LTC 654-2019 Sustainability Committee MotionsMIAIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beach, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel: 305673-7010,Fax: 305-673-7782 654-2019 NO. LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commi ssio FROM: Jimm y L. Morales, City Ma DATE: December 16, 2019 SUBJECT: Sustainability Comm ittee Motions The purpose of this Letter to Comm ission is to provide you with correspondence received from the Sustainability Comm ittee regarding the motions made at the meeting held November 26, 2019. Attachm ent: Sustainability Commi ttee Motions M± I BEACH RISING ABOVE City of Miami Beach Sustainability Committee David Doebler, Chair Members: Jeremy Waks Mohammed Islam Chris Duggan Luiz Rodrigues Max Litt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission David Doebler, Sustainability Committee Chair November 26, 2019 Sustainability Committee Motions Dear Mayor and Honorable City Commission, The Sustainability Committee met on November 26, 2019 and passed the motions below: , • Motion supporting the inclusion of resilient elements in the design of the Miami Beach Skatepark such as blue/green infrastructure, the use of recycled materials, water bottle refill stations, bike racks, bike repairs stations, and shaded canopy trees. • Motion supporting the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority's resolution (LTC 534-2019) on the impacts suffered by coral reefs off the coast of Miami Beach as a result of the PortMiami dredging project that took place from 2013 - 2015 and to request the Mayor and City Commission send a letter to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Miami-Dade County, and Miami Dade County DERM demanding such agencies move forward with their overdue and legally mandated impact assessment and mitigation plan to restore the reef. • Motion requesting the city administration consider the following recommendations within the West Avenue Renovation Project: 1) Have Jacobs Engineering or another 3rd party engineering firm that offers a water quality/ environmental specialization review existing pump station designs (6th, 10th, 14th street and Dade Blvd), and newly proposed pump station designs (Lincoln Road pump) to provide validation, feedback and/or suggested improvements on the pollution control designs. 2) Have staff document in a memo what specific features or components from the Urban Land Institute Stormwater Management Review, Jacobs Engineering Blue Green Infrastructure report, Blueways Master Plan or other such approved plans have been incorporated in each stormwater project. 3) Direct Public Works and Ric-man Engineering Firm to use the West Avenue Renovation Project as a model to design and build in "Storm Drain Pollution Prevention Technologies" such as storm drain filters or gratings that keep trash and debris out of the stormwater system. Designing this into the system now eliminates the need for retrofits at a future time. Sincerely, David Doebler, Chairperson, Sustainability Committee