LTC 241-2019 UPDATE-TEMPORARY ARTISTIC INSTALLATIONS - 41st Street CorridorCity of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 241-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April24, 2019 SUBJECT: UPDATE: TEMPORARY ARTIST! INSTALLATIONS-41 81 Street Corridor The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to update the Mayor and City Commission regarding the proposed temporary artistic installations for the 41st Street Corridor. On July 31, 2018, the 41st Street Committee made a motion recommending that the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee consider 41st Street as an area of opportunity for a temporary shade structure. On September 14, 2018, the FCWPC recommended moving forward with the above-mentioned option, by partnering with Art in Public Places and the Department of Tourism and Culture, to issue a local call for artists for a temporary installation. This would be a unique way to foster creativity within our local artistic community, and to commission a professional visual artist to design a temporary public art installation that would draw attention to the 41st Street Corridor. The FCWPC, recommended $50,000 in funding for a unique, pedestrian-friendly artistic element. On December 18, 2018, the Art in Public Places Committee made a unanimous motion to decline the issuance of a Call to Artist for a temporary art installation on 41st Street corridor. The Art in Public Places Committee specifically encouraged the City to explore the use of marketing and creative agencies to identify potential locations, and to source temporary artistic elements that could stimulate social media engagement and pedestrian traffic. On February 1, 2019, the Tourism and Culture department released a "Request for Proposal" with a closing date of February 22, 2019 and supported the release, with social media support, a press release, a direct email to our cultural anchors and an e-blast to our database of artists. On February 14, 2019 the administration was made aware via the "Mayor's Ad-Hoc 41 51 Street Committee" meeting minutes that the Committee was informed of the RFP for temporary artistic installation, and said that although not opposed to the idea, they would prefer if the funding priority was put on lighting, parklet's and storefront covers. Due to no submissions being submitted at the time of closing, the deadline for the RFP was extended to March 30, 2019 At the closing date of March 30, 2019, the administration had received only one reply to the RFP. With the recommendation from the 41st St Committee, and only one submission received, which would not be recommended by the administration, the administration will not be moving forward at this time, with this artistic installation on the 41st St corridor. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Matt Kenny, Director -Tourism & Culture at x6597 or mattkenny@miamibeachfl.gov 2