EC0#07-CM: Ceiling conditions at ChiHer Plant EC0#17-CM-Acceleration to AHIMA Show EC0#19-CM: 18th Street Temporary Asphalt EC0#13-Concrete lnfills at Sheet Pile Flood wall EC0#1 0-Damaged Mast Arm on 18th St & Washington Ave. EC0#08 CM: Expedite Glass Partition of Bathrooms 2.02 & 2.07 EC0#25 CM: Remake Helix L 1 Back-Pans EC0#31 Honeywell March 18 CM/BC Settlement EC0#06 CM Honzontal Sliding Door 4.30.15 Expedited Delivery EC0#08 CM· East K1tchen-Walk-In Cooler Emergency Serv1ce Call EC0#25 CM: Grinding Flashing O.C. Walls at 1.28.04 -1.28.05-1.08.09 EC0#31 CM Repairs at West Meeting Rooms-WC EC0#06CM-Rework Ceiling grid 1.06.19 & 1.06.20 EC0#11 CM ·Drywall Removal@ CL 7.25 EC0#16 CM: Argyle Grand Ballroom Damaged Aluminum Frame EC0#05 CM: South Loading Dock Leveler Controller EC0#24 CM-Prefund BC-RFI 3801 N. Add Crash Wall EC0#24 CM-NW Area A 1 Waterproofing -Partial EC0#24 CM-VIP Trellis Outdoor Pavilion -Partial EC0#24 CM-H.71 EJ Waterproofing & Insulation EC0#24 Weatherproofing @ Recessed Concrete Wall EC0#26 CM-U Line Crash Wall Too Wide for Copmg Cap EC0#86 CM-Misc. Repair Work on T&M-Prefund PCO 810559-Builder's R1sk Reimb-Arc Flash-Full amount reallocated back to CM EC0#48 CM-Acceleration to AHIMA Show-Prefund EC0#49 CM-RFI2926 PH 1 -Area of Refuge (Com Sys) EC0#08 Art Basel2017 Turnover EC0#32 Prefund OCO-Mise Metals Allowance EC0#54 Repair Rain Damage @ East Concourse EC0#34 CM-Advance on Claims EC0#20 CM Helix Asphalt & Rework Crosswalk near Washington EC0#21 CM: Asphalt at 18th & Convent1on Center Crosswalk EC0#09 CM· Temp Striping, MOT & Traffic Signal Repa1rs at Wash Ave-March 2018 Turnover EC0#03 CM: Detectable Wammg Pavers EC0#04CM-City Hall Pavers EC0#04CM -Remove and Replace 2 Sable Palms EC0#09CM-Dewatering Tanks January-May 2018 EC0#1 OCM: Sediment Tank Rental August EC0#23 CM-FO #5 Temporary Roof Structure for Electrical Rooms 1_6 and 1_09 EC0#03 CM -Floor Leveling for terrazzo CM: 18th ST & CC Dr Temp Striping for AHIMA Show CM -Root Pruning Mahogan1es on 19th St. Damaged Mast Arm on 18th St & Washington Ave. CM ~Acceleration to AHIMA Show-?refunding CM: Miscellaneous S1te Furnishings CM: Remove F1re proofing Stair 19 CM: R~installation of Door Frames East Concourse CM: Repairs along G for 2Hr separation for Swimwear show CM: Skyfo/d Partition Pocket Repair CM: Ceramic Tile at Showers on Locker Rooms CM-Acceleration to AHIMA Show -Prefunding CM-Acceleration to AHIMA Show-Prefunding EC0#39-CM-Descope Concrete Stem wall Balance-Reverse EC0#05-Balance of C0#5 not approved 10 OC0#152 EC0#35-CM-RFI 3799 PH2 Area 29 L 1 CMU openings EC0#028 Reverse-Lead Abatement from PR#16 Feb 2017 Transfer to Allowance OC0#54-NCR Allowance Design Budget-OC0#54 (February 2018)-reverse OC0#54-NCR Allowance Design Budget-OC0#54-rev1sed OC0#88-Design Allowance-OC0#88-reverse EC0#36-PH1 NE helix Lid-CMU TOW clip EC0#36-North Add Area 10 8 EXT Wall Arch Louvers EC0#64-Prefund Owner Chg -MBCC Parkmg Lot Electncal Burying EC0#15-CM: RFI4412.2 & 4412.3 Walkway SE Side of Banyan Tree w1th Alt Layout ECO #38 CM: RFI's 44121.2 & 4412.3 Walkway SE of Banyan w/ Alt. Layout Exhibit 81 Page 8 of 10 AMOUNT MARK-Ups• TOTAL COST $20,000 $993 $20,993 $25,253 $1,254 $26,506 $4,047 $201 $4,248 -$5,688 -$282 -$5,970 $140,495 $6,976 $147,471 $3,159 $157 $3,316 $20,000 $993 $20,993 $332,125 $16,491 $348,616 $5,492 $273 $5,764 $2,121 $105 $2,226 $100,000 $4,965 $104,965 $30,000 $1,490 $31,490 $6,532 $324 $6,856 $20,000 $993 $20,993 $1,645 $82 $1,726 $4,424 $220 $4,644 $23,302 $1,157 $24,459 $548,800 $27,249 $576,049 $5,000 $248 $5,248 $1,230 $61 $1,291 $6,000 $298 $6,298 $28,370 $1,409 $29,779 $770 $38 $808 $7,082 $352 $7,434 $23,126 $1,148 $24,274 $9,529 $473 $10,002 $2,048 $102 $2,150 $792 $39 $831 $1,485 $74 $1,559 $6,652 $330 $6,982 $24,023 $1,193 $25,215 $7,500 $372 $7,872 $35,000 $1,738 $36,738 $1,318 $65 $1,383 $29,442 $1,462 $30,904 $7,392 $367 $7,759 -$35,345 -$1,755 -$37,100 $62,500 $3,103 $65,603 $207,964 $10,326 $218,290 $2,307 $115 $2,422 $9,989 $496 $10,485 $1,853 $92 $1,945 $200,000 $9,930 $209,930 $19,147 $951 $20,098 $1,390 $69 $1,459 $3,184 $158 $3,343 $2,225 $110 $2,335 $26,910 $1,336 $28,246 $1,000 $50 $1,050 $8,250 $410 $8,660 $2,050 $102 $2,152 $41,295 $2,050 $43,345 $44,267 $2,198 $46,465 $795,746 $39,510 $835,256 $9,880 $491 $10,371 $687 $34 $721 $3,071 $152 $3,224 $1,023 $51 $1,074 $83,956 $4,169 $88,125 $902 $45 $947 $3,570 $177 $3,747 $522 $26 $548 $6,405 $318 $6,723 $1,206 $60 $1,265 $18,805 $934 $19,739 $50,000 $2,483 $52,483 $180,027 $8,939 $188,966 $39,861 $1,979 $41,840 $75,240 $3,736 $78,976 $871 $43 $914 -$27,538 -$1,367 -$28,905 -$20,000 -$993 -$20,993 $10,700 $531 $11,231 -$10,000 -$497 -$10,497 $13,649 $678 $14,327 $7,778 $386 $8,164 $3,654 $181 $3,835 $2,106 $105 $2,211 $96,321 $4,783 $101,103 $3,000 $149 $3,149 $3,000 $149 $3,149 MONTH JANUARY JANUARY "' JANUARY 0 JANUARY N JANUARY JANUARY r-MONTH MAY JUNE JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY JULY AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST ~ SEPTEMBER 0 SEPTEMBER N SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY JANUARY JANUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY .... FEBRUARY ..... FEBRUARY 0 N FEBRUARY MARCH MARCH MAY MAY SUBCONTRACTOR Therma seal SC Railings Tru-Steel De con Florida Civil Therma sea l SUBTOTAL EXHIBIT 81 DESCRIPTION ECO#OS BC-From Thermaseal -CO#S-In cluded in Acousti Settlement EC0#11 CM-Remove f Reinstall Temp Railing for Clips EC0#1 0 CM-AHU 4.3 0.01 Additiona l Beams I Loading Dock TOW Clip Insulation EC0#08 CM : Oecon-Additiona l Remedial Work EC0#08 CM: Contract Closeout EC0#06 CM : Supplementing Manpower for Penetration Firesafing -Round 2 TOTAL SINCE INCEPTION SUBCONTRACTOR Geosyntec SUBTOTAL Life Safety SUBTOTAL Acousti Biscayne Engineering Geosyntec Geosyntec Hurricane Protection Michael Wood MOD SPACE OWNER COST OWNER-Fentress Architects Onsite Visits SUBTOTAL Biscayne Engineering Va lley Field Owner Cost Owner Cost Brand Energy OWNER-Fentress Architects Onsite Visits OWNER -Fentress Architects Onsite Visits SUBTOTAL Owner Cost Owner Cost Michael Wood Brand Energy Acousti GLE SUBTOTAL GLE Owner Cost Owner Cost Acousti Acousti Acousti SUBTOTAL Acousti Hurricane protection Hurricane protection Scaffolding shrinkwrap Scaffolding shrinkwrap Scaffolding shrinkwrap SUBTOTAL Eventslar Hurricane protection Hurricane protection Geosyntec Owner Cost Owner Cost Trustee/ SUBTOTAL Owner Cost Owner Cost FPUFilmore vault SUBTOTAL Optika Fentress Architects Onsite Visits GLE Hurricane Protection Trustee / SUBTOTAL Biscayne Engineering Walter P Moore SUBTOTAL Acousti Acousti SUBTOTAL General Requirements DESCRIPTION OERM approva l Costs associated with the separation and life safety costs Procurement rea tocation from CM cont. for temporary wall Procurement rea location from CM cont. for Surveying -Increase Contract Procurement rea location from CM cont. for NPDES permits Procurement rea/ocation from CM cont. for NPOES permits Procurement rea location from CM cont. fo r Hurricane Preparation Procurement realocation from CM for FDEP permits Procurement realocation from CM for Owner Trailer Realocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) CM expense for additional Design Team site visits and alternate design configurations Procurement rea localion from CM for additional Surveying -contract increase Cost for the repair of damaged irrigation lines at Filmore Realocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Rea location from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Procurement rea location from CM for scaffolding CM expense for additional Design Team site visits and alternate design conf~guralions- ERROR CM expense for additiona l Design Team site visits and alternate design configurations - ACTUAL Rea/ocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Realocation from CM for Life Safety expe nses (ie Fire Watch) Procurement rea location from CM for FDEP permits Procurement rea location from CM for scaffolding Temp exterior impact partition-GR Haz-mat survey west concourse Haz-Mat survey west concourse Rea/ocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Realocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Temp exterior impact partition-GR Credit for Bond Rate Adjustment Hurricane Matthew Preparation-October 16 Hurricane Matthew Preparation-October 16 Additional funds for Hurricane Protection Additional funds for Hurricane Protection Temp work for Art Basel-Engineering for NE egress tunnel Extended rental for East Concourse Adjustments to East Concourse Temp work for Art Basel-metal stairs Additional funds/Nash Additional funds for Hurricane Protection Environmental Consultant Reallocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Reallocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Temporary Bracing Reallocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Reallocation from CM for Life Safety expenses (ie Fire Watch) Vault upgrade at Fillmore Mise Invoices-Art Base/2016 CM expense for additiona l Design Team site visits and alternate design configurations October-GLE co rrection no credit was given. This is GLE Base Contract Credit for monies not used Rein. Existing Catwalk Grating Survey -Contract increase Weekly site visits FO #5-Temporary Lid for Electrical Room 1.0611.09 May 2017 Tum over Exhibit B1 Page 9 of 10 AMOUNT MARK-Ups• TOTAL COST $4 ,827 $240 $5,067 $733 $36 $769 $16,537 $821 $17,358 $14,501 $720 $15,221 -$3 1,626 -$1,570 -$33,196 $125,684 $6,240 $13 1,924 $130,657 $6,487 $137,144 $24,905,728 $1,236,621 $26,142,349 AMOUNT MARK-Ups' TOTAL COST $57,691 $2,8&4 $60,555 $57,691 $2,864 $60,555 $500,000 524 ,826 $524 ,826 $500 ,000 $24,826 $524 ,826 $132,953 $6 ,601 $139 ,554 $75 ,000 $3 ,724 $78,724 $13 ,3 48 $663 $14 ,011 $88,356 $4 ,387 $92 ,743 $50,000 $2,483 $52,483 $3,193 $159 $3,351 $30,894 $1,534 $32,428 $320,922 $15,934 $336,857 $148,000 $7,349 $155 ,349 $862,665 $42,833 $905,499 $150,000 $7 ,448 5157 ,448 $1 ,538 $76 $1 ,614 -$320,922 -$15,934 -$336 ,857 $370,138 $18 ,378 $388 ,516 $35 ,689 $1 ,772 $37 ,461 -$148,000 -$7 ,349 -$155 ,349 $148 ,999 $7 ,3 98 $156 ,397 $237,442 $11,789 $249,231 -$370 ,138 -$18,378 -$388,516 $391 ,261 $19 ,427 $410,688 $10,080 $500 $10 ,580 -$35 ,689 -$1 ,772 -$37,461 $87 ,061 $4,323 $91 ,384 $18,570 $922 $19,492 $101,145 $5,022 $106,167 -$18 ,570 -$922 -$19,492 -$391 ,261 -$19,427 -$410,688 $401 ,878 519 ,954 $421 ,832 -$87,061 -$4,323 -$91,384 -$431 -521 -$452 $12,298 5611 $12 ,909 -$83,147 -$4,128 -$87,276 -$12,298 -$611 -$12,909 $15 ,000 $745 $15 ,745 $16,000 $794 $16 ,794 $2 ,875 $143 $3 ,018 $33 ,535 $1 ,665 $35,200 $11 ,955 $594 $12,549 $67,067 $3,330 $70,397 $56,828 $2,822 $59 ,650 $20,000 5993 $20,993 $15 ,000 $745 $15 ,745 $8 ,545 $424 $8 ,969 -$401 ,878 -$19,954 -$421 ,8 32 $464,173 $23 ,047 $487 ,220 $2,531 $126 $2 ,657 $165,199 $8,202 $173,402 -$464,173 ·523,047 -$487 ,220 $509 ,844 $25 ,315 $535 ,159 $70,144 $3 ,483 $73 ,627 $115,815 $5,750 $121,565 $9 ,588 $476 $10,064 $112 ,649 $5 ,593 $118 ,242 $18,570 $922 $19,492 -$15 ,000 -$745 -$15,745 $75,000 $3,724 $78,724 $200 ,8 07 $9,970 $21 0,777 $135 ,574 $6,732 $142 ,306 $65 ,000 $3,227 $68 ,227 $200 ,5 74 $9,959 $210,533 $41 ,125 $2,042 $43 ,167 $300,132 $14,902 $315,035 $341,257 $16,944 $358,202 MONTH JUNE JUNE .... 0 JULY N JU LY JULY JULY FEBRU ARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY MAY MAY MAY AUGUST ~ AUGUST 0 N SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER SUBCONTRACTOR Tecta Eug enio SUBTOTAL Acousti Acous ti Tecta E ugenio SUBTOTAL Optika Life Safety Life Safety Walter P.Moore SUBTOTAL Biscayne Engineering Biscayne Engineering Biscayne Engineering SUBTOTAL Charles Clea ning Cha rl es Cleaning SUBTOTAL Smith Fence Smith Fence Cha rl es Cleaning Charles Clea nin g SUBTOTAL Fentress Site Visits Fentress Site Visits Charles Cleaning Charles Cleaning SUBTOTAL Charles Cleaning SUBTOTAL EXHIBIT 81 DESCRIPTION Temporary Waterproofing -May Turnover Painting of AESS Weld s-GR FO #S-Temporary Lid for Electrical Room 1.06/1.09 (Reverse-funded from GR) May 2017 Tum over (Reverse-Fund ed fro m GR) Temp Waterproofi ng -May Turn over (Reverse-Funded rom GR) Painting of AESS We ld s-GR Art Basel Cost 2016 Reverse Agreement Separation & Life Safety Cost-Reversa l Agreement Separation & Life Sa fety Cost-Correction Weekly Site Visits NTE C0#3-Reverse & Fund from GR GR -Procurement rea llocation -Reverse PR#9 GR -Procurement reallocation-Re verse PR#1 0 GR -Procurement rea ll ocation-Re verse PR#17 EC0#12-CM : Exterior Curtain Wa ll Cleaning EC0#13-CM : All City Ticketwork EC0#18 CM-Smith Barricades/ Fencing NTE EC0#19 CM & Water Barriers , Bike Barricades, Fencing repairs EC0#10 CM-East Conco urse EC0#14 CM : All City -Patching Due to Over Demo OCO #55 GR -CM Exp for additiona l design team site visits -Reverse OCO #55 GR-CM Exp for additiona l design team site visits EC0#18-CM-AH IMA Show Cleaning EC0#19-CM -AS 2018 Show Cleani ng ECO #21 CM : A82018 Show Cleaning TOTAL SINCE INCEPTION Buyout Trade Costs Genera l Requirements Total CM Contingency Use TOTALS Exhibit B1 Page 10 of 10 AMOUNT MARK-Ups'" TOTAL COST $30 ,000 $1 ,490 $31 ,490 $105,559 $5 ,241 $110 ,800 $135,559 $6,731 $142,2 90 -$41 ,125 -$2 ,042 -$43 ,167 -$300,132 -$14,902 -$315,035 -$30,000 -$1,490 -$31,490 -$105,559 -$5,241 -$110,800 -$476 816 -$23 675 -$500 491 -$9,588 -$476 -$10,064 -$500 ,000 -$24 ,826 -$524 ,826 $473,808 $23 ,526 $497 ,334 -$65,000 -$3 ,227 -$68 ,227 -$100,780 -$5,004 -$105,784 -$75,000 -$3,724 -$78,724 -$150,000 -$7 ,448 -$157 ,448 -$135 ,574 -$6 ,732 -$142 ,306 -$360,574 -$17,903 -$378 ,477 $75,000 $3 ,724 $78,724 $2,406 $119 $2,525 $77,406 $3,843 $81 ,2 49 $100,000 $4 ,965 $104,965 $22,854 $1,135 $23,989 $1,915 $95 $2 ,010 $7,565 $376 $7,941 $132,334 $6,571 $138 ,905 -$1 12,649 -$5,593 -$118 ,242 $9 ,291 $461 $9 ,753 $136,726 $6,789 $143 ,515 $15,750 $782 $16 .532 $49,119 $2,439 $51,557 $9 ,284 $461 $9 ,745 $9,284 $461 $9,745 $2 ,232,047 $110,826 $2,342,872 $1 ,202,676 $59,715 $1,262,391 $24 ,905,728 $1 ,236,621 $26 ,142,349 $2 ,232,047 $110,826 $2,342 ,872 $28,340,451 $1,407,162 $29,747,613 MONTH June June June June August <D .... October 0 N October October October October November EXHIBIT 82 Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion & Renovation Project Owner's Contingency Report Through January 2019 SUMMMARY ORIGINAL OWNER'S CONTINGENCY MODIFICAnONS (ADDS) Bond offering additional proceeds RDA Reimbursement Total Modifications USES Jun 2016 Jul2016 Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Oct 2016 Nov 2016 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Mar2017 Apr 2017 May 2017 Jun 2017 Jul2017 Aug 2017 Sep 2017 Oct 2017 Nov 2017 Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Feb 2018 Mar 2018 Apr 2018 May 2018 Jun 2018 Jul 2018 Aug 2018 Sep 2018 Oct 2018 Nov 2018 Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Total Use TOTAL CONnNGENCY USE REMAINING OWNER'S CONnNGENCY CHANGE ORDER # DESCRIPTION 32 34 35 36 SUBTOTAL 40 SUBTOTAL N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA SUBTOTAL 43 SUBTOTAL Deductive change order against CM's cont ingency for extra site visits by design team Deductive change order against's CM's fee for design remediation work Additional fi re rated 2nd floor service corridor wall Additional construction fence panels New 8" sanitary sewer line on Washington Avenue US Cost -GMP Reconciliation Permit & Plan Reviews Design Miami 2016 -Generators Additiona l amount needed for the fi rst 12 months of warehouse lease payments for Spectra Staff (Tota l costs of months 1-12: 531 ,316.50) Spectra-Cost associated with relocation of the wa rehou se equipment Clar1<./ Banker backcharge for additional structural engineering services approved for Fentress in Amendment 20. Exhibit 82 Page 1 of 4 Trade Cost 107 ,850 44 ,228 152,078 28,549 28,549 Mark-ups 5,355 2,196 7,551 1,418 1,418 0 $35,000,000 $147 ,449 $6,914,221 $7,061,670 4 ,6 30 29 ,967 2,518,080 (96,710) 179 ,685 794,486 (58,386) 4 ,321 ,164 16,125,999 78,710 (16,224) (1 ,465 ,262) 131 ,865 4 ,378,844 300,000 (50,785) 2,940,884 98 ,251 (897,010) 22,503 (12,728) 105,144 4 ,0 06 ,505 (24,655) 909,152 1,371,819 534,884 22 ,950 325 ,023 36,578 ,782 ($29,517, 112) $5,482,888 1 AMOUNT -148 ,999 -6 ,000 113,205 46 ,424 4,630 29,967 29,967 945 ,0 80 855 ,0 00 408 ,000 287 ,800 22,200 2,518 ,080 -96 ,710 -96 ,710 MONTH Ul December .... 0 N January January January February February February March March April Apnl April April April April April April April Apnl April April April April April Apnl Apnl ,.._ April .... Apnl 0 N April April June June June July July July August August August August August August August September September September September September September EXHIBIT 82 CHANGE ORDER # DESCRIPTION N/A SUBTOTAL N/A 52 57 SUBTOTAL 54 55 56 SUBTOTAL 58 61 SUBTOTAL 64 64 65 66 67 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SUBTOTAL N/A N/A N/A SUBTOTAL 68 73 75 SUBTOTAL 76 77 78 79 81 82 87 SUBTOTAL 88 89 90 92 94 N/A SUBTOTAL Design budget adjustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 23. Design budget adjustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 24 Additional cost of generator HoneyweU lntenm Funding Clark backcharge for additional structural engineering services required due to non· conforming work Clark backcharge for extra design team site visits and additional structural engineering design changes requested by Clark Switchgear replacement due to arc flash JncJdent Nash -GMP Reconciliation NFP-GMP Reconciliation Reverse Nash -GMP Reconciliation Reverse NFP-GMP Reconciliation Removal of Park Allowance from Clark's GMP GMP Reconciliation GMP Reconciliation -Pre-Construction Services fee balance Reimbursement of Design Miami 2016 generators cost per Resolution 2017-29830 Reimbursement of temporary FPL service for Art Basel2016 per Resolution 2017-29830 Reimbursement of Spectra's building operation costs per Resolution 2017-29830 Remove additional funds previously allocated to FF&E Remove additional funds previously added to raise Carl Fisher Clubhouse Close PO for Clark Pre-GMP CM Fee Reimbursement of stormwater infrastructure I road ra1s1ng per Resolution 2017~29829 Re~roofing of existing building structure (funded from separate capital renewal and replacement project) Reimbursement of temporary kitchen trailer costs for Art Basel 2016 per Resolution 2017- 29830 Reimbursement of temporary partition per Resolution 2017-29830 Reimbursement of Art Basel temporary work for 2016 show per Resolution 2017-29830 P-Lot Park allowance Additional allocation for permit fees Design budget adjustment to Increase Fentress PO through Amendment 26 Cost estimating budget reduction Budget reduction for miscellaneous (Other) costs JLL Amendment No.9-Additional consulting services Fentress Amendment 28 ·design revisions associated with relocation of 19th St pump station Mark~ups associated with re~roofing scope of work-funded from separate capital renewal and replacement project Additional power requirements necessary in the DMARC room Reverse CO 56 -MC Dean Additional door hardware at East Concourse to accommodate the needs of the events, building operator and project phas1ng. Scope removal -Canal Seawall Addition of a drywall soffit at East Concourse -work associated w1th acoustical panel cell1ng connection issues. Deductive change order to cover additional arch I eng serv1ces performed by AlE due to non conforming field conditions related to RFI 3251/ NCR 1255 Installation of water meters Field modification of urinal screens as directed by the AlE for ADA compliance Construction Change Directive #022 -new sanitary sewer line for Carl Fisher Clubhouse Repairs to fire protection line in north loading dock damaged during an event Deductive change order aga1nst CM Contmgency for additional design services Cost above the GMP allownance for the rooftop ballroom trellis Additional cost associated with weatherproofing the rooftop parking crash walls Fire rated enclosure around gas line in egress area required by Code AIPP -De-scope expansion Joint covers for Sarah Moms walls Des1gn budget adjustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 33 Exhibit B2 Page 2 of 4 Trade Cost Mark-ups AMOUNT 179,685 0 179,685 18,625 319,161 15,847 335,007 420,000 20,854 440,854 739,161 36,701 794,486 -20,000 -112,649 70,750 3,513 74,263 70,750 3,513 -58,386 2,729,128 198,112 2,927,240 1,299,585 94,339 1,393,924 4,028,713 292,451 4,321,164 -2,729,128 -198,112 -2,927,240 -1,299,585 -94,339 -1,393,924 -10,000,000 -10,000,000 37,627,222 1,808,836 39,436,058 1,037,626 1,037,626 -408,000 -148,726 -518,000 -250,000 -1,000,000 -1,037,629 -4,513,591 -1,689,254 -76,267 -1,010,500 -2,542,220 5,000,000 39,800 27,610 -302,202 -1,597,542 24,636,135 1,516,385 16,125,999 160,000 2,585 -83,875 0 78,710 4,812 239 5,051 -70,750 -3,513 -74,263 50,481 2,506 52,987 -15,457 -767 -16,224 -1,500,000 -74,478 -1,574,478 45,990 2,284 48,274 -20,875 1,959 97 2,056 1,226 61 1,287 74,315 3,690 78,005 447 22 469 -1,376,063 -68,324 -1,465,262 -10,000 22,652 1,125 23,777 60,955 3,027 63,982 10,849 539 11,388 -1,420 -70 -1,491 44,210 93,036 4,619 131,865 MONTH October October October October October ..... .... 0 N November December January January January January January January January January January January January January January February February February March March March March March 00 April .... 0 April N May May May June June July July July July July July July August August August EXHIBIT 82 CHANGE ORDER # DESCRIPTION 74 96 N/A N/A N/A SUBTOTAL N/A SUBTOTAL 100 SUBTOTAL N/A N/A 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 115 116 SUBTOTAL 117 119 N/A SUBTOTAL 120 122 123 124 125 SUBTOTAL 126 127 SUBTOTAL 129 130 131 SUBTOTAL 133 134 SUBTOTAL 139 142 74 N/A N/A N/A N/A SUBTOTAL 143 144 N/A SUBTOTAL CCD 021 -DRER Sewer main revisions, Convention Center Dr. and Meridian Road grading and reconfiguration revisions, and South Dock grading revisions Builders Risk Claim. Rain Event 8/1/17 Budget reallocation to Other for utilities bills Budget reallocation to Legal for monthly outside legal council Budget reallocation for Testing /Inspections Art Basel expenses incurred 1n connection to the west side entrance and concourse Deductive change order against CM Contingency for additional submittal rev1ews by Fentress Architects. Des1gn budget adjustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 35 Hill Amendment 1 DAP Allowance Overage to Clark Scope revisions Roof Anchor Alternate Modifications to Hall D Air Handler Un1t Hand Railings & Grating Art Basel 2017 Costs Post Hurricane Irma Clean-up and Damages CCD-28 NW Trellis CCD 026 Roadway and Pavement Revisions ceo o23 Field Order #5 Relocate Electrical & Telecom Receptacles Temporary Work for Art Basel 2017 Art Basel2017 Milestone Temp Generator and Prem1um Time Costs Purchase of material associated with re-roofing scope of work-funded from separate capttal renewal and replacement project Partial reversal of Change Order 96 • Builders Risk Claim • Ram Event 8/1/17 Hurricane Irma Excusable Delay CCD-30 • Column wrap changes Art Basel 2017 Costs: added doors, temporary fenc1ng, temporary fire hose Multi-Subcontractor Costs related to RFis I Markups OC0#119 correction CCD 029 • Rigg1ng Po1nt, Door Levers, Portal Glass. PCO 810591 Junior Ballroom North Wall Finish CCD 031 ·credit for Convention Center Drive tight pole bases PCO 810450. CCD 024 Non-Art Basel Changes Art Basel2017 Damages· PCO 810607 Multi-Subcontractor Costs Related to RFis Washington Avenue Repairs (CCD 1 03) and costs related to RFI responses Scope changes due to RFI Responses CCD-032: A1PP coord, 18th St Drainage, 21st St Grading and Curb Adjustment for portion related to the stonnwater culvert, wh1ch is funded by stormwater infrastructure funds per Resolution 2017-29829 Funding reallocation per Resolution 633-2018 Reimbursement to Art Basel for expenses incurred due to delays caused by Humcane Irma and August 2017 rain event C1ty's Portion of Insurance Reimbursement per Setttlement (Change Order #66) • Bus Duct C1ty's Portion of Insurance Reimbrusement per Setttlement (Change Order #66) • Arc Flash/Switchboard Incorporate changes related to RFI responses Reverse CO #96 and #120 • Bldr's R1sk Des1gn budget adjustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 36 Exhibit 82 Page 3 of 4 Trade Cost Mark-ups AMOUNT 360,980 17,924 378,904 1,696,601 84,240 1,780,841 1,277,579 110,000 831,520 2,057,581 102,163 4,378,844 300,000 0 0 300,000 -50,785 0 0 -50,785 99,413 1,876,175 100,802 17,143 851 17,994 ·10,782 -535 ·11,317 95,387 4,736 100,123 262,313 13,024 275,337 465,777 0 465,777 ·57,630 ·2,861 -60,492 111,511 5,537 117,048 -17,393 -864 -18,257 ·23,349 ·1,159 ·24,508 2,656 132 2,788 845,633 18,861 2,940,884 107,622 5,344 112,966 678,468 33,687 712,156 -726,871 786,090 39,031 98,251 -1,250,000 ·1 ,250,000 257,952 2,896 260,848 9,272 460 9,733 64,783 3,217 68,000 13,728 682 14,410 -904,265 7,254 -897,010 13,540 672 14,212 7,899 392 8,291 21,439 1,064 22,503 ·17,013 -844 -17,857 -36,512 -1,813 -38,325 41,399 2,056 43,454 ·12,126 -602 ·12,728 5,492 273 5,764 94,679 4,701 99,380 100,170 4,974 105,144 113,331 5,627 118,958 70,049 3,478 73,527 -141,394 -7,021 ·148,415 3,750,000 375,000 -80,509 -82,057 41,985 2,085 4,006,505 17,071 848 17,919 -93,674 -65,866 ·159,539 116,966 -76,602 -65,018 ·24,655 MONTH September September September September September September September September September October 00 October .... 0 N November November November November November November November December December January en January .... 0 January N January January EXHIBIT 82 CHANGE ORDER # DESCRIPTION NIA Design budget adJustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 38 NIA City Staffing I Expenses 147 CCD 027-A1PP Revisions for West Lobby Ceiling Rigging Points & Southeast Planting Bed PCO 81 0641 -Elevator Shunt Tlips at Breakers I 810973 -18th Street Protection Slab I 148 810810-Add silicone sealant for kitchen tlim 150 CCD-106-Ballroom Signature Changes (PCO 810773) 142 Credit AiPP portion of change order-paid by AiPP fund NIA Credit DPO-Consolidated Electric-Ca~ Fisher Clubhouse Grant NIA Reduction of stormwater infrastructure I road ra1s1ng reimbursement 74 Contingency use adJustment related to road ra1s1ng SUBTOTAL 151 CCD-105-Landscaping Layout on Washington Ave (2018-05-31) NIA Direct purchases tax savings shortfall SUBTOTAL NIA Builders Risk extension 03101119 NIA Budget reallocation to "Other' for Here & Master Mechanical for temporary chillers 152 CCD 033-21st Street Park Descope-PCO 810707 Rev 1 153 Multi-Subcontractor Change Orders due to RFI Responses 154 Standby Personnel for AHIMA 2018 & BET 2018 155 CCD 037 -Impact Resistance Soffit-PCO 810831 156 Sales tax and P&P Bond loss from reversal of balance of Nash DPOs SUBTOTAL 157 Incorporate changes related to RFI responses 158 Standby Personnel for AHIMA 2018, ISAPS 2018, and JIS 2018 SUBTOTAL Addtitional costs associated with extension of services for Owner's Rep's trailer and aerial 159 photography 160 CCD034 S-26, 18th and 19th Curbs, Sarah Morris Adj, and Camera Locations 161 Standby Personnel for AF&B, Autoshow, and Visitors Bureau Convention 2018 162 Additional Standby Personnel for LE Miami and Swimwear 201 8 NIA Design budget adjustment to increase Fentress PO through Amendment 39 SUBTOTAL TOTAL SINCE INCEPTION Exhibit B2 Page 4 of 4 Trade Cost Mark-ups AMOUNT 50,320 455,332 -4,019 -200 -4,219 11,725 582 12,307 10,007 497 10,504 -3,193 -159 -3,351 -10,238 250,083 141,394 7,021 148,415 155,914 7,742 909,152 43,239 2,147 45,386 1,326,433 43,239 2,147 1,371,819 0 392,116 0 298,502 -308,037 -15,295 -323,332 63,710 3,163 66,873 40,583 2,015 42,598 52,467 2,605 55,072 2,714 341 3,055 -148,563 -7,171 534,884 -20,972 -1,041 -22,014 42,836 2,127 44,963 21,864 1,086 22,950 14,488 719 15,207 30,171 1,498 31,669 66,490 3,301 69,791 1,757 88 1,845 206,510 112,906 5,607 325,023 31,402,167 1,912,769 36,578,782