LTC 626-2019 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of December 9 - 13, 2019MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 626-2019 TO : FROM : DATE : Mayor Dan Gelber and Memb~a:f~mmission Rafael E. Granado , City ~+e;~ December 2 , 2019 "<f LETTER TO COMMISS ION SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of December 9 -13, 2019 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday 's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of December 9 -13, 2019 published on December 1, 2019. See Insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerkldefault.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673 .7411 . REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in ouf vibrant, tropical, historic community 9:00a.m. 3:30p.m. 7 :30a.m. 9:00a.m. 9:30a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 8 :30a.m. 9 :00a.m. 9 :30a.m. 2:00p.m. 2:00p.m. 4:00p.m. 8:30a.m. MEETING NOTICES December 9-13, 2019 MONDAY, December 9 Historic Preservation Board* Transportation, Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee TUESDAY, December 1 0 Miami Beach Senior High School PTSA Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority Convention Center Advisory Board Miami Beach Employees' Retirement Pension Board Committee on the Homeless Parks and Recreational Facilities Board ADDED Miami Beach Commission for Women Commission Chamber 3'd Floor, City Hall Parking Dept., Executive Conf., Room , 2 "d Floor 1755 Meridian Avenue Sc hool , Room 306 2231 Prairie Avenue City Manager's Large Conf. Room, 4 'h Floor, City Hall TCED Conf., Room, 5 "' FL. 1755 Meridian Avenue MBERP Pension Office 1 '' FL. Breezeway, City Ha ll First Floor Conf., Room 1 '' Floor, City Hall City Manager's Large Conf . Room, 4 'h Floor, City Ha ll Mayor's Conference Roo m 4'h Floor, City Hall WEDNESDAY, December 11 City Commission/RDA/ Commission Chamber Presentations & Awards* 3'd Floor, City Hall THURSDAY, December 12 Special Master Hearings* Production Industry Council Washington Avenue BID/ Executive Board Special Eve nts Community Review Cu ltural Arts Council FRIDAY, December 13 Design Review Board* Commission Chamber 3'd Floo r, City Hall TCED Conf., Room , 5 "' FL. 1755 Meridian Avenue Washington Avenue BID 1234 Washington Aven ue Suite 204 TCED Conf., Room , 5 'h FL. 1755 Meridian Avenue TCED Conf., Room , 5 'h FL . 1755 Meridia n Avenue Commission Chamber 3 'd Floor, City Hall For ony and/or all of th e above meetings, one or more members of the Miami Beach Ci ty Commi ssion, and or City board/committee members may be in attendan ce and participate in di scussions . Arred lwe on MBTV Atlontrc Broadband 660 AT&T lJ verse 99 Hotwrre Commrrnrcalions 395 & ROKU devrce on PEG TV • Commrssron Commrttee Ar red LIVe on MBTV \Ia. 0003997 568-0 1 \111AMIBEACH Vo ora commined to providing excel/on/ public sarvico and Jofely /o o/1 who /ivo, work and play in our vibrant, tropicol, lrisl01ic;o/ communily. ~embar~ of the public may present audio/visvol (AV) materials relating to Agenda Items ot tolovised mooling!i hold in the Commiu ion C hamber by utili.~:ing re City's AV equipmer~t, providod that malerials are submiHed to the Deporlmenl of Morkeling and Communico1ions by 8 :30AM., one PI bu~ino~~ day rior to the mealing. Advance i ubmittal of o pra!ienlotion will a llow the Communication$ [).)portmant to plan for tho u~o of tho appropriato AV equipment ,V mot(l(rOI$ may be !iubmittad via email at communjcq!iomOmjgmjbegchH goy or hand delivered in a jump drivo, CD or DVD to Attention Deportment of \orkeling and Communicotion!i, 170 I Merrdion Avenue, Fihh f loor, Miami Beac h, FL 33 139. Pro!iontaliom, videos or linb mu!it indude a lobeii'IOting the oma or group, contact per!ion, daytime tolophone nvmber, email addron, de~cription/litle of the Pf!!!iantohan or1d Agor~da ltom Title as wall as the .gar~da Item number Acceptable formats for electronic submission are pdf, ppl, ppt"", pp!i, PP'""• wmv, .avi and mov (Nota that pdf i!i the preferred >rmot for PoworPoint pro,antotion!i ) "ity Halli!i located at 1700 Convention Cantllf Ofiva; and the Miami Beach Convention Canter is located ot1901 Convention Car~te.-Drive. Any meeling 10y be opened and continued, and under such drcum1tance~. additionallogal notice will not be providod. To raque•t this material in alternate format, 1ign mguoge interpreter (live-day notice required), information on ocean lor ponon!i with di!iabilities, and/or any accommodation to rovie w any documoot or orticipate in a ny City-!ipo nJored procaading1 coli 305.60-4 .2489 and 1alect 1 for English, then option 6; TlY uJef!i may coli via 711 (Florida Relay ervica). A maeling not noticed in the Weekly Mealing Notice ad and dotormined to be an emorgeocy meeting will be po1ted on the b ulletin boord1 rroughout City Hall and will be available on the City's website ot http•//we, miami,eaclt6.goyhitvdedr!Jofqult qspx?jci-Jll6 ursuont to Sedion 286.0105, Fla. Stat , the City hereby adviw1 the public that if a penon decide!i to appeal any decision modo by the board, agency, or ommi u ion with re!ipect to any matter con1id ored at !iuch moeting or hearing, he or •he wrll nood o record of tho procooding1, and that, lor 1uch purpo!ie, e or !ihe may need to ansr;ra tha t o vorbotim record of tho procooding~ i~ modo, which record indr;doJ the testimony and ovidonco t~pon which tho appeal . tobebmOO