Collins-Park-Garage-Groundbreaking-Ceremony We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 MEDIA ALERT Tonya Daniels, E-mail: tonyadaniels@miamibeachfl.gov Melissa Berthier, E-mail: melissaberthier@miamibeachfl.gov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 17, 2019 Collins Park Garage Groundbreaking Ceremony — Wednesday, January 23 at 2:30 p.m. — WHO/WHAT: Join the City of Miami Beach in celebrating the commencement of the highly anticipated Collins Park Garage project. Featuring approximately 513 parking spaces, the new garage will pursue LEED-Gold and Parksmart certifications. Building upon these sustainability efforts, a portion of the project will transform Liberty Avenue to a pedestrian plaza – providing better connectivity in the community. Complementing the surrounding area’s artistic aesthetic, its modern façade will display decorative words that capture the history and individuality of the Collins Park neighborhood. The garage will also include car charging stations and approximately 15,000 square feet of commercial retail area on the ground level. WHEN: Wednesday, January 23 at 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Collins Park Parking Garage Site 340 23 Street, Miami Beach ### To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service).