LTC 307-2019 FREIGHT LOADING ZONE (FLZ) - UPDATE MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 307 2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of e City C.' mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, CityManager / DATE: May 29, 2019 SUBJECT: FREIGHT LOADING ZONE (FLZ) UPDATE The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to update the Mayor and Commission on the following enhancements to the City's Freight Loading Zone Program derived from feedback and input from a wide variety of purveyors of goods/services and business community. • Amendment to the City Code that reduced the first Right of Way (ROW) violation from $1,000 to $500 and issuance of ROW violations by vehicle versus corn pany/entity. • Creation of ROW Violation "Heat" maps to determine locations needing adjustments to either FLZ restricted hours or levels of enforcement. • Completion of FLZ utilization surveys resulting in the deployment of an additional eight (8) FLZ locations and reduction of restricted hours at existing underutilized FLZs with virtually no adverse impact to metered parking hours for patrons. As a result of the revised ROW violation fine schedule referenced above, there will be a one-time reset for all ROW violations issued by Parking Enforcement to purveyors with existing violations, effective June 1, 2019. After this date, a ROW violation first offense is $500; second offense is $1,000, third offense is $5,000, and the fourth (and subsequent offenses) is $10,000. Also, ROW violations will be issued and tracked by vehicle as opposed to company/entity for purposes of tracking the escalating fine schedule. If you should have any questions, please contact Saul Frances, Parking Director via email or at extension 26483. c: Kathie Brooks, Assistant City Manager Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Susanne Torriente, Assistant City Manager Marcia Monserrat, Chief of Staff/Office of the City Manager Saul Frances, Parking Director JLM/KGB/SF