LTC 406-2019 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Motion - 72nd Street Aquatic CenterMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICF 1""\C T4u0c6rJTV t.A A 1\.1 A.~i=R -2019 LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the Cit FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager---- DATE: July 19, 2019 SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Motion -72"d Street Aquatic Center The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LTC") is to provide you with an update regarding the following motion made during the July 18, 2019 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee meeting. • The G. 0. Bond Committee supports the full funding of the project and recommends that parking funds be utilized to close the gap on the 72nd Street Aquatic Center project, with the understanding that additional parking spaces be added to enhance the parking at North Beach. The above motion was passed. For more information, please contact Maria Hernandez at mariahernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or x2584. JLM I MH